Hey guys!

So, this is a new fandom for me, but here I am...Girl Meets World is such a GREAT show and it has made an impact on my life. This show has made me more confident in myself and stuff.

So I hope you enjoy this!! Please review!


Topanga smiled sadly at her family siting down in her shop. They all looked at her anxiously. Riley held onto Maya, trying to hold in the tears rimming in her eyes.

"I've made my choice," Topanga said. "We have a beautiful world here in New York with the best of friends and the best places. London is also a fantastic place with new places to explore. Our world here, though, is amazing. It's something I know you kids would never leave. But this is about me. This is my choice."

Riled squeezed Maya tighter and Maya squeezed her back.

"What I chose is what's best for us," Topanga explained. "I just hope you understand that."

"Does that mean...?" Auggie began.

Topanga nodded slowly.

"Yes, Auggie. We're moving to London."

Riley felt like the wind was knocked out of her. She couldn't breathe. Maya was the one to cry first. She let out a loud wail that the Matthews had never heard come from her mouth before. Riley let her tears spill and she cried along with Maya. The two held each other, sobbing into the other's shoulder.

Cory set Auggie in his lap and put his arm around Topanga. He gave her a sad, encouraging smile, but Topanga replied with a face full of regret.

"You chose what's best for us," Cory said. Topanga nodded, wiping a few tears away.

"I know. At least I hope I did."

After a few more moments of crying, Maya pulled away from Riley and stood up. Clearly, she was upset.

"Why do you have to go?" Maya snapped. "You really think that this is best for Riley? What about ME?! Who will I be with? Who will I talk to about my problems? Who will be here for me? Who will be there for Riley?"

"Maya," Cory began. "Sometimes things happen for a reason. A good reason, maybe. It may seem horrible at first..."

"I'm not in the mood for one of your lessons, Matthews!" Maya shouted. "I need my specific answers. WHY is this best for you? Is it about the money? Riley will be separated from the best friends she's ever known! And she can never replace us!...right, Riley?"

Riley heard the doubt in Maya's voice and stood up by her side, linking arms with her.

"No one can ever replace you guys, Maya. Especially you."

Maya began crying again. "I don't know what I'll do without you. I'll be lost and lonely. We'll be separated for real, with thousands of miles of distance between us."

"Maya," Topanga said. "Riley had had the best life with you. You two have had so many adventures. But don't you think it's fair that Riley starts having new ones?"

"Without me?" Maya squeaked. Riley hugged her close.

"You'll always be with me, Maya. Maybe not physically, but spiritually."

"Typical cliche Riley," Maya mumbled, managing a light smile. "I love you, Riley Matthews."

"I love you too, Maya Hart."

"It's Hunter now. Maya Hunter."

Riley smiled widely. "I love it."

The two girls sat back down in their seats and turned to each other.

"Maya, promise me this?" Riley asked.


"Time and distance have no power over us. You and I are together for as long as we live."

Maya looked at Riley. "Thunder," she said, holding up her ring.

"Lightening," Riley replied, holding up hers and grabbing Maya's hand.


The two best friends smiled at each other.


Maya climbed in though the bay window to find Riley packing. Her room was full of packed boxes. Most of the decorations from the bay window were packed away. The sight made Maya's heart stop.

It had been a few weeks since Topanga's decision and she told her boss she would move as soon as possible. Most of their house was full with boxes. They only had about a week left of packing before they were finished. Then they could move onto goodbyes...

"It looks like a busy day in Riley Town with lots of renovations," Maya announced in her air-microphone. Riley turned around from her latest box she was packing and grinned widely.

"Look, Riley Town residents! We have a guest! Let's welcome her warmly.

Maya rolled her eyes. "You're too cute."

"I know!" Riley jumped up to her feet and hugged Maya tightly. "Bay window?"

"Well, what's left of it," Maya replied. She and Riley sat down together with their knees touching. Riley took Maya's hand and breathed deeply. Maya squeezed her hand and let Riley rest her head on her shoulder.

"I'm so scared, Maya."

