Disclaimer: I do not own Beauty and the Beast, any version of it.
Past Indiscretions
As much as he detested leaving Belle, Prince Adam had to for the sake of a quick bath and a change of clothes. After his tranformation back into a human and basking in the freedom of the curse with everyone, Adam retired to his bathing chambers to get changed, without the assiantance of his servants, he might add. He did realize it might be a bit selfish of him to pull away his servants from their family and friends, that they hadn't seen in years, just to adjust the jabot around his neck. Besides, it saved him the embrassment of anyone having to witness him trying to get dressed. He hadn't quite mastered it, so he dressed simply instead of his usual elaborate layers of clothing. With his long hair tied back into a low ponytail, he opened the doors to go to the room he knew he would find Belle, the library.
Making his way through the castle, Adam paused in his footing as he took in the noises of chatter and laughter down below, that even the walls of the castle couldn't deafen. The castle was alive-and not in the there's inanimate objects walking and talking type of way-but alive with joy and happiness. The last time he could even vaguely remember that feeling of aliveness in the castle was when his mother was alive. Adam smiled wistfully at the memory of his mother, continuing on to the other woman he hoped to make a part of his life.
With the eagerness in his steps it took him no time at all to reach the doors to the library, but just as he reached up to push open the doors, the sight of his pale, soft fleshed hand gave him pause. It was like coming down from a high, with the adrenaline from all that had happened suddenly leaving him. Adam realized for the first time since his transformation back into a human, that he felt exposed in his own human flesh. There were no longer layers of fur to hide away in, it was just him. Beyond those doors was the woman he loved and that sent his mind into a panic. What on earth was he going to say to her? Since his transformation, they hadn't truly talked. Sure, they had kissed and cried tears of joy, but no actual conversation had taken place, and he was stumped how to proceed. What do you say to a girl that witnessed you transform from a beast? They hadn't covered any of this in his etiquette classes.
If it had been the old him before the curse ever took place, he knew what he would have done. He would have waltzed right in there without a second thought. Probably would have thought that he was being generous to her by his mere presence. There might have been some flirting and stolen kisses, solely because of her beautiful appearance. But that would be it, he would lose interest and she would be dismissed. For how could he, a prince, truly pursure anything but a flirtation with a peasant girl? He was a little more than ashamed to admit that he was full of himself back then. Being a beast had humbled him and made him realize the true value of a woman's love and how it shouldn't be taken for granted.
This Adam, the Adam he was now, gave a tentative knock on the door. "Belle? Are you there?"
"Yes!" he heard her voice ring out. "Come in."
Upon entering Adam found Belle seated at a table with an open book, but her doe-brown eyes weren't scanning the pages in fascination. No, their sole attention rested on him. All he could do was stare back at her, admiring her brown tresses pulled back into a bun and the dainty freckles across her face. How he had throught only a couple of hours ago that he would never see her again, but there she was.
A long beat of slience passed between them as they just stared at one another. Adam started to fidget. "Hello."
"Hello," she relpied.
Then there was more silence, until Belle started to smile causing them to both giggle awkwardly. "Come sit," she said.
Adam sat down in the chair beside her. He watched as her eyes took on that familar gaze when she was reading over a passage that she found particularly intriguing. When their gazes met, her eyes widened and she quickly looked down, a blush gracing her cheeks. "I'm sorry. I'm still trying to take this all in. I mean I know you're still you...," her voice faded, suddenly looking up she blinked, turning back to him. "Who are you?"
Adam crinkled his forehead. "Who am I?"
"Your name," she explained. "I just realized, you've never told me your name."
"Oh," He lightly exclaimed. "Adam. My name is Adam."
"Adam," Belle repeated, testing out the name and subsequently causing Adam's heart to flutter in his chest at the sound of his name on her lips. She covered her mouth with her hands, giggling. "I can't believe I'm just now learning your name. Why didn't you ever mention it?"
"My name didn't really matter that much to me when I was a beast," he said. "With each passing day I grew more and more hopeless that the curse would be broken. I was starting to lose my humanity, what did I care what people called me."
Belle stared at him, her eyebrows scrunched up. "The curse," she repeated faintly. "That reminds me. I still don't understand one thing."
Adam leaned forward in his chair, ready to answer any question Belle had. "What is that?"
"How was the curse broken?" she asked. "No one would say. Did you have to die to break the curse?"
Any question, but that question. With eyes wide-open, Adam avoided Belle's gaze, his body fidgeting in the chair. "Um...no."
"Well?" she said. "Then how?"
