Hey, guys. I'm back with another crossover. I know I said I'd take a break from making Zootopia fanfics for a while, but I could really get this out of my system. This is a crossover with Zootopia and King Kong, and it'll also serve as a sequel to my other kaiju crossover fanfic, Godzilla: King of Zootopia. This is in honor of the release to the reboot movie, Kong: Skull Island. However, this will be based mostly on the original movie. It will also have some characters of the 2005 remake. Hope you guys enjoy it.
It was late at night. All of Zootopia was lit with the city lights, like a beacon in the dark. Down in the bay area of the city, it was rare for a quiet night, on a usual busy workplace. The night guard, a porcupine, was making it's rounds, near the biggest barge in the docking area, the Wanderer.
"Excuse me. Is this the movie ship?" a raccoon, wearing a business coat, asked the guard.
"Lemme guess. You going on this crazy voyage, too?" said the guard.
"Yes, and I've been hearing that a lot, lately. What's all this talk about this voyage crazy?" asked the raccoon.
"Well, everyone's talking about the mammal that's running it, for starters." said the guard.
"Carl Denham?" said the raccoon.
"Yes, that's the name. Said he ain't scared of nothin'!" said the guard. "Wants a picture of an alligator, he just goes right up, and takes it's picture."
"Hey, down there!" a voice called from the ship.
"Is Denham aboard? I'm his righthand, Preston." said the raccoon.
"Well, why didn't you say so? C'mom aboard!" called the voice, that belonged to a blue-furred cat sailor, Lumpy. "Mr. Denham is getting wild. Hope you got the good news for him."
Preston and Lumpy made their way to the ship's captain's quarters. Inside, they were greeted by the captain, a beaver named Engelhorn, and a pig in a white business suit, Carl Denham.
"Ah, Preston. Glad you could make it." said Carl. "I see you met the cook, Lumpy."
"Ah'm also a barber and surgeon, back in my day." said Lumpy. "Speaking of cooking, I'd best get back to the gumbo."
Lumpy left, leaving Preston to his hosts.
"So Preston, what about those two leading roles?" said Carl.
"Can't be done, Carl." said Preston.
"What?! But, it's gotta be done!" said Carl.
"I just don't get it, Carl. You've never had any love interests in any of your movies. So, why'd you want one, now?" said Preston.
"Holy mackerel! It's the public's idea! Not mine!" said Carl. "I hear it all the time from the reviewers, too. They all say the same thing. 'If this movie had some chemistry, it would've been ten times better.' Alright. So, if that's what they want, I'll give it to them."
"I dunno where you're gonna get them." said Preston. "Just recruiting someone out of the blue, without knowing what to expect?"
"And what are they to expect?" asked Carl.
"To go off on a voyage to some uncharted region of the world, where no mammal doesn't visit often. Stuck on a ship with the toughest mugs you ever laid eyes on. Uh, by that, I mean the crew."
"Holy mackerel. You talked like I've never brought back anyone alive." Carl chuckled.
"The crew and I have stuck with Carl on two trips." said Captain Engelhorn. "Yet, I don't know much for the moment, until Mr. Denham said he'd show us when we've reached our course, midway."
"All this mystery talk, it makes me relieved I didn't find you a couple." said Preston, lighting his pipe.
"Yeah, well I'll find them. You think I'm just gonna up and quit, just because you couldn't find any couple with backbone?" said Carl. "Listen, I'm going to make a movie about the greatest discovery in the world. Something no mammal's seen or heard of."
Carl rushed to the coat rack, and threw on his overcoat.
"Where are you going?" asked the captain.
"I'm going out to find a couple for my movie." said Carl, walking out the door. "Even if I have to kidnap them."
Nick, Judy, Cody, and Shiela just walked out of the theater. Cody and Shiela were really pumped after the movie. The movie was about the giant monsters that battled in Zootopia.
It had been a couple of years since the battle of the giants between Godzilla, Mothra, Rodan, and Ghidorah. To this day, the leaders of the mammalian world have kept a close eye on the guardians, yet leave them to slumber in peace. Since then, a lot of media had been covered about the giant monsters.
"Oh, man! That movie was genius, Ma!" said Cody.
"Pops, didn't you say you wanted to be in the movies?" said Shiela.
"Yeah, but that was a silly kid's dream to me." said Nick. "I still can't believe they went and made an actual movie about the big lizard and his buddies."
"It's only been two years, since then." said Judy. "How much has changed since then."
"Can we come back, and see it again, tomorrow? Please?!" Cody asked, with puppy-dog eyes.
"Well... What do you think, Shiela?" asked Judy, but found her daughter wasn't there. "Shiela?"
"Where'd she go?" said Nick, looking around. "Shiela?!"
Meanwhile, Shiela had skipped away to a stand, where she eyed a juicy apple that she knew she had to try. She reached out to take it, but the hare running the stand, snatched her arm.
