item #: scp-2394
object class: keter
special containment procedures: scp-2394 is to be contained in a 12 x 15 room with a bed,a desk,a nintendo wii,
a tv and with a closet.
description: scp-2394 is a human male with a brown hair and green who wear a green jacket with a black
stripe on lift side of it with the number 10 on it. scp-2394 seem normal at first,but at a closer look scp-2394 seem to
be wearing a green watch with a emblem of a green watch it,at first it seem like a normal watch,but when scp-2394 activate it. a green hologram come out of the hourglass emblem and shows a list of unknown beings. scp-2394 chooses one by rotating the the hourglass,he slams the the hourglass and transform into the being of his choosing.
discovery: scp-2394 was discovered in new york city in [redacted] when there was a robbery in a bank,scp-2394 stop it by turn into one his forms he dubbed as "xlr8''.