"I know. Me too."

"I don't know how to live life without you," Riley said. "I'll be a stranger in London. What if no one likes me? Or worse! What if I'll start talking in a British accent?"

Maya chuckled. "That'd be pretty scary. But you'd sound good with one. Go ahead, try to speak in a British accent."

" 'ello, Maya. The name's Riley. I love..."

"Stop." Maya cringed. "You might need a little more work with that."

"I'm hopeless," Riley whined. "I won't belong in London."

"Well, you belong in Riley Town," Maya Said. "Riley, don't forget to pack Riley Town with you. That's the most important thing for you to pack. It's what makes you YOU. And if nobody likes you for who you are, well then they don't know what they're missing."

Riley laid her head back down on Maya. "Thanks, Maya."

They say in silence, having their moment. Everything was quiet. The street, the apartment, the buildings across from theirs. It was as if time just stopped for the two of them. Riley felt a tear trickle down her face. She didn't bother to wipe it. She didn't bother to wipe the ones that fell after that. Soon she was crying a little harder, but still silently. Maya squeezed her hand.


"Yeah?" Riley sniffled.

"What are you thinking about?" Maya wondered.

"I was just thinking...what if there's no bay window in London?"

Maya felt tears roll down her own face and she ran her fingers through Riley's hair, soothing her.

"Somethings we just have to learn to let go of," Maya explained. "...like each other."

Riley sat up quickly and looked into Maya's eyes.

"But not forever, right? We promised each other we'd always be friends and stay together. Isn't that right?"

"Of course," Maya said. "But...sometimes reality has a different plan and tries to push us away from each other."

"As if that's not happening right now," Riley mumbled.

"What I'm saying is, Riley...we have to let go of each other a little bit. It'll only make things harder if we try holding on as hard as we can. Because you and I both know life won't make it or let it be easy."

"But...what if we forget our promise while letting go? What if I lose you?"

"You'll never lose me," Maya promised. Riley hugged her best friend tightly, not ready to let her go.


"I'm so glad you could make it," Topanga said, answering the door to some more guests. It was a Friday evening and the Matthews were having a "Goodbye Party." The next day, Saturday afternoon, they would fly off to London and leave New York and their friends behind. Most of their belongings were shipped over to London earlier in the week.

"What are we going to do without you, Riley?" Farkle asked, sitting down on Riley's bed with the other friends. "Your moving doesn't just affect you. It affects all of us."

Riley looked at her friends' faces. Smackle, Farkle, Zay, Lucas, Maya...oh Maya.

"Yeah, Riley," Lucas spoke. "How are you going to cope without us? How are we going to cope without you?"

"I don't know." Riley dropped her arms by her side. "I don't know how to do anything without you guys."

Smackle stood up and walked over to Riley (who was standing before her friends that were on her bed) and opened up her arms. Riley fell right into the hug. She held onto Smackle for a while, but eventually pulled away.

"Thanks, Smackle. I'm going to miss your hugs."

She nodded, sitting back down by Farkle.

"We're really going to miss you, Riley," Zay said.

"I'm going to miss you guys beyond my imagination," Riley sighed. "Lucas? Willa I ever see you become a veterinarian?"

Lucas looked down at his hands before looking up to meet Riley's eyes. "I don't know, Riley. But what I do know is that this won't be the last we see of each other."

"Huckleberry's right," Maya said quietly. "We'll all see each other again."

"We will?" Riley asked, sitting on her empty bay window. The others got up and squeezed in beside her.

"Sure we will," Zay said. "Maybe when we're in college or something, but I'm sure we'll all see each other again."


"Yeah, Riley?"

"Do you believe this?"

"I do. We'll probably come and visit you in the summer or you could come visit us. When we all read college, you might apply for a college here in New York. You might enter the same one Maya might."

Maya give a half smile.

"We'll definitely see each other again," Farkle said. "But that doesn't make seeing you go any less painful."

"You guys can never be replaced. You're the best friends anyone could ever dream of having," Riley said.

