Final chapter, thanks for staying with it for so long. Hope that no one is disappointed. No real conflicts in the story just a bunch of family goodness. Sorry if this is a little on the long side. Or a little on the short side, thanks for just sticking with this story and leaving all of those utterly awesome reviews. They encouraged me to keep on typing. Have a great one, thanks for reading. Sorry in advance if I didn't always show enough of your favorite character from the show or otherwise. Onto the final chapter then I suppose.

"I really can't believe that he followed us through. Didn't anyone ever stop to check on the others?" Thomas complained as they entered the time space.

Around them clocks were broken, repairing themselves and melting into nothingness. A river ran past them and an old man was sitting talking to Glossaryck who was floating in midair.

"It's not as if we had a lot of time to plan this out." GP complained as she carried the now asleep toddler. Glacier could go from awake to asleep in no time flat and vice versa, so they all had to hurry back before anything else happened to wake the little kid up.

"Honestly as a last minute anniversary present I think that this entire fiasco went better then most of our other plans." Jane said as the five of them approached a large bearded man who welcomed the return of his hamster with a large excited grin and open arms.

"Children!" father time shouted excitedly the moment that they arrived fifty feet from him.
"Judging by the looks of things I would say that everything went well?" He said excitedly.

"Everything went swimmingly." GP said as she hefted Glacier up a little on her shoulder. "Sorry for not noticing this guy. Did he behave himself?"
"No." Father time said simply shaking his head, his grin never once wavering. The group stood around him waiting uncomfortably as he just stood smiling down at them. The blue hamster that they had borrowed wandered over and began to headbutt the wheel of time. Sol was still on his back, after all it was a good vantage point and really a lot of fun to ride on an enormous blue hamster.

"So when are we leaving?" She shouted to the rest of the group. Jane snapped her fingers and cut through time and space to open a portal to a grand ballroom. She peeked her head in and looked around.
"Do you mind waiting a few seconds before restarting time? We need to—" She was cut off as Thomas pushed her all the way in and jumped in after her.
"He isn't listening, start cleaning up now!" The rest of the siblings jumped out and began to rush around, picking up cracked plaster ceiling, broken lights, overturned marble pillars that easily weighed six tons each and tidied up the mouse stampede that had ripped through here not that long ago.

GP closed her eyes and puffed out her cheeks concentrating hard. Suddenly four more of her appeared and began to rush around quickly, their flames trailing behind them. One paused let out an 'oop!' and then disappeared. She had been going too fast and blown out her own flame.

The other clones had to move even faster, jumping to the highest points of the room in order to hang decorations, fix the cracked ceiling and make the entire place look as festive as possible. Jane was checking the door and flinging garbage nags filled with trash out of the window. Her eyes were glowing red and she nervously scanned all around the outer halls.
"They're about five minutes away!" She said nervously.
"We can make it." Thomas said pushing her towards a printer that sat conveintely in the corner of the room. "Just start printing."

Jane nodded and rushed over to it. She plopped down and opened a hatch on the side of her head. She attached herself to the printer and began to download and print out everything that she could. Sheet after sheet began to shoot out of the printer as she coaxed it into going faster and faster. She just hoped that they wouldn't run out of ink anytime soon. She was only about halfway through. And that didn't count for all of the cheesy garbage that she would need to write in next to the pictures that they had.

It was meant to be a scrapbook not a photo album.

Sol came running out of a side room with a long table she flung a tablecloth over the fancy wood and drew her wand. She focused with everything that she had. All of the delicious foods that they had eaten over the past few months, tacos, burritos, nachos, cake, waffles, pancakes, cereal that was no longer made anymore, eggs, eggs with cheese, eggs with a little bit of pepper, omelettes, burgers, fries, sticky buns, everything that her Daddy had prepared for them while they were back in the past. She was concocting it all back. She just had to make sure that it was all perfect.

With a blast of pink light a dozen delicious dishes appeared on the table. And the crowning glory was a coconut cake with chocolate and marshmallow frosting. Sol leaned backwards and panted wiping her brow. She wasn't the best at magic, but if she tried really hard sometimes she could manage to pull things off.

Thomas hung the final decoration, a piece of crepe paper that hung down almost to the ground. He rushed to the music box thing and slipped a CD inside. He hoped that he had stolen the right one from Marco's bedroom.

