His Cold Silver Eyes chapter four:
A/N: Thank you for the support.
Disclaimer: We don't own Harry Potter, all rights are reserved to J.K Rowling. We only own the plot of this story and Eric who is our own character.
Thanks to my sister Jmccoy for being a wonderful Co -author.
Small beams of sunlight peeped through the heavy and ancient curtains of the library. Tiny specks of dust could be seen floating around in the air. Slamming the heavy book she was reading shut, Hermione lay back in her seat and stretched her arms upward. She had been in there for hours and it was time to get up and settle her stomach's desperate calls. It was a quiet Wednesday morning, she guessed it was still around five am, nobody would be awake yet since the first lesson was only around 11:30 which gave her six and a half hours to get something to eat and back to the project she was working on.
She shoved half of her books in her small book bag and carried the others in her arms. Hermione hurried along the isles of the library because she wanted to be there as soon as possible so she could hopefully avoid bumping into Malfoy. Once she turned the corner of a bookshelf she crashed into a soft but firm body. Hermione fell backwards by the force and landed rather harshly on her arse. "I'm sorry." Hermione begun to blabber out soft apologies as she leaned forward on her knees to gather her books that lay sprawled on the wooded floor in all directions. "It's quite alright." She heard a familiar voice say. Smooth and pale hands reached out to grasp a textbook. Hermione raised her eyes and was met with the sight of Pansy Parkinson. She stood tall and proud like all Pureblood females did. Her Slytherin uniform fitted her curvy figure perfectly and her dark hair was pinned back into a lose bun with only a few curls straying and clinging to the collar of her robes. Pansy had truly matured and had grown into a very beautiful young woman over the years. Her once pug like appearance had disappeared and was replaced by a softer, more elegant look. Even her once flat-ish nose was now long and straight.
Hermione gasped in shock, her blood ran cold and she saw Pansy staring down at her, an odd spark in her hazel eyes. Hermione swallowed thickly because of the fact that she and Pansy didn't get along very well...at all. Pansy hated her and proved it early third year when she helped Draco kidnap her. Pansy was the one who cast a spell that made it hard for Hermione to breath and hissed to her that she wasn't worthy to breath the same air as them. Hermione shivered at the memory and slowly got to her feet, biting her lip nervously. Pansy handed her the textbook that had fallen and Hermione gave the book that she guessed was Pansy's back to her.
"Thank you." Hermione said softly, not looking Pansy in the eye. Pansy smiled a prettily and for a second Hermione felt envious of the beautiful witch. Only then did she noticed that Pansy towered over her quite a bit and she blushed in embarrassment at her poor five foot five frame. Turning swiftly on her heel Pansy strode to the door of the library only to stop and look over her shoulder.
" Be careful where you walk " She then added after a pause "Hermione." She said and then disappeared through the doors. Hermione stood still, shocked as she ran the encounter over and over in her head. Did that just happen? Did she just bump into the infamous Pureblood Pansy Parkinson and get out of it alive without even an insult or a hex? And the strangest thing was that Pansy didn't even cringe in disgust when Hermione had 'touched' her.
Breaking off her train of thought she hurried off to breakfast. As she walked the halls she kept thinking to herself ' Maybe those pompous Slytherins had come to their senses and have come to realize that all blood statuses are equal. ' Hermionie visibly cringed at the thought and scolded herself for even letting that ridiculous thought cross her mind. 'What are the chances of a snowflake in hell? ' She scoffed and then thought, ' Something odd is going on. I don't know what it is but all I know is that something is not right with the Slytherins. ' Another memory flashed in her mind as she remembered an over eager Blaise Zabini helping her carry her library books to the Head Common Room. The memory disappeared as she crashed into another figure. ' Not again!' She cursed and waited for the ground to connect with her but an arm wrapped around her waist and pulled her back up . But just as quick as it came, it was gone and Hermione was shoved back rather harshly. Adrian Puecy scowled at her as he dusted off his robes, his handsome face in contorted in anger. Hermione's once worry about the Slytherins sanity, vanished.
" Watch it Granger. " He sneered. " Sorry." She mumbled irritably and stepped back another step, ready to hex him if he tried to harm her. '' Sod off Puecy." Said Eric just in time as he came walking down the hallway. Adrian scoffed at Eric. " Whatever mudbloods, I don't have time for this. I have business to attend." He hissed and straightened out his silver and green robes, sending another sneer at Hermione before he finally turned on his heel and headed off towards the dungeons. " What an arsehole." Eric mumbled under his breath before flashing a set of pearly whites at Hermione. " He's a Slytherin. What did You expect?" She said in witty voice. She was naturally already used to their treatment that it didn't in the least faze her. Eric just scoffed in reply and grumbled to himself as he bent down to pick up her fallen books. He handed them to her and she gratefully accepted them. With a goofy smile he muttered a half hearted excuse and turned to leave.
