Beacon's Chef
DISCLAIMER: I have no rights, nor will I ever, to either One Piece or RWBY.
A/N: Hello everybody and welcome to Beacon's Chef. I was dicking around the other day when this idea popped into my head. One hour later, this story was born. As of right now, this is just going to be a series of loosely connected one shots, going in chronological order, though I may consider doing a full story on this in the future. If you couldn't tell, this focuses on our favorite cook, and if you don't know who that is, you really shouldn't call yourself a One Piece fan.
Without further ado, the story.
Beacon's Chef
The first time they met him, they realized what an amazing cook he is.
"Dinner will be provided for all of you. I suggest you eat well for tomorrow's initiation." Ozpin said into his microphone before leaving.
"That was… strange." Ruby commented.
"Yeah, almost as if he wasn't even there." Yang said. "Oh well, let's go get some grub!" The older sister of Ruby happily said.
"Ugh, cafeteria food is the worse." Ruby complained.
"This isn't Signal. Maybe it'll be marginally better." Yang said as she and her sister walked into the dining hall. Both immediately noticed a divine scent wafting through the hall.
"That smells amazing!" Ruby said while blissfully sniffing the air.
"So how does this work? Is there a line or…?" Yang asked as she looked around.
"That will not be necessary, mademoiselle." A new voice spoke up from behind the two girls. The sisters were slightly startled, but managed to hide it well. They turned around and found themselves looking at a peculiar sight. It was a boy, that much was obvious, and he seemed to be around Yang's age, maybe a year or two older. He was dressed in practical chef wardrobe, though the rolled up sleeves revealed toned, muscular forearms. He was fairly tall, just slightly shorter than Pyrrha with her heels on. He had a blonde goatee along with blonde hair. One of his eyes was covered by his bangs, but the other was free of any obtrusions. Ruby gasped in surprise when she saw his face.
"You have curly eyebrows!" Ruby exclaimed while pointing at the man's face.
"I am well aware." The blonde man grumbled. He had been expecting it, honestly. Velvet had pointed it out too when it was her first year, though she was much quieter about it.
"Is that natural?" Yang asked. She had to admit, whoever he was, he was fairly attractive.
"Unfortunately yes, though that doesn't matter. As I was saying, you won't have to wait in line or anything like that. Just tell me what you would like, and I will bring it to you as soon as I can." The man said while pulling out two chairs for Yang and Ruby to sit on.
"Oh, okay." Ruby said as she sat down. Yang followed suit, flattered at the man's chivalry.
"Now, what would two beautiful ladies such as yourselves like for dinner?" The man asked, a kind smiling adorning his face. Ruby blushed, not used to someone complimenting her looks while Yang, being much more used to such comments, took it in stride.
"Quite the charmer aren't ya?" Yang asked in amusement. It was amusing to see her sister so flustered over a small compliment. "So curly brows, what's on the menu tonight?" Yang asked. Though he normally hated comments on his eyebrows, the man let it slide. He couldn't bring himself to be angry at a woman as stunning as Yang.
"Anything you desire." The man promised.
"Anything?" Ruby asked in surprise.
"Yes. Just tell me and I will cook it to the best of my ability." The man said.
"Oh, so you're the cook?" Yang asked. She should have made the connection earlier, based off of his wardrobe.
"I an Beacon's resident chef, yes. Now, I hate to rush lovely ladies such as yourselves, but I am fairly busy tonight. What would you like to eat?" The man asked. Ruby blushed again, though it wasn't as prominent this time.
"How about some spaghetti?" Yang asked.
"Of course, and you?" The man asked Ruby.
"Can I have a cheeseburger with extra pickles?" Ruby asked.
"I will bring you a cheeseburger worthy of someone if your beauty." The man promised before rushing away. Ruby sighed as her blush appeared once more. Yang chuckled as she watched her sister turn as red as her hood.
"Okay there, sis?" Yang asked in amusement.
"Yeah. He sure does compliment a lot." Ruby mumbled.
"He's not bad on the eyes either. Dad did say you should make new friends…" Yang commented in a sing song voice. Ruby sunk into her chair, flustered and annoyed.
"I don't need new friends. I have you." Ruby muttered.
"Apologies for the wait, but here you are. Spaghetti with meatballs and a puttanesca sauce, sprinkled with parmesan and mushrooms for the lilac eyed mistress, and a cheeseburger with extra pickles along with french fries for the woman with her silver eyes." The man said, suddenly appearing in front of them. He had a plate of food in each hand. The sisters looked at the chef in surprise and slight shock.
"But you just left." Yang said in disbelief. No one could possibly cook that fast.
"I am very good at my job." The man said as he placed a plate in front of each girl. The sisters inhaled the mouth watering aroma coming off the food. "I have also brought sweet tea if either of you would care for some."
