A/N: Hello there! This is a new story I want to start, with the same clichéd Hermione goes back into time, with my little twists. Hope you enjoy! Please read and review!

Disclaimer: never have I ever owned Harry Potter.

CHAPTER 1-How it all began


War. A word that only caused destruction. Especially if you were fighting against Voldemort.

Hermione Granger, to this day, doesn't know what went wrong. She had fought in the Battle of Hogwarts alongside her friends. Harry had died and come back, they had destroyed all the hocruxes. But Voldemort survived.

He made more Hocruxes. Dumbledore had been wrong.

After that, the wizarding world only flung deeper into darkness. The Golden trio was Undesirable Number 1. The Weasleys were labeled Blood traitors and Hogwarts-it was only for purebloods.

Men were slaughtered, Women raped and children tortured. Ron had died a year later, succumbing to his injured during a nasty battle. Hermione and Ron had married in a small ceremony a week before his death with all the Weasleys, Harry, Neville and Luna.

After his death, Hermione made sure that she would avenge his death- Rabastan Lestrange would pay.

Next to fall was Ginny. Harry had been inconsolable for days. When he returned back, he emrged as a warrior.

Molly Weasley died next, but she took Bellatrix Lestrange with her.

People dropped at an alarming rate and now the order had Hermione, Harry, Kinsley and Seamus. None of the Weasleys had survived.

That day they sat around a round table, thinking deeply.

"Are you sure about this Seamus?" Hermione asked. Seamus smiled a bit and said, "Well, I may be well-known for blowing up things but my theory is always correct."

"Can't say the same about calculations." Murmured Harry.

Seamus threw Harry a dirty look as Kingsley said, "This is our only hope. We know that till 1994 You-know-who had five hocruxes-the diary, the cup, the locket, the ring and the diadem. It was only after he came back and around 1996 that he began making more after he found his diary destroyed."

Silence took over the table. Everybody was thinking. The risks of everything going wrong were great. One simple calculation mistake could mean the final defeat.

But it was a chance they were willing to take.

"So 1991?" Finally Hermione asked. Kingsley nodded. "You will remain in your same age as now unless you take a de-aging potion."

Hermione looked at Harry and said, "SO who'll go?"

"You will." Harry declared, his hands firmly crossed. Hermione knew better than to protest. Harry had changed, for the worst.

Taking a deep breath, she looked at Seamus and asked, "When do we start?"

The preparations began zealously. Harry and Kingsley would often show their faces in public to avoid any suspicion. Seamus and Hermione worked on the ritual. It was very precise and Hermione worked without any sleep.

Finally, on the day of the full moon, the four remaining Order members assembled in the ruins of Godric's Hollow.

"You ready?" asked Harry, his voice soft.

Hermione turned and nodded. "You do know there's no coming back?"

"I'll do it if it means a better future for everyone else." Hermione smiled, pressing Harry's hand gently.

"Do me a favor and find yourself a man." Harry commanded. Hermione grinned, her eyes brimming with tears. "Well I will go for Kinsley. What do you say?" She turned to the black man. Kingsley smiled and said, "I'll be honored."

Hermione turned and hugged Seamus ferociously. As they parted, she said "Let's start."

It was perfect- Hermione was supposed to sit in the middle of the ruin as Seamus and Harry would perform the spells. It started well, with the first spells beginning to make Hermione dizzy. It was somewhere in between when Hermione heard a hiss and Kingsley shout, "death Eaters!"

Hermione wanted to get up, to fight. But she was fixed. Harry left to fight and Seamus continued with the ritual. He had begun doing things faster now, afraid of what will happen. Hermione felt the pull and smiled to show that they had succeeded.

The last memory that she had was of Seamus grinning in response and Lestrange firing a spell towards her.

Hermione's head hurt. That was the first thing she noticed when she slipped into consciousness. Then she realized that she felt…small. Odd, the ritual wasn't supposed to reduce her age.

