"Remus, it's alright. Don't cry.", I try to tell him, but he just covers his mouth, trying to stop the tears. "Remus, please.", I sit beside him and pull him in a hug.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I didn't tell you, Sirius.", he wipes a few tears away, and then takes a deep breath. "I'll have my things packed within the hour."


"You know my secret. I can't stay here. It's not safe for you or the others.", he tells me. "Besides, you can't be friends with a monster."

"You're not a monster."

"I'm a werewolf for Merlin's sake!", he snaps at me, and I shake my head.

"You're not leaving. I'm not going to let you."

"Please, Sirius. Me coming here wasn't a good idea to begin with."

"Listen to me, you're not a monster, okay? You're not. I know you, Remus, and I know that this doesn't define you. You're the best person I know. You're kind, and smart, and caring, and gentle and just a beautiful human being.", I tell him, trying to calm the distressed friend. "Just take a deep breath.", I have a strong grip on him, and absolutely refuse to release him. "It's alright, Remus."

"Sirius. Please. I'm a monster. You can't love a monster. Everyone knows that."

"I do, though.", I say, without thinking. He doesn't fight me anymore, just lets me hold him. "Just take a deep breath, okay? Everything's going to be okay. We'll figure it out."

"Don't tell the others, please.", he whispers, and I nod.

"I think you should tell them eventually, but we don't have to yet.", I assure him, and he nods. "They're going to keep being your friends no matter what. They care about you a lot. We all do."

"What if… one day this thing inside me takes over? What if I hurt one of you?", I can tell he's had this on his mind for awhile, though, given the situation, I don't blame him.

"You won't. You're Remus, not a monster. And nothing is ever going to change that.", I answer, and he returns the hug, and for a moment we don't release each other for a few minutes.

"I've just been thinking about it. Ever since I met you guys. I thought I could just come here, get an education, and maybe act normal. I never imagined I'd get such amazing friends. I never imagined I would get three best mates that care about me. Honestly I didn't believe you guys cared until I was told by some other kids that you tore apart the Common Room the first night I disappeared."

"That's because you're a good person, who deserves good friends. You got crazy, trouble making friends, but we would do anything for you.", I reply.

"I care about you three. A lot. I just don't want to hurt one of you."

"You won't.", I insist. "So… that's where you sneak off to every month?", he nods. "And you'll be transforming tonight?", he nods again. "Then get some rest while you can. I'll be quiet."


"I mean it, Remus, you need to get some rest.", I tell him. He nods and lays down on his bed. I put his book his bedside, and then walk around the room as Remus sleeps. A werewolf. As cool as that may sound, I can tell it's not. He's in constant pain. I remember a lesson we had on werewolves once, their transformation is bloody awful. I should have noticed the way Remus winced at it. I should have done something then. Remus is the kindest person I've ever met, even though he goes through something so terrible. He cares more about others than he does himself, I always knew that, but it's more than I originally realized.

I look back at the boy, and he's finally resting. He looks like he's in slight pain, but that's to be expected I suppose. I pick the book back up and start reading.

Since werewolves are known to be monsters, there isn't a huge amount of research on them. However, it is known that in order to become a werewolf, one must be bitten by one. While they transform, they are not themselves, and are not in control of their actions. They transform once a month during the full moon, and they transform to a deadly near-wolf. The Ministry of Magic strongly advises to anyone that knows a werewolf to stay away from them, for their own protection.

A werewolf can't choose whether or not to transform, and will have no memory about who they are, and would even kill their own best mate given the opportunity once they transform. They are thought to be able to remember what happens during their transformation once they return back to human, which is exactly what makes them dangerous.

The transformation itself is rather painful, and can leave the victim ill if untreated. If there are no humans around, or other animals to occupy it, the werewolf will attack itself out of frustration. Werewolves can be distinguished from regular wolves by shorter snouts, more human-like eyes, tufted tail, and their mindless hunting of humans whilst in wolf form. Another thing to be careful of is the fact that actual wolves aren't very aggressive, and the folk tales representing them as mindless killers are now believed by wizard authorities to be werewolves. A wolf won't attack a human unless threatened, a werewolf will target a human but poses no threat to actual animals.

It is rumored that even in human form, a werewolf is a danger to everyone. Werewolves, as they should be according to the Ministry of Magic's Defense Against Magical Creatures, are normally shunned by wizarding society because of how much of a danger they are.

My hands are shaking by the time I'm done reading this. I know the last part isn't true. Remus is the kindest person I've ever met, he would never willingly hurt anyone as long as he could prevent it. The Ministry of Magic has no right to discriminate him. I won't stand for it. Whoever wrote this is a dick.