" Where you going?" She suddenly asked as he stepped passed her. Eric stopped and faced her. "The Quiddtich pitch. " He answered with a small smile." Try-outs are after lunch and I would like to play for the House team. You kind of persuaded me to on our date. " She flushed at the word 'date'. Quickly getting over herself she focused on the conversation. "Well then I am glad I could do some good. You seem like you can be an excellent chaser." She said with a small smile.
Eric smirked at her words and scratched the back of his neck. " Well I don't mean to brag but- "He begun in a cocky voice. Hermione scoffed playfully and shoved him on the arm. Eric chuckled as he grasped her hand in his and brought in up to his lips placing a warm kiss on it. Hermione's heart raced and her stomach tightened. He looked at her intently " What?" Hermione laughed lightly at him. He lowered her hand without breaking eye contact. " Why are you staring at me like that?" She asked and Eric smiled softly. Her heart jumped in her chest. " Because you're beautiful." He replied. She blushed a lovely shade of red.
"I have to leave now. I shall see you again my fair maiden " He mock bowed. Hermione laughed softly at the boy's tactics and decided to play along..." And I wish it to be soon , my kind sir." She replied and did a half hearted curtesy and he turned as he started to run down the corridor. Hermione watched him silently with an amused expression and a light heart as he disappeared around the corner at the end of the long, poorly lit hallway. Eric truly was a character!
"Having fun love? Mind if I join in? " A cold voice challenged. Hermione jumped nearly 7 foot in the air and spun around to meet the icy glare of Draco Malfoy. He was leaning arrogantly against the brick wall, bangs covering his eyes as he watched her, a smirk on his cool pale pink lips. What was it with him?!!! Hermione ground her teeth in annoyance and rolled just her eyes at him, not wanting to have another verbal brawl with the blond. " What do you want Malfoy?" She asked sharply.
Draco narrowed his ice cold eyes at her, ignoring her question. "Did I just see you roll your eyes at me?" He asked lowly almost in a growl, discarding her question. Hermione watched Malfoy push off the wall and make his way towards her. She took a sharp intake of breath, resting a hand in the pocket of her school skirt and she made sure she had a good grip on her wand. Malfoy stood in front of her, staring down at her small frame with unfriendly eyes. Licking her lips nervously she shoved down her fear and feigned annoyance " Don't answer a question with a question Malfoy! And so what if I rolled my eyes? What are you going to do about it?" She replied with wit before she could stop herself. Her mouth was surely going to get her killed someday!
Malfoy glared icily down at her for a while before laughing coldly. " What will I do?" He asked with an evil smile and grabbed her wrist, pulling her to him. Hermione gasped and ripped out her wand, pointing it at his muscular chest. With the other hand he easily disarmed her and twirled her wand lazily between his fingers still chuckling. " What I would do Granger...", he sneered down at her before continuing in a calm voice "is push you into that wall right there...", he pointed at the wall in front of them with the tip of her wand. "and rip that horrible Gryffindor skirt from for legs...",he leant in close, lips pressed to her ear. She swallowed thickly as he spoke in his deep emotionless voice. "and fuck you into the next year." He finished in a deadly quiet voice. Shocked to her core she wanted to be free from his hold.
" Let me go!" She said as she fought against him and Malfoy just chuckled darkly at her attempts to free herself knowing fully well that he was in control of the situation due to the fact he could easily overpower the witch with or without her having her wand. " You make me sick Malfoy." She snapped and sunk her knee in his stomach.
He hissed in pain and released his death grip enough for her to get her wrist out of his hold and snatch back her wand. She turned swift on her heel and ran as fast as she could to the Great Hall where she knew most of the teaches were. Heavy footsteps was heard behind her as Malfoy ran after her, his lips in set in a thin line, nostrils flaring. She new that she was in big trouble with him but, she was thrilled with the idea of Draco Malfoy punishing her. That thought mad her sick with herself. She hated Malfoy! Why was it so easy for this very dangerous wizard to get to her in this way? She bit her lip." Granger!" He hissed through clenched teeth and Hermione squeaked at the pure rage laced in his voice and pushed her short legs to run faster. Damn her height!
Malfoy being much faster due to his fit , Quiddich built body, he caught up to her easily and just before Hermione could reach the rich wooden oak doors of the Great Hall , he had snatched her roughly around her waist and threw her against the rock wall right next to the doors. Malfoy crushed his lips to hers hungrily before pulling back to warn her. "Don't scream." In a deadly whisper and continued his assault on her. She helplessly groaned against his lips before biting down on his tongue.
