Chapter 3: Escaping Just to Return

He fiddled with my bra strap, then moved it off of my shoulder and kissed it softly. I closed my eyes and felt everything happening so fast, just like last time. I pushed him off of me and went on top of him. "I like a woman who takes control" Jay said smiling at me breathing heavily. I smiled.

"I don't take control, I lose it" I started kissing him from the neck down to his stomach, he laid there motionless. I went back up to his face and kissed him. "No one can know about this. Especially not Manny." I looked him in the eyes.

"Your secret is my command." He said putting one finger on his lips. I smiled and the rest was history replaying itself. Passionate people having sex. Whenever I'm with Jay, he makes me feel like having fun but at the same time, I also feel guilty when I'm with him. Like he's my guilty pleasure.

After we both had on our underwear again, we both heard a boat engine come from behind us. Did the guy call the cops and they didn't show up till 2 hours later? I had no idea. We both looked to see who was driving the boat. "Who is that?" I asked folding my arms over my body. Jays eyes opened wide and he grabbed my arm and took me inside the lighthouse. He guided me to a hiding place. "What was that?"

"There here…" Jay said whispering in a low deep voice.

"Who?" I whispered curiously, my question to be soon answered.

"Police! Is anyone in here?" I heard muffled voices from outside the lighthouse doors. I started to worry hardcore. Jay must have sensed this because he then put my head on his chest and held me close. Just then the door broke open and I heard footsteps swarming in. I dug my head into his chest even more and started breathing irregularly. I was whimpering trying to hold back the tears that could've been streaming down my face.

"Shh..." Jay said stroking my head down to the end of my hair. We continued to hear a few policemen searching around and some of their conversations.

"I thought you said there were kids in here, "A policemen said getting tired of searching for people he didn't even know existed.

"Yes, I promise you!" A man shouted. His voice was familiar, then I realized it was the man shouting at us saying the beach was closed.

"Well sir, we can't find them so I guess you can stay and look but we can't help you anymore."

"But there were clothes on the sand." The man explained to the policemen.

"Maybe they were just left there from another day." A cop told the man.

"Maybe. Maybe I just thought I saw them. I didn't get much sleep last night so." The cop smiled at the man.

"Well then let's go and get some rest." I heard footsteps walking out the door, then the engine to their boat start and drive away. I looked back at Jay and smiled.

"Oh, my gosh, I've never done anything like that before!" He smiled back at me and grabbed me by the stomach into his arms. I was sitting on his lap now staring into his eyes. "I love the thrill," I said stoking my hand on his cheek. He smiled and then started to speak.

"We better get going before it's too late." He said biting his lip. I nodded and got up. I offered him my hand to get up and he took it. He pulled himself up so close I wanted to just pounce on him again, but I knew we had to get home.

"Now it's my turn to help you up." He grabbed me by my legs and swooped me up. He was holding on hand on my back and the other under my legs. I wrapped my arms around his neck and held him close.

"I swear if you drop me." I said staring at the ground.

"I wouldn't think of it, Princess" I looked up at him and shook my head. He carried me outside and laid me down by the water. It was dark. It was night. I was bound to get a lecture when I got home. So why not stay just a little longer…

"Look," I pointed up to the sky, "It's a full moon." Jay stared up into the sky and watched as the moon became brighter.

"Come on, we got to get you home." Jay said ruining the moment. I jumped into the water and watched Jay as he did the same. The rest of the time I followed him back to the shore. Once we got back we stared at the sand.

"Where's our clothes?" I said opening my eyes wide staring at the ground.

"Must've been taken by the waves. "He said pointing to the vast water in front of us.

"Jay, how am I going to explain this to my parents?!" I shouted.

"Just sneak back in and get into your Pajamas. Say you got sick and stayed home all day." I thought about it, it wasn't a bad idea, if they haven't checked my room yet. But I nodded at Jay and we headed towards the gate where he had parked his car. We climbed over the fence and sat inside his car and drove home.

He dropped me off outside my bedroom window in the basement. I got out and went to his driver's side window. "Thanks for today, I had fun" I leaned in to kiss Jay and He leaned in faster. We kissed goodnight and then I stood up straight and snuck into my basement window. The lights were on once I snuck in and saw Manny sitting on my bed biting her nails. She then heard me coming to the window and stared intensely at me.

"Where have you been and what are, you wearing?" Manny said watching as I lowered myself onto my dresser and dismounting onto the floor. I looked down at my underwear. She walked over to me and snapped my bra strap. "I covered for you for what? Tell me what you did!"

"Well I— "I started to speak but was interrupted by Manny.

"You know what never mind I don't want to hear it. Just get dressed." I nodded and got my pajamas out of my dresser and slid them on. "You know you should've been at school today, although I don't know if you'd are or not, something happened." I looked confused.

"What are you talking about?" I said looking at Manny play with her hair.

"Someone may be back to stay here. At Degrassi. In order to win his girl back." Manny toyed with her hair and avoided eye contact.

"No way." I sat there stoned faced.

"Yep. Sean's back." Manny smiled but me? My eyes widened and my heart started racing. What just happened to me?