I wake up to sunlight streaming in through the window and a tray on my nightstand. I prop myself up on my elbow and groan as a headache rolls through my head.
Oh yeah. I'm hungover.
I look over the contents of the tray. A still-hot mug of tea and two plastic cups with pills in them. On closer examination, one cup holds the antidepressants Hera decided I need, and the other holds ibuprofen. A feeling of warmth spreads through my chest. Percy must have left these here, because Hera never would have. I pop the pills into my mouth and wash them down with the tea. It's chamomile - one of my favorites.
I slide out of my bed and catch sight of myself in the mirror. I can't help but to gasp; I wear the same dress as I did last night, but now it is wrinkled and clings awkwardly to my skin. Makeup has formed dark circles like a raccoon's mask around my eyes. I avert my eyes from the awful reflection and shed the dress immediately, kicking it under the bed. Out of sight, out of mind, right?
The shower scalds my skin but I don't adjust the temperature. I make extra care to wash my face thoroughly, ridding it of the reminders of last night. I shiver as Percy's words echo in my ears: Do you wonder why your family sent you back? Because you're clearly still addicted to it all, Annabeth.
He's right, of course. I'm a fucking addict.
I get out of the shower and toss my dripping hair into a quick french braid that trails bits of water down my spine. It's almost a relief to put on the Home's fresh, clean clothes. They aren't fashionable, but they're better than the dress.
The door swings open and I jump. Percy stands in the doorway, dark shadows circling his eyes. It looks like he slept on his hair and didn't bother to brush it when he woke up. Even so, the bright green of his eyes causes the pulse in my throat to quicken. Stop it, I scold myself.
"Hera wants you downstairs for Circle," is all he says. We walk downstairs to the first floor in silence, and I can't help but to replay his words again and again. You are at the Home for a reason. To get better!
I decide to make more of an effort on doing what I came here to do. We reach Circle and I sit down in the first chair I see, next to Hazel and another empty seat. Percy disappears again. I try not to look disappointed.
Hera's beady eyes find me. She smiles an artificial looking grin. "Annabeth! How are you this morning?"
I swallow down my distaste. I need to make an effort. I know I will not be able to smile, so I settle for not scowling as I reply. "Good. Thanks for asking."
Okay. It may have sounded a little bit sarcastic.
The other kids shuffle in and sit in the rough circle of chairs. Piper sits on my left, holding her hand to her forehead as she casts me a look from the corner of her eye. Her orderly must not have given her painkillers. I feel appreciation for Percy course through my veins, and feel suddenly very agreeable. I notice the corner of a hickey sticking out from the collar of her shirt but choose not to comment on it.
"Let's begin," says Hera when everyone is settled. "We're doing partner activities today."
I cast a hopeful glance at Piper before Hera's voice cuts through the room. "I have taken the time to arrange partners for you!"
I groan inwardly. Hazel, small as she already is, seems to shrink further in on herself. I feel a flash of pity for the younger girl. Hera speaks again. "Piper darling, you'll go with Jason." Piper casts a sly glance at me before sauntering over to the blonde. His cheeks flush slightly and I grin. "Hazel, you'll be with Frank. Nico and Leo, together please. And Annabeth..." she sighs and looks around the circle at the three pairs. "We'll put you with an orderly."
I don't know whether or not I'm hoping for her to put me with Percy. "Jackson!" Hera calls. "Come partner up with Annabeth."
Jackson. Is that his last name? It must be, because he slides into the chair next to mine. He doesn't meet my eyes. He must be angry with me. I don't blame him. I've done nothing but act like a bitch around him. Oh, yeah, I basically forced myself on him too.
I feel instantly terrible for him. He's been nothing but good to me. "Okay. Talk with your partner about your current struggles."
"Oh," I sigh.
Percy's mouth tightens. "You go first."
"Um, well...I need to lay off of...alcohol, and cigs, and other things." I groan. "God, why does this feel so damn corny?"
"Because it is." He's smiling a little bit now. I smile too. Maybe this exercise won't be as bland as I'd feared. Maybe he's not even mad at me.
If he isn't, he should be, I think. And there is something off about his smile, and his sea green eyes still drift from his knotted hands to the floor to the ceiling, everywhere but me.
I shiver.
I'm so, so tired. Any chance I had at sleep last night disappeared after I left Annabeth in her room, curled into her sheets with her blonde curls spiraling her head like a halo. I'd had to leave as fast as I could before I did something I would regret.
The entire night, the memory of Annabeth pressed up against the random guy at the club had released the most awful torrent of jealousy I've ever felt. Knowing that he got to touch her, kiss her, do what he wanted with her, and there be no consequence? It made my blood boil. Even though I knew she was safely tucked away in her room - I'd kept checking on her - the agitation never ceased. I eventually let myself just wander the grounds, letting my footsteps echo in the silence, let myself succumb to another sleepless night.
