Chapter 4: Doctor Visit

Nessie's POV

I continued to observe the strange vampire family over the next several days. I could honestly say that I had never encountered a coven quite like theirs. They seemed to care more about blending in with humans rather than killing them; an odd thing for their species. They certainly acted a lot more civil than other vampires I have encountered throughout the years.

"I don't understand why we simply can't go and shoot them all already" Annie said; clearly bothered by my lack of readiness to kill.

"Because that would cause suspicion that's why" I said.

"I don't understand" she looked at me in confusion. I could almost see the wheels turning in her head.

"Because they go to school. Everyone knows them and who they are. If they all suddenly turned up dead don't you think that would cause a lot of suspicion? People are going to look into and investigate. If they found out it was us we'd be in a hell of a lot of trouble. No. We have to be smart and come up with a plan where we don't risk landing ourselves in trouble. Besides we've never killed so many vampires at once. They outnumber us by a lot"

"Fine" she grumbled. "I hate it when you make sense"

"No you don't. Hating something would imply that you have feelings and we all know you don't unless-"

"I've never skipped a dose. How can you even suggest-"

"I was just messing with you"

She remained silent as I walked right past her. It was already Friday morning and we had just been discussing what we should do about the vampires over breakfast. Of course we didn't come up with anything.

"I'm so tired" Annie yawned as she went to get her things.

"Well if you wouldn't stay out till midnight that wouldn't be a problem"

Lord only knows what she does on the streets at midnight but I didn't care. I wasn't going to stop her from doing whatever she wanted to do.

I dropped her off at her school early before heading on over to mine. The first person I saw when I arrived was that Jacob boy that didn't seem to know how to take no for an answer. The day after I met him he told me that I'd 'nearly given him a heart attack when I almost got hit by all those cars crossing the street'. I told him it was no bid deal to me and he just looked at me like I was crazy. All I could do was shrug my shoulders at him.

Over the last few days I did my best to avoid all of them. Actually I tended to avoid people period. As a general rule us hunters as a typically stick to ourselves.

Today was no different. By three pm I had gone the whole day without hardly saying a word. Most of the other students had already learned that I wasn't exactly the most social person and started avoiding me.

After getting Annie from school we both rushed home. I took a quick shower. I had made a doctor's appointment for that day. It was determined that since I would be away from Hunter's Headquarters for an unspecified amount of time that I should see a regular doctor to make sure that my baby and I were healthy. Today was my first appointment.

By five pm I was already checked in and waiting in the waiting room with Annie. It was awhile before they finally called my name.

Oh. Holy. Shit. Those were the first words that crossed my mind when I met my new doctor. I rubbed my eyes a few times to make sure that I wasn't dreaming. I couldn't deny the inhumanly pale man. His golden eyes and ice cold skin only further confirmed the truth. My doctor was a vampire.

"Renesmee are you okay?"

It was only then that I realized he had been holding his hand out for me to shake.

"I'm fine" just in shock that's all. "You are?"

"Dr. Cullen but you can just call me Carlisle" wow another Cullen. Seven vampires? That's huge for a coven!

How is it possible that he's a doctor? What kind of vampire becomes a doctor? Was it free access to blood or something? It didn't make any sense.

"So I was reading your files and it said that you're pregnant. Am I correct?"

"That would be correct" I replied.

"Okay I hope you don't mind but I'm just going to run some tests and make sure that everything is going smoothly for you and your baby"

I didn't really have much to say. I just hoped the baby would be born strong and healthy. Strong and healthy were desired traits in hunters. Oh and of course the mark. They had to be born with the mark in order to become a hunter.

I wondered what happened to all the babies that were born without the mark. They were always taken away and never seen again. No exceptions. No mother ever saw their baby once it was born. No exceptions.

"Renesmee is it true that you don't have any parents?" Carlisle asked me.

"Yeah its true. It's just me my sister and I"

"Well why don't you and your sister come join my family and I for dinner later. I'm sure they wouldn't mind if you came"

I was so caught off guard by his suggestion that I actually tripped over something. He caught me before I fell but my anti emotion pill bottle popped open and spilled everywhere.

I hastily started to clean them and Carlisle helped. I could swear that I saw him try to discreetly pocket a couple of them. I shook my head though. Surely I was just seeing things.

"So Renesmee would you like to join us?"

It could have been a trap. It was stupid to agree. Yet I agreed anyway.

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