"Do you want to come to the cemetery with us tonight?" I ask Erin as we roll back from the crime scene.

"The cemetery?" She asks quietly, looking up from the road and over at me.

"Yeah, I told Ellie we could go tonight, she hasn't seen her parents since the funeral," I explain as we hit a bit of a pothole.

"Yeah of course," She responds. "If she's okay with it of course,"

"I didn't mention it to her, but I'm like 90% sure that she likes you better than me or my brother," I say with a laugh.

"Well when you say it like that," She tells me with a smile.

"And." I say, nervous to add on the last part, "I was going to see my mom, I'd like you to meet her. Or as close as it gets,"

"You do?" She asks.

"You wore her ring for six months and I honestly can't believe that I didn't get around to it sooner,"

"We're not a couple anymore Jay," She responds, her words delivering a sharp pang to my chest.

"I know, but we were. And you are still my partner and you are still my best friend," I explain to her. "And I feel like you should meet her,"

"Of course," She says, looking over at me with those kind hazel eyes. "Will's working late tonight though, are you sure that we should do it today?"

"I called him on the way to the crime scene, he's fine with it," I assure her. "And I think it'll be good for her, it's her first day back at school and I don't have any idea how it's going to go,"

"No I agree," She says, "It'll help her get some closure, maybe move on,"

"That's the plan,"

"Ellie!" I hear as I walk out of the building. I look over to see a smiling brunette standing at the the back of a bright white SUV waving at me as she hollers my name. She looks familiar and I can see the pants she's wearing under a long puffer match the burgundy scrubs that Will walks out the door in everyday. I don't really recognize her, but she doesn't exactly look like she could kidnap and kill me.

"Hi," I say, more than a little unsure. "Who are you exactly?"

"Sorry I thought Will said he was going to text you," She says as she frantically pulls out her phone. "And there it is," She laughs as she shows me a text reading, "Sorry forgot to tell Ellie, texting her now," I feel my phone buzz in my pocket and know exactly what that text will read. "Anyway, I'm Natalie,"

"Wait like Will's girlfriend," I question as I look her over. From what I've picked up from conversations between Erin, Jay, and Will, she's a pediatrician at Med and Will has been after her for quite awhile.

"If that's what he's calling me, then I guess so," She says with a smile, "Sorry about the late notice, Will got pulled into a case and Erin and Jay are finishing one up at the District,"

"Do you know when they'll be home?" I ask.

"She said around five, why did you guys make plans for tonight?" She asks as she pulls the coat tighter around her small frame.

"Uh yeah, kinda, I guess," I say, grateful that they'll still be home in time. It'll be getting dark by the time we leave, but there's still lights at the cemetery so I think we'll be okay.

"I hope you're still able to make it," She says as she puts a hand on my shoulder, a weird sense of closeness considering we met literally two minutes ago.

"Me too," I say as I look down at the ground, not knowing what to do with my hands.

"Let's get you home," She says with a shiver, "It's cold out here." I smile as I get into the front seat of her car, feeling a little unsure but knowing that I'm safe with her.

"Oh!" I say surprised as I open the front door of the car and I'm met the sounds of baby giggles from the back seat.

"Sorry, I should have mentioned that. This is my son Owen, did Will not mention that?" She asks.

"He must have," I say with a shaky laugh, I've never been great with babies, they make me nervous. "I probably wasn't listening,"

"He might get a little fussy, we're running a few minutes late for his nap and he's not great when we break his schedule," She explains as she jumps into the driver's seat before quickly pulling out of the parking lot.

"No worries," I say as I peek back at him. "He's adorable,"

"I like to think so," She says with a smile as we pull out of the parking lot to the sound of Owen's giggles.

"So how'd you and Will meet?" I ask her as she focuses on the road.

"We work together in the ED," She tells me. "We actually met while I was pregnant with Owen. His dad died in the Army before I even found out, so Will was a really awesome support to me. He was actually there when this little guy was born,"

"Wow," I say as we roll out onto the main road. "I didn't realize that you guys have been together that long,"

"No we actually just got together a little while ago, we were just good friends for a while."

"Oh okay," I say, my eyes tracing over the building in front of us as we drive towards the townhouse.

"Shoot," She exclaims as her phone goes off in the cupholder between us. "Ellie hon, can you read that text to me please?"

"Sure," I say, picking up her phone unsuredly. "It says Logan King 911."