With great problem, Hermione opened her eyes. Everything was dark. As she tried to stand up, she hit her head with a plank above her. Then she realized that she had hurt her legs. Or had she?

Hermione turned to look around but saw nothing. It was very dark and eerie silent.

Hermione didn't know for how long she stayed that way-but it was a long time. Rays of Sun had begun creeping in from the plank when Hermione heard a shout. Suddenly, there were lot of people and lots of light. Hermione raised her hand to block away the light. Then she noticed she was small-about six years of age.

"Hey girl." A kind-looking man bent down to see her shocked face. "Are you all right? What is your name?"

"Her-Hermione Granger sir." She mumbled.

"Well, Hermione, do you know what happened here last night?"

Hermione turned to look around. It was supposed to be a town that had burnt down. "N-No sir."

"All right." The man coaxed. "Do you remember anything except your name? Your parents' relatives perhaps?"

Hermione shook her head. She needed to be guided now. She had absolutely no idea where she was and she didn't like that.

Hermione allowed herself to be picked up and to be carried to a caravan. She was fed there and people talked in hush voices.

They might have drugged her food, for when Hermione woke up, she was in London. The man who had talked to her smiled gently at her and took her to a police station, which looked something out of a sixties movie.

Hermione was till drowsy because she didn't hear what they talked about. Finally, the man took her away. Her eyes were closed, she was so tired. As they finally reached wherever they had to, the man picked her up and led her to a small building.

"Hello. I was looking for a certain Mrs Brown." The man said.

"That would be me." The plump woman behind the counter said.

"I would like to notify you of an orphan, a certain Hermione Granger." Hermione's eyes snapped open and she looked around. The woman nodded after looking at her and motioned the pair to sit down.

"Excuse me sir?" The man looked up. "Yes?"

"What is today's date?" she asked. God Hermione had turned very small.

"It is 16th August, 1966." He answered.

And Hermione fainted.

The next when Hermione woke up, she heard some people whispering. She moved slightly and the voices stopped. Hermione opened her eyes and bit her lip from speaking out loud.

In front of her stood Albus Dumbledore himself, in muggle clothes, with the caretaker, Mrs Brown. Dumbledore saw her awake and smiled.

"Oh, hello Ms Granger. My name's Albus Dumbledore." Hermione nodded shyly.

"Great. Could you maybe tell me what happened in your village?"

"I don't remember sir." Hermione answered. It was the truth after all. She was in a ritual that was supposed to send her to 1991, not 1966!

The twinkling eyes dimmed a bit, but Dumbledore kept smiling and said, "No Problem." He turned to Mrs Brown and said, "As I said, a couple wishes to take care of her till she gets a proper home. You don't have any problem?"

"Absolutely not." The plump woman smiled. "We only wish the best for our children. Had we not been so full, I would have not agreed. But with these sudden attacks…"

Dumbledore's expression turned grave and he nodded. He turned to Hermione and asked "Would you like a new family Hermione?"

At the use of her first name, Hermione nodded. Dumbledore smiled and turned to leave.

Hermione lay on her bed, thinking. What was happening? This was wrong! First of all, her body was supposed to travel, not her mind and soul. Second she was supposed to go to 1991. What went wrong?

As she kept thinking, Dumbledore re-entered the small room where she lay alone except the caretaker. Along with him was a middle-aged couple.

The woman had red hair and small stature. The man was taller with a big nose. He also had the red hair. Dumbledore turned to Mrs Brown and said, "Ah, so this is Mr and Mrs Prewett. They have volunteered to take care of little Ms Granger here."

Mrs Prewett turned to Hermione and smiled the warmest smile she could know.

"Hello dear."

Hermione smiled and said a little, "Hi."

Mr Prewett turned to Mrs Brown and talked to her in hushed voices with Dumbledore. Mrs Prewett sat down beside Hermione and asked, "How are you feeling dear?"