Malfoy staggered back and brought his hand up to touch his lips that were dripping with blood with a sneer. He growled and smacked her wand that she had brought up and had aimed at his chest, it went sailing through the air and smashed rather harsh into the opposite wall, the impact snapping the mahogany wood into two . Hermione felt her stomach sink as she watched the broken pieces of wood connect with the cold floor. Her stomach churned with sudden nausea but Malfoy gave her no time to grieve her broken wand as he shoved her back into the wall, gripping her upper arms tightly, holding her in place. She grunted in pain. "What do you want from me Malfoy?" She asked angrily. Frustration clear on her face and she was suddenly overcome with the urge to snap him in two just like he had done to her wand. " Why can't you just leave me alone?!" She yelled at him. Malfoy released her one arm as he punched the wall. A crack was heard and she knew it was either his knuckles or the brick. He ground his teeth." Because you're mine Granger!" Malfoy breathed heavily in her face and gripped her hips harshly. "All mine, whether you like it or not." He hissed in her ear. She shoved him away from her without much effort and Malfoy moved a few steps back. She had had enough!
The sound of her hand connecting with his cheek rang through the air. Malfoy stood still, his face was turned in the direction and blood was pooling on the floor as it trailed from his nose and down his chin and dripped onto his robes then on the floor. He stood like a statue for what seamed like hours before he stared laughing like a maniac. What was wrong with him? How dare he think this was funny? Hermione felt her rage spark up again and she raised her hand to slap him again but this time he was ready and he caught het wrist easily. " Don't touch me Granger." He spat at her and crushed her wrist in his grasp. " I hate you." Hermione sneered at him at bit back a whimper.
"I thought we've been through this love." He hissed and grabbed the collar or her robes with his other hand, bringing her close to him. He leaned in close as he stared her down coldly." I absolutely loath your existence. But as I said, I enjoy this little game of ours and I am very sure that it won't be long till I have completely destroyed you Granger. Don't underestimate me." He whispered in a deadly voice then grabbed a fistful of her hair. She hissed.
"What ? No witty reply?" He mocked with a cruel smile. She remained silent as her vision blurred. She would not give him the satisfaction of hearing her scream. She tried to concentrate but the intense pain in her scull was too much. He tightened his grip on her hair and he was granted with a painful hiss. Hermione lay her head back against the wall to try and relieve some of the pressure. " Are you afraid of me Granger?" He whispered in her ear.
No reply came and he chuckled. He could feel her whole body shaking with fear. And that just turned him on more then he already was. "Good. You should be." He snarled and shoved her back into the wall before stepping away as the doors opened. Snape came walking out with his usual stoic face. He glanced between Malfoy and Hermione and asked " What's going on here?" Hermione opened her mouth but shut it again, unable to form any words. Snape raised an eyebrow at them, "Mister Malfoy?" He directed his usual icy stare onto Malfoy who seemed unfazed by the frigid glare his godfather was giving him. " Nothing professor. Just reminding Granger of her place." He spat the last word before calmly walking past Snape, making sure to smirk at her pompously before entering the Great Hall. Snape touched his temples with his Index fingers. He gazed at the floor before bending down and scooped up the two halves of her broken wand.
She swallowed back her tears and focused her gaze on the floor. "I take it that this is your wand Ms. Granger? " Hermione averted her eyes, she felt her tears pooling at the back of her eyelids as she stepped forward to claim her broken wand. He tutted. His dark eyes gleamed with cruel joy. "Pity." He mussed with fake remorse and dropped the two pieces of her wand in her hands before strutting down the corridor, muttering to himself while she still stood in the same spot and tried not to scream out in pure agony. Of course he wouldn't do anything to one of his own students, especially his godson. It was foolish of her to believe otherwise.
Hermione sunk to the floor, clutching her broken wand to her chest and let the tears stream and roll off her cheeks. Her tiny body shook with uncontrollable sobs. Salty tears stained her robes.
Hermione had sat in her seat in Arithmancy later on that day, she was early since the class was empty and the professor hadn't arrived yet. Repressing a shiver she reached into her bag to get out her books. After a few seconds of digging, she pulled out a thick text book. With a frown she studied the silver cover of the book. This wasn't her Arithmancy book, this was a Divination book. Divination was the only subject apart from Muggle Studies that she didn't have. Opening the book she saw that on the inside of the label was Pansy Jane Parkinson written neatly in blue ink. 'Merlin, then she must have my Arithmancy.' Getting up quickly, she ran out of class and down the corridor to Professor Trelawney's class.