"Crap!" She exclaims, increasing her speed quite a bit. "Ellie I am so sorry, but I have to run back to the hospital, patient emergency. Do you have a friend or someone that can pick you up from there?"

"Don't worry about," I insist, "I have my laptop, I can do some homework in the lounge until Erin or Jay can pick me up,"

"Are you sure?"


"You are the best," She tells me as we wait, her very impatiently at a red light.

"Natalie, seriously don't worry about. I live with doctors and cops so I'm used to the last minute changes,"

"Doesn't make it any less unfair,"

"Well that's just life right?"

"I guess so," She says. "You and I have both been dealt a pretty crappy hand,"

"Well," I say as I glance back at Owen, "sometimes we can make something beautiful out of that."

"Ellie?" I hear, looking up from my Latin American history textbook to see my redheaded brother stepping into the doctor's lounge. "What are you doing here?"

"Natalie had an emergency with a patient right after she picked me up from school, I texted you,"

"Sorry it's been a crazy day," He says, pressing a kiss to the top of my head. "I haven't had a minute to check my phone. How long have you been here?"

"Just a couple hours," I assure him. "It was good, forced me to become very familiar with the British invasion of Buenos Aires,"

"Well good," He says with a chuckle. "Who's coming to get you?"

"Erin said she'd be here soon, we're going by the cemetery tonight,"

"Oh I forgot about that," He says, taking a swig of water. "I'm sorry I can't come with you guys."

"Hey don't worry about it, you're doing enough, saving the world and everything."

"I don't know if I'd go that far," He replies with a laugh, "but I appreciate the sentiment Elle,"

"Ellie?" I hear, both of us turning our heads as Erin pops her head into the lounge. "Oh hey guys,"

"Oh perfect timing," I say, starting to pack up my bag, "just finished,"

"C'mon kid," Erin says as she slips inside, "Let's head out,"

"See you guys at home in a few hours," Will says as I slip on my bag.

"Bye bro," I reply, giving him a little wave as the two of us fall back into the busy chatter of the ED.

"So Jay's just finishing up at the district and then he'll be on his way to meet us over there, sound good?" She tells me with a shiver as we walk through the sliding doors of the Chicago Med ED.

"Perfect," I tell her. Neither of us say anything else as we rush through the freezing air to the 300.

"How was your first day back?" She asks as we slide into the slowly warming car.

"Good," I tell her, blowing hot air into my hands in an effort to warm myself up. "People didn't really ask any questions, nobody wanted to."

"Did you talk to Rory or Lucas?" She asks, backing out of her spot.

"No," I answer. "I don't think I'll ever tell Lucas, I'll tell Rory eventually, when it feels right."

"You don't have to explain that one to me Elle," She says, looking over at me with a solemn smile.

"I know," I reply, grateful to have her in my life and to have her support. "Thank you, for not leaving."

"I did leave," She reminds me.

"But you came back," I offer, "That's what's important."

"Hey Ellie, Erin," Jay says, waving at us as we pull into the parking lot of the cemetery.

"Hey big brother!" I say, leaping out of the car to give him a hug, Erin following close behind me.

"You ready?" He asks, slinging his arm around me as we begin to navigate the multitude of gravestones in front of us.

"Let's go with yes," I tell him with an optimistic smile.

"That's my girl," He tells me, giving my shoulder a squeeze.

"You know where it is?" I ask him as Erin joins me on the other side.

"Yeah," He replies, "I've spent a whole lot of time here,"

"Thanks for bringing me with," Erin says, though I'm not sure who it's directed towards.

"Of course," I say, squeezing her hand as I answer for the both of us. We stroll silently for a few moments, past the gravestones lying between us, memories racing through my mind, the rides to school, my mom singing along to Lucky, the sound of my dad coming home from work, and the days on Lake Michigan every summer. That and guilt, that it took me this long to get here.

"This is it," Jay tells the two of us as we approach three nearly identical gravestones. I take a deep breath as I look over the three gray markers, one marked with Kerry Sloane, the others with Mira & Ian Halstead. It's a little freaky, thinking that there here, lying cold and dead beneath us. It's even weirder to think that someday, Jay, Willm and I will all join the three of them in the family plot.

"You okay?" Erin asks me as she runs a tender hand over my shoulder. I look up at her and nod. "Let's give her a minute," Erin tells Jay, placing her hand on his shoulder, a gesture I haven't seen for quite some time.

I linger in the silence for a few seconds as they drift away from me, drinking it all in.

"Hi Mama, hi Daddy, it's me, Eloise."