Hey, fellow Potterheads!

So I know it has been ages since I last updated this story and the other Harry potter ones that I am writing this message for. Truth is, these were my massive projects, things I loved, but then shit happened. You guys continued to review and I am utterly grateful for that.

The thing is, I write these stories for my readers, that is all you, and now reading these stories again I can't help but feel that I did some sort of injustice to the writing and even my own ideas. I want them to be much better written.

I do plan on finishing these stories. I have a broad idea for all of these Harry Potter fics, and I can assure you those are grand ideas. But I will probably go back re-write the lot of them before updating again.

Now I want your inputs, please. If you want me to continue this fic, please comment that you are still reading this story and if you will be interested in reading this. I am gonna leave it here for a month, where I will try and get every chapter and the storyline in order.

My plan is that I will rewrite each chapter, get some sort of schedule, stick with it and work on this. WIth this quarantine, hopefully, I will be able to finish the lot of them.

Thanks for understanding you lovely people.

All the love ever,