"I'd love sweet tea." Yang said while Ruby nodded in agreement. The man poured a glass for each before stepping back.
"Please enjoy your meal. If you'll excuse me, I have work to do." The man said before running off to a different table. Ruby picked up her burger and brought it to her mouth. She took an experimental bite, pausing to chew thoroughly.
"So? Is it good?" Yang asked once her sister had swallowed. Ruby paused for all of two seconds before sinking her teeth into the burger again, this time tearing off a much larger piece.
"Ish amashlg!" Ruby tried saying through a full mouth. Yang was able to get a fairly good idea of what her younger sister had said, so she dug into her pasta with gusto. An avalanche of flavor assaulted the blonde girl's tongue.
"Oh diet, you never stood a chance." Yang blissfully said. Who knew food could taste so good? Unknown to the sisters, other first year students were coming to the same revelation.
"Impossible…" Weiss muttered. How could some cafeteria lunch-boy cook food even better than the chefs at home? As much as she hated to admit it, this was far superior to anything she had ever tasted. Maybe she could get her dad to hire him…
"Nora slow down." Ren advised, though he was largely ignored. The ecstatic girl was too busy demolishing the cake in front of her. Ren sighed as he sipped the wonderful jasmine tea the chef had prepared for him.
It's just fish. Really good fish. Don't lose control, Blake repeatedly thought to herself as she forced herself to eat her salmon at a slow rate. It was as if this was one of her first trials at Beacon.
"Mmmmm, pizza." Jaune dreamily said to himself. If there was one good thing about faking his transcripts, it was the three quarters full pizza pie in front of him.
"Wonderous, simply wondrous." Pyrrha said. While others seemed to be eating heavily, the redhead chose to eat lightly lest she have stomach problems tomorrow. The chef had somehow turned salad into a flavor packed spectacle. She was tempted to order seconds.
"Now that was good." Yang said as she pushed her empty plate away from herself. Ruby finished a second later.
"I just realized we don't even know his name." Ruby told her sister.
"Huh, how rude of us." Yang said. The chef was cooking them delectable meals, so the least she could do was memorize his name
"Was everything to your satisfaction?" The man asked as he suddenly appeared again and collected their empty plates.
"It was really good. Thank you." Ruby said, a bright smile on her face.
"You, my curly browed friend, are the greatest chef in all the land." Yang complimented.
"You're too kind…" The man trailed off as he scowled in realization, "how rude of me! Forgive my barbaric attitude, but I never got your names." The man apologized, clearly ashamed of himself.
"Don't worry about it. My name's Yang Xiao Long." Yang said while gesturing to herself.
"I'm Ruby Rose. Yang's my older sister." Ruby said. "So… what's your name?" The silver eyed girl asked.
"Vinsmoke Sanji, at your service." Sanji said while doing an elegant bow.
"Good to meet you Vinsmoke." Ruby happily said.
"Eh, actually my first name is Sanji. My name follows the pattern of some Mistralien names." Sanji said while apologetically smiling at Ruby. The younger sister lushed in embarrassment before trying to remedy the situation.
"Sorry Sanji. I don't get out a lot." Ruby muttered.
"Think nothing of it, Ruby. Now, would either of you care for anything else?" Sanji asked.
"I'm good." Yang said.
"Uh… do you have any chocolate chip cookies?" Ruby asked. Sanji disappeared only to be back moments later with a plate of cookies in one hand and a glass of milk in the other.
"Here you are, Ruby." Sanji said.
"How do you that?" Yang asked.
"Do what?"
"Disappear and then reappear in, like, two seconds." Yang said. It wasn't just with her and Ruby, ether. She had seen Sanji blink from table to table.
"I'm very fast." Sanji modestly said. "I have to be. Students get cranky if they have to wait for their food."
"Wait… that's all speed?" Ruby asked, clearly impressed. I didn't know chefs could be that fast.
"Yes. I would love to continue our conversation, but I must attend to the others. Have a good night, Yang. Sleep well, Ruby. I will see you both at breakfast." Sanji said, bowing once more, before disappearing in a flurry of speed. The sisters watched him reappear at a table on the other side of the hall, none the worse for wear.
"He hasn't even broken a sweat." Yang commented.
"With speed and stamina like that, I have to wonder why he didn't become a huntsman." Ruby said. "You think he has aura?"
"He's gotta. No one is that fast naturally." Yang said before standing up. "Come little sister, let us change into our pajamas and enjoy a good night's rest."
"Yawn… okay." Ruby said, leaving behind an empty plate of cookies.
A/N: Chapter 1 end! Hope you enjoyed, I'll see you all at the next one.
Until then.