Just Act Casually
AN: This is the last chapter I'm doing for this story. I want to think the ridiculous amount of people who have followed, favorited, and reviewed. It means the world to me that something I thought would be interesting has struck a chord with so many.
Chapter 12: Have a Drink on Me
Ruby was in her room with Yang, getting dressed for their night out. Yang didn't bring much to wear to she was wearing as little as possible. Ruby on the other hand had plenty of clothes, none that would fit Yang, but only one dress that she ever went clubbing with.
"This is going to be so much fun." Yang gleamed. She loved competition, especially if that competition involved either punching or drinking.
"Yeah. It's been a while since the two of us have had a chance to hang out."
"And the one chance we do I'm the third wheel." Yang groaned. She slipped a shirt on. "How about this?" The shirt exposed her midriff and cleavage and barely hung on her shoulder. Paired with her hot pants left little to the imagination.
"Yang…why do you always wither look like you're some post-apocalyptic badass, or a hooker. Seriously, there is no in between with you."
"Yeah, I like to dress for the occasion. Which is either beating ass or getting ass beaten…if you know what I mean."
"Spare me the thought." Ruby said. After looking her sister over she sighed.
"What's wrong?"
"I'm just a little jealous of your hair and your boobs." Ruby said cupping her own.
"Hey the tradeoff is that you have a way better ass." Yang swatted her behind. "And, you've got better legs but that comes from you walking everywhere."
"Yeah, the muscular curvature that is my body is worth the exercise." Ruby flaunted and showed off her legs.
"I'm sure Jaune appreciates it. Especially when you wrap your legs around him." Yang smirked.
"Oh, come on! You were just railroading me about having sex on the couch last night."
"That's because I didn't want to see it. But I'm fine talking about it so long as your face is the one that goes red."
"Well how would you like it if I brought up your kinks?"
"I'd be fine."
"Around dad?" Ruby's eyes narrowed.
"That's not funny. And that's not what I do."
"I know but you can't treat me like a little kid one minute then one of your butt buddies the next." Ruby said.
"I get it." Yang messed with Ruby's hair. "I'm proud of you. I know Mom and Uncle Qrow would be too. And if you think Jaune is treating you right, then I can't complain. Just know this, I'll be there, not all the time or even when you may need me. But when you need me the most I'll be there."
"So long as it's convenient."
"Hey I'm trying to have a serious moment."
"Well maybe I don't like serious coming from you." Ruby shook her head. "Either way all is not forgiven. So, are you ready to get shitfaced."
"By the time, you're done, you'll be sleeping in the bathroom." Yang smirked.
Ruby and Yang walked into the main room where Jaune was waiting patiently by the door. Ruby gave him a kiss as she opened the door and led the way downstairs. Yang took the lead when they got outside. She flashed her keys and hit the signal for it. Yang's motorcycle had a new addition since last time Ruby had seen it.
"Is that…?" Ruby started.
"Jaune, get in the sidecar."
"Wait, what?" Jaune stammered.
"Did I stutter? Get in the damn sidecar bitch." Yang put her helmet on. Ruby laughed as she sat behind Yang. "Helmet up." She passed helmets to both of them.
"This is so humiliating." Jaune grumbled as he squatted in the sidecar.
"I think you look handsome." Ruby kissed his cheek and leaned into his ear. "Feel free to grab my ass on those sharp turns." She whispered. She sat back and winked at him.
"Hang on tight." Yang warned.
An instant later they were racing down the street. They arrived at the club just a minute later. Jaune's hair was a mess from wearing his helmet. Ruby took a minute to help him comb it. Jaune just stood there and let her do it like a good boy. After fixing themselves up, they walked into the club.
"Pick your poison." Ruby said.
"Whiskey." Yang said so she ordered a bottle of whiskey and a bunch of shot glasses.
"Sure, one bottle will be enough?" Ruby asked.
"We can always ask for more." Yang said. "Jaune, you know how to drive a motorcycle right?"
"Yeah it's…well I usually walk everywhere or take a moped. But I'm motorcycle certified."
"Good. Because we're about to get shitfaced." Yang poured the first round. Both girls took it down quickly. "And keep score."
"Well, I guess that means I'm not drinking." Jaune said.
"Someone should be the responsible adult." Ruby said right as she took her second shot. "Might as well be you."
"Babysitting drunk Ruby and Yang and dealing with hangovers tomorrow. It's what I've always wanted." Jaune's voice oozed with sarcasm.
Ruby and Yang went back and forth. Shot after shot. Things were getting hazy for them. At least no one was hitting on them. Jaune's presence and the obvious competition the sisters were having deterred would-be suiters. However, that didn't stop one or two girls from hitting on Jaune. Including that Reese girl. Despite the daggers, Ruby shot at her, she was still overly friendly. Jaune made it clear he wasn't interested.
"You're going down." Yang slurred after another shot.
"Only down I'm doing is on Jaune." Ruby slurred back. "Fuck, did I say that out loud?" Yang was getting slap happy. Also, Ruby wasn't really able to tell but she appeared to be hitting on a poster that stood across the room.
