HA! Thought you wouldn't hear from me again so soon, eh? Thought you could escape ma' bloody beautiful writing skills, did ya? WELL YA DIDN. I'M BACK AND THRS NOTHIN YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT!

...yes, I did just pull another all nighter. Please excuse this writing from a year ago that I haven't bothered to update because I wanna get this flippin out there because my altered state of mind believes it to be a brilliant idea. If you happen to see any other miscellaneous stories by me, this is the reason.

Anywho, this story's inspiration came from me thinking about what I would do if I had Percy's powers-because, I mean, they flippin AWESOME and all he ever uses them for is fighting...which is important to his survival, but nonetheless, here it is!

WARNING: These snippets will most likely be out of order and appear at random frequencies.

Disclaimer: No. Duh.

Under the Sea

"Lights out!" Came the cry from several cabins, lights slowly flickering out as campers made themselves comfortable for the night. Soon silence feel over the darkening woods as members of each cabin feel into the elusive dreamless bliss that is sleep.

Of course, as many of us know, sleep is often as cruel and elusive as karma itself (or, in this case, the three fates). Thus we find a young boy with black hair and green eyes and perhaps the coolest power of all still awake in the moonlit night.

Within his cabin, all by his lonesome laid Percy, who shifted uncomfortably in his lumpy bed. The Poseidon cabin hadn't been used for many years, thus, the mattress had yet to be replaced even though it was over 20 years old. Sometimes, being special was not fun.

Being the only one in his cabin as an 11 year old was not really all that fun either, since he had no idea what to do, so he always followed the lead of the other cabins. When they got up, he got up; whatever they did, he did. Maybe it wasn't the best system, but seeing as even Chiron had neglected to give him a schedule or instructions of any kind, it was the next best thing to do. And he really didn't want to talk to Mr. D.

Stifling a groan, Percy rolled over in his bed, the lumpy mass feeling uncomfortable no matter what position he was in. His mom was always preaching to be grateful about what you had, but to be honest, Percy was almost inclined to sleep on the floor. Finally, he gave up, sighing as he got to his feet. There was no way he was getting any sleep in his bed, so he might as well explore.

Slipping on a pair of sneakers and shrugging on a bathrobe over his pajamas, Percy crept over to the door, being careful to step over the creaking floorboards. After opening the door, Percy poked his head out, checking to make sure the coast was clear before darting out to the forest, running as if the Fury's themselves were chasing him; he was speaking from experience, of course.

And, just his luck, the exploration was more painful than interesting. Bugs were swirling around him, randomly diving in and leaving nasty bites on his exposed skin. The forest itself seemed to be attacking him as he stumbled over plants he hadn't even known were there.

While beating off some of the bugs, Percy tripped backwards over a stray log. He waved his arms comically in panic, and he was somewhat surprised as he landed with a splash. The lake.

Percy nearly laughed out loud, but resisted; the harpies were known to attack campers after lights out.

Still grinning like a kid in a candy store, Percy let the water pull him in, submerging himself completely in the blue current. This would be way more fun than stumbling through the forest! It was refreshing, and the son of Poseidon took a moment to breath in the fresh water air, his eyes fluttering shut contently. Now that he thought about, he was pretty tired. But he wanted to explore the lake, and then he had to get back to his cabin! The battle was lost when his back hit the sand floor, which he easily snuggled into, and drifted to sleep. A few minutes couldn't hurt...

Percy awoke to the sound of giggling and the calming sensation of a hand brushing through his hair. He sighed contently, snuggling further into the comfortable mattress, which resulted in more giggling.


Percy shot up, his head whipping back and forth for the sound of the noise. His eyes widened as they landed on a couple of older girls still sitting on the ground, tittering and waving at him. Percy blushed bright red, sheepishly averting his eyes as he realized he'd been sleeping on one of them.

"Aww, he's so cute!" The brunette giggled, a hand coming to cover her mouth.

"So precious," the other two cooed in sinc, and Percy swore he saw literal hearts form in their eyes.

One of the older girls pushed off the ground, fluttering her tail to reach Percy's level.

"Did you sleep well, hun?" She asked, gently grasping his hands between hers. Percy nodded, blushing even deeper when the other two giggled harder. The blonde smiled, giving Percy a hug, "Good! We had a feeling you would sleep better in your fathers domain than Zeus's. Feel free to come back whenever you want, dear, this lake is always open for you!"

Percy finally relaxed into the hug, gripping tighter before pulling back with a sheepish grin. "I will. Thank you for, for letting me come here!"

A distorted bell sound echoed through the water and Percy gasped, glancing up to see the sun brightly shining through. "I have to go!" he told the girls, swimming to the surface.

"Come back soon!" The blonde called, and the three Naiads waved cheerily.

With a smile, Percy shot to the surface, shooting out and landing on the grass with a small thump, completely dry. A conch horn rang in the distance and Percy grinned, standing up and dusting himself off. A quick sprint to his cabin could fix his state of dress, and he had a rather strong feeling Grover would be wanting to hear about the beautiful girls beneath the lake. And maybe he was pushing things a bit, but he already felt like he was forming another family. They wouldn't mind him coming back, which Percy planned to. Maybe he could ask about his father. The second horn sounded and Percy jolted, sprinting back too his cabin at never before seen speeds and skidded to a halt in the Pavilion just as the other Cabins were arriving. He smiled; just in time for breakfast.


...not my best work, I'll admit, but since this was what started the whole series, I couldn't force myself to do anything drastic with it. More coming soon. Hope you enjoyed! If you have any suggestions or requests, lemme know :}