I shouldn't be letting anything get in the way of my thoughts for maintaining and keeping this job, making money to support my mom with. But the prospect of quitting and taking Annabeth and getting out of here is almost too good to not fantasize over - just thinking of it makes me giddy.
But I never could. It's an idea and nothing more. I need the money. I need to keep Mom safe and healthy and alive.
I sigh and lean against the handle of my mop. Cleaning duty is the worst, especially when I'm low on sleep. The floors already look spotless, so there's barely a point. Still, I can't be caught slacking. I need this job.
Thank the Gods it's dinnertime. I leave the mop in a nearby broom closet and head to the kitchens to pick up Annabeth's dinner. Each week cycles through the exact same meals on their assigned days. Today, it's a small bowl of broccoli and cheddar soup with a tuna melt. And water, of course. Always water. Hera hates to see anyone drinking anything but.
I make my way up to her room, my pulse in my throat. I didn't make eye contact with her at all today, too afraid that I would see something, anything in those gray orbs. Afraid, also, that my self control would become as fleeting as it had been last night.
I knock on her door with my elbow; my hands are full. She pulls it open, her cheeks flushed, wearing a pair of the Home's simple white cotton shorts and a plain gray tank top.
"Dinner," I say, unnecessarily. I look down at the tray in my hands instead of into her eyes, because if I see them, I know there will be nothing I can do - I am so glad to have the stupid tray in my hands, because without it I'm not sure what I would do with them. She lets me in and shuts the door behind me with a soft click.
I walk in and set the tray on her bedside stand and quickly turn away, needing to leave as soon as possible, before she can say anything -
"Hey," she says. I can't help it. I pause mid step.
I turn to face her again, and let my eyes stick to the floorboards. "Yes?" Even to me, my voice sounds tight.
In my periphery, she recoils slightly. "I just wanted to say I'm sorry," she tells me.
Sorry? She's sorry? I'm the one who should be sorry, for feeling this way around her. My patient! A choking laugh rises in my throat and comes out as a rasping cough. "For what?" I ask.
I watch her take one, two steps forwards. "I've been awful," Annabeth says. I am glad I'm looking at the floor so I don't have to see her perfect lips forming the words. "I've also never really thanked you for anything you've done for me, which is a lot, to be honest with you." She pauses for a moment. "Hey, look at me."
And before I can react, her narrow, cool fingers wrap around my chin and our eyes lock. My breath catches in my throat, because her eyes are wide and the most perfect gray, and her lips are slightly parted, her cheeks pinked by the warm air. "You don't need to apologize." My voice is rough. "I'm the one who should be sorry," I tell her, the words jumping from my lips as if they have a life of their own.
"Why would you be sorry?" Her eyebrows are pulled together, he head slightly tilted to the right.
I force a breath from my lungs. "Sorry for feeling the way that I do."
She takes a sharp breath, and I flinch. Now is when she will scream at me to get out, to report me to Hera, to make sure I am never hired again..."Feeling the way that you do?" Her voice is soft.
I groan. "Gods, Annabeth, can't you see that it's killing me? I can't pretend it's fine because it's not, and it never will be for me. I just...I'm trying so hard just to resist..." The torrent of words flood from my mouth. I really wish I could take them all back. I swear I do.
"Then don't," she says quietly, and her voice is slightly nervous. Those two words. Any resolve, any self control I still harbor, washes away like footprints on a beach. I don't remember moving my hands, but they've tightened around her arms, and I've shoved her back against the wall. I am -
I silence her gasp with my lips, finally claiming her lips with my own. She tastes sweet, like cinnamon and faintly of toothpaste, and another flavor I can't quite identify with my head spinning like this. I am -
Her hands lift, sliding painstakingly slow along my back, tangling in my hair. She is soft against me, her mouth moving against mine in such a way that I can barely form any thoughts at all. I am -
I pin her to the wall with my arms, feel the pulse slamming in her throat as my lips dip to meet the velvety soft skin of her neck.
I am ruined.
Woah there guys let's keep it PG.
Just kidding. Maybe.
Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! I was very very influenced by Lord of Shadows (book two in the Dark Artifices series by Cassandra Clare) to do the whole "I am ruined" thing. It seemed to fit his current mood. Man, Percy has some pent up emotions.
So, I'm going to be away for the next two weeks starting Saturday! I will not have any access to the internet and will have no way to write this story while I am there. I may knock out another chapter tomorrow and upload it, but that is extremely unlikely. Don't have your heart set on it. Either way, I'll be back in August with a brand new spankin' chapter and maybe some other things too.
Endless love for all of you! See you in two weeks.