"Sirius?", I look up from the book and see Remus sitting up, in agony.

"Is there anything I can do?", I ask, as I get to his side, tossing the book to the side.

"No. Nothing helps when it gets this close.", I nod, sighing, but grab him into a strong hold, and he holds on to one of my arms, his head resting against my shoulder blade.

"I'm sorry. If there is anything I can do, just to make this easier for you, please, please, tell me."

"There's not really anything anyone can do, love.", he replies, and I sigh.

"Even if there was, would you tell me?"

"Yes. Only because I know how much it means to you. You read the article on werewolves, I see?"

"Just for the facts. Whoever wrote it is biased."

"Sirius, werewolves are monsters. That makes me a monster."

"Remus, I know you, better than most, and I know what a monster looks like, trust me, and you're not one.", he smiles slightly. "I'll be there tonight, if you want me to. To help in whatever way I can."

"Bloody hell no."

"I can cast a few defense spells. A shield. I'd be fine, and I could be there after and heal your wounds-"

"Sirius, no. Under no circumstances. I can't control myself when I'm a werewolf. If I hurt you, I would never forgive myself."

"Remus, I can't just stand here and do nothing."

"Madam Promfery will bring me to the hospital wing in the morning, I suppose you can be there, but only you. I don't want James or Peter knowing yet."

James' POV

Professor McGonagall gives me a strange look as Peter and I walk in by ourselves. We sit at our normal spots, and I bring out my book and just try to read, but can't. Transfiguration is my favorite course, I love it, but right now my mind is far from being on school. Sirius' mother crossed a line today, and so did Bellatrix. I'll do what I have to do to make sure neither of them gets away with this. I hate it enough that I can't stop her from hurting Sirius when he's there, but dammit she's not messing with either of them as long as I'm around. That bitch doesn't scare me.

"So, Black and Lupin, huh? Always knew the asshole had a thing for the freak.", I hear a Slytherin boy mumble to his friend as they walk past us. I look up, and Peter looks alarmed and worried.

"Say it again.", I challenge, getting up. Peter grabs my arm.

"James, not here."

"Say it again.", I repeat and Severus rolls his eyes, but doesn't say anything with Lily right there. The boy doesn't say anything. "Thought not. Keep my friends' names out of your mouth, or I'll hex you into next week.", I warn, and both boys walk away. Severus waits for Lily, but we're both equally shocked when she walks over to me instead.


"Evans.", I reply, just as cool.

"Are they okay?", I didn't have to ask who she meant.

"They'll be fine. Their business was just brought to everyone's attention."

"I noticed. Well, you're a good friend for standing up for them."

"I'd do anything in the world for my friends.", I reply, as a true Gryffindor. "I may be an asshole, Evans, but I will admit, I can be a good friend."

"I see that. Well, give Remus my best before he leaves to see his mother."

"Will do.", I return her smile, and she walks over and sits at her normal seat.

"You know, maybe if you stop hexing Severus she may just agree to go on one date with you.", Peter comments, and I nod.

"Yeah, maybe."

Regulus' POV

"So, your brother and Remus Lupin, hm? Nice.", Will comments, as we all walk to class. I nod.

"Yes. As long as my brother is happy, I truly don't care."

"Well, anyone who's willing to say fuck it in almost any situation is cool in my book.", I laugh at that one. "Sorry your cousin is such a bitch."

"She's surprisingly in a good mood today.", I reply. "She's a constant bitch. She had no right to do that to Sirius or Remus."

"And you're going to be next, Regulus.", I roll my eyes and turn around and face my cousin.

"Bellatrix, back off."

"Professor McGonagall already caught you trying to hurt him, next time you'll be expelled.", Cole warns. She smirks.

"Oh, don't worry, I'm not going to do anything yet.", she replies, and gets in my face. I stand there not moving, ready. She leans in. "Your mother taught me a very interesting spell, that I'm sure you and Sirius are familiar with.", I stop.

"She didn't.", the punishment spell. Mother came up with it herself, a way to punish me and Sirius when we did something she didn't approve of. Everyday over the summer Sirius would be cursed with it. Every single day.

"She did, I'm afraid. Be sure to mention that to your dearest older brother, I'm curious to know his reaction."

"It won't be good, cousin. That spell isn't allowed on these grounds."

"Since when do I care about the rules, Regulus?", she walks away with a smirk, and my body is shaking. I've been hit with the punishment spell a few times, nothing like Sirius had to go through, though. I just got caught in the crossfire after it got so bad he passed out. He still doesn't know.

"What in bloody hell was she talking about, Reg?", Kevin asks.

"Nothing important.", I reply, and we continue walking towards our class.