As she reached the fifth floor she clutched her side's and gasped for breath. Divination was on the seventh floor and in the West Wing but she was still far away. Remembering the short cut from third year she dashed down the corridor and with relief saw that the tapestry was in tact and still hanging up against the wall, shielding the hidden passageway from prying eyes.
Lifting up the heavy tapestry she moved behind it, nearly choking on the dust and hurried as quick as she could down the dark passage. In no time she was on the seventh floor in the West Wing. Straightening out her robes she walked towards the trap door where there were children standing outside and waiting for the teacher who was obviously late.
Elbowing her way through the crowd of chattering seventh year Ravenclaws , she finally spotted the Slytherins in the far off corner, talking quietly amongst themselves. Her eyes searched for Pansy during the scanning, she'd found Pansy behind Adrain Puecy and Blaise Zabini, chatting with Malfoy. Hermione ignored the way her stomach churned sight of Malfoy and marched over.
Hermione's hands were sweaty as she clutched the book tighter. The Slytherins payed her no mind as she walked passed them. Finally she stood in front of the group. Blaise smiled at her and Adrian hissed before parting enough so that she had a clear view of Pansy and Malfoy. Malfoy was leaned back against the wall and Pansy stood inches away from him. Her hand was covered over her mouth as she giggled at a joke Malfoy had just made.
"Um? Pansy?" Hermione said, her voice a bit raspy. Pansy looked in her direction with a smile. "Hello Hermione" She said and waved her over. With courage, Hermione stepped passed Adrian and stood in front of Pansy. Malfoy was looking at her from underneath his bangs, cruel eyes glinting with untold methods he could use for her punishments.
But she knew that he wouldn't dare try anything with her in front of all these people. The Slytherins may pay them no mind but she was sure the Ravenclaws would step in and offer a hand and by the looks of it, the Ravenclaws were the majority students there. Shoving down the rage she still felt toward him for breaking her wand, she forced a small fake smile on her face.
"Here, I have your Divination book. I think it got mixed up when I bumped into you this morning." Hermione shivered when she thought back to this morning, her encounter with Malfoy and her wand snapping to pieces against the wall. "I think you have my Arithmancy." She finished and handed Pansy back the book. Pansy turned on her heel and crouched down by her bag, pulling out Hermione's Arithmancy book and handed it to her.
"Thank you." Hermione said and glanced over at Malfoy who was watching the two of them. Hermione had forgotten he was there. There was an awkward silence between the two ladies. " Um...well class is about to start. I don't want to be late." Hermione baroke the silence and Pansy nodded. "Enjoy." Pansy called after her as she walked away.
When Hermionie had gotten back to class on time, she slipped in unnoticed and sat in her seat and opened up the text book. A small piece of parchment was pressed on the inside of the cover. Slipping it open she recognized the neat handwriting was Pansy's:
Meet me at the Astronomy Tower after dinner. Please keep this to yourself.
Until then
Shocked Hermione read the letter over and over. A million thoughts and possibilities ran through her head each time she re-read it. Why would Pansy want to meet her at the Astronomy Tower after dinner? And why did she want her to come alone? Hermione sat back in her chair and tugged on a stray curl.
Would she go? Of course she would but, without wand to protect her? Hermione couldn't help but think that something was odd because why the sudden change? And why were nearly all Malfoy's friends, (Except Adrian) being so casual and almost friendly towards her? Usually they would laugh and mock her alongside Malfoy. They would always trip her or toss hexes (and occasionally objects) at her.
Hermione growled. Something was defiantly up and she was going to find out one way or another. One thing about Hermione Granger, she hated not knowing. So after her inner battle she made a mental note and decided she would go see Pansy after all but for safety she would make sure a teacher would be patrolling nearby if anything should get out of hand.
"Ms Granger?" Professor Patten's voice broke her out of her daze. Glancing up to meet his face she answered plainly "Yes professor?" Professor Patten sighed and repeated the question. Hermione provided the correct answer in lightening speed.
With a satisfied expression, he backed off and continued his lesson. She drowned out his lectures since she already read the entire textbook in the beginning of the year so she already knew everything.
Hermione lay her cheek on the palm of her hand and was quietly drawing figurines on the piece of parchment that Pansy had written on and waited for the minutes to fade into hours.
Dinner had rolled along finally and Hermione had just survived Transfiguration. Explaining her unfortunate problem to her head of house had not been easy, she had to weave perfect lie story out of near nothing, but her being the Golden Girl and Head Girl and on top of that , McGonagall's favourite student, the Professor had let her off easy, telling her that she had better owl Ollivander's for a new wand as soon as possible.
