Stolen Roses

A little About you:

You're 18, and have spent over 3 years in the feudal era with your cousin Kagome Higurashi. You're a human but with a special trait, you are a killius. Though you do not find this out till later. And this makes you a prime target for many demons.

A killius can be a Human, Demon, or a Angel and only one can live {be alive} at a time. They are stronger than most humans and have the ability to control supernatural entities (Make them sit, send them to hell or heaven, force them to stay still (freeze), etc). You also can bare full blooded children, the child will take after the stronger parent.

You had been pulled down the well 2 months after Kagome was, and after traveling with Inuyasha and the gang you came across Sesshomaru who forced you to follow him after sensing what you are.

You two soon became close friends, and he highly valued your knowledge of the future. You fell in love with him, and even started understanding his stares as if they were words. You were too afraid to tell him of your feelings. Fearing rejection you kept them inside.

Once Rin came along she started looking at you as her mother, you two were inseparable. And many times you found her as your reason for staying.

And your goal soon became to protect her and make her as happy as possible. And your relationship with Jaken, well there's not a good way to describe hate and love when it comes to you two. You two were constantly bucking heads and you tried to drown him more than a few times.

Shortly after Naraku died, You, Sesshomaru, and the gang headed back to his palace in order for him to get things in order again. He had made you his trusted adviser, and you two would spend all day going over arrangements, battle plans, and the occasional mating offers for rin from other lords.

But you didn't live happily as you hoped when Sesshomaru's intended mate came to live in the castle.

You held your head high and only cried while in the springs.

She is the daughter of the Southern lord, and thinks very highly of herself. She hates humans, and has caused many battles with you. Knowing she cannot kill you without in turn being killed by Sesshomaru, many of your battles have been small and harmless.

You were unadmittedly jealous of his mate, and started to avoid Sesshomaru.



~Dreams or Daydreams~