DISCLAIMER: Nope, still don't own these incredibly awesome characters. ("If wishes were horses then beggars would ride")

A/N: So here we are...last chapter. If has been quite a fun ride. I'm so glad I gave it a whirl. Thank you so very much to everyone who took the time to "stop by" and say hello and let me know your thoughts. You have all been so kind. I am so sorry about chapter one getting so messed up. I still haven't figured out how that happened. It's there now. If you haven't read it over again, you may want to before finishing this chapter...It's the beginning and end...they have a lot in common. Anyway, I couldn't stop myself. I really was going to wait and post it later on this week but decided to just go ahead and throw caution to the wind and put it out there. As always, grab your tea or your coffee, I won't judge... find a comfy spot and read away... just promise when you are done that you will pop in and say hi and let me know what you think...success? Did you like? Did I forget something? I don't THINK I did but you just never know. OK, so here's your bedtime story for the night...assuming it's your bedtime...maybe not...either way...get reading...I'm nervous.

"You are incredible, Hetty Lange, absolutely incredible. You created the ultimate team. A family. No one stands alone here, whether they like it or not." He laughed.

"There is no need for anyone to HAVE to stand alone. That was one of the main reasons I chose them the way that I did." Hetty explained. "I wanted them to realize without a shadow of a doubt that they were safe, they were wanted, and they were home."

"Well, you were certainly successful." Nate exclaimed.

"You act surprised, Nate. I know they think I created this team strictly for Mr. Callen. Perhaps in the beginning that was my objective. Still, somewhere along the way, the more I got to know these people, these lively characters, if you will. This… family, it became a mission for me. I wanted to ensure that they all had a safe place to fall. Yes, I wanted Callen to have a family. In doing so, they all became my family. Even you, Nate. Odd ducklings every one. But I wouldn't change a single decision I made when it came to choosing them and you for the team." Hetty stated adamantly.

"I know what you mean, Hetty. When I come to talk to the team…other than Callen and yet every once in a while, he joined the lot. They depend on each other. Not just as a team but as friends also. They care what the others feel and think. They care about each other's happiness. We have seen the lengths they are willing to go to where Callen is concerned. We have also seen to what extent Callen is willing to go to ensure their safety and happiness." Nate stated. "You know, there are times when I don't think they even realize just how much they need each other. How much they actually care about each other. Callen has a long way to go when it comes to sharing with the others in regards to feelings and he may never fully get there….but when I think of where he was when I first met him and where he is today….it's amazing. Through it all, this whole team has come to terms with each person's little quirks and have accepted them for who they are. Not an easy task when you have to trust they will be there to have your back."

"So true. I remember watching Callen hide from the others when they first came. I imagine that must have been what it was like every time he went to a new home….hide in the shadows and watch everyone and everything before determining whether it was safe. It would take weeks with the ones who didn't make the cut….he would try and work with them but he would disappear the instant they were back in-house. Watching and listening…always wary. With Sam… well… Sam was a bull-dozer. He didn't have time to mess. To be honest, I had great qualms if Callen would give him a chance. I knew if he did, it would work… I guess I have Macy and Gibbs to thank for that. Even from Washington, Gibbs has a way of calming Callen when he gets all riled up. Macy was able to talk Sam down more than once." Hetty stated.

"You know, the secret weapon in all that was Sam's wife and their kids, especially Kamran. She had Callen wrapped around her little finger from the moment she called him Uncle G." Nate chuckled. He knew how much Callen adored the little girl and how very much she loved him in return. "There isn't anything he wouldn't do for her. Sam and Michelle knew it too. They used that to their advantage in getting him to come for dinner there in the beginning and then Sam would convince him to stay on the couch, just so they knew he was someplace safe and comfortable."

"Yes, and then they realized the man doesn't sleep. I always knew when he'd made Callen stay at the house." Hetty gave a soft laugh. "Sam would have these huge bags under his eyes then come dragging in here just in the nick of time."

Nate laughed, "Yeah, Sam would get so frustrated because Callen would come in hours earlier since he couldn't sleep and still be full of energy when Sam got here."

"We have six people in that team and every single one of them so different from the others. Sam is textbook while Callen is old school. Sam believes in sharing thoughts and feelings and taking care of one's health. Sharing thoughts and feelings isn't even IN Callen's wheel house… and it's all about bacon and eggs and take out where Callen's healthy eating is concerned. Kensi is serious and guarded while Deeks is jovial and fun loving. Kensi is bold and prone to chaotic disorganization where her desk and belongings are concerned while Deeks is all about everything having a place and everything in its place. As for Eric and Nell… they are tea for two and two for tea. Both are very much on the same playing field. They have their own likes and dislikes but nothing dramatic. Yet when one is out of sync the other is right there and knows exactly what they need to do…. Even if it means breaking protocol and bringing Oreos and coffee into my Ops center." Hetty smiled at the look on Nates face.

"So you knew about that?" Nate swallowed.

"Nate…there is very little that happens around here that I don't know." Hetty replied big eyed as she pushed her glasses back into place.

"I guess that's true. Then I'm sure you know just how very much you mean to them. While you may have chosen well in creating this motley crew, they wouldn't have done as well as they have if not for your guidance. As Callen once said, 'you row pretty good'." Nate said quietly.

The future is full of promise, Nate…. if we get past this. Here. Today." Hetty ended almost at a whisper.

"The story doesn't end here. There is so much more to it and if it's one thing we can say for certain…it will never be boring…" Nate finished up as he followed Hetty's gaze back over towards the bull pen.

Up above, hanging over the railings was Eric and Nell. The three agents remained quietly at their desks absorbed in their own spaces and then… there in the door stood her boy… the son she wished she'd had. The agent who wasn't supposed to be her favorite… but was. There he stood looking straight at her. She caught her breath as she waited…. and there it was, small, but it was there…. that crooked little smirk that said, "Hi Mom, I'm home". The look that melted her heart and let her know everything was going to be okay. With a small nod he glanced up to the calls of the wonder twins greeting him then back to the bull pen where he slowly walked in and placed his bag on the desk as he did every other day while plopping into his chair and stretching out the aching muscles before starting his day. They watched from Hetty's office as ever so slowly things began to change. Callen picked up the coffee and took a sip before looking at Kensi and commenting on how it was lukewarm to which she rebounded with a hefty reminder of how that could happen when one is late. She heard him laugh…. it was just a small laugh because Callen rarely, if ever, truly laughed…. but that was a subject for another time. It wasn't long before Marty joined the fray and there it was…. The look that passed between partners and friends forged in the fire called life. The look that spoke a language known only to them… and then? The banter. The banter that had been missing for so long soon filled the space with the sound of family and home.

Hetty slowly released the breath she had been holding and blinked back the tears of relief that beckoned, "You are most certainly correct, Mr. Getz, this story… has only just begun."