Collapsing into her chair she started to pile her plate with food, having to skip both breakfast and lunch to avoid Malfoy, she was famished. Not even caring about Malfoy, who she knew was starting at her like he always did, she started to eat. Ginny nudged her on the shoulder with the palm of her hand. "He's looking at you." She whispered.
Hermione swallowed her food, knowing well who it was, but decided to play coy anyways. "Ginny, there are roughly about a million boys in this school. I need specifics." Hermione answered witty as she filled her goblet with pumpkin juice, downing it all in one go. She saw Ginny roll her eyes. " Malfoy. He's staring at you as if you kicked his puppy. If looks could kill.." She began. Hermione just ignored the unsettling feeling in her stomach and continued to eat her dinner.
She pulled out a piece of clean parchment from her bag and started to write the letter. Ginny peered over and looked to see what Hermione was writing. " What you doing?" Ginny asked curiously. Hermione resisted the urge to snap at the red-haired girl.
Closing her eyes she breathed in through her nose to calm her irritation. Hermione did not want to snap at one of her best friends, especially if they did nothing to deserve it. It after all wasn't Ginny's fault Malfoy was an complete git and broke her wand.
"I'm owling Ollivander's for a new wand. I had my wand in my skirt pocket and I fell in the library." Hermione lied smoothly, not wanting her business with Malfoy filling the entire school. Ginny was quite the tattle tale and loved spreading gossip. "Oh." Ginny replied and finally left Hermione to deal with her letter.
A hand rested on her shoulder and Hermione tensed, the hairs on her neck stood up. Looking over her shoulder she saw it was Eric, he was smiling down at her. Something in it was unsettling but she shoved the thought aside. "Sorry to disturb you but I want a quick word outside." He said and Hermione nodded and put her quill down. Ginny looked between them with confusion. "I'll be back now Gin." Hermione said and followed Eric out the Great Hall and into the passage way.
"What's wrong?" Hermione asked in a worried voice and Eric gave her a goofy smile. "I got onto the house team." He said and her worry faded and she jumped into his arms giving him a bear hug." Wow Eric! That's amazing! And with a strict captain like Harry, I know you had to be really good to impress him." She squealed.
After a while she let him go and blushed. "Sorry. I got kind of carried away and-" Eric kissed her softly on the lips. Pulling back he laughed nervously and scratched the back of his neck. "Sorry, I had to do –" Hermione cut him off this time and grabbed the back of his head and crushed her lips to his. Eric held her hips in place and kissed her back with equal passion.
After a while they had to break free. "Wow." Hermione said, cheeks flushed. She was shocked with her actions. "You're a good kisser." Eric commented and she turned even redder a part of her thought it ironic, because Eric was more experienced. They stood there for a moment before Eric grabbed her waist and brought her against him.
"Hermione, I like you a lot." He slowly began and Hermione felt her stomach do flips as he continued. "And I really can't stop thinking about you. I know it's quick and we haven't been on a proper date yet but will you do me the honour and be my girlfriend?" He cupped her cheek. A smile broke across her face. "Okay.'' Hermione said and Eric's eyes that were filled with hope went wide. "You serious? You'll give me a chance?" He asked and she nodded. "Yes." And he bent down and claimed her lips again.
He broke away again and kissed her on the cheek before running down the hallway, cheering. Hermione laughed to herself and walked back into the Great Hall feeling warm inside. Eric just asked her out. One of the most good looking and popular guys in the school had asked her, the schools biggest nerd, to be his girlfriend. She resisted the urge to squeal in joy as she calmly walked to reclaim her seat.
Ginny looked at her suspiciously. "What happened?" She asked and Hermione shook her head, resisting a smile. "Nothing. Eric just told me he made the house team." Hermione replied plainly and started to eat again like nothing had happened. Ginny snorted. "And he couldn't do that here?" She rolled her eyes. Hermione clutched her fork, her happy mood vanished " God Ginny just drop it! It has absolutely nothing to do with you! I don't ask you about the guys you're with and you also know everything so for Merlin's sake give it a rest already" She snapped
Ginny jumped at her tone and turned back silently to her food. Hermione sighed feeling a bit guilty for snapping, but Ginny had to learn how to stop prying in other people's business and know her place. Shoving a fork fill of carrots into her mouth. Ginny was still sulking. Annoyed, Hermione was going to apologize just when a box dropped down in front of her.
