Hello Readers! This is my first time doing a crossover fanfic, and I had to choose a rather odd one to do. I haven't really done a fanfic of this scale in some time and actually plan to finish it. Welcome to my Teen Wolf/Danny Phantom crossover. Chapter 1 is the short side I know, but this is all introduction. I hope you enjoy this story, enjoy.
Teen Wolf- set post Season 5. Danny Phantom- set some time before Phantom Planet.
Police Code used: 10-53 Injured Person, 11-43 Requesting Ambulance.
Reports of break-ins weren't uncommon in Beacon Hills. There were quite a few vacant or abandoned houses or old buildings, and with it being the winter holiday, a lot of families had retreated to the beaches. So when, close to midnight, Sheriff Stilinski got the call of a possible B and E, the only thing he expected to find was, at most, a person in the house or nothing. Getting out of the car and adjusting his belt, Stilinski turned around at the sound of another car pulling up near his. A young man, young to him anyway, stepped out of the car.
"Sheriff, I figured I'd join you since I was nearby." The young Deputy said walking up.
The two began to walk quietly up to the house.
"Reports say the home owners are out of town, this would make it a good target for burglary." Parrish spoke low as they walked up the front porch.
"Yeah, caller stated they heard crashes and banging noises coming from inside." Sheriff Stilinski said, as both officers turned their flashlights on.
Parrish nodding in understanding. Stopping at the front door the two officers expected to see a busted door or shattered glass, but there was nothing. Walking slowly, opposite of each other, they began to circle the two-story house. No window was broken, no door open, in fact there were no foot prints. When the two met back up at the back door, both men stared at one another in confusion.
"I…Did I miss something here?" the Sheriff said looking around.
"I don't think so, I haven't found anything either. I looked into some of the windows and I didn't see anything disturbed." Parrish turned his flashlight to the back door. Taking the handle firmly and quietly, he tested it. Little effort was needed to turn the door knob. Both officers glanced at each other, before opening the door fully and entering.
Drawing their guns for the ready, both officers walked slowly throughout the house's first floor. Flashlights roamed from corner to corner and room to room, but nothing seemed to be out of place. It wasn't until a thud from the second floor drew both officers' attention. Sheriff Stilinski signaled to his young deputy to keep his eyes open and follow him up the stairs. Slowly the two climbed the steps to the second floor.
That's when Parrish's light caught a trail of bright green something on the floor. If not for its color the Deputy would have taken it for blood, but knowing what kind of town they lived in, it probably was.
"Sheriff." He called out in hushed whisper.
The Sheriff sighed heavily, giving Parrish a knowing look. "Here I was hoping for a non-supernatural night."
They continued to follow the green 'blood' down the hall, when it began to change colors to the all too familiar red. Using their lights, they traced the red blood to the nearby bathroom door, which was a jar. Taking advantage of the opportunity, Sheriff Stilinski spoke up loud and clear.
"Beacon Hills Sheriff's Department. Show yourself."
Letting him take the lead, Parrish followed around him so he could open the door, giving the Sheriff a clear line of sight.
The Sheriff called once more. "Beacon Hills Sheriff's Department, come out with your hands up!"
Giving a nod to Parrish, the Deputy pushed the door open. The Sheriff had been excepting anything from a masked man to a scale covered monster with a name he could never pronounce. However, what greeted him was far beyond that. Lying on the bathroom floor in a blood-soaked shirt was an unconscious boy.
"Parrish to dispatch we have a 10-53, send for an 11-43!"