Just my what if world here. Hope you guys enjoy. Regulus becomes a Gryffindor rather than Slytherin, and how will this change the whole series? This is my first Harry Potter fan fic, and I haven't written fan fictions in awhile so it'll get better as time goes on, but here it is.
Sirius' POV
I bite my lip as I hear Professor McGonagall say, "Black, Regulus," and my younger brother walks over, terrified, and sits on the stool. He takes a deep breath and closes his eyes as the Sorting Hat touches his head, and I hold my breath. I feel James' hand on my shoulder, Peter's comforting look, and Remus' holding my hand tightly. Three minutes pass, before the Hat screams at the top of its lungs.
"GRYFFINDOR!", the room goes silent, and McGonagall has to give Regulus a small nudge, and she whispers something to him. I stand through the crowd of red and gold, and he looks up at me. I smile at him proudly and he runs from the stool and into my arms, hugging me tightly. I catch him, and the moment I do, the whole Gryffindor table loudly cheers, followed by the Hufflepuff, then Ravenclaw.
"I'm so proud of you, Reg, Merlin, I really am.", I gleam, holding him, and Remus moves a seat over, offering it to Regulus.
"What am I going to do, Sirius? Mother will-"
"Mother won't do anything to you, alright? I won't let her, I promise.", he gives a slightly relieved expression, and we both sit down, and wait for the rest of the names to be called. Bellatrix darts over to us, and James, Remus, and I stand, not allowing her near Regulus. Peter guards Reg, looking at him comfortingly.
"What is it, Bellatrix?", James snaps, bitterly.
"How dare you, Regulus Black!? Once your mother hears about this-!"
"You do anything to put him in danger and we will make you pay. There's no way in hell you can face all of us.", Remus cuts her off, surprisingly calm. "Now, why don't you leave before someone does something that they'll regret?"
"Regulus is with us now, and we won't let you do anything to him.", I warn her, in a dangerous tone and she screams in fury, darting off. While she walks away, I know this is far from being over. I sit beside Regulus once more, James and Remus switching seats, so he's on the other end of Regulus and Remus is beside me, probably to keep me calm.
"So what now?"
"Stick by us, we won't let anything happen.", I reply, and he nods. The Sorting ends and Dumbledore stands.
"Welcome to Hogwarts, everyone! I hope everyone is happy with their Sorting! While it may be confusing right now, time will soon reveal everything to you.", he begins. "Hogwarts welcomes each and every one of you, and we look forward to another year.", he goes over the rules and what the first years will do after the feast. We all listen. "Now, enjoy the feast and let's make this a good year!", the feast appears in front of us, and Regulus struggles to eat at first. His stomach is probably in knots at this moment.
"It's really good, little brother, and you should eat. You have a busy day ahead of you in the morning.", I tell him, and he nods, and makes his plate. I make mine, and then Peter's, as every time he tried to grab something one of the jerk fourth years would grab it from him. I hand him the plate.
"Thanks, Sirius."
"No problem, Pete.", I smile, and we all eat, James making small talk to Regulus, and the two end up talking about Quidditch. Remus smiles at me.
"Told you, you were worrying for nothing.", he smirks, and I roll my eyes.
"Hush.", I reply, with a small grin. "You were right, okay?"
"Aren't I always?", he laughs, and I squeeze his hand tightly.
"Thank you.", I whisper, and we continue to eat, and then the food vanishes.
"First years come with me!", the prefect for Gryffindor yells, and Regulus looks over at me, panicked.
"Calm down, I'll go with you then show you our dorm in case you need anything, alright?", he nods, and we get up, and I can't help but feel thrilled. I thought he would surely be sorted into Slytherin, just like everyone wanted him to be, but he got in Gryffindor. Maybe he does take after me a little more than I realized. "I'm so proud of you, and if anyone tries to give you grief about this, you let me or one of the others know. I promise you we won't allow anything to happen to you."
