So I wanted to start another story alongside The New Addition. I will continue with that, I promise! :) Someone gave me this idea and I thought it would be cool to write. So this is a prequel to my story Lost and Found. This will show Lorelai at that party on Harvey's Beach where she unknowingly meets Luke. I will probably follow her pregnancy through to the time Rory is taken from her and she escapes to Stars Hollow. Hope you like it! :)

Chapter 1

Lorelai heard the chatter of her parents' guests downstairs at the party she was supposed to make an appearance at. They were staying at their holiday home near Harvey's Beach that weekend. There was no way she was about to sit through yet another boring gathering with all her parents' boring friends. There was a party on Harvey's beach and Chris had invited her.

She quietly grabbed her coat and went to her window. She climbed out and snuck out round the back of the house. All the guests were far too occupied inside to notice her sneak through the back gate which led towards the beach.

Once she was out, she felt like she could breathe again. It was nice to be out in the fresh air and free from her parents' watchful eyes. It was only a ten minute walk to the beach and as she got there she spotted Chris immediately. "Chris!" She called, smiling at him as she walked over.

"Hey Lor!" He smiled back coming up to her and giving her a kiss. "You made it out then?"

"Yep! You really thought I wouldn't be able to?" She grinned.

Chris laughed. "Nope. You always seem to find ways to get out."

"So where does a girl get some drinks round here?" She grinned.

"I'll show you, come on." Chris smiled as he slinked his arm round her shoulders and led the way to the bar.

Lorelai was walking along the beach looking out at the water. She'd been at the party for about an hour now and had hit back a couple of drinks. Chris had gone for a toilet break so she had taken the time to take in the view. It was lovely. She slowly headed back towards the party as Chris should have returned by now so decided to go and look for him. He'd probably got distracted chatting to some mates. She walked through the crowds of people, frowning when she couldn't seem to find him anyway. She was about to go sit on one of the benches when she froze. There, behind one of the trees, was Chris snogging the face off a blonde haired girl, someone she recognised from school. She felt sick down to the stomach, tears pricking her eyes. How could he do this to her? No wonder he encouraged her to go and enjoy the view. He just wanted time to snog his bit on the side. "So this is where you've been." She said quietly.

Chris spun round and his eyes widened as he saw Lorelai. "Lor..."

"Don't. Don't even try to excuse yourself!" She warned turning to walk away.

"Lor wait!" He exclaimed desperately racing after her.

"Stay away from me!" Lorelai cried. "How could you, Chris? How could you do this to me?"

"I..I didn't mean to!" Chris tried to defend himself.

"Oh, so you're saying you tripped and somehow manage to land on her lips?" Lorelai said sarcastically.

"Lor come on..."

"No! I don't want to hear it! We're over!" Lorelai shouted.

"Please don't do this, Lor. I love you!" Chris exclaimed.

"Not enough obviously." Lorelai snapped. "How long has it been going on huh? A week? Two weeks? A month? A few months?" She said angrily. She saw Chris glance down guitily and she felt sick. "I knew you. You've been screwing her behind my back for months. So much for Chris and Lorelai against the world." She said bitterly.

"Lor please..." Chris begged.

"We're over." She said adamantly. "I hate you! Stay away from me. I mean it!" She shouted, rushing away from him.

She ran off and collapsed by one of the other trees, furiously wiping the tears away that were falling down her cheek. She felt so stupid. This had been happening for months. How had she not noticed? She sat there for about ten minutes when she felt someone sit down next to him. "Go away Chris." She sniffed.

"You looked like you needed a drink." A deeper voice said.

She looked over to see a guy who looked a bit older than her holding out what looked to be tequila. "I've been taught not to take drinks from strangers."

"Fair enough." He chuckled placing it on the ground. "You just looked like you needed a drink."

Lorelai looked at him for a moment before taking the glass and knocking it back. "Thanks." She said quietly.

"I'm guessing you've had a rough night?" He said.

"You could say that." She sighed.

"Sorry." He said.

Lorelai just shrugged but was glad he wasn't asking any more.

"If it helps, my evening is kind of sucking too. I'm only here to make sure my sister does nothing stupid." He said.

Lorelai smiled a bit. "I doubt it's sucking as much as mine but I appreciate you trying." She said.

He glanced at her. "Are you sure you're ok? You seemed pretty upset."

Lorelai sighed. "I'm fine." She said unconvincingly. She was quiet for a moment. "Got any more tequila?"

He chuckled. "I'll go get some. I'll be right back. Unless you want me to bring it and then get lost?" He smirked.

