"Robin's the mole?" Kid Flash asked complete and utter disbelief laced his voice. "But it's Robin."
The team rewound the footage and watched as the Boy Wonder they called a friend and teammate snuck behind every member of the Justice League of America and placed the Starro biotech on their necks during the initiating welcoming party. None of them knew how Robin escaped their sights, knowing the boy did it often and thought nothing of it. When Red Arrow had found his way to the Mount Justice bloodied and beaten he had told the team what occurred.
"But how could this of happened?" Aqualad spoke with despair, shaking his head.
"All I know is that Vandal Savage and some dude with a cat are pulling the reigns and they're coming here." Roy winced as M'gann tightened the bandage.
"We need to leave then," Artemis announced. "We can't stay."
"We can't just abandon our home," Superboy growled at the blonde.
"There won't be a home left once they're through with it." Artemis snapped right back.
"Why Robin?" M'gann asked finally speaking up.
"Out of all of us, Robin is the most trustworthy. His Batman's prodigy, the Boy Wonder. No one would ever pick Robin to betray his team let alone Batman." Roy explained.
"But he did." Kid Flash furrowed his brow, arms crossed, fingers digging into his arms. "The Robin I know would never under any circumstances betray his friends."
"What are you saying?" Artemis snorted. "That this wasn't the real Robin?"
"What if it was a clone?" The speedster came away from the wall, walking up to Aqualad. "When we found Superboy we got knocked out, what if they cloned Robin in the process?"
"Why not clone all three of you?" Superboy rose a brow in skepticism. "I mean you two have powers."
"What if cloning a metahuman requires more science than an ordinary human?" Kid Flash began to pace. "It would make sense to clone the one person who could hold the trust of even the most skeptical member of the Justice League and an even bigger bonus that he's not a meta."
"But that would mean we've been living with a clone and not even knowing." Artemis shivered, rubbing her arm.
"So where's the real Robin?" Aqualad questioned.
"He must be back at Cadmus." Wally clicked his fingers. "Let's go get him."
"Woah, Wally." Aqualad caught his arm. "We need to help the League."
" What?" Kid Flash exclaimed. "Are you serious? My best friend is out there trapped. I gotta save him!"
"We can't do anything with the whole League after us." Red Arrow rose from his spot, thanking M'gann and placed a hand on Wally's shoulder. "I want to save him too but the League need us."
Wally glanced to the ground, he knew Roy was right. He nodded once in agreement but vowed as soon as this was over he'd go straight to Cadmus.
After managing to analyse the Starro biotech and creating a device to counter it the team set off to Mount Justice. After successfully reprogramming the League they had to watch as Vandal Savage and Klarion escaped with the clone, Robin. Batman watched on with utter disbelief as his partner, his son gave him the most hateful stare before vanishing. In the corner of his eye, he noticed Aqualad and Kid Flash having a heated conversation with the speedster huffing in defeat and turning to the Dark Knight. Wally cautiously shuffled towards him.
"Batman?" Wally called, earning the attention of not only Bruce but of all of the League. "There's something you should know."
Batman fell to his knees. No. This wasn't possible. A clone? He played basketball with Robin, watched him train. Shared dinner with him. A clone? How?
"How do you know this?" Wonder Woman asked.
"We believe that the real Robin is being kept underground at Cadmus," Aqualad answered.
"Do you have proof that he is a clone?" Superman crossed his arm.
"Isn't this evidence enough?" Kid Flash spun around, motioning to their injured teammates. "Robin would never betray his team."
"People change." Superman frowned. "You just need the right leverage."
"Robin would rather die than betray anyone," Batman growled at the Kryptonian. "He possesses a quality most people don't have. Loyalty."
"So a clone huh?" Captain Marvel voiced.
"Yes. Now we're wasting time!" Wally pulled at his hair. "We have to go get him back!"
"Are you sure?" Batman asked, watching Wally's eyes as the boy answered.
"One hundred percent."
"Okay." Bruce nodded. "Then take your team and bring Robin home."
"You're not coming?" Aqualad tilted his head in confusion.
"I'm needed here." Batman furrowed his brow. "I entrust you with Robin's life."
The team glanced at one another before nodding at Bruce and left the mountain.
"Are you sure you don't want to go?" Superman placed a hand on the Batman's shoulder. Bruce simply brushed his hand off and walked away.
"Of course I do. But I can't."
"Why not?"
"I've been living with a clone of my son for six months and I didn't know." Bruce pinched his brow as he spun around in anger. "I didn't know..."
"Okay, what's the plan?" Kid Flash gazed at the building ready to save his best friend.
"Save Robin." Red Arrow adjusted his bow. "You guys have been here before?"
"Yes. Now come on." Superboy jumped towards the building followed closely by Kid Flash.
"What do you think this Robin will be like?" Zatanna casually voiced to Artemis as they followed the eager boys.
"Well if the clone fooled those boys then the same I'd expect." The archer shrugged before coming to a halt. "What's up?"
"It seems they're leaving." Aqualad voiced. "We need to find Robin now."
"Spilt up. It'll be easier to him." Kid Flash sped off.
"M'gann go with Wally."
The green Martian nodded before camouflaging and flying off to catch up with the eager teen.
"Superboy and Zatanna go south. Artemis and Rocket take the east side, circle around and meet up north."
"There must be an easier way to find him," Wally whined, frowning in despair at the endless rows of containment pods.
"Hello, Megan!" M'gann landed beside him slapping her hand against her head. "I could try and reach his mind."
"Leading us straight to him. M'gann you're a genius."
Wally waited as M'gann placed her hands to her head and her eyes glowed green. She began to walk hoping to get even a glimpse of her friend's whereabouts.
Today's the day!
M'gann stopped in her tracks and held her connection to the familiar voice.