"I am fine, thank you." Hermione mumbled.

"Would you like to come with me to my house? It is very big."

Hermione looked up in her eye and began feeling a pain in her head. At once, she lifted the Occulemency barriers.

"Yes Ma'am." she answered. If Mrs Prewett was shocked she didn't show it.

"Do you remember your parents Hermione?" Mrs Prewett asked. Hermione shook her head. Stroking Hermione's hair, Mrs Prewett said, No problem dear. It's all going to be fine."

Everything then went into a haze. Dumbledore managed to do everything very quickly. Within an hour, she was sitting in a car with Mr and Mrs Prewett along with Dumbledore.

The couple was chatting animatedly when Hermione realized it. They were Molly's Parents! That meant she was going to live with Ron's grandparents!

Tears began brimming in Hermione's eyes at the remembrance of her lost family. Mrs Prewett looked at her, confused. Mr Prewett asked, "What happened Hermione? Do you not want to go?"

Hermione snapped back into the present and shook her head. "I am extremely thankful to you sir."

"oh, enough of this sir nonsense!" Mr Prewett laughed. "Call me Fredrick, or Fred if you will."

"And call me Ginerva darling." Mrs Prewett said.

The names of old friend made Hermione dwell into the past. Her eyesight became hazy and she began crying. Mrs Prewett engulfed the little girl in a hug and said comforting words to her.

By the time Hermione reached her new home, it was already dark. She had fallen asleep in the journey and had woken up only a few minutes before they reached. When Mrs Prewett had said big, Hermione had definitely not imagined a mini Hogwarts.

It was huge house, with two floors, a giant lake in front of the house and a beautiful garden on the left side. The house was painted rich golden, and looked as if it was made of gold.

"Do you like it Hermione?" Mr. Prewett asked. Hermione nodded.

Just then she saw three figures running towards them. Two boys, twins, were in front followed by beautiful girl who must be around sixteen.

"Hello mother!" the girl came nearer and smiled. Hermione froze as she realized it was Molly Prewett, soon to be Weasley.

The twins looked around ten, and they were studying Hermione very suspiciously.

"Fabian! Gideon! Stop scaring the poor child!" Mrs Prewett scolded as Hermione took a step back, almost hiding in Mrs Prewett's clothes.

"Sorry mother-"

"But we were just-"

"Interested." They finished together.

Molly rolled her eyes and smacked the two on their head. She came forward and went down on one knee.

"Hello. My name's Molly."

"Hi. I am Hermione Granger." Suddenly, looking at her mother figure, Hermione had gained all her confidence.

She extended her hand which Molly took gladly. She gestured towards the twins and said "Those are my brothers Fabian and Gideon. They are idiots." She whispered the last part which made the six-year old Hermione giggle.

"Hey!" the twins pouted, looking offended. Moll stuck out her tongue at them. She turned to Hermione, smiling.

Dumbledore took this moment to clear his throat.

"Professor Dumbledore!" Molly exclaimed and stood up. "I didn't realize…"

"It's all right Ms Prewett. I am here just to see that Ms Granger is settled."

Molly nodded and extended her hand. Hermione immediately took it and left. As the children went towards the Prewett Mansion, Ginerva turned to Dumbledore and asked, "Are you sure about this little girl Albus?"

"Indeed I am Ginerva." He answered gravely. "She is a strong little witch. We don't know what happened for the girl has forgotten, but the village was destroyed by a very huge burst of magic. She definitely has something that can be very dangerous."

"You think tom will come after her." Fredrick stated." Dumbledore nodded gravely. "He might have disappeared but his deeds are not unknown. He wishes people to call him Voldemort. He has begun recruiting-yes, recruiting. There is no better word to describe what he is doing."

"And you are afraid young Hermione would be on her list next." Ginerva added.

"I am afraid so. That is why I am asking you to protect her."

Ginerva nodded and Fredrick smiled. "You can count on us Albus."