From the tone in her voice, Adam knew she wasn't going to let the subject drop. He gulped, his mouth suddenly going dry. This wasn't exactly how he had planned on proclaiming his love, he hadn't planned it at all. But he knew he would have to answer her, but that didn't mean he wasn't going to linger as long as he could. After a long pause, he began slowly. "In order to break the curse, I had to...," he paused. "I had to...learn to love another," he cautioned a glaze in her direction to see her mouth agape," and earn her love in return."
Holding his breath, he waited for her to speak. What she said was unexpected to say the least.
"You...love me?" she said, her voice laced with childlike uncertainty.
Adam whipped his head around to stare at her, his face flooded with disbelief at the absurdity of her question. "Of course!" he stated firmly. "How could I not?"
"It's just that, well I knew that Gaston wanted me," she explained. "But he just wanted me as a trophy, he didn't love me. He would always tell me how I would end up as a spinster and honestly, I was just fine with that. I didn't really care about what any of the men thought of me," her voice faltered, her gaze downward. "That was until I found myself starting to care about what you thought."
Adam reached out his hand, cupping her chin forcing her to meet his gaze. "You really are a funny girl," he smiled, his eyes sparkling with laughter. "To think I could ever find anything wanting with you." He glanced down, his demeanor turning sorrowful. "I loath to think what you thought of me."
"I thought you a spoiled child, that had a beastly temper if he didn't get his way," Belle said bluntly.
Adam dropped his hand from her chin, frowning. "Thank you for the reminder, mademoiselle," he replied dryly.
"But then I realized there was so much more to you," Belle interjected. "Parts of you that even you were unaware of. For the first time, I found someone that listened to my opinion, that I could have discussions with, someone who could understand my oddness," Belle smiled, her eyes starting to water. "Someone who made me laugh. Someone I found myself falling in love with."
"Belle," Adam breathed, staring at her in awe. He caressed her cheek, wiping away her tears. "May I?" he asked, glancing at her lips.
Belle gave a watery smile, nodding.
That's all Adam needed to dip his face foward capturing her lips with his in a sweet, tender kiss. It was a slow, lingering kiss as their lips moved together to savor and take in every sensation invoked by the union of their mutual love and then with one final peck they parted.
"Storybooks really don't do kisses justice," Belle mumbled, trying to settle her breath.
"Storybooks?" Adam said, titling his head. "Have you never kissed anyone before?"
"No," Belle said shaking her head, her cheeks tinted pink."I've only read about them in books. Have you kissed someone before?"
Adam chuckled. "Oh, I've kissed girls before." He quickly realized this was the wrong thing to say as Belle suddenly withdrew herself from his embrace, and raised a very sharp brow in his direction. "I...I mean..," he coughed awkwardly into his hand, clearing his throat. "Not in quite awhile with the whole curse thing. Turns out fangs really are a turn off with the ladies."
Belle tried very hard to not smile, only slipping for a moment then stubbornly remained stone-faced.
Quickly taking her hand in his, Adam was relieved when she didn't promptly remove her hand, though it laid tense in his grip. "Belle," he began. "I know that this is going to sound rather cruel of me and possibly lessen your favor of me. But they didn't mean anything to me, they were just temporary distractions. Until you," he paused, struggling to find the words. "I never knew that love could feel this way. That it was possible for me to feel this way about someone."
Belle didn't say anything right away, but her curiosity broke her silence. "What do you mean you never knew?"
Adam bowed his head, his clear blue eyes taking on a stormy mentality. "Growing up I never saw my parents take pleasure in each other's company, they barely talked to one another. They didn't even sleep in the same bed chamber. My father stayed in the west wing and my mother the east." He clenched his jaw. "My parents never loved each other, they merely tolerated each other. Their marriage was an arranged one with the sole purpose of creating an heir," he chuckled bitterly. "I think the closest thing I ever saw to a healthy relationship were the glimpses of my servants' relationships. Even then, I couldn't fathom how they could be so happy, when I was the one that had everything. Now I realize they were the ones that truly had everything, and I nothing." He shook his head. "I know this doesn't excuse me of my actions, but know I would rather die than ever hurt you."
It wasn't until he was finished talking that he realized that Belle had wrapped her arms around him, her cheek resting agaisnt his chest. Slowly, he raised his hand to lightly run his fingers through her hair and rested his cheek against the crown of her head.
"I never thanked you for coming back," Adam said faintly into her hair.
Belle shook her head against his chest. "No, thank you for coming back, Adam."
Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed it. I may write more one-shots when I feel inspired.