"Thanks, Siri.", he gives me a small smile and I return it. I follow him and the group of first years to the dorms, and walk him to his after getting the password this year, fireflies.
"Alright, now, I'm going to show you mine and the others room. We have an extra bed… the fifth guy never showed up, bummer, but oh well, so if you need a place to escape-"
"Don't worry, Sirius, I'll be okay, but I may stop by occasionally.", he says, and I nod.
"I just have to be sure. I'll let you get settled in and meet your roommates and everything. You know where to find me now, okay?", he nods. "Good, now, take this.", I hand him my side of the magic mirror. He looks at me, shocked. "I'm going to take James' half at least until you get more comfortable with everything here."
"Will he mind?", he asks.
"No, he won't. Reg, if you need me but don't want to come to the dorm, I want you to be able to reach me. Don't be afraid to. You have four people here already on your side no matter what, alright? Even if one just happens to be your big brother.", he smiles, and hugs me. I wrap my arms around him, and smile slightly. He had to avoid me all summer to not get punishments, so this is the first time in a little over a year we actually hugged, except for today. I don't mind all the extra affection one bit. "I'm always on your side."
"Thanks, Siri.", I ruffle his hair playfully. He releases me, takes a deep breath, and then disappears in the crowd for a minute, then goes to his dorm.
I walk back to the room I share with my friends, beginning to think about Mother. How will she react? Obviously she'll try something, and it's my job as his older brother to make sure she doesn't hurt him. And the Slytherins, I imagine Bellatrix will have them all gang up on him like they did me last year. I'll have to keep a very close eye on him, but what if they try something during his classes? Hopefully he uses the mirror to let me, or if anything, James know. One of us will always have that mirror, and I don't care if we have to take shifts.
"Sirius, are you okay?", I nearly bump right into the door until I hear Remus' voice. I look up, and see him, and nod.
"Yes, yes, fine, just thinking.", I reply, and he nods, unpacking everything from his trunk, and I begin to do the same. "Where's James and Peter?"
"Peter had to go to the library, but he was nervous about those fourth years again, so James agreed to go with him while I waited for you here.", he answers. For a moment we don't say anything, and he takes a deep breath. "About what you said at the end of last year…"
"Yes?", my heart stops for a moment, realizing he meant how I blurted out my feelings for him right when we went to leave for the summer then ran off in fear that he wouldn't feel the same.
"Did you mean it?"
"Well, good. It would be very awkward for me to confess I feel the same way if you didn't mean it, now wouldn't it?", I smile in relief, feeling a huge weight off my chest, and I run over and hug him. He wraps his arms around me, chuckling. "Looks like a good way to start off the school year, huh?"
"You have no idea. Merlin, everything really is looking up."
"Careful with that, Sirius, because if you jinx us on the first day of school, I'll hex you!", James' voice snaps playfully, as him and Peter walk in. He smirks over at Pete, who rolls his eyes, sighs, and hands him a galleon.
"You two couldn't wait two more months?", he huffs, and we all laugh, and collapse on our beds.
"Gotta admit, not too bad. Think I got a shot with-"
"James, you could drink an enter bottle of Felix Felicis and still have no shot with Evans.", I cut him off, and in return, a pillow hits my face.
"I'll marry that girl one day!"
"Sure, sure."
"You just wait and see, Black, you just wait and see.", I roll my eyes.
"Hey, hand me your half of the magic mirror.", he pulls it out of his pocket and hands it over.
"Give your half to Regulus?"
"He needs it."
"Didn't say he didn't."
"Guys, we better get some sleep. Big day tomorrow."
"Oh, right, first day of classes. Ugh!", I hit my head on the pillow dramatically, and the others laugh.
"More like first day of pranks."
"Do you have a plan, James?"
"Not quite finished yet, but there is one in the making."
"Nothing on Regulus yet, though-"
"Of course not, I wouldn't prank him the first day. I'll let him get more use to us and let him know it's just how we are before I even consider."
