Journey of Juubi
Chap 1
Disclaimer: Don't own Naruto
Four long years have passed since Naruto met Yoko, Ryoko, and Bahu, and he had started taking his training very seriously. He had immediately confided in Hiruzen and Tsunade what he had learned. Both were skeptic at first, but gradually accepted it. He had quickly started his physical training, while Yoko taught him kage bunshins to help with his other training. Hiruzen and Tsunade had immediately gotten him started on chakra control exercises, and were shocked to see how fast Naruto caught on, and his use of kage bunshins to help speed up his training. The first year was spent entirely on chakra control and physical training. The second year Naruto learned how to throw and use kunai and shuriken, as well as starting him on using weapons. The third year was spent learning about his elemental affinities. Much to Hiruzen and Tsunade's utter shock, Naruto could use all five major affinities. Another thing that happened during the third year was Yoko and Bahu started him on fuinjutsu, while Ryoko helped him with medical ninjutsu. The fourth and final year was spent doing more advanced chakra control exercises, learning the Rasengan and Hirashin, utilizing his biju and sage chakra, and learning about some of his recently awakened kekkei genkais. Unfortunately, Naruto's relationship with his parents and Jiraiya never changed. In fact it only worsened, when Naruto overheard his parents quietly speaking.
Naruto was just finished reading an advanced elemental ninjutsu scroll, and decided it was time he would get a glass of water. Stepping out of his room, he quickly made his way to the kitchen, grabbing a glass of water, and finished it. He was about to head back to his room, when he heard talking. "Kushi-chan, I think we should think about having our daughters take over the clan heir positions" Minato said. "are you sure Mina-kun" Kushina asked? "I mean Tsunade isn't exactly thrilled we're adopting her clan into this" she said. "I know, but it'll work itself out" Minato said. "Mina-kun, you do know Naruto will be furious when he finds out" Kushina finished? Minato cringed, as he just now remembered his son. "Don't remind me, we will just explain to him he isn't going to be clan heir." "Sorry to say, but he isn't strong from what I know, but your right." "we make the announcement on their birthday in a few months."
After learning of his clan heir status being denied, Naruto had approached his sisters and informed them of what was happening.
A few nights later, Naruto was fast asleep in his room, when he heard the door open. Naruto felt someone shake him awake. "Wake up brother" a feminine voice said. "WHO!" "WHAT!", "WHEN!", "WHERE!", "HOW!" , "WHY!" Naruto shot out the bed onto the ceiling, using his chakra to grip the surface. Looking down, he saw Natsuki, Naomi, and Narumi looking up at him, all three "trying not to burst into laughter. "DON'T EVER DO THAT!" Naruto said, as he put one hand to his racing heart.
"uh oh!"
With that Naruto lost his grip, and crashed onto the floor landing between his sisters. "Naruto, are you all right" Natsuki asked? "Peachy, if you mind a ten foot drop" Naruto said. "We were wondering if we could sleep here, since there's a really bad storm outside" Naomi said? "I don't mind" Naruto replied. "I actually wanted to tell you guys something anyway" Naruto said. "Apparently, Minato and Kushina see fit to have me removed as clan heir, and plan on giving you three that honor." "W-Wait, wouldn't that mean" Naomi asked scared of the answer? "Naruto will be banished forever from our clans" Natsuki said softly. ""B-But you're our big brother" Narumi said, tears in her eyes. "About that" Naruto said itching his head. "I recently found out a few nifty secrets: one of which is my DNA isn't close to yours. You see, I'm a direct descendent or reincarnation of Hagaromo Otsusuki, or as most commonly call him: the Rikudo Sennin." "I'm only your brother by name" Naruto said. "What our parents and Jiraiya don't know is that Kyuubi was able to regain her power once her soul was sealed within me." "Wait, does that mean we don't have any of her chakra" Naomi asked? "You all still carry the same portion of her chakra, but here's something to remember: do not become solely dependent on that for a power-up" Naruto said. "In fact you should learn things like fuinjutsu, kenjutsu, or bojutsu so you'll have something to fall back on" Naruto finished. "We'll keep your secret safe Naruto" Narumi said.
It was finally the triplet's birthday, and Naruto woke up early to make his last minute preparations for his escape. All across Konoha the people were preparing for the Kyuubi festival.