"And you can never be replaced," Lucas reassured. "There's only one Riley in this world like you and you're so unique and kind and goofy and optimistic. I really going to miss having that Riley around."

"We all are," Zay replied.

"I love you guys so much," Riley said.

"We love you too, Riley," Maya responded. The whole group got into a group hug and then sat there on the bay window, quietly.

"Maybe we should go talk to the others," Farkle said. "Your relatives will probably want to see you."

"You're right," said Riley. "Let's go."

"I'll always be with you, Ava. Right here." Auggie touched her heart with his hand.

"Who will I boss around now? Who will do whatever I want them to do?" Ava's lip trembled.

"There's always Dewi," Auggie suggested.

"But no one is as good as you."

Josh Matthews smiled as he watched this little scene. It was sad, but sweet to see Auggie and Ava say their goodbye.

"I remember when someone else was like that," Cory said. Josh looked over and rolled his eyes.

"Stop," he said.

"Little Josh and Emily, sitting in a tree," Cory winked.

Josh pointed at Cory. "My brother!"

"My brother!"

After a few moments of watching the kids, Cory asked, "How is college treating you?"

"Oh, boy, it's tough," Josh said. "But I'm enjoying it all the same."

"Well, you keep your studies up when I'm gone, you hear me?"

"I'm really gonna miss you, Cory."

"I'll miss you too, Josh."

After Riley said goodbye to other friends and relatives like her grandparents, Shawn and Katy, her uncle Eric, and others, she made her way back to her friends who were sitting on the living room bay window.

"Riley." Maya's eyes were wide like the grin on her face. "It's your uncle Boing."

"Oh, I almost forgot to talk to him," Riley replied. "Come on!"

Josh was sitting on the couch, still watching Auggie and Ava from a distance, when Riley and Maya walked up.

"Hey, Riley," Josh smiled. "Maya."

Maya half-smiled and nodded in greeting towards Josh.

"Continuing to play the long game?" He asked.

"Yep." Maya looked smug. "I don't stop playing games until I win them."

"My, you're competitive," Josh said.

"I am."

"So, uncle Josh..." Riley spoke. "I guess this is goodbye?"

PfJosh stood up. "Not for forever. We'll have visits. Plenty of them, I'm sure."

"That's nice to hear," Riley replied. Josh wrapped his arms around her and held her close.

"You be safe, okay? And be yourself. Don't let the world change you. YOU change the WORLD."

"Wow, that's...powerful, uncle Josh." Riley squeezed Josh tighter. "Thank you."


Riley and Josh pulled away from their hug and smiled at each other. Riley looked over and saw her dad and Shawn in deep conversation in a coroner. It made Riley sad to think that Cory and Shawn were being separated for real after all of these years.


She turned around to see Lucas.

"Hi," she smiled.



"Hi." Lucas shook his head. "Um...can we talk?"

"Sure," Riley nodded. "Where?"

Lucas took Riley's hand and led her out of the apartment. They walked down the hall, still hand in hand, and up to the roof. Lucas escorted Riley into the bench on the roof and sat beside her. They sat there awkwardly for a few minutes. Riley looked up at the stars.

"I don't want this night to end and leave tomorrow," Riley whispered.

"I feel you," Lucas said. "Look, Riley. Like we said before, you will always be my first girlfriend. You're very special to me and I love you a

whole lot."

Lucas swallowed. "But I don't think a long distance relationship will work. It's not because i don't like you or anything, because that's not the truth. It's just that-"

"Lucas." Riley grabbed his hand. "I know. I understand. It's for the best."

Lucas nodded. "I love you, Riley Matthews. Know that I'd do anything for you."

"As I would you."

Lucas laced his fingers with Riley, strengthening their hand hold.

"Lucas, can you do me a favor?"


"Can you look after Maya for me?" She asked. "She's my best friend and she's really going to need me. I know she'll be lost and hurt and I can't be there for her physically. Please watch out for her."

"Of course."


Riley gazed at the dark sky again. It was specked with a few bright stars.

