A/N: Greetings, mortals! This is my second attempt at a story I have been planning since the first Avengers film came out (just think on that for a moment...) and I am so excited! Already, I am nearly a dozen chapters in, 60 pages long and not even close to so much as being a quarter way through it. That's right, I'm in it for the long run. As I said in the previous incarnation of this story (that just didn't do it for me), there will be about 5 books in total, all about the life of a single character of my own creation, this pretty much being the prologue of the story, which you don't HAVE to read, but I just HAD to write...
But anyway, it's all part of the Avengers universe, but considering the time in which I first started planning it, the inclusion of Thor: The Dark World, Age of Ultron etc. are debatable. HEAVILY debatable, but minor plot points might still sneak in, you know, like Barton being a daddy and Coulson being alive. I also don't think I'll include the X-Men in this story due to them belonging to a different movie company, and so not actually being in the same cinematic universe, which just makes their inclusion seem too forced in my opinion. I haven't read the comics, and I will include some intentionally (and not so intentionally) screwed up Norse mythology in this, which I do not own. I also don't own Marvel and their characters, just to get that out of the way.
And finally, in my long A/N, the WARNINGS: hermaphrodite frost giants (because it actually makes some sense, when you think about it...), strong language, kidnap, slightly OOC characters and, eventually much later on in the story, torture, implied rape and murder... but I'll warn you when they pop up : )
But anyway, enjoy the story and favourite, follow and review!
Chapter 1
A Cabin in the Woods
Darkness cloaks the windows, the light inside the cheap rented room I live in being the only thing which prevents it in from entering my bedroom. I sit in front of my computer, staring blankly at the screen.
They want us to complete a 5,000 word assignment answering some questions. Of course, it wouldn't have been too bad, if I actually gave two fucks about plants. As it is, though, I'm having some difficulty with several (dozen) of the questions.
You see, I'm studying science in college. Not really anything specific, just science. I had to pick something, just like everyone else, and science seemed to be an interesting thing to learn with some pretty fun sounding jobs linked to it. That was before the fucking plants... and the maths, with its damn graphs, and those chemicals, and not to mention the none stop human biology monologue that I've been receiving and reciting since middle school...
Let's just say that I'm starting to get a new idea on what I want to do with my life.
With a frustrated huff, I turn off the computer (not even bothering to save what little work I have done) and look out the wiwith in boredom.
It's raining, if the heavy beating on the window is any indication. Getting out of my chair, I slowly walk towards the glass, and peer out. It looks so dark outside that it seems like all the street lights have been turned off- not that it matters, as it's not like a great many people like to wander in the open or drive around here at night, anyway. Still, though... it is far too dark outside.
Frowning, I pick up my coat and my cheap, tacky and wind damaged umbrella that I should really think about replacing (note to self: replace umbrella), walk down the stairs to the front door, and step out into the cold and wet darkness outside.
Digging in my pocket, I pull out a torch and shine it wildly in the darkness. There is no moon or stars. it's pitch black, like as though the windows had been painted over. I breathe a nervous breath, shaking my head.
This is a bad idea. This is a bad idea.
I keep chanting this in my mind as I walk forward, torch pointing in all directions. I don't know why I keep walking, as every woman knows not to go out alone in the pitch black dark. But still, I do. Maybe it's my curiosity, maybe it's stupidity. I'm guessing it's both, though.
I blindly walk on, having turned the the torch off once I realised how dangerous it might be to be seen holding such an obvious beacon on my whereabouts.
Turn back! Turn back!
I ignore the sane, rational part of my mind, and keep walking forwards.
Pretty soon, I start bumping into trees, tripping over roots and scratching myself on branches. The woods. I have wandered into the woods, and I have no idea where I'm going.
"Damn, your survival instincts are shit, Shana!" I mutter as quietly as I can, finally coming back to my senses on how stupid this might be. Turning around, I begin to try and retrace my steps back home, with my arms outstretched to help guide my way.
However, something catches my eye. A light, caught just out of the corner of my eye for a fraction of a second. Quickly, I whip around to face it, staring in its direction to see... nothing.
I blink in confusion and wait for several seconds, before turning around again and taking another step forward.
Maybe I am going insane...
But yet again, I see a light as I cautiously step forwards. I slowly turn where I stand; I see it, just peeking out from behind some trees. That tiny speck taunts me with its warmth and promise of shelter from the rain, as I have long since ditched my tattered, broken old umbrella in the woods. Against my better judgment, I find myself slowly walking towards the light.
