A/N: SO this is probably the fastest I've update in a long time! Thanks for all the reviews on the first chapter I'm so glad you all liked it! Here's part 2 ... Apologies if any medical terminology is wrong, Google isn't 100% reliable ;P


Jay felt his eyes droop as the rhythmic sounds of the pulse oximeter tried to lull him to sleep. It was just past midnight and he had been let into Erin's room 30 minutes ago. Hank had left five minutes ago, mumbling something about getting coffee and food, but Jay couldn't think about food. His only thoughts were centred around Erin.

It had been almost four hours since she had first been taken into surgery, and roughly five and a half hours since the accident. Dr Rhodes had ensured Jay that Erin would wake up within five to ten hours, and it was looking to be the latter. Jay was seated by her bedside squished into the uncomfortable padded chair in Erin's room, his hand holding hers as he watched the slow rise and fall of her chest, the beeping of the heart monitor reassuring him that his girl was okay.


"Hey." Will smiled walking into the room "How you holding up?"

"Her status hasn't changed since you last came in. She's still breathing well on her own which is good, and hopefully she wakes up soon." Jay answers.

"That's great, but I actually asked how you are." Will repeats.

"… I'm a mess." Jay sniffles "I can't cope without her Will. I don't know what I would've done if she hadn't–" He stops short, the lump in his throat forming at the thought of Erin not surviving.

"You know, talking to her might help." Will offered "I mean there's no guarantee that she can hear you, but it might help you anyways."

Jay just nods, his eyes still focused on Erin. Will sits with him in silence until Hank returns. The older Halstead stands and offers his seat to the Sargent, assuring them he'll be back to check in on all of them later, before heading back out to check on his patients.

"I know it's the last thing on your mind, but you'll have to give a statement in the next few days." Hank informs Jay as they both watch Erin.

"Uh, yeah … Once she's awake I'll get it done."

They sit in silence again until Hank's phone starts buzzing, seeing his detective's name on the screen he immediately answers "Antonio?"

"I'm sorry, but there's another case Crowley needs us on. She says it can't wait." Antonio informs him.

"Right." Hank grumbles "I'll be there in 20."

Jay moves his eyes to his boss "New case?"

"Yeah. Apparently it can't wait." Voight snipes pulling his jacket on "You good here?"

Jay nods "I'll call you if anything changes."

"Alright." Hank says leaning down to kiss Erin's forehead "I'll see you both later."

Jay sighs tiredly checking the clock. It's almost 6 am, bordering on hour eight post-surgery. Will had asked the nurses to bring up a cot so that Jay could sleep comfortably, but he hadn't moved from the chair. His eyes had barely moved from Erin's peaceful form, waiting for her to wake up.

could hear his brother's words in his head; no one was around, Voight was at work, Will was on-call, the nurses wouldn't be back for another hour. If he was going to do it, now was the perfect time.

"Hey babe. It's me Jay, but you probably already know that." He chuckled quietly leaning forward in his seat and leaning down so his arms were folded on the bed "Can I be honest with you? Because I'm kind of scared right now."

He kept watching her, waiting for a sign that she was listening, but nothing. So he continued.

"I need you to wake up Er. I can't do this without you, the world's too big and cold a place without you in it. You're my light Erin, I don't want to live without you. So please baby, just open your eyes. Tell me you love me. Tell me you're never leaving. Please."

He could see the tears fall from his eyes and hit Erin's hand, but he didn't care anymore.

"We're supposed to be enjoying our lives together Erin, arguing over your messy bathroom habits and my anal cleaning methods. You're supposed to be making fun of my house-husband skills. We're supposed to get married, and we're going to buy like five dogs because I know the idea of kids scares you, so that way you'll be more prepared for the responsibility. And then one day, you'll tell me you're pregnant. And we'll be nervous, but so happy. And we'll have more kids, and watch them all grow up to be strong, beautiful, amazing human being just like their mama."

He's crying hard now, but he's still going "We'll take them to the cabin in Wisconsin during the summer holidays, because I'll have finally convinced you to go during our honeymoon, and you'll fall in love with it just as much as I have. And we'll retire up there and grow old and grey together."

He rests his head down on the bed and holds her hand against his lips "We're supposed to have the rest of our lives together babe. I can't do it with anyone else, I don't want to."

He lays there, tears still flowing down his face, praying that she wakes up. And there in the silence is when he feels it.

A tiny little thump against his nose.

He springs up in his seat, staring at her hand. He sees it again, her fingers slightly twitching, her body fighting to wake.

"Oh my god." He looks up at her face, squeezing her hand tightly "Erin? Er, can you hear me? Come on baby wake up, please. Come back to me."

He watches are her eyelids flutter, her hand starting to firm its grip around his. Her eyes flutter; once, twice, three times. Every movement brings a flutter to his heart.

And finally she opens her eyes, and before she can register where she is or what's happening, he's wrapped her in his arms. His tears soaking the part of the hospital gown covering her shoulder, his lips pressed to her skin as he holds her tight.

She smiles softly, patting his shoulder and pointing to the jug of water sitting on the table. He springs into action, grabbing her a glass and sitting it against her lips so he can help her drink.

"How are you feeling?" He asks.

She tries to think of a response, hearing his words in her head; 'Wisconsin, kids, five dogs, house-husband.'

She smiles, tears forming in her eyes as she struggles to say the words;

"I'm never leaving."

A/N: Okay, so this was super dramatic I feel and I'm not 100% sure I like it, but I kept playing with it and it just made it worse so I'm sticking with the original plan. I hope you guys like it!

Please leave me a review and let me know what you thought!

Special shoutout to Caterina who kept tweeting at me and motivating me to update asap, thanks dude x

Hope you're all having a wonderful weekend!

Maddie :)