Lorelai smirked but couldn't help but warm to him. "Nah I think I could manage your company for a bit longer."

He smirked. "I'll be right back." He said heading back to the bar.

"No way did he do that!?" Lorelai laughed later, as she was engaged in a conversation with this stranger.

"He did, I swear!" He chuckled.

"So you're saying this Kirk guy rollerbladed all around your town trying to catch his pet rabbit that had gotten free and he ended up in a bush with his trousers off?" She exclaimed in disbelief.

"God honest truth."

Lorelai narrowed her eyes. "I don't know whether to believe you or not."

"Look if you met Kirk, you would believe me." He smirked.

Lorelai laughed. "I think I would love your town."

"It's crazy." He said.

"Crazy's good. I love crazy." She grinned.

"Clearly." He smirked. "How many tequilas have you had?"

"Hey! You're not innocent, mister!" She exclaimed.

"True." He chuckled.

"Hey Butch! When are you coming to see us?" A girl's voice called over to him.

He groaned as he turned round.

Lorelai looked past him and saw a group of girls giggling together. "Who are they?" She asked.

"My sister's crazy friends. I've been trying to avoid them all evening. Thanks for helping with that by the way." He said.

Lorelai grinned. "Your name's Butch?" She said amused.

"No, it's a stupid nickname people at school came up with." He groaned.

"I like it. Do you have a girlfriend called Sissy?" She teased.


"Aw you would be a great couple. Butch and Sissy sitting in a tree..." She sang enjoying teasing him.

Groaning he lay back on the ground. "Please stop."

Lorelai grinned and lay back with him. She looked across at him. "Thanks for cheering me up." She said.

He smiled. "No problem. Glad I could help."

Lorelai didn't know whether it was because of the tequila or because she felt attracted to the gruff, handsome stranger beside her. She slowly leant forward, pressing her lips against his. She felt him reciprocate and soon they were on top of each other, getting carried away leading to clothes getting removed.

"So..uh..that was...unexpected." Lorelai laughed nervously as she sat up, pulling her jacket back on.

"Yeah.." He chuckled nervously. "I..uh..I want you to know I didn't come over to you because I wanted that, because I expected anything..." He said.

Lorelai saw the concern on his face and it made her like him even more. "I know." She said. "Trust me, I didn't think this was how my night was going to end either." She said. "Do you know what the time is?" She asked.

"Midnight." He said checking his watch.

"Urghh, I should get back before my parents notice I snuck out." She groaned.

"Where are your staying?" He asked.

"Just ten minutes up that road." She said gesturing to the dimly lit road behind them.

"I'll walk you back." He said.

"Oh no, you don't need to." She said surprised.

"I don't mind. Besides, I'd feel better knowing you got home ok." He shrugged.

Lorelai smiled. "Ok. Well thanks." She said.

They got up and started walking back up the road. They chatted all the way back until they reached the back gate of the house in which Lorelai used to sneak out.

"Well this is it." She said. "Thanks again for walking me back."

"No problem." He shrugged putting his hands in his pockets.

"So I better go in..." She said.

"Oh sure.." He nodded.

Lorelai turned and was about to go in when she heard his voice.

"I never asked. What's your name?" He asked.

"Lola." She said thinking of the first name that came to mind. She liked the guy but she didn't want it getting back to her parents that she had gone to the party.

" was nice to meet you Lola. Thanks for saving my evening." He smirked.

"Oh it was nothing, Butch." She grinned.

He rolled his eyes. "Geez, I wish you'd forget that nickname." He said.

"Sorry!" She grinned. She then turned serious. "Seriously though, thanks for tonight. You really cheered me up. I had fun."

"Yeah me too." He nodded.

"So..uh..bye..." She smiled.

"Bye." He smiled before turning and heading back towards the beach.

Lorelai smiled as she watched him disappear off along the road. She sighed. She was about to go in before she suddenly realised something. "Wait!" She called. She sighed when she got no answer. He had gone. She kicked himself for not getting his number. How had she not thought to get his number? She took one last look down towards the beach and then snuck back through the gate and back towards the house. The house was quiet so she quietly climbed up to her bedroom window and snuck back into her room. She got changed and got into bed. She hadn't realised how tired she was until her head hit the pillow and she was quickly asleep, a smile on her face as she thought back over the second part of her evening.

So I hoped you liked it! I was a bit nervous doing this but I really enjoyed my Lost and Found series so thought that maybe you'd enjoy this prequel. :) Please let me know what you think! Thanks! :)