"Ha, ha! I caught you, pint-sized thief!" sneered the hare. "Now, I catch a cop! You'd like that, wouldn't you?"
"No, please! Lemme go! I'm sorry! I just wanted the apple! I thought my parents would pay for it! They're cops!" Shiela cried, trying to break free from the hare's grip.
"Hey, come on. The kid didn't mean any harm." a pig, Carl, said from the sidelines.
"But, three mammals this week have snatched from my stand!" said the hare.
"Here, this should cover for the apple. Keep the change, and scram." said Carl, placing two bucks in the hare's paw.
The hare took the money and left, letting the terrified girl go. Nick, Judy, and Cody found Shiela, and ran to her side.
"Shiela! Why did you run off like that? Are you okay?" said Judy, making sure she wasn't hurt.
"Don't worry, miss. She's a little shook up, but she's fine." said Carl.
"I just wanted an apple, momma." said Shiela.
"Well, next time, wait for us. No more running off like that, without telling us first." said Judy.
"Okay, this nice pig helped me." said Shiela.
"Thank you, sir. I'm so sorry about this." said Judy.
"Don't sweat- Hey, wait a minute. Don't I know you two from somewhere?" said Carl.
"Um, why do you ask? I don't think we've met." said Judy.
"Oh, you're both Judy and Nick Wilde. The first fox and rabbit officers in the ZPD. I've heard about ya." said Carl. "Say, what do ya say I treat ya to dinner?"
"Oh, well, that's nice of you, sir. But, no offense, we don't know you." said Judy.
"Oh, forgive me. My name's Carl Denham. Ever heard of me?" said Carl.
"Oh, yeah. You're that filmmaker. I've seen a couple of your jungle adventure movies." said Nick.
"Exactly. I wanna get to know the famous ZPD duo." said Carl, an idea forming in his head.
Carl had taken the family to one of the best restaurants in town. All of them ordered the finest soups on the menu. Carrot and herbal stew for Carl, Shiela, and Judy. Chicken and fish soup for Nick and Cody.
"This is awfully kind of you, Mr. Denham." said Judy, sipping from her soup.
"Now, I'm flattered, but know that I'm not doing this out of kindness." said Carl, looking up and down at Judy and Nick. "I'm gonna cut right to the chase. I've got a job for you two."
"Really? Is it a case?" said Judy, her eyes beaming with excitement.
"No, even better." said Carl. "It's money, adventure, and fame. It's the thrill of a lifetime, and it starts on a voyage at sea. We sail at six."
"Well, that sounds like something up my alley. But, if it's not a case, then what?" said Nick.
"Strictly business. I've decided to cast you two, and your kids, if they like, in my next picture." said Carl.
"Whoa! Well, you know that we are NOT actors. Right?" said Judy.
"Well, have you ever done a little bit of acting before, in your life?" asked Carl.
"Actually, I performed for a school play, once. Then, there was that play for the talent show. That was back when I was nine. I was like all, 'Blood! Blood! Blood!'" said Judy, imitating her fake blood routine.
"How'd the audience take it?" asked Carl.
"Speechless. To say the least." said Judy.
"Beautiful. That's the kind of actors I need. Look, my movie's got everything it needs, except my leading characters." said Carl. "Right now, with your acting, Judy, and Nick's dashing good looks, you guys are like the answer to my little dilemma. I'm on the level, here. All you have to do is trust me, and keep your chin up."
"Well, you got my good looks right." said Nick. "But, let me warn ya. Carrots has been known to milk it. Also, can we discuss the matter of what our pay will be?"
Judy nudged Nick in the gut. "Don't be rude, Nick." she said.
"It's all good, Judy. We can discuss more on the ship." said Carl, extending his hoof. "So, what do ya say?"
Judy looked at Carl's extended hoof, then shook it. Nick did the same. The kids grinned widely.
"Sweet! We're gonna star in a movie!" said Cody.
"Wait 'til we tell our grandparents about this." said Shiela.
It was almost dawn. Judy had gotten everyone out of bed, out the door, down to the pier, and up to the boat. They packed just right after they got home from meeting Carl, last night. On the boat, they met the captain, Lumpy, the ship's cook, and Jimmy, a sixteen-year-old arctic fox and the cabin boy. Cody and Shiela immediately got along well with Jimmy from the start. The sound of the Wanderer's whistle tooted, and the ship pulled out from the port.
"Well, gang. A toast, to adventure and thrills." Carl said, raising a glass of wine.
Nick and Judy had some ginger-ale, since they didn't drink, and their glasses clinked together with Carl's. The sun had just broken over the horizon, as the Wanderer was fully out at sea. Little did anyone know that their adventure was about to contain more than they anticipated...
~Kong: King of Zootopia~
Well, guys. That's it for the prologue. Not a lot of action here, but this is just the opening. There'll still be plenty more to come in later chapters. Hope you guys enjoy it, so far.
I own nothing, except a few OC's. All rights go to original owners. No copyright intended. Thanks. Stay tuned for more of this fanfic.