Curiously, Hermione reached for it and pulled off the silver wrapping paper. Inside was a shiny box with green vines on it. Popping open the lid, Hermionie gasped. In the box there lay a long and pale wand. Picking it up , she weighed it in her hand and twirled in around her fingers. Staring at it blankly before reality set in, a wand, she had gotten a wand!
Hermione pointed it at the goblet and muttered a simple spell. With amazement she watched as the goblet turned into a mouse. It was just right for her. No one knew what her wand match was. Suspicion arose in her and she glanced over at the Slytherin table. Malfoy was smirking at her and he raised his goblet.
Hermione's hand shook as her suspicion had been confined, she felt slightly nauseated by the thought of touching something HE had bought and she almost threw it back in the box. She picked up the letter she saw that came with it and read:
Due to our encounter this morning I saw, unfortunately, that I'm the reason your wand was broken.
This is a tiny gift to you seeing that you will not be able to go for too long without a wand. It is a 12 inch Dragon heart string and unicorn hair, goblin made wand. I had it sent this morning from France.
Hermione did not need a name to know Malfoy had sent her that wand. With a grimace she tore a piece off the letter she was writing on and wrote :
Thank you for your generosity but I am fully capable of purchasing my own wand. I might not be able to afford such an obviously expensive one as you can but I am sure I will be able to afford a rather decent one.
If you feel guilty about breaking my wand (which I know you don't) you don't have to buy me gifts or do me any favours. Again , I am thankful for the gift but I am kindly sending it back.
Ps: Please try and keep your hands to yourself in the future, seeing that I would rather avoid such an inconvenience from ever happening again. You stay out of my hair and I shall spare you the same curtesy.
Yours truly
Hermione Granger.
She folded the letter and placed it carefully into the lid of the box. Ginny leaned over and peered into the box. "Bloody hell!!! Wow! Hermione who sent you that? Merlin is that a Dragon heart string -?" She mused with awe as Hermione shut the box, shielding Ginny's prying eyes away from the wand.
Glancing sharply at Ginny. "I don't know! I think that it was delivered to the wrong person so, I'm going to take it to the owlery after dinner." Hermione lied smoothly and stuffed the gleaning box in her bag before getting up.
Ginny looked unconvinced but didn't pry. Hermione shot Ginny an apologetic smile. "Hey Gin? Sorry for snapping at you earlier. Head duties have me stressed out. You know how Malfoy can be. "Hermione made an excuse. Ginny waved it off. "It's fine 'Mione. Don't worry about it." Ginny replied.
Giving her a tight lipped smile, she hugged her friend and stormed out of the Great Hall. As she reached the Head's Common Room she muttered the password and stepped inside. Dropping off her bag in her room she walked towards Malfoy's door with the box in her hand.
Why did he even bother to buy her a wand? Hermione knew well that Malfoy owed her one, seeing he broke hers which was only fair, but she didn't want anything to do with him and she defiantly didn't want anything from him. With a shaky breath she placed the box in front on his door, knowing that he had wards up to guard his room but yet again, she had no desire to be in there.
She hurried back into her room and got dressed in Muggle clothing and decided to go and wait for Pansy. As she reached the Astronomy Tower, she stared at the grounds, admiring the start of night and felt a small gush of wind play with the curls of her hair that hung loosely over her shoulders. She sighed and let the day wash away as she inhaled the fresh night air. "Hermione?" A soft voice said and she knew who it was.
"Pansy." Hermione acknowledged with a small nod and looked back in front of her. Pansy stood next to her, close enough that their arms touched. Hermione had waited for Pansy to go off at her because of the contact but, Hermione was relived when she didn't. Pansy fumbled with the pocket of her robes and Hermione froze up. What if she pulled out her wand? Hermione couldn't defend herself. She mentally face palmed herself for not taking the wand Malfoy had bought for her and returned it only later. Damn her pride!
Pansy pulled out a milky white envelope, on it was written in silver stood Hermione's name. Pansy ran her fingers over the smooth envelope before slowly handing it over to Hermione. With a curious and relieved expression she excepted and went to open it but Pansy placed her hand over Hermione's
"No, not now. You are only aloud to open it on your 18th birthday, it has been charmed that if you open it before you must, you will be fatally injured. " Pansy said and Hermione nodded, her fingers sliding away from the clasp of the letter. "Yeah, I read about this last year. I bought an advanced charms book when I was at Hogsmeade." Hermione explained shortly. Pansy nodded.
"Who's it from?" Hermione asked and Pansy looked away. "I can't tell you because I made an unbreakable vow not to utter a word to you about anything regarding the letter as well as the sender. All you want or need to know is written in the letter." Pansy said and gave her a small smile of pity as she saw Hermione's's face of confusion.