I trip and fall multiple times, bumping into numerous trees and tearing my coat almost to shreds on the walk to the light, but finally I arrive... to a small wooden cabin. It's rather quaint, in a way. Kind of screams 'bachelor pad!' in the sense that few women would dare to dirty their skirts in this place, while most men would be living the dream here.
The glowing windows illuminate the small, muddy clearing I stand in, while hinting at the occupant's presence.
I walk through the soggy clearing towards the small cabin, whilst cringing at the mess my trainers (and worse- my socks!) were becoming. I continue walking, shivering from the rain and fear of what's inside, but unable to stop for some reason. The warmth just draws me in...
I bet there's a nice fire...
Finally, I reach the front door, and raise my shaking hand to knock.
Hope they're not sex slavers or something...
I knock on the door and with a sudden sharp jolt of pain, everything goes dark.
Dark. Why is it dark? What happened? A door... A wooden cabin... Darkness...
Why the fuck is it so dark?!
Oh, yeah. Right. Because my eyes are closed.
I open them as quick as a blink, hoping to see where I am, only to have to shut them right away again.
"Ah! Bloody fucking light! Damn fucking arse ban lightbulbs fucking shitting-"
"Such language!" a male voice I don't recognise reprimands from near by.
"Yer fucking shitting bollocks!" I snap, trying to open my eyes again, but only capable of a squint.
A poorly defined pale blob leans over my (extremely limited) field of view. The smaller, darker blob that I guess is its mouth widens as he speaks.
"Who are you, and why are you here?"
"Honestly? Fuck if I know!" I say, feeling quite exasperated as my inner voice squeals, I told you! I told you this might happen!
The blob, who is looking more and more human as time goes on, seems to frown at me.
"You cannot remember your name or why you are here?" He asks. He's got a nice voice, though it sounds a bit like a snob, in my somewhat humble opinion.
"Of course I remember my name! It's Shana White-Friar! Wait..." should I have told him my name? Shit! The man standing above me (whom I can now see rather well) smirks down at me.
"Shana White-Friar? So your ancestors were god worshipping men, were they not?" he asks, but there's something in his tone that doesn't quite fit right with me, like he's amused...
"Um, yeah... sure" I mumble. "Look, where am I? And why does my head ache?"
"Evidently you are inside my temporary sanctuary," he says, gesturing to the room at large. I following the movement, and realise where I am. I'm inside the cabin- his cabin, apparently. It really does look quite cosy, though he makes quite the juxtaposition in this place. If first impressions mean anything, then he's quite... cold, whilst the cabin is rather warm; he acts like royalty, but the cabin is rather modest; he is... actually really attractive and perfect in appearance, yet the cabin- while being homey and cosy- is anything but perfect. After all, dead wood is random and imperfect, but maybe that's the one thing this guy has in common with his... extremely unusual choice of dwelling.
"It's a nice place," I say softly. Really, though, it is a nice place for a single person to live in. It appears to be just one large room with a kitchen, dining room, living room and bedroom all crammed into the small space, with a door off to the side which I'm sure holds the bathroom.
"It's pathetic," the man says in disgust as he sneers at the room. "I would never have chosen to live here if the circumstances hadn't demanded it of me."
"What circumstances?" I ask before I can stop myself. He turns to give me an icy stare.
"I will give you two options, mortal," he says softly. Seriously? Mortal? "Either you leave now and never tell a soul of this place, or you remain buried here forever," he says darkly. "Decide now."
"But, what? Wait!" I say quickly. "You didn't tell me why my head aches-"
"I incapacitated you," he says simply. I blink in surprise at his wording.
"So... you knocked me out?" I ask carefully.
"I suppose, in a manner of speaking," the man says. "Now leave!"
"But what about the darkness?" I ask in confusion. He just simply raises an enquiring eyebrow.
"The darkness!" I repeat. "It's why I stumbled upon your, er, temporary sanctuary. I looked out my window and couldn't see anything! Not even the sky! I wouldn't be able to go back home, not when I can't even see past the end of my own nose!"
"So you saw this darkness, and you decided to investigate?" he asks slowly, kind of like he thought I was an idiot (and hey! Turns out he's right!)
"Well, yeah, I guess," I mumble a little unconvincingly.
The man stands straight, promptly leaving my field of view as he walks away. I try to sit up, only to find myself unable to.
"Y-you didn't paralyze me, did you?" I ask, starting to feel a little scared of this man.
"Just a temporary restraint," he says softly. "But I doubt you would be able to over throw me, so I suppose I could free you."
"Doubt you could over throw me", I'm a fucking ninja, mate!