"We should head back down," Riley sighed, standing up.

"Wait." Lucas stood up and grabbed hold of her wrist. She faced him.

"I don't want you to leave without this one last...gift. A remembrance of you and me."

"What is it?"

Lucas, smoothly, slid a piece of Riley's hair behind her ear before putting his hand on the side of her face, caressing it. When he put his other hand on the other side of her face, Riley's heart pounded. She looked deep into Lucas's blue eyes. Riley closed her eyes the moment before his lips touched hers. It was a magical moment. It was beautiful and sweet; much bigger and longer than their first kiss.

Their lips pulled apart, but their faces were still inches apart from each other. Riley opened her eyes and looked back st Lucas with so much longing.

"Lucas..." She whispered. Riley put her arms around Lucas's neck and Lucas put on hand on her waist, still keeping the other hand on her face. He pulled her back into another kiss, this one a little deeper. Their mouth opened and closed in a small rhythm, making Riley's heart beat faster and faster. This kids was more powerful than the other one they just had. Riley felt so secure during the kiss with Lucas caressing her face.

Soon they pulled away for air and looked deep into each other's eyes. Riley grinned at Lucas with her dancing eyes.

"You know those moments that you never forget?" Lucas asked. "This is one of those moments."


Riley looked down at her room. It was completely empty, except for her bed which Shawn would have all of their furniture shipped over to them later.

In one hour, Riley would leave to the airport to go to London and leave behind the only life she'd known.

Riley sighed and sat down on her bay window. Not a minute later, Maya crawled through the window. She sat down by Riley and took her hand. Riley bit her lip to keep from crying, but that didn't last long.

"Oh, Maya!" She sobbed, hugging her best friend. Maya hugged her back, crying as hard as Riley. "I'm not ready to leave you. Not now, not ever!"

Maya ran her fingers through Riley's hair. "And I'm not ready to see you leave."

"We'll always be together spiritually, but not physically. It's not enough!"

"Don't leave me, Riley!"

"If I had a choice, I wouldn't. But this is my mom's choice."

The girls broke away from the hug, but still held hands. Both of them felt so sick at the thought of leaving each other.

"Maya, can you promise me something?"


"Can we try to FaceTime each other every night? I can't go a day without seeing your face."

"That's a great idea. Of course."

The best friends spent the rest of their last hour together talking about their future, guys, typical teenage girl talk, until they heard their door open. Topanga and Cory were there with sad smiles.

"I'm so sorry girls, but we're going to have to leave. We'll give you 5 more minutes," Cory said.

"Only five more?" Maya got up and hugged Riley's parents. "I'm going to miss you guys. and I'm going to miss your lessons, Matthews."

"Don't worry, I'll still send you assignments," Cory jokes. Topanga and Cory pulled away from the hug.

"Goodbye Maya. We love you."

And then the door was shut. Maya turned to face Riley, but she was already up and on her feet, scooping her into s hug.

"Please don't go. Please don't go," Maya sobbed over and over. The two girls rocked from side to side, supporting each other. Maya's years stained Riley's shirt, by Riley also cried into Maya, soaking her shirt too.

"I love you, Maya. Don't forget me."

"Forget you? How could I?"

The girl continued to cry, but lightened it. They sat back down on the bay window. Riley stormed the smooth wood of the window. This was the last time she would ever sit here again. She was glad she and Maya would share this last bay window moment together.

"Don forget to face time," Riley said.

"I won't," Maya daid. "Don't forget to change the world. Make London love you."

"Thanks. I will."

Maya and Riley looked at the time. Their 5 minutes were up. Riley sighed sadly. Maya pulled her into a hug and kisses her forehead.

"I love you, Maya."

"I love you, Riley."

After their last moment together, Maya knew she had to go.

She pulled away from the embrace and kissed Riley's cheek.

"Goodbye, Peaches."

Maya smiled at Riley. "Goodbye, Riley."

As the last tear slid down Maya's face, like the first day she entered Riley's life by crawling through her window, she exited Riley's life by crawling back out.