Later that night, the party was in full swing. All of the clan heads, save Fugaku and Hiashi, were in attendance. There was also Hiruzen Sarutobi, both Jiraiya and Tsunade, Minato's two former students Kakashi Hatake and Rin Nohara, Kushina's three students Kurenai Yuhi, Yugao Uzuki, and Hana Inuzuka, Kushina's two former teammates: Mikoto Uchiha, and Hikari Hyuuga. Naruto stood off to the side, watching everything, when he felt a chakra signature at the upper level. Quietly sneaking away, he snuck upstairs to the highest point of the mansion, where Itachi was waiting. "Hello itachi, is your job finished" Naruto asked? "Yes, only Sasuke is left, and he's on his way to the hospital for trauma from my Tsukiyomi" Itachi said. "By the way, this is from both Shissui and myself" Itachi said handing Naruto a storage scroll. Unsealing the contents, Naruto was surprised to find several scrolls on various ninjutsu, and his own version of Anbu armor. "Thanks Itachi" Naruto said, as they departed.
Once they reached the gate and were well on their way, Naruto made a ram seal.
All over the village, several short flashes ignited, before large explosions were rocking the area.
The loud explosion caught the attention of everyone present, as a sudden shockwave rocked the estate. Instantly, Minato went into Hokage mode.
"ANBU!" he shouted, as several masked shinobi appeared in front of their leader. "You are to find out what is going on, and report back ASAP" Minato said. "Attention everyone, the party is now officially over." "Thank you all for attending, and be safe going home" Minato said. Once the guests were gone, only Kakashi, Jiraiya, and Kushina remained standing. "Mina-kun, we're joining in as well" Kushina said. "You three are with me then" Minato said. Sending the girls to their room, and sealing them in, the four quickly headed for the Hokage Tower.
Once they left, Nono, Mikoto, Hikari, Nayori, Rin, Shizune, Yukimi, Hanare, and Tsunade raced like bats out of hell, trying to escape before the village was on lockdown.
Naruto and Itachi were patiently waiting at an inn on the outskirts of the border of Hi no kuni, when the others joined them.
Currently, Minato, Kushina, and Jiraiya were glaring at a cowering Anbu. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU COULDN'T FIND ANYTHING" a furious Minato shouted? "H-Hokage-sama, all we could recover was small pieces of paper bomb clusters" The anbu said. "They were all in placed in places where minimal damage would occur." "we found one cluster in the market district, another was found in the abandoned district, while another was located in the forest of death, and the last ones were found on the outskirts of the village." "Very well, your dismissed" Minato said, as the shinobi left. "Now what Mina-kun" Kushina asked? "We go home, and to sleep" Minato said exhausted. "We'll figure this all out tomorrow." With that the three left.
Early the next morning, Kushina was making her way to where she "thought" Naruto's room was. Knocking on the door, she received no answer. "Sochi, can I come in" Kushina asked? No response. She tried again, and got the same response. She tried pulling the doorknob, only to find it locked. Growling low in her throat, Kushina finally bum-rushed the door.
Once Kushina knocked open the door, she was assaulted with a extra large helping of dust. Coughing and hacking out all of the dust, Kushina finally looked around, and didn't see anything, save a completely brown room. "S-Sochi's not here" she whispered, as she didn't see anything. "Kushi-chan, what's going on" Minato asked? "S-Sochi isn't in here" Kushina said. "I-I was going to explain why his clan heir status was given to his sisters" Kushina said. For the next hour and a half, the two looked up and down every cranny, until they found a room in the forgotten sub-level. Upon entering, both were shocked to find Their three daughters curled up in a large bed. Each girl cuddled a cute fox plushie in their arms. "Is there something any of us can help you with hokage-sama" Natsuki asked blankly? Minato and Kushina visibly flinched under the girls' combined gazes. ""If you're looking for Naruto, then don't bother" Naomi said. "Naruto-san is long gone, and no longer your concern" Narumi finished. "You see Naruto told us he had already known about you giving away his birthrights, and told us" Natsuki said. "Don't think we haven't figured it out" Naomi said sneering. "You two and that baka Jiraiya have ruined this family, and that is unforgiveable, especially for an Uzumaki, isn't that right lady Uzumaki-Namikaze" Narumi venomously spat? "If anything, Naruto is stronger than all three of us, both individually and combined" Natsuki said, smirking deviously at the looks of pure shock on Minato and Kushina. Both looked like they could crap and wet themselves ten times over, as they were numb. "I think we broke them" Naomi said? "Hokage-sama, Lady Kushina, you should also know, due to adopting Tsunade baa-chan and the Senju into our clan, we found a few interesting things" Narumi said. "As of this moment, you both are no longer fit for your clan head status." "Furthermore, since you are no longer incharge of our training, we will train how Naruto taught us." "Oh and Hokage-sama, be prepared" Narumi said cryptically, as the triplets left two numb parents in their wake.