He looked over at Sol and nodded.
"Did you put out their favorite burrito toppings?" She nodded and gave a thumbs up as corn, black beans, refried beans, jalapeño peppers and caramel sauce appeared next to the burrito bar. A triumphant whoop came from Jane as she slapped the final piece of cloth that they had stolen into the book. Nothing said 'I love you.' like a piece of dress that was cut out decades ago and put into an anniversary present.

A tear came from the corner and a large six fingered blue hand reached out and made a gesturing motion.
"Oh yeah." Jane said as she ran forward and deposited a vial of blood into it "Sorry we had to use some on Ludo's goons. I hope that this is still enough Glossaryck." The six fingered hand gave a thumbs up and retreated backwards. IT then reappeared and deposited Glacier down at her feet. The toddler looked around before standing and walking over to a balloon and sitting on it until it popped with a bang. He commenced to play with the pieces.

The door began to creak open. GP's clones all blew out their flames and left only an exhausted and slightly panting girl left. The rest of the siblings all grouped around Marco and stared at the door nervously.

"Here's hoping we didn't cause any irreparable damage." Thomas said crossing his fingers behind his back. GP copied the motion, Glacier fussily turning in her arms. He also crossed his fingers, but they were too small and fat so he just held his hands together. Jane held the scrapbook behind her back and crossed her eyes, hey if you could do it you might as well right? Sol crossed her fingers before glancing at the people that had been following them for the past few dozen chapters.

"Hey." She said with a small grin "You're all probably wondering what is going on here right? Those that haven't figured it out already yet. Well let me put some things in perspective for you. So whoever you are sitting back and reading get ready." She paused and tapped her foot "You ready? Good. Let me start with the obvious, we are on Mewni, in the Butterfly royal palace, don't worry Moon is still Queen, Star is more of an ambassador to the monsters or 'indigenous mew-mans as they call themselves. But the family lives here because it's just the biggest place and the best handled for our family. We aren't an ordinary one, our Daddy does have four pretty ladies after all. And a small army of kids. Today is special because it's their anniversary! We sort of forgot though and the four of us had a huge party last night which sort of trashed the grand ballroom. However thanks to the magic of time travel we might just be lucky enough to salvage the rest of the day!" Sol finished with a grin and putting her fingers to her lips to silence the audience.
"Sol?" Thomas said nervously "Who are you talking to?"
"Bah." Glacier said and gestured excitedly towards the audience. Yes he could see them too.
"No one." Sol said innocently before she giggled and began to bounce on her heels.

The door began to open. And there they were. 31 year old Marco, Star, Janna, Jackie and Heckapoo. Well Heckapoo was significantly older then 31 but she still looked like a tired out teen mom.

They had changed over the past fourteen years. Thomas sighed in relief, they looked the same as when they had first left. Marco had his awesome work out body, a karate master mixed with a weight lifter, his brown hair was the only messy part about him. He wore a red button up since most hoodies couldn't fit him anymore.

Star had her hair down in a loose pony tail she had on a small tiara with tiny red devil horns sticking out, her dress was blue but simpler compared to the queens royal garments.

Janna was wearing a suit and fuzzy slippers, she had obviously just gotten off from some sort of trial and wanted to relax. She had a fine black wood cane with a silver pygmy vampire skull on it whose eye sockets followed your every move. Her hair was almost shorn to her scalp, her beanie had clearly been past on to Jane.

Jackie had on plain white jeans, a green striped shirt and four rings on her seashell necklace. And small wheels in the heels of her shoe. Just because she had just given birth for the third time didn't mean she was going to neglect the awesomeness of skating.

Heckapoo had remained the same height for the past fourteen years, which clearly irked her as that meant all of her spouses were tall enough to rest their elbows on the top of her head. She had retired her flaming dresses to special occasions, now wearing comfortable clothing such as hoodies and jeans or skirts. One of her horns was snapped off at the top. She also had a waddle to her, being nine months pregnant made it difficult for the forger of dimensional scissors to move with any sort of speed. She could still hit mach nine but that meant little when she was carrying an extra load. Marco and the others insisted that she go slower and limit her running around.

"Whoa." Janna said looking around the large room.
"What-" Star began
"Is-"Jackie continued as she turned around to look at the entire room.
"This?" Marco finished quirking an eyebrow and smiling at his oldest kids.