A strange feeling surrounds me. Just to test it, I lift my arm and wiggle my fingers in front of my eyes.
"How did you do that?" I whisper in wonder. The bloke hadn't even touched me! "Who are you?" I ask softly.
"You truly don't recognize me?" He asks in surprise, moving back into my field of view.
"Well, no." I reply. "Or, I don't think so. Are you a model or something?" The man just shakes his head in stunned surprise.
"I attacked one of your major cities and you don't recognise me?" he asks slowly (Okay, okay, I know; I'm an idiot. Message received and understood.) He leans in closer so I can get a better view of his face. "Do you still not recognise me?"
I stare. I stare a little longer. "Erm... Harry Potter?" I venture a guess. He stares at me in astonishment.
"You really do not know of me?" He seems quite surprised for some reason.
"Well, no. I mean... was it London you attacked? Because then I might have heard of you on Facebook or something..."
"No, I believe it was a city called... Manhattan," he says slowly, like he has never heard of Manhattan before.
"Hm, well that explains it," I say matter of factly. "I hardly read the news as it is, but international news? Got nothing to do with me, so..."
"How eloquent," he says with a slight sneer. "Well, allow me to inform you that I am Loki, Prince of Asgard and a god to you mortal people of Midgard. now to return us to our previous topic, wha-"
"Woah, woah, woah, woah!" I interrupt, flapping my hands about to stop him from changing subject and sitting up abruptly. He promptly moves away to avoid collision, looking pretty pissed off for some reason.
"You're Loki? As in the Loki?" He nods, his pissed off look melting into a pretty smug one. "Like, Thor's brother?" I ask excitedly. That smug expression suddenly seems rather stiff.
"I have no brother," he hisses angrily with a little sneer. "But yes, I am Loki of Asgard. Proclaimed by your ancestors as the immortal God of Mischief, Lies and-"
"Chaos, yeah, but isn't that a little big headed of you? You know, introducing yourself in such a way?" I ask quickly. His expression darkens again.
"Could you refrain from interrupting, before I decide to punish you, mortal?" He asks in anger. "And besides, it hardly matters. What I truly need to know is about this darkness you mentioned before. It removed all light, you say?" He asks.
"Well, yeah, other than the light from your cabin and my torch. Why? Do you know what it was?"
He moves to the windows in the cabin and peers outside.
"The moon is clearly visible. From what you said, though, it sounds as though it might have been a slight shift in the pathways. That is most likely why I was brought here, and what led you to my sanctuary. But fear not, for it is highly inconsequential."
"Wait, inconse-" I break off, confounded at just how blasé he's acting about this. "You just said that some weird temporal shift or something made me come to your cosy little cabin!"
"It is a pathway," Loki says, pinching the bridge of his nose like as if he's starting to feel a head ache brewing. "Pathways are there to aid in travelling. I needed to escape my cell-"
"Wait, you were in prison?" I interrupt swiftly. He gives me furious glare. "Sorry, sorry," I mutter.
Remember, Shana. He. Is. A. GOD!
Loki keeps the glare going for a while, before continuing speaking. "Yes, I was imprisoned, or else Midgard would currently be under my rule. But as I was saying, before yet another interruption on your part," another sharp glare is sent my way, "I had to use a rather hazardous, time consuming method of travel to escape my prison cell. To achieve this, I had to open the universal pathways, which could cause me to travel to anywhere in the universe, instead of anywhere just in the Nine Realms. From what I was aware of during my journey, I should have been several thousand light years away from my prison, when the pathways changed." He pauses; I use the opportunity to open the flood gates, so to speak.
"But why was it dark tonight?" I ask, he frowns at me disapprovingly.
"That would be because I only arrived several Midgardian hours ago," he explains.
"Wow, quick work in building this cabin, then!" I comment in appreciation.
"Indeed, magic can truly go far," he brags.
"But why did I see the darkness, though?" I ask.
"How far away from here do you live?" He return-asks.
"About ten minutes walk away," I say.
Should I have told him that?
"Then you would have been just in the radius of the effect's range. I am sure everyone else was either too ignorant, somewhere else or deeply asleep to have not noticed it." He says, growing increasingly calm.
"Why are you telling me all this?" I finally ask suspiciously. "Aren't you supposed to try and kill me whilst screaming 'kneel to me ye puny mortal!'?" He smiles slightly. He moves away from the window, walking slowly towards me while remarkably resembling a powerful predator stalking after its gullible, foolish dinner. He stops walking barely a step away from me.
"That is because, Shana of Midgard, I'm afraid to inform you that you shall never leave."