Hey, you might have seen my other story 'Chosen Warriors' published not too long ago. Well, I decided to make that my third SYOT. It is a very long-winded, in-depth story that I need to plan out and improve my writing before I get to it. So, instead, my second SYOT and follow on from '24 to Life' will be 'Hell Island'. I am on the first night in my current story and have an amazing set of characters. I can't wait to meet the ones you submit to this one. This story is connected to 'Chosen Warriors', hence why the twist is mentioned down below but it not be mentioned in the story. Unless someone's sibling was put forward for the first twist. Enjoy and I hope you submit. The twist for this story is the second twist announced- Robin.
President Howlet POV:
I open the golden envelope that had been sealed twenty-five years ago. The crowd was silent, I could feel the people of the District's holding their children closer. The only sound was from me as I pulled the white card free from it paper tomb. I gave a smile to the crowd as I positioned myself in front of the microphone, ready to break the news.
"As a reminder to the people of The Districts that our past decisions affect our children's future and that skill is decided by your upbringing, this year...there...there will be no twist," I trailed off at the end, confused by the words I was reading. The crowd in front of me started scream for a twist, scream for me to give them what I had promised but even I was shocked.
"Let the President speak!" my assistant Hang shouted at the angry crowd. I waited until they had once again, become silent before I continued.
"Instead, each District will have the opportunity to volunteer their children for the Games. These children will have to be between the age of five and seven years old and only two from each district shall be chosen; one male and one female. However, the families of the chosen children shall be paid half that of a victor, every six months until their child's death. The group of lucky children, The Chosen, the best of their District, will be taken away to The Capitol where they will train for ten years, when they will take part in the thirty-fifth Hunger Games," Some people cheered but most seemed shaken by the idea. Whoever thought of this twist was a twisted soul.
"On their ten year anniversary of being chosen, all twenty-four children will be handed over to the public. The public, here, in The Capitol, will vote for their favorite twelve tributes. The tributes with the most votes will go into the Games...the losing tributes will...they will be executed," The crowd stayed silent, a few people clapping and cheering.
"What about this year?" someone asked for the from the front row.
"Yeah, we want our twist," another one growled. The rest of the public started to scream in anger, live on T.V. I turned to Hang and told him to run an get me another golden envelope, we would be short, but it would stop an uprising. Hang shushed the crowd as I opened the envelope.
"As a reminder to those in doubt, through the generosity of Panem and the Capitol, this year's tributes shall be voted for by those within their districts. You may vote for whom you believe the most worthy amongst you to fight in your name during the 25th annual Hunger Games, and the first quarter quell!" I shouted. The crowd was silent for a few seconds before they started cheering. Two games that involved voting? This year was going to cost a lot of money but I was the president, I could do what I wanted, it just meant the Districts had to work harder.
So your character will have been voted in by their District. Make sure they have a reason for being voted in. No one would be sent in because they spilt their milk one time and now everyone hates them or because they are too sweet. Otherwise, have fun! Form and tribute list is on my profile. -Robin.