A/N Hello everyone! This is my second take on BelieveInYourDreamsForLife's Challenge. Reasons for why a started over are down below everything, but for now, please enjoy the story!

Disclaimer – Star Wars Rebels isn't mine, but gosh, I wish it was!

Ezra walked along the streets of Capital City. "I need some food." He stopped at a vender selling Yogans. He walked by, casually scanning the fruit until another customer took the venders attention away. He reached for the fruit, and was about to put it into his pocket when the vender saw him and snatched it out of his hands.

"Move along, Stumm. You ain't stealing from here today." The vender said gruffly, using the nickname all the venders gave Ezra, and giving him a firm whack on the head.

"I just need to eat!" Ezra thought, but he didn't say anything, giving the vender a nasty look as he ran off. He rarely said anything. He just moved along and tried to find something else.

He was about to steal a Melorun, his absolute favorite fruit, when something tugged in his mind, like music almost, making him drop the fruit and turn. This happened every once and a while, but this time it was stronger. Ezra had learned to trust the Music. He didn't trust much else.

When he whirled around and saw a man in green. Green pants, green shirt, green armor. He looked like a tree, or a bush. The Music was tugging, telling him to move closer.

"Who is this guy?" He thought. Suddenly, the man glanced over his shoulders and stared Ezra right in the eyes. The Music got louder, but Ezra was so surprised by the eye contact that he slowly backed away. He blinked hard, and the man had turn around.

He slumped against the side of a building, as the man walked off. But the Music kept tugging, urging him to follow a complete stranger. He grabbed onto a window sill and pulled himself up, using an escape ladder to reach the top of the building.

"Music," He thought, "I'll follow this guy, but I'm still getting food later." He spied on the man for a while, always keeping just out of sight. The only reason he was doing this was because the Music had helped him find food and shelter before.

The Tree, as Ezra had dubbed him, wasn't doing anything interesting. Just going to different vendors and picking up what seemed to be supplies. He wasn't even that good at bartering. He seemed to know that Ezra was following him though. He'd look back every once in a while, smirking as he saw the child's foot go behind a building. Ezra couldn't understand why, and that confused him. Why did The Tree smirk when he saw him? Wasn't Ezra getting out of the line of sight fast enough?

Soon, The Tree was walking alongside a big, terrifying creature, which Ezra was sure could only be a Lasat. They were talking, laughing a bit. After a few more blocks of walking, a girl in pink and red armor walked out and started talking to the men. Ezra took this opportunity to sit down for a while and catch his breath, from the safety of a nearby roof top. The Music, which he had still been following, died down just a bit, but kept a constant whine in the back of his head.

"Geez, would yah calm down today?" Ezra thought. For a second, he almost believed that the ringing was from the whack the vendor had given him. That is, until he saw Rainbow (the girl in the armor) pull out a small remote. The Music screamed, telling Ezra to get off the building and fast. He jumped down just as the building blew up, sending him flying further. A sharp pain in his right side told him that something had hit him, hard. He let out a hard grunt as he hit the ground, wincing in pain.

"Woah, kid, are you alright?" Rainbow was standing right next to him, holding out a hand to help him up. The Tree and Lasat looked stunned that he was even living. Something flashed across The Tree's face, almost like he was remembering something, but it was gone in a second.

Ezra let the girl help him up, but didn't answer her question. He looked around and noticed a speeder. If he could only get to it quickly . . .

"You! Put your hands up!" Four Stormtroopers ran around a corner, creating just the distraction Ezra needed. Before he could get away though, the attention was brought back to him.

"You too Stumm! You've stole enough today!" All three people standing around him looked directly at him, making him extremely uncomfortable. He raised his eyebrows as if to say, "They're still here, pointing guns at us." He thought that no one got his meaning. He was just about to raise his hands when The Tree whipped out a blaster and shot two Troopers. That snapped the others back to reality, taking the attention off of Ezra. While the others fought off the Empire, and its reinforcements, he ran to the speeder, jumping on and flying away, ignoring the angry shouts of the others and the pain in his side.


Ezra made it home safely, to an abandoned Imperial Broadcast Tower. He took the rickety old stairs up a few flights, not trusting the elevator which was only a few steps away, beckoning to him like a jewel in the window of a pawn shop. Beautiful and wonderful in its own right, but dangerous to get.

As he reached the top of the stairs, the Music, which had been fairly loud till now, quieted down a little bit, seeming quite annoyed. Ezra didn't know what to do about it. He thought about talking to it, but he'd done that enough today and it never really helped. He sat down on his makeshift couch, immediately regretting it. His side hurt badly from the explosion. He'd been able to push the pain down for a little while, but here, it came on full force. Mentally rating the pain at a 6, he decided this was a good time to use his meager supply of pain killers.

The walk to his cabinet was hard, but not the hardest thing he'd ever down. He downed the pill dry, hurting his aching throat. The scream he let out as he fell had really hurt it. Ezra grabbed the few clean bandages he had, and sat back on the couch. He removed his shirt and winced at the sight. There was a small patch of blood, no bigger than a Yogan. His flesh was tender all around it. By tomorrow, it would be a bad bruise.

He cleaned and patched his side the best he could, grimacing every time the bandage touched his damaged skin. As he put his shirt back on, a sound could be heard outside. Ezra wandered over to the door leading to his outside rail, leaning on it for support the second he got there. He could still hear the sound, but couldn't tell where it was coming from. He stained his eyes to see whatever was making that sound. All of a sudden, a ship emerged from the clouds.

And The Tree was sitting in the co-pilot's seat.

A/N Well there you go! The first chapter of my new, er, old-ish story! Okay, when I started reading over my old story, I realized that my writing style has changed some in the couple of years that I've been gone. Don't worry though! I still plan on writing fluffy stuff and younger Ezra, but maybe not as much. Thanks for understanding!

Questions and comments are appreciated!
