This story picks up at the end of Stargate Atlantis: Enemy At the Gate, prior to the Stargate Universe.

General O'Neill has assembled Freya of the Tok'ra, General Landry, SG-1, Sheppard's Team, and Col. Caldwell in the SGC conference room to discuss the Stargate program in the Milky Way and Pegasus galaxies.

O'Neill, "Good morning everyone! We're here to discuss how we are going to move forward with the Stargate program in two different galaxies. As you know Atlantis has been towed out into the Pacific about 100 miles off the coast of San Francisco. The I.O.A. has no intention of letting it be taken back to Pegasus,"

Col. Sheppard angrily, "Sir we can't abandon the people in the Pegasus Galaxy! We woke the wraith up and the people in Pegasus are paying the price!"

Gen. O'Neill motions for him to calm down, "That's why we are here, Col. Caldwell has an idea and I like it. Caldwell can you please explain your plan?"

Col. Caldwell stood up as a technician brought up a display of the Pegasus and Milky Way galaxies, including the intergalactic gate bridge. Caldwell beings, "We are going to rebuild Midway station, this will allow travel via foot and jumper between Pegasus and the Milky Way. Once we have this established we will then send Daedalus and Apollo back to Pegasus. We will take the fight to the wraith and keep them distracted, while Col. Sheppard with his team and about 9 other teams will use the bridge to return and begin evacuation of the humans,"

"Colonel, which humans are we going to evacuate? How do we decide who we are going to save? I can't sit by and only evacuate our friends!", cried Teyla.

"I understand Teyla, but you didn't catch my meaning we are going to evacuate all humans. There will not be a human left in the Pegasus Galaxy for the wraith to feed on," explained Caldwell.

"Wait you want to evacuate all humans from the Pegasus Galaxy to Earth? The logistics of that many people just arriving on Earth would cause too many questions, and since they all know about the Stargate keeping the program contained would be next to impossible!" exclaimed Gen. Landry.

"Gen. Landry, I didn't say to Earth. The plan is for SG-1 to find a suitable planet here in the Milky Way, for them to relocate too, and before anyone else interjects, the Tok'ra have said they will help us build a city for the refugees to move into using their tunneling technology," explained Col. Caldwell.

"The Tok'ra would be honored to help in this noble effort. With our tunneling crystal, we have the capabilities of building cities varying in sizes, from small villages to large-scale cities. We are recommending a large city settlement near the Stargate, with smaller settlements scattered around the planet, using transport rings those remote villages will have access to the rings as well," Freya stated.

"We will help provide seed crops to the refuges as many of them are experienced in farming they will be able to sustain themselves within a harvest or two. We have sent word to the Nox, they have offered to help with the food reserves during that time. Plus we have other friends we are calling on to help as well. We estimate from information gathered from Teyla that we will have 200,000 to 300,000 refugees. The heavily populated planets have already been decimated. The wraith have kept the populations on the planets low from their constant culling. The Daedalus and the Apollo will work to keep the Wraith from feeding, and busy, while the teams we send will evacuate those worlds as a priority. When complete no humans for the wraith to feed upon they will turn on each other. McKay and Carter, you two will head a team to build a satellite system to place around the Pegasus Galaxy to detect if any ship is entering or leaving Pegasus, that will give us an early warning system," Caldwell completed.

"McKay and Carter you're to start on your assignments immediately, Carter you'll use the Hammond to place the satellites as soon as they are ready. Caldwell and Ellis will lead the rebuilding of Midway Station. Col. Mitchell, Daniel, Teal'c, and Vala, you need to find a suitable planet and work with Freya to start the building of the cities. Gen. Landry assign any additional teams you need to assist. Teyla and Ronon, we need your help to prioritize the worlds, once we have everything ready we need to be able to evacuate quickly, once we see the wraith have targeted a world for culling they will move to the top of the list," explained O'Neill.

"Daniel, and Teyla, you two will end up with the hardest job, helping to bring these groups together once they are all on one planet. We don't need a war starting there. Your all dismissed! Col. Sheppard I need to see you after this," ordered O'Neill.

Everyone was leaving the conference room. Only their friends noticed Col. Carter approach her husband Gen. O'Neill, "Sir will you be home tonight?", she asked.

"I certainly hope so Colonel," winked O'Neill, as Carter left the room. They had been married only two months.

"Col. Sheppard let's talk. I need you to put your mind to work, between all the technology you encountered in Pegasus, and you have access to SGC mission reports on technology we encountered, I need you to come up with some ideas on new weapons. Something our enemies will be terrified to encounter," explained O'Neill.

"Let me get this straight I get to put my mind to work on new ways to use the technology we have encountered? Can I enlist the help of others on this?" asked Sheppard.

"Nothing is off the table, come up with anything you think will be beneficial. Only those people in the Stargate program," answered O'Neill, "Now get out of here and get me some good ideas,"

Two days later in a lab set up on the U.S.S. George Hammond.

