The Neverending Argument Chapter One

In the vast emptiness of space, in a place where time it's just a possibility and not inevitability, two hyper-intelligent, fifth-dimensional and nearly all-powerful beings were engaged in an argument that could very well define the future of all universes.

"He can't."

"Yes he can."

"No he can't."


"Shut up, just shut up already!"

Bat-Mite was deeply regretting the invite he sent his sister (now calling herself Spider-Maniac) to join his totally awesome Superhero Fan Club, she just wouldn't get it: Batman is the greatest superhero that is and not that lame spider-guy she keeps ranting about. Sometimes he even wondered how they could be related to each other since they didn't share even a common trait (Well except for the fact that they were both huge nerds and completely biased in their opinion about superheroes).

"Yours doesn't even have any powers, seriously bro, Spidey could wipe the floor with your guy without even breaking a sweat." she said with a smirk.

"Puh-lease, Batman has taken the whole justice down by himself, and need I remind you that it includes Superman. How can you expect that clown to beat him." He retorted.

"Yeah well…Spidey beats the Sinister Six like all the time and alone also."

"Pfft! Did you seriously just compared the Justice League to that bunch of losers." now the smirk was on his face.

"Never mind Webs is still the coolest."

At this point Bat-Mite was rubbing his eyes. He didn't want to keep this up so he came with an idea.

"Look, there's a simple way of solving this. We just make them fight each other and whoever wins is the best."

"I don't want to do that, that has been done like a billion times already" she complained. "I think we should do something different."

"Like what?"

And there it was again that face his sister loves to make, a face that says I'm-better-and-smarter-than-you-at-everything.

"Why don't we swap them?"

"HELL NO! I'd never give you Batman, plus he's worth at least a hundred bug-boys."

"That's not what I meant. Why don't we make Spidey and the Bat-creep swap universes and see who fares better?"

"Hmmm" He hated to admit it (Mainly because she would keep on reminding him that it was her idea) but that was actually a great plan.

"OK" He agreed.

"But we should make it a bet."

"What do you got in mind?" She asked.

"The Loser (That's you) will write a eight billion words essay explaining how the winner's (That's' me) hero is the best, oh, and also will have to do the dishes FOR ALL ETERNITY."



Then they shook hands thus sealing the fate of both heroes.


In his thirteen years of as a vigilante Batman has seen everything, from Shape-shifting Martians to an island populated by fierce amazons and let's not forget a giant starfish with telepathy. But now for the first time in his life he felt really confused. Just a moment ago he was fighting killer croc outside of the ACE Chemicals factory in Gotham and now he was 250ft above the ground plummeting to his death. He was also on a different city (New York he thought after a quick glance) and there was a costumed man on top of a glider that zoomed past him all while laughing like a maniac (This laugh sent shivers down his spine, it was too much like joker's).He shot his grappling gun at the glider and used the momentum from the pull to swing onto a rooftop, then he took a closer look at the man. He was wearing a tattered orange cloak above a chainmail shirt and had a demonic looking mask with fiery eyes and needle-sharp teeth. The mask looked back at him seemingly un-amused.

"Where's the sspider?" he hissed.

Batman shook his head."Don't know what tour talking about"

"Ssspider-man where is he?" He asked again while grabbing two pumpkin shaped bombs from his pouch.

"Last chance. Tell me where Spider-man or I'll have to splatter your guts all over this building.

I have to try and get information from this guy, best to capture him conscious. Batman train of thought was already running through all the possible scenarios and picking the best way to take him down.

"I WARNED YOU!" Said Hobgoblin while speeding his glider towards Batman and throwing the pumpkin bombs at the vigilante. Unfazed the Dark Knight threw two batarangs at the bombs which exploded mid-air obscuring the villain's sight with a cloud of smoke, and then he activated one short range EMP emitter from his utility belt thus disabling the glider and sending hobgoblin crashing into the roof. Not wasting a second Batman jumped on the villain and cuffed him (Using the reinforced cuffs just in case this lunatic was a meta). He then dragged the villain over to the ledge of the building lifting him on one hand.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Hobgoblin and you just make a great mistake newbie". Then he opened his mouth and a high pitch scream came out forcing Batman to drop him as he felt a searing pain taking over his senses. A few seconds later Hobgoblin was already mounted on his glider and flying away.

"When I get this thing out" He said nodding to the cuffs "I'm going to be back for you, and you're going to regret this day". He said before disappearing.

Batman didn't register the threat as he had got all the information he needed:

-It's Daytime in New York but in Gotham was Night.

-This guy didn't know Batman which was strange as he was a founding member of the Justice League.

-He never heard of Spiderman or Hobgoblin (And Batman kept track of every known hero and villain)

-He couldn't contact oracle or the Bat-cave.

Dam it, he thought, I'm in another dimension.

The Spider

A body in motion will maintain it's motion until met with a force. Peter Parker knew this law of physics by heart being a science geek and all-around nerd. But he was still surprised when his very fast motioning body met with the tremendous force of Killer Croc's fist appearing out of nowhere and sending him crashing into a wall.

Waylon Jones wasn't a cunning man but even him couldn't help but notice that suddenly the Bat had transformed into a young man currently flat against a wall and dressed in a not to discreet fashion. Waylon didn't care, all the best for him, now he won't have to fight the bat to deliver the drugs and get paid. He was slowly making his way to the sewers when he heard a thwip and was spun around to face the aforementioned man in a weird crouching position.

"Hey ugly, I didn't say you could leave."

A/N: Hey there, this is my first fic and I know that it will probably will be ridden with mistakes, mainly cuz english is not my native language. But anyway feel free to criticize, after all I cant get better if I dont learn from my mistakes.

Also nex chapters will be twice as long as this one and will alternate characters: first Spidey, then Batman, then Spidey again.