"Sorry. I would love to tell you but I can't.'' Pansy said and Hermione waved it off. "Don't bother, I can wait I am sure. My birthday is only two months away and I think my curiosity will be able to survive till then." Hermione gave a small laugh but on the inside she was itching to just tear open the letter and spill all the information. Pansy nodded and looked in front of her. "I need to go, I have to patrol with Malfoy." Hermione said with an eye roll as she stuffed the letter into her jean pocket. Pansy nodded. "Okay. Have a good evening." She then stalked off, giving Hermione a playful wink.
With a distinct sigh Hermione glanced at the sky just one more time before turning on her heel and heading back to the Head Common Room. When she had arrived in front of the portrait , she muttered the password and stepped in. As said bookworm came up the steps she heard moans of pleasure. She pulled a face of confusion as she mounted the stairs only to be greated with the sight of Draco Malfoy hovering over the sweaty body of Astoria Greengrass.
His eyebrow were fused in concentration as he thrust himself in and out of Astoria, who racked her well manicured nails down his bare back while screaming Malfoy's name in pleasure. Flushing brightly like the prude she was she couldn't control the startled scream she gave. Malfoy slowed his pace and Astoria looked at her wide eyed and mouth agape. "H-Hermione!" Astoria squeaked and pushed Malfoy off her, unable to create any words.
" What – Why are you- Just- argh!" Hermione began but stormed past them and into her room slamming the door so hard it was sure to fly off its hinges. She kicked her school bag that lay in the way before discarding her jacket on her bed trying to get the image of Malfoy having sex on the sofa they shared, out of her mind.
'How dare he? How dare he do that out in the open as if he owned the common room?' With a yell and a few curse words she hurled a pillow at the door and just then, her bedroom door flew open and it hit Malfoy right in the face. His hair was messy and his forehead sweaty. He wore nothing but his school pants that hung lowly on his hips, his muscular chest was on display. Her crossed his strong arms around his chest and stared at her coldly. "Get out of my room Malfoy! Before I send you to hell on a silver platter." She hissed.
Malfoy laughed at her, a coy smile on his face. Astoria came up from behind him, her hair wild as she stood on her toes to peer over Malfoy's shoulder at Hermione. "Hermione, I'm truly sorry! I'll- " Hermione threw her hands in the air as she shot Astoria a look of hell, stopping the blond haired Slytherin girl mid sentence "I don't care! It's none of my business! Just please both of you get out my room so I can prepare for patrol." She snapped.
Astoria left without another word, her foot falls against the mahogany wood of the common room floor getting softer until the portrait hole slammed shut. Malfoy just stood leaning against the door frame, a smug look on his face. "What's the matter love? You seem a bit sick." He chuckled and Hermione threw a book at him which he caught. "Ah, Paper Towns, Muggle I suppose?" He mused before dropping it to the ground.
Screaming in frustration she sat in her bed. "What do you want!!?" She snapped at him and he pushed himself off the door frame walked inside looking around. "Snippy aren't we? Are you jealous love?" He taunted her before smirking at her coyly. Hermione gave him a look of pure disgust and a mock laugh and rolled her eyes, missing the way his eyes narrowed at her.
"Like I give a shit what you do and who you do it with. As long as you stay away me and keep your hands to yourself, we're good." Hermione hissed back before adding "And oh before I forget, the common room does not solely belong to you, having sex is one thing but doing it ON the sofa that I also sit on is so filthy! YOU ARE HUMAN BEINGS NOT SOME BLOODY BARN ANIMALS! I AM SURE THAT YOU CAN CONTAIN YOURSELVES ENOUGH TO GET TO YOUR BLOODY ROOM! I ALSO LIVE HERE FOR MERLIN'S SAKE!" Hermione yelled at him, unable to contain the rage and discomfort she felt.
Malfoy's face turned dangerous as he got off the chair and walked toward her. " Who do you think you are talking to?" He asked lowly. Hermione growled "Oh I'm sorry father, I forgot not to raise my voice!" She spat out sarcastically before adding, "Just get out! You are not supposed to be in my room anyways!"
"Oh come one love, it's not like I haven't been in here before." He grinned. Hermione's anger ebbed away as anxiety took its place, her face fell a bit"What?" Malfoy chuckled. "Let me repeat it slower-" She cut him off with a low growl "I heard you perfectly well before you prat!" Hermione said as she stood up in front of him. "What I meant was what the hell were you doing in my room?!" She pushed his chest with her right hand angrily as she forgot her fear, her face slightly flushed with rage. "You had no right! NO RIGHT!" She shrieked and shoved him again.