"We need to use the Asgard sensors to scan hyperspace for any ships then send a subspace message to Earth if it detects a ship. Naquadah generator to power each satellite, that sound like a plan Rodney?", asked Samantha Carter.

"I'm thinking it would be good to also send a message to Midway Station. But yeah this should be easy to design. Let me run some calculations to see how many we will need to cover the Pegasus Galaxy," replied Rodney.

Rodney is punching away on his tablet, when his face suddenly sighs, "Well that's not going to be easy, according to my calculations we're going to need one thousand two hundred and eighty-three satellites,"

"We're going to need to extend the range of the scanners," sighed Carter.

"If we can improve the range by 1000% we can reduce the number of satellites to seventy-eight. That's manageable," replied Rodney.

General Landry's Office two weeks later.

"Jack come on in. I assume you're here to get the latest update?" asked Landry.

"Hank tell me how everything is going?" replied Jack.

"Well, the Daedalus and Apollo arrived at Midway Station yesterday. Construction is expected to take two months. McKay and Carter are working to extend the range of the Asgard Sensors by 1000%. Teyla and Ronon have put together a list of the populated worlds to evacuate first. Sheppard is working on your special project and he wants to tell you his ideas himself, he has a few biggies, I think you will like. SG-1 has yet to find any suitable planets that are abandoned and suitable for agriculture. I have 6 teams assisting them currently," explained Landry.

Jack shook his head, "Well I have some news for you as well. After countless arguments with the I.O.A., we are shutting down the SGC here. We are going to moth-ball it. Homeworld Command is relocating to Atlantis, all SGC personnel will be re-assigned to Atlantis. Hank you will be assigned the role of Gate Commander, essentially the role you have here only on Atlantis. You will be in charge of all off-world teams for both the Milky Way and Pegasus. After the evacuation, we will continue to conduct some missions in the Pegasus as well, exploring and to keep tabs on the wraith. I will be working out of Atlantis as well. Col. Davis will oversee the basic city operations under me. "

Landry took a minute to process that. "Wow sir, that's a big change. I take it the SGC will be our backup?"

Nodding Jack said, "Yes it's our backup so the equipment here will be maintained and ready to activate. A team will be stationed here as a precaution. Now I need to talk to you about your daughter. Dr. Lam will be reporting to Carson Beckett, who will be the new Chief Medical Officer at Atlantis. Dr. Lam and Dr. Keller will be reporting to him,"

"I don't think that will be an issue, but with your permission, I'll inform her of the change," answered Landry.

"Prepare for the change of operations in one month. Get the SGC ready to be moved," Gen. O'Neill said as he stood to leave.

"Yes Sir!" replied Landry. A new office on the fabled Atlantis had Hank Landry excited about the move. It sure was a better view than being underground.

O'Neill headed off to meet with Sheppard. Excited to hear that he has some good ideas. He knocked on Sheppard's temporary office door.

"Come in sir!", Sheppard yelled through the door.

"How did you know it was me?" asked O'Neill.

"General, have you been gone so long to forget how fast word travels here? So can I have my old room on Atlantis back?" asked Sheppard.

"Wait a minute, I just let Landry know about that! How did you know? Gossip isn't that fast," laughed O'Neill, "Oh wait, Walter, never mind.

"So you want to hear my big ideas?" asked Sheppard. Jack just nodded.

"My first idea is a hyperspace missile. Short range missile that can enter hyperspace and travel short distances and then emerge from hyperspace on its target. We can create different kinds of warheads to attach to it. Now we can have a Mark IX warhead. Also, we can have the Asgard Transport Warhead, would be equipped with an Ancient Scanner to scan transport out humans to a pre-set location. A Tok'ra tunneling warhead, that would activate a series of Tok'ra tunneling crystals to create a tunnel. In addition, we could add the Ancient Dimension-Shifting technology to allow the missile to pass through a ship's hulls and things," explained Sheppard.

"Those are great ideas, Sheppard! Good work!", exclaimed O'Neill.

"Sir I'm not done! You haven't heard about the best one yet. The Planet Buster, Arcturus Warhead, scaled down version of the Arcturus project the Ancients built basically large enough to destroy a planet when it overloads," grinning Sheppard.

"No on the planet buster, and don't even mention it to anyone else. Everything else create a report, to submit to Landry. Good work! We can't create a planet destroying weapon. ", smiled O'Neill.

Later that night O'Neill is sitting in his house when his door opens up and an excited Samantha Carter walks in.

Carter smiling, "We did it! Rodney and I came up with a way to extend the Asgard Scanners by 2000% far more than we had hoped to be able to!"

"Excellent news! But that's enough shop talk for tonight!" exclaimed Jack, "How about a steak for dinner?"

"How about a salad instead?" asked Carter.

"One salad for you, and one steak for me," as Jack headed off to the Kitchen. He had become a pro at making rabbit food as he called her salads. That night they fell asleep on the couch after watching an episode of Wormhole Extreme.