Naruto and his small group were resting in the inn on the border of Hi no kuni. "What's the plan now Naruto" Tsunade asked, sipping on sake? "I was planning on heading west to see what lies in the western lands for the next few years" Naruto said. "First, we'll have to pass through Kirigakure" he said, as Mikoto, Nayori, and Hikari shivered. "We can leave in a few hours" Tsunade said, as everyone agreed.
The group slowly made their way through the misty mountain range, heading towards a small port on the other side. They were completely unaware of a figure watching them. "We should stop and take a quick breather" Naruto said, as the group nodded. Naruto broke away from the others, and found a small clearing. Walking deeper into the clearing, Naruto was alerted to a light rustling. Looking to the sound, he saw a girl his age with beautiful white hair and silver eyes looking at him. The girl lunged at him in a feral tackle, only for Naruto to dodge. Recovering quickly, the girl brought her fingers up to fire bone projectiles at Naruto. "WOW!" "HOLD IT!" Naruto dodged again, and looked carefully at the girl. She looked to be malnourished and haggard. Things got worse when two Kiri-nins appeared. "Brat, hand over the Kaguya, and maybe we'll let you live" one said. "Sorry, but she's with me" Naruto said, standing protectively in front of the girl. "They're with us too" Tsunade said, as she and the others appeared; only they weren't alone. "This is too good of an opportunity to pass" the second Kiri-nin said. "Mizukage-sama will reward us handsomely for bringing the Kaguya, but now we can bring him two Uchiha, a Hyuuga, and the last Senju." "I don't think so" Naruto said, drawing a fuinjutsu seal.
"Fuinjutsu" Paralysis Freeze!"
The two Kiri-nin suddenly found themselves completely paralyzed. "W-What did you do brat" the first Kiri-nin asked horrified?" "Simple, I merely used a special seal I made for freezing any human in a radius of five feet" Naruto said. "Don't worry, It only lasts twelve hours." "Oh wait, aren't there wolves and bears in this place?" Both Kiri-nin paled in fear hearing that. "See 'ya" Naruto said, as he turned to the Kaguya, extending his hand.
"S-Sakuya Kaguya" she said tentatively shaking his hand.
End Chap 1
OC Bio:
Name: Natsuki Uzumaki-Namikaze
Age: 8 in ch 1./18 onward
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Violet
Bio: Natsuki is the heavy hitter of the triplets. Calm and reserved, Natsuki prefers to not get involved with situations unless forced.
Attire: Natsuki wears a black and blue version of Minato's outfit
Name: Naomi Uzumaki-Namikaze
Age: 8 in ch1./18 onwards
Hair Color: Fiery Red
Eye Color: Blue
Bio: Naomi is the brains of the triplets. Quiet and reserved, Naomi analyzes the situation, and is on par with Shikamaru in terms of Intelligence, but has a more crafty and wily air.
Attire: Naomi wears a black and green version of Minato's outfit.
Name: Narumi Uzumaki-Namikaze
Age: 8 in ch 1./18 onward
Hair Color: Burnt Orange
Eye Color: One Blue, while the other is violet
Bio: Narumi is the "mad" member of the triplets. She is the vocal one of the group. She is a "super prankster."
Attire: Narumi wears a black and purple version of Minato's outfit
A/N: In the next few chapters, I'm planning for Naruto and co to pick up a special weapon, but I'm not sure what each should get. If you guys have any suggestions, please leave it in a comment, review, or PH.
(I will accept any type of Asian weapon.)
Thank you, and for your help, and I'll let the suggestions flow for the next 3-4 chapters.
Happy April fool's and do not fall for any pranks
Read & Review