"You're drunk." Yang said.
"You're drunker." Ruby shot back. Jaune was sitting between them just relaxing. "Jaune, a little moral support."
"You can do it Ruby." Jaune said flatly.
"Thank you." Ruby perked up and slammed another shot down.
"You should go home before you start barfing." Yang laughed.
"You should go home before you get vomit on your stupid pretty hair."
"I won't." Yang slammed a shot. "You're messing with the big leagues here. My liver can take so much more than yours."
"We'll see." Ruby responded. "I…" Ruby shook her head.
"It's getting to you." Yang teased. "I can see it on all your faces. You're at your limit." She took a shot. "Oh whoah." She started rocking back and forth.
"I'm not…finished." Ruby took another shot. Yang slapped herself and took her next shot.
"Fuck, how are you still conscious?"
"I…have a high metabaolis." Ruby tripped over the word. "Wait…that's not right."
"Metabolism." Jaune corrected.
"Thank you." Ruby said.
"Matablolobola or not, you can't keep up. It's no use." Yang slammed down another shot.
"I…will…" Ruby took another shot and instantly vomited. Luckily Jaune was there with a bag ready. "I've made a mistake."
"Ha!" Yang laughed. "I wi…I wi…Hrl." She ran towards the bathroom.
"I think I'm sick." Ruby slurred into the bag.
"You did good champ." Jaune patted her back. "Let's go home."
Yang walked out of the bathroom looking like a wreck. Jaune walked them both out of the club. Ruby dropped to her hands and knees and started vomiting again. She felt like she was going to die. Her eyes were screaming in an incomprehensible haze.
The next thing she knew she was carried into her bathroom and bent over a toilet. Yang was bent over a tub. Jaune used one hand to rub Ruby's back and the other to help Yang keep her hair clean. He ended up just tying it back and giving Ruby his undivided attention.
"I can't believe I went through with this." Ruby said. "Why did you let me get into this competition?"
"I thought it would be good for the both of you." Jaune said. "At least now you have to forgive her."
"Fuck, that's what I promised her? I'm such a cheap bitch."
"I'll say." Yang growled.
"This doesn't concern you."
"The hell it doesn't." Yang fumed.
"You also offered some of your games." Jaune said. Ruby let that sink in for a few seconds.
"Fuck." She groaned. "I don't think I want to live on this planet anymore."
"It'll be over in a day or two." Jaune said. Ruby let out another string of vomit. "At least that part will be over by the time you wake up."
"Then it'll just be the hangover." Ruby continued to groan.
"Well I'll be here with you…every step of the way."
"Well yeah Ruby. I love you." Something inside Ruby started to sing. It was the first time he had said it with such genuine admiration. There was a twinge of guilt inside Ruby that he had said it first.
"I love you too." Ruby took her head out of the toilet. She went to give Jaune a kiss but missed and ended up planting her face into his chest. "You smell nice."
"And you smell like shit." Jaune said as he rubbed the back of her head.
"I should probably take a shower." Ruby said.
"You think the vomiting has passed?" Jaune asked.
Ruby nodded her head. She started taking her shirt off but got lost somewhere along the way. The whole world was still a wobbly haze. She heard Jaune turn on the bath water and Yang get up and have a seat by the toilet.
"I can leave if you want." Yang said.
"Not necessary." Jaune said. "It's not like I'm going to join her."
"Why not?" Ruby whined.
"Because the both of you are drunk and I have to be the responsible adult."
"Ooh, I should join you." Yang said.
"Wait, no!" Jaune commanded.
"It'll be just like we're kids again and big papa Jaune is bathing us."
"Hell no!" Jaune said. "Yang, you're drunk and there's no way I'm letting you." He shot up and grabbed her arms to stop her from stripping. Yang threw her hands up, knocking Jaune on his ass.
"I'm just fucking with you." Yang laughed.
"Leave him alone." Ruby groaned. She still wasn't quite able to navigate her shirt. Jaune walked over to her and helped her out of her clothes and into the bath. Yang laid next to the tub and closed her eyes. She then started to snore.
"Thank God she passed out." Jaune said. "I don't know what I would have done had she actually stripped and joined you."
"Better just keep your eyes on me." Ruby said. She leaned back in the water. "You're such a good boyfriend. I wouldn't have it any other way."
"Neither would I Ruby."
Ruby passed out soon after that. The next time she gained consciousness she was in her pajamas in bed late at night. Jaune was curled up next to her. His hands were in compromising places. Had they not been dating, Ruby would have freaked out. Instead she just did what came casually and curled up next to him.
AN: The end. It's been fun, truly it has. I know some people want them to have kids. For those people, check out my story The Rose House. It basically chronicles Ruby and Jaune's journey into parenthood after getting a new house after their daughter is born. Or you could read RWBYond Generations where their eldest daughter is attending Beacon on the same team as Weiss' daughter and Ren's daughter. Speaking of which, I'll be continuing that story immediately now.