Background: This takes place after the ravine incident and falling out that Jay and Emma had, so just sit back and relax while you watch my version of their story. P.S This story is written in Emma's POV and This is the first story I've written so please comment any feedback you'd find to be helpful, Thank you!

VROOM! VROOM! I woke up to the sound of a car engine outside of my basement window.I pulled the covers off my warm body and looked at my window high above my dresser. I started to walk slowly towards my window, I climbed onto my brown dresser and opened my window to reveal the wheels of a sports car. It was Jay Hogart's car, the guy who I shared my first time with, the guy who gave me a social disease, the jerk who wouldn't leave me alone. I don't even have enough words to describe what kind of a guy he was. I continued to look at the car, waiting for it to drive away and out of my site. But then the engine stopped, His car door shortly opening. His feet bounced out of the car to meet the ground and the car door was slammed shut. He had on black boots which were pointed at the tip, even I couldn't handle the pain that he must've been experiencing wearing those types of boots. As I stared at his feet, they started to appear bigger and bigger. He was walking towards my window, and in that moment, I couldn't move. I wanted so badly to shut the window but my body was paralyzed. I was breathing so hard that I swear his black boots were fogging up like steam on a mirror.

"Like something you see?" He crouched down and stared into my bedroom through my window. After scanning my room, he quickly looked me up and down, "Cute Pajama's, when can I take them off?" He smirked.

"Get lost, Jay! Just because you broke up with Alex, doesn't mean we should go out. Can't you be alone for once?" I rolled my eyes, this guy just won't give me a break. Jay looked down and bit his lip, but shortly looked up.

"Well, are you going to invite me in, Nelson?" He scratched the back of his neck like he was nervous about something. I stared him down hinting that he should go away, but everything was still and silent. "Move over," Jay said while sliding his feet in through the window. I stayed sitting on the dresser hoping he wouldn't try to enter anymore, but I was wrong. He found a tiny place on my dresser and jumped down. His feet touched mine and our faces were only a few inches apart. I could feel his breathe on my lips, his heat from his body was surrounding me. He looked at me and smiled, "Remember when we were this close?" I thought back to the van at the ravine, his hands stroking the sides of my body. His hands fiddling with buttons on my shirt. He asked if I was okay with it and I agreed, His hand brushed my cheek, it was so soft against my skin, I just about melted.

"You okay, Princess?" Jay asked. I snapped out of it and stared at him, now breathing heavy.

"Don't call me that," I said with a disgusted look on my face. I climbed down off of my dresser and headed over to my bed, Jay followed me with his eyes.

"You want to take it to the bed?" Jay said sliding his legs over the side of my dresser ready to dismount.

"No, I want you to take it back home, where you belong!" My voice was getting louder by the second, I couldn't control myself around him, He makes me so angry. He stared at the floor and his eyes started to water. "Jay?" I asked. I moved my head downward to look at Jay's face form under him. He looked away.

"No, I'm going home." Jay said while climbing back up out of my basement window. He reached the ground outside my window and was about to stand up. But before he got up, he looked back at me and said, "But just so you know, home isn't in my vocabulary. I don't belong anywhere." He then turned back around and stood up. I watched as his feet were lifted above the ground and the wheels on the car started turning. I heard his engine until he was too far away for me to hear. I continued to look at the window in silence. I felt bad for what I said but I felt worse on how I said it. I laid back down in my bed and pulled my covers over me, I stared at the ceiling. I closed my eyes but all I could think about what the ravine. The next thing I know, my alarm was going off. I looked at my clock and hit the snooze button.

"Emma?" My mom stepped down the stairs and checked to see if I had gotten up yet. She was still in her pajamas and she had put on her robe and slippers. "Are you up?"

"Yeah mom, I'm up" I said laying my head on my pillow staring deeply at the ceiling.

"You better hurry, schools at 8." She said while walking back up the stairs and closing my bedroom door. I sat up in my bed rubbing my eyes. I thought back to what had happened last night. Was It a dream? Did it really happen? I couldn't answer any of my questions, I had to get ready for school before I'm late. I got up and headed to my dresser and grabbed some clothes. I grabbed my faded shorts and white laced tank top. I looked into the mirror as I applied my makeup for the day and brushed my long blonde hair. After I was finished, I quickly grabbed my open toed, brown heels and ran upstairs. I headed to the kitchen and saw my mom and stepdad cooking breakfast. "What do you want honey?" My mom asked me.

"Some eggs would be fine." I answered while grabbing my backpack off the floor by my seat. My mom grabbed the pan and started cooking the eggs. Once the eggs were done, she plated them and placed them in front of me at the dining table. I sat down and started eating.

"You excited for school today?" Snake asked as he grabbed his toast out of our toaster. He smiled and looked at my wrists, then at my mom.

"Honey, what ever happened to those green wristbands?" My mom smiled as she sat down eating her oatmeal. I swallowed my spit and stared at my wrists.

"Oh, I lost them." I said waiting for a response. My mom stared at me making intense eye contact.

"Okay, well we were just curious, you seemed so proud of them." I stared at them worryingly.

"I better start walking to school." I stood up and slung my backpack over my shoulder.

"Honey—," My mom said sincerely.

"I'll see you when I get home." I said scurrying out the door. I shut the door and started walking on the sidewalk towards the school. I made it halfway before I heard a car speeding up behind me, I looked over my shoulder. It was Jay. Again. The car slowed down once it reached me and the window rolled down. Jay laid his arm out the window and smiled.

"Hey sweet thing, you need a ride?" I rolled my eyes.

"No, I can walk." I continued to walk faster but with no luck was I able to get rid of him.

"Come one I don't bite, not unless you want me to." He winked at me and stuck out his tongue. I thought back to when he nibbled my ear in the hook up van. He kissed me from my stomach to my lips. It was so soft, so passionate. "Emma?" Jay's voice broke my flashback back into reality. "Just get in, you're going to be late if you don't." I wanted so badly to call his bluff, but he wasn't bluffing. He was right, at this rate I would never make it to school on time. I stopped walking and looked at Jay. I walked around the car and sat in the passenger's seat. "I knew you'd come around" Jay said while staring into my eyes and giving me his prized smile.

"Shut up and drive." I crossed my arms and sat back, eyes straight on the road. He stared at me and then stared at the road. He hit the gas. We were going so fast, I swore my skin was going to fly off my skeleton. "What hell are you doing Jay?" I grabbed the sides of my seat.

"We aren't going to school today." He smiled keeping his eyes on the road. I was in for a ride.

This is the first chapter of my story, please give feedback! I will update after I receive some reviews on the first chapter if any of you want more. Thank you and hope you enjoyed!