Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight or Harry Potter

A/N: First twilight fanfiction! Will warn you: I'm not a great Bella fan, though I don't hate her.

Just trying things out and seeing where they go.

Rosalie has had just about enough.

She's a veggie vamp, as her husband is so fond of calling them, so she doesn't drink blood from humans.

But that doesn't mean she doesn't want to kill them.

She wonders, sometimes, if that makes her better or worse than the red-eyed vampires. At least they only really kill in order to feed themselves.

Rosalie feels the urge to kill just for the pleasure of killing itself.

In this very instance, she feels like killing the two human men salivating in front of her in particular.

There's absolutely nothing appetizing about their scent. They smell like sweat, alcohol, and bathroom stalls, and Rosalie – very much involuntarily, she assures you - knows one of them has thrown up in the last 48 hours.

No, Rosalie doesn't want to eat these men.

But oh, snapping their necks and pulling their hearts out is incredibly tempting.

This is why Rosalie hates coming to bars.

Now, don't get her wrong. Rosalie very much likes the attention (from both men and women), in fact, she revels in it.

They should praise her beauty; admire it from afar. They should be honored to even get the opportunity.

But just because she's beautiful (and she knows she is) doesn't allow these random men to approach her and then refuse to leave.

She's gorgeous – thanks, she knows. Now if you could kindly get over it and get out of her sight, she'd appreciate it.

The two men in front of her had been jabbering away for nigh on ten minutes now (already ten minutes too long), and everything Rosalie said seemed to go in one ear and out the other.

(She's not too surprised. It appears there isn't anything between the two ears.)

Rosalie has zero tolerance for cocky men that think every woman will simply fall into their arms. Even less for men who don't seem to understand the word "No".

(A small part of her whispers it's because they remind her too much of her fiancée from when she was a human. She ignores this part and tells herself it's really just because she's a bona fide diva with such a large ego there's no space for other people's. Besides, these scum should know their place.)

Rosalie actually came here because she had a fight with Emmett.

This is not an uncommon occurrence. She and Emmett fight pretty often, but the make-up sex is always great so she doesn't mind too much.

Rosalie doesn't quite remember why they started fighting this time, but she knows she's not giving in until he grovels appropriately. It doesn't matter if it turns out she's wrong; there's no way she'll be the first to apologize.

Or apologize at all, really.

(Rosalie has a lot of pride. It was cruelly beaten out of her, along with her dignity and everything that made her her when she was human, and now she couldn't – couldn't, not wouldn't but really actually physically could not– give up even a part of it, even if it was to a person she loved and trusted like Emmett.

It was one of the reasons she and Edward hadn't worked, no matter how much Carlisle wished it at the time. Both of them were entirely too proud and unyielding. Besides, they weren't mates so it wouldn't have worked out even if they had been compatible.)

But Emmett understands her limitations and doesn't mind them. He's always the one to say sorry, to remind her how much he loves her, to show how he cherishes her, and Rosalie may put up a token protest but it generally doesn't last long and she quickly melts back into his arms.

But right now she's mad at him, and her pride won't allow her to think pleasant thoughts of him.

Which is why she's at this shitty bar in the middle of shitty Port Angeles getting hit on by shitty guys.

She's just about to make it exceptionally clear how much she doesn't appreciate their pathetic attempts at seduction (although she believed the "Fuck off" she had given them earlier had been fairly clear – but some idiots need a little more elaboration), when someone approaches her from behind.

"Hello, darling," A sensual female voice with a British accent purrs from behind Rosalie. "I hope you didn't have to wait long."

A/N: Leave a review if you think I should continue!

And I hate obnoxious guys at bars that keep hitting on you despite you clearly not wanting anything.