A/N: So this is going to be a collection of short chapters that have somewhat of a plot but will mostly be fluff. I will try to update every Thursday. If you have any ideas for their interactions, please send them over! I love getting prompts. Enjoy!

She starts off her day much like the rest of her college experience; frantic and running on two hours of sleep. Her two roommates are lucky enough to be able to sleep in but that just means she has to make her way around their dorm quieter than normal which is not as easy as it sounds, especially when you are having to rush. She forgoes any makeup today, too tired to even try, and just throws on a sweatshirt with a pair of leggings, pulling her hair up into a high ponytail. She slips on a pair of converse, hoping they're the same color since she can't turn on the lights to check, and grabs her worn out messenger bag. She hurries out onto campus, quickly checking her shoe choice, accompanied by the recently risen sun.

"Early morning classes should be illegal." She mumbles, jumping out of the way of a bicyclist. "Mostly because it'll make people do illegal things." She glares at the back of the speedster and hops up the stairs of the building that holds her dreaded class. Her presence is hardly noticed by the scattering of other students and she quickly slips into a seat near the back. Even though she is five minutes late, the professor hasn't arrived yet. "Figures." She huffs, pulling out her textbook, notebook, and pencil. A cup of coffee would be very pleasing for her at the moment but unfortunately, she woke up much too late to even think about it. Her forearm makes a decently comfortable pillow as she rests, thinking about catching a few winks before the professor shows up. Just as she is about to doze off, the door opens at the front of the classroom and in walks Mr. Snoke with his ever present snarl. He begins unpacking his briefcase as though he's the only one in the room and isn't fifteen minutes late. At the same time, the door Rey entered early flies open as a flustered fellow junior rushes in.

"Mr. Solo." Professor Snoke's voice bellows through the classroom. "Tardiness will not be tolerated in this class." He scolds, as though he himself were not late.

Rey rolls her eyes at the hypocrisy. Snoke is her least favorite professor and the same can be said for just about everyone on campus, the rest of the faculty included.

"Sorry, Mr. Snoke. Won't happen again." Solo replies as he slides into a seat two adjacent from Rey. A huff is the only response he gets.

As the professor begins his lecture, Rey's attention is drawn to the new arrival. His body seems to be folded into the desk, his tall stature and spindly legs having a hard time with the small desk. His dark hair is stuffed under a similarly black beanie, a few strands trying to escape in every direction, and he's got a bit of scruff on his chin she finds surprisingly attractive. His eyes are red, like he hasn't slept in two days and Rey nearly laughs aloud as she notices his shirt is on inside out. As he reaches around to grab his backpack, she can tell he is rather well defined, if his biceps are any indication. When he straightens up, he catches her eye and gives her a lopsided smirk.

"Hey." He mouths.

She gives him a small, silly wave.

"I'm probably going to die," he whispers, "so here's to you." He pops open an energy drink, pours it into a cup of coffee, and chugs the whole thing.

A/N: Don't worry, they will eventually get together, patience my padawans.