Why is no one ever whelmed?
Oh, that's why.
M'gann moved on her own accord with Kid Flash right behind her. She took Wally through what he felt like was a rather complicated maze, turning left and right.
I can always find out.
Same system as the Batcave.
M'gann stayed with the voice and the memories right up til the three boys were knocked out. Her mind shut and she returned to reality. Kid Flash glanced at her for an explanation.
"This is where it stops." She answered. The two turned to the pod in front of them and before them was a boy no younger than thirteen frozen in a containment pod. Kid Flash quick to the resemblance attempted to get the boy out. His fingers going a lightning speed to find the correct code before it finally glowed green with acceptance and the pod began to open. Smoke billowed at their feet and when those eyes opened Wally knew without a doubt this was their Robin.
"Wally?" The boy asked, attempting to step towards him only to falter and fall. Wally was quick to catch him and the pair fell to their knees.
"You're okay." Kid Flash smiled down at the boy wonder. "I got you."
"Where's Aqualad?" Robin asked, glancing around the room until he found a girl, green skinned and looking at him in relief. "Umm hi?"
M'gann blushed jolting slightly and gave the boy a bright smile. "Hi, I'm M'gann."
"Robin." He greeted before turning serious once again. "Where's Superman's clone?"
"Errr Robin." Wally bit lip. "There's something you need to know."
"Kid Flash?!" Artemis's voice sounded, echoing off the walls.
"Over here guys."
Robin's eyes widened as Aqualad and the clone were accompanied by three people he'd never met before. He glanced up to Wally then to M'gann.
"Wally, what's going on?"
Dick was slumped in his chair still processing what the others had told him. He glanced up to see one of the members, the blonde girl, Artemis if he recalled correctly talking hushly to Wally. The speedster seemed ruffled around her and Dick sighed. He's missed so much.
"Where is he? Where's Robin?"
Dick's face seems to light up at the familiar voice and when the man walked through the door in his bat armour Dick let out a smile. Batman was exactly the same. Dick could tell that his eyes had widened in surprise. Dick wasn't in his uniform, his glasses were not perched on his nose. He was dressed in white like Superboy had been and his bright blue eyes were exposed for everyone to see.
"Hey, Batman." Dick waved slightly unsure on how to proceed. He let out a small surprised gasp when he was pulled into a hug. A stronghold that held not only blame but guilt.
"I'm so sorry."
"It's okay."
Dick noticed the other staring at them in both surprise and confusion. They'd never seen Batman like this. Feeling something. Robin gave them a cheeky smile before settling in the Dark Knights arms. When they broke apart Wally flashed to Dick's side and knocked his shoulder playfully.
"So you look really familiar." Wally put a finger to his chin in complementation smirking at the roll of the acrobat's eyes.
"Richard Grayson," Artemis announced. Everyone turned to her and she shrugged. "I go to school with him."
"Woah, a rich kid huh?" Wally smirked at the boys hardened glare. Despite knowing the boy's identity Wally couldn't help but tease his best friend. "A rather famous rich kid at that."
Dick quirked a brow noticing everyone eyes on him and suddenly wanted to be far away from here. "I'm going to the training room."
The other watched as their newly returned teammate disappeared and glanced at one another in worry.
"He seems a bit sad." M'gann pointed out, confusion written over her features. "Shouldn't he be happy?"
"Well if you got cloned and nobody knew it wasn't you till it was way too late, how would you feel?" Artemis spoke.
"Not good." M'gann held her arm guiltily.
Dick didn't go to the training room like he said. He went straight to Wally's room of souvenirs and examined the many accomplishments of his team. Adventures he supposedly had. Dick sighed heavily and glanced into the mirror that sat in the corner. A clone? One that fooled even Bruce. Perhaps they were better off with the genetic copy. Dick's eyes hardened, no. He was Robin and he'd be a damn fool if he let someone else take his mantel. After everything, Wally and the others told him he understood. It was obvious the clone had Dick's memories and had made new ones with his friends. Well, alleged friends. He'd never met them before.
Dick glanced to the side to see the clone they called Superboy or Connor. Dick glanced back to the mirror taking in his white clothing before turning back to Superboy.
"What's up?" Dick tried to act cheerful.
"Drop the act." Connor rolled his eyes. "If you need anyone to talk to. I'll be here. I know what you've been through."
Superboy began to turn away when Dick spoke out.
"There is one thing." Dick fiddled with his hands before making eye contact. "I- my clone, he didn't kill anyone did he?"
The relief that settled on Dick's face had Superboy smiling slightly. He didn't know this Robin like the other one but he wanted to. Dick smiled back and walked up to him, hand out for Connor to take.
"I'm Dick Grayson."
"I know who you are."
"I don't know who you are." Dick pouted cocking his hip to the side.
"Connor Kent." Superboy grabbed the boy's hand and they shook. "Want to come meet the others?"
Richard nodded and followed the taller male towards the training room. When the doors opened and they stepped inside Dick was swept off his feet as a body collided with his own. Smacking against the wall with Wally plastered on top of him Dick let a giggle escape his throat. That laugh seemed to catch the teams attention and calmed them. That laugh was something familiar, clone Robin or normal Robin. Wally rose and helped the acrobat up, apologising for Aqualad's appalling behaviour and brought him over to meet the team.
"Robin meet the team. This is Artemis, Zatanna, Superboy, Miss Martian and Rocket." Wally introduced them before flipping his finger over to Aqualad. "And you already know Kaldur and Roy."
"Gee what a great welcome." Roy snorted walking over and throwing his arm over their shoulders. "Welcome back Dick."
If you guys think I should continue this then please let me know.
If I do continue this it'll be a Superboy/Robin story. Well probably.
Well, thanks for reading :P