Clouse sat his tired skin suit down and stretched out the damaged leg, but Nadakhan barked an order at him to keep the noise down. He ordered him to fight and so, to avoid being caught infiltrating, he did as he was told.
"Keep them out of here!" Nadakhan barked, his deep gravelly voice echoing around the room.
"Yes, cap'n" came an eager response behind Clouse.
"On it cap'n"
Clouse carefully raised himself and followed the gaggle of pirates who grabbed at their curved swords. Clouse grabbed at his but stood behind everyone else.
He was ready to strike and only when unexpected, ready to deliver a fatal blow to any of the ninja in his midst.
Once the doors had been opened, a few remained in the chapel with Nadakhan and Nya, Clancee was still performing the ceremony, Dogshank was swooning at the the vows and general romance of the day. Clouse could have been certain he saw a slither of feeling and emotion in the giant mutated version of a woman they all called Dogshank.
"So romantic..." She had muttered with her hands joined next to her face, her eyes looked like saucers.
His mind pulled back to the present, Some of his pirate team had fallen, they weren't dead, apparently the ninja didn't kill. Clouse did, why wouldn't he? He was led by Master Chen, his sensei back then, and then Garmadon joined and between all three of them, they were ruthless and cruel. They spared no mercy to any all because they had an agenda.
"Hai ya!" Cole yelled and sliced through the air.
"We need Jay, he's the only one with one wish left...!" Kai yelled from his position near the main double doors.
"He's the only one that just scarpered ya mean!" Cole hissed in annoyance.
"We'll have to worry about that later, we need to get into that chapel and fast." Lloyd had replied
"Maybe that is where he is Kai! He did not divulge the reason for his swift exit." Zane spoke calmly.
Cole swiped through the air and Clouse dodged the trajectory of his katana, he stepped to the side but misjudged his splinted broken leg and he stumbled as Cole took another sideways glance with his blade.
Lucky for Clouse the blade only scraped his skin, leaving a fine eight inch slice from elbow to wrist. He didn't realise, until it was too late that the leather bound charm had been cut.
The blue stone glass gem fell slowly from his wrist, Clouse still hadn't noticed that the bound leather string had been cut. His pain receptors were almost numb to the pain of the body he was using as a meat bag.
The blue stone fell, spiralling to the floor in slow motion amidst the chaos of the fight. It fell and landed on the floor, but it didn't smash. It was perfectly intact for a few short seconds, vibrating on the floor gently, a the lifeline of the one trapped within it. It was still whole and perfect, until Cole trod on it.
Suddenly all that could be seen was a 'real bright light!'
A mad scrambling light burst forth from it, startling all who were in the vicinity. First appearances, it looked like a fire fly or a lightning bug, quite appropriate really when you consider whose soul it was.
Clouse stared at it wide eyed and panic stricken, Cole swiped at it with his blade and is passed right through.
The fast buzzing blue light didn't appreciate that particular sentiment, but it didn't hang around for a second attempt. The blue light had gone just as soon as it was seen. It quickly went into the only soulless form it could find. Back into his own body that was being controlled by the entity known as Clouse. The ghost who obviously still had unfinished business.