Malfoy caught her left wrist in a crushing and pulled her towards him. "Let me go Malfoy or I swear I will-" He cut her off with a mock laugh "-You'll do what? Hex me? Or worse, kill me? I think you are forgetting that have no wand." He hissed in her ear and she fought against him.
"Yes only because you broke it you fucking twat!" She shouted at him. "And I replaced it! Didn't I?'' He mused and she laughed without humour, "Like I want anything from you. I thought I told you, I can afford my own wand. So you can shove your fancy one right up your arse!" Hermione twisted her wrist in his painfully tight grip and brought her knee up to kick him between the legs. Malfoy sensed it in time and pressed his hips to hers , making her miss and hit him on the thigh.
"What game are you playing? Just leave me ALONE Malfoy! Please, just stop this! This is not natural! I want out! I'm done! We don't owe each other anything at all! Malfoy, I'm tired of these silly mind games you've been playing. I never even wanted to be apart of it in the first place! Please, just let me go. I'll keep quiet! I promise! Just stop this. All. Of. This. I need to shower so I can get ready for patrol and I can't do that if you don't stop your psychotic head games and release me!" She pleaded and with a final shove to his chest Malfoy let her go and she stumbled backwards onto the bed.
"Just go! GET OUT OF MY ROOM NOW!" Hermione breathed hard as she clutched her throbbing wrist to her chest and to her surprise Malfoy complied without so much as a glance or word at her.
Before he reached the door he clenched his fists so hard the knuckles turned white. "I forgot to tell you that you can't return the wand I'm afraid, It's charmed that once its picked up, it connects with the person who picked it up life force." He kept his voice deadly calm and that scared the hell out of her. Hermione's mouth fell open.
She was at loss for words. He then nodded at her before walking out her room. She went after him. She will not let him get away with this! "Malfoy get back here!" She screamed as she followed him, he ignored and strode to his room. Growling she caught up to him and grabbed his arm and spun him around, digging her nails in her arm and feeling oddly satisfied when she felt warm blood trickle between her fingers.
"Just stop Malfoy. Leave me alone! No more gifts, no more inappropriate touches or forced kisses, no more anything! You got that!?" She held her hand out to him and added "I'll stay out of your way if you stay out of mine. I think we can live rather decently with each other if we both respect each other's privacy and personal space. Please, see me as a person and not some animal off the street. Do we have a deal?"
He grabbed her face in response and kissed her roughly, sucking all the air out of her. Hermione released his arm in shock and pushed against his chest. He let her go without a warning. "That's what I think of your 'deal' Granger. Get ready, you have an hour before I leave without you." He whispered lowly leaving her shocked and walked back to his room.
He slammed the door and Hermione kicked the edge of the coffee table and screamed in frustration. She hated him! She hated him with everything in her and she would make him pay, pay for making her feel dirty and used, pay for forcing himself on her and making her feel weak. Another kick to the poor coffee table, she huffed and stalked back to her room to get ready for patrol, silently plotting Malfoy's end over and over in her head, going through all the possibilities.
Thursday rolled around and Hermione was sitting on the stands by the Quiddtich pitch, watching Eric practice, her umbrella fluttering in the wind as rain fell down hard and the wind was whistling angrily in her ear. She had her Potions book propped up and her knees as she read over the basics out of boredom.
Eric flew down and strode over to her.
"You can go in if you like." He said and she looked up and gave him a tight lipped smile. "I promised to watch you practise. I know you have to play against Slytherin next Tuesday so I thought I'd be here for moral support." Hermione finished lamely. Eric chuckled and went to give her a hug but she stopped him.
"You're cold, sweaty and muddy! You are not coming anywhere near me until you are have had a shower and you are warmly dressed." She chuckled and pushed him away playfully. He pouted. "Fine, push me away, you wound me." He said with fake sadness and she stuck out her tongue. "Stick a band aid on your pride and take a shower." She laughed at him and watched him walk away , get on his broom and take to the sky again.
Shaking her head, her damp curls that escaped from under her knitted hat, she smiled to herself as she watched Eric hit Ron against the head 'accidentally' with the quaffle. Ron had hissed like a python and dove for Eric who swiftly dodged, laughing at the angry Weasley. She remembered when she told her friends she was dating Eric , how Ron had glowered at her angrily, demanding answers to why she would even consider it.
Ron glared at Eric as he flew down to catch a kiss from Hermione ( which caught her off suprise) and glowed sourly, how could Eric get the girl and he couldn't? What was so special about him? Ron growled in frustration and pointed his broom to fly higher into the sky, father and father away from his teammates, ignoring the concerning voices or Harry and Hermione.
Another chap done and dusted.
Please review!