"Surprise!" GP shouted and placed Glacier down.
"Happy anniversary!" Jane crowed as she held up the scrap book/photo album of all of the times that they had just had a over a decade and a half ago.

Glacier toddled up to his mother who scooped him up and tickled his belly affectionately.
"Where have you been you little munchkin? Have you been hiding with your siblings? Did you help them set all of this stuff up?"

"Set what stuff up-Whoa." A girl with a small crab necklace walked in. She had braces and freckles and her entire head was dyed an unnatural purple.
"Jacquelyn!" Sol shouted excitedly as she ran across the room, vaulted over her parents and picked the twelve year old up in a hug that nearly cracked her younger sisters ribs.
"It's been ages!"
"It's been five minutes since you pawned off this little demon spawn on me." Jackie and Marco's second born child held up a toddler, another little girl who had her mothers sinister look in her eyes and was wrapped up in a blanket with arcane looking spell symbols running over it.

"Baby Keats!" Sol shouted as she picked up Janna and Marco's second born baby daughter and began to toss her up and down into the air. The little monstrosity cackled with every single throw.
"No throwing babies. They are not bowling balls. Especially not your little sister." Marco said as he palmed his infant daughter in one hand and got her away from Sol's over enthusiastic greeting of the baby.
"But DAAAAADDDDDYYYYY!" Sol whined and pouted. "I haven't seen baby Keats in forever!"
"What are you talking about? You four ran in here like six minuted ago and then started freaking out." Jacquelyn said legitimately confused. Jane raised an eyebrow before checking her wrist, her watch popped up and she nodded in good natured surprise. They had only paused time for about five minutes. Maybe that was why none of them had to go to the dentist, or the hair dresser or anything like that when they were in the past. Man time travel was weird.

"Did you kids do something screwy?" Janna said suspiciously as she walked over, her cane clicking on the fancy marble. Jane smiled and held the photo album out to her mother who took it and began to flip through it. She gasped and quickly motioned for Star and the others to come and have a peek.

Heckapoo had to be helped along by Star and Jackie holding her up by both arms, but otherwise they managed to get to their spouse and exchange equally excited gasps.
"Is this us?" Star said flipping a page. "Look how young we were!"
"Speak for yourself, I always looked that fabulous." Heckapoo said with a flip of her long fiery hair. Jackie laughed and then smiled when she saw a picture of all of them at just a few months.
"This is incredible kids. When did you find the time to find all of these...wait a minute." She crossed her arms and sent a mom glare at the four kids. They ceased their celebration and smiled awkwardly. Sol even hid the plate of assorted food that she had snagged when the present exchange had begun.

"Can any of you explain to me why you are all in the same pictures as us from fourteen years ago?" Jackie tapped her foot and awaited an explanation.
"Would you believe photshop?" Jane tried lamely.
"Magic." sol tried waving her hands through the air.
"Yeah." Star said simply, she would have bet magic.
"No." Jackie said again.
"It was sort of magic." GP attempted to defend her sisters insistence.
"I'm guessing that it was time travel." Janna said icily as she stalked forward and glowered threateningly down at the tinier children. An audible gulp ran through them all. Janna sure was one scary Mom!

"How long. How dangerous. Were any of you hurt. And did any of you see Mr Prime's space time spider clean up squad thingy." Janna said each word crisply and without waiting for a response.
"In our defense-" GP began when Thomas touched her shoulder.
"A little over a year. Mediocre danger. No one was seriously hurt. No spiders." He kept her gaze before finally looking respectfully away. "It wasn't that long."
"Longest time I've ever heard of any one time traveling." Star butted in "So congratulations!"

"Shouldn't they be congratulating us? I mean it is our anniversary today." Marco pointed out. Star twirled and wrapped her arms around Marco's shoulders.
"MMMMM. That is right Daddy of eight. Fourteen wonderful years married."
"Nine actually." Heckapoo said patting her belly. "Momma is eating for three."
"Wait...twins!" GP shouted shooting a foot off of the ground before realizing her outburst and floating back down. Heckapoo looked at her daughter in confusion.
"Yeah...I was just correcting Star... Wait how did you miss count?" She turned to Star who scratched her chin in surprise and thought.

Thomas, Jane, GP and Sol all exchanged nervous looks before huddling. Eventually making room for their younger sibling. Jacