Wel, I enjoyed writing a 5/1 prompt before, so I did it again. Warning, this was written at 11:30 pm in about twenty minutes so sorry but not sorry because I think I did well on this.



It happened within the blink of an eye. At least, Victor could swear he didn't see it happen. He felt, though, and that's all he's ever really done; felt and heard but didn't really see. Not this time, maybe not ever.

Victor expected something like this from Chris, but Yuuri? Yuuri Katsuki? The innocent young man who earned a reputation among skaters as both not very good and too innocent for this earth, especially when said earth is housing none other than Christophe Giacometti?

Still, Victor can't say he's complaining.

Not when he finally notices he's staring and not-so-innocent Yuuri Katsuki catches his eye and stumbles over to wrap champagne sticky arms around his neck and without so much as a hello, bend his torso into Victor and dance.


Nearly a year later, and he could still catch himself staring. Though, this time the only one he has to be embarrassed around is Makkachin, and Makkachin doesn't judge.

He plays the video again and again, because each time it ends he jolts back into reality and goes into a kind of Yuuri Katsuki relapse. Again and again until the song pounds numbly through the tiny speakers and his heart pounds fiery in his rib cage and it hurts. His eyes hurt from staring too long.


He almost considers telling Yuuri why he really came. Because he was afraid he'd go cross eyed staring at his phone for so long, and that even at the airport gate people were looking at him strangely each time he'd restart the video or smile fondly at the pictures.

That he just wanted to stare.


It's not just that he wanted to stare. He wanted to fall in love again. He knew that in the back of his mind sitting with Makkachin on his couch in St. Petersburg, staring out the airplane window, alone in the onsen. But he just didn't want to admit it until now.

Staring isn't just infatuation, he realizes as he watches Yuuri melt into a combination spin. Victor doesn't want to stare. He wants to fall in love.


Sometimes though, it's okay to want to stare just because Yuuri is downright hot and he nails eros too well for someone who hasn't shown any sign of remembering their night together at the banquet.

"Victor?" Yuuri glides over to him, voice small in the empty ice rink. "Victor? What are you staring at?"

"That triple Lutz landing could have been cleaner," Victor mumbles.

"Could you show me again?" Yuuri asks.

Quiet, Victor skates to the middle, and promptly flops the jump. It's hard to land when spotting something so unbelievably attractive.


Everything about him is warm and soft: his skin, his hair, his breath. And he looks so peaceful when he's asleep. Not an Eros-master sex god, not an anxious die-hard skater, just Yuuri Katsuki.

Victor runs his fingers through his hair, and Yuuri sighs in his sleep. Victor grins to himself in the darkness.

Oh, yeah. It's fine to stare sometimes.