"Good, good. Then who do you have in mind?"
"Your dearest cousin is who.", I look up, interested.
"Go on."
"I'll let you know when I have the full details, but let's just say, she'll definitely remember the Gryffindor House colors by the time I'm done."
"I like it.", Remus rolls his eyes.
"Like I said, we should get some rest if we're going to pull that off. Good night, mates."
"Good night.", we all reply in unison, and I look over at Remus before pulling the covers on top of me, and he looks at me. I smile, and close my eyes, for the first time in months, fall asleep without having a nightmare.
I look over at my four other roommates, who all stare at me with great awe.
"You take after your brother, I guess.", one boy with light blond hair and dark blue eyes smiles. "I like it. Name's Will."
"I'm Kyle.", the other with brown hair and brown eyes nods.
"Cole.", red hair and gray eyes, much similar to mine.
"And last, and certainly not least, Kevin.", the boy with dark black hair and shining blue eyes nods, and shakes my hand.
"We know, trust me, mate, we know.", Kevin laughs, and I smile slightly. "Impressive, by the way, making the hat think so long, and to end up in Gryffindor."
"Did the hat speak to you?"
"Yes.", I answer. "Just talked about Sirius… said it thinks I'm more like my brother than the rest of my family, so Gryffindor it was."
"What do you think of that?"
"I agree.", I reply, and they all nod.
"Well, personally, I think we should get some rest. We have a big day tomorrow, and I want to be prepared.", Will says, with a slight smile, as he finishes unpacking. "Goodnight, mates."
"Goodnight.", we all say in unison, and with that, I get ready for bed, pulling my shirt off, and quickly putting a night shirt on. I'm much like Sirius in the terms of heat, I hate wearing shirts to bed. My body warms very easily and I just feel suffocated. However, due to a large scar on my chest, not to mention Merlin knows how many bruises, I decide it'll be best to hide them. I crawl into bed, pull the curtain around, and leave the covers off. I begin to lose myself in thought.
How are my parents reacting right now? What will they do to me once they find out? Disown me like they did Sirius? Hate me? Hurt me? I have no idea… and I'm terrified to find out. At least I still have Sirius, but what if he decides to spend more time with his friends than his little brother and then I'll really be alone? Could I potentially make friends with these four boys or will my next 7 years be hell like at home?
I feel a small tingle in my pocket and grab the magic mirror. My brother's face lights up a large smile, to which I return.
"Goodnight, Reg, sleep well. If you want, you can sit with us at breakfast tomorrow, but try and make friends with your roommates, alright?"
"I planned on it, Siri, everything's fine, don't worry."
"I know, remember, if anyone gives you trouble tomorrow-"
"Let you or one of the others know, I know.", he nods.
"Just checking. Goodnight, little brother."
"Goodnight.", his face disappears and I put the glass on the bedside, carefully covering it just in case, then fall into a restless sleep.
Remus' POV
I wake up in the dead of night when it feels like my back has been snapped right in two. I muffled a scream through my pillow, and sigh in relief when the others are still sound asleep. I get up and move my shoulders, only to increase the pain rather than relieve it. Cursing to myself, I lay back down, pulling the covers over my head and trying to go back to sleep.
"Remus? Are you alright?", I hear a hushed whisper, and Sirius' voice is filled with worry and concern.
"Fine, go back to sleep."
"Do you need some healing potion?", James' voice now fills the air lightly.
"I can go get some from McGonagall if you need.", Peter offers, and I smile slightly. I thought my friends were asleep.
"It's nothing, guys, I promise.", the full moon was just coming up is all. But I can't tell them that, because the only friends I ever had would think of me as a monster if they knew my secret. Sirius would think of me as a monster.
"If you say so… just wake us up if you change your mind, mate.", James says, and I nod.
"Thanks. Goodnight."
"Goodnight.", they reply, and we all adjust to get more comfortable.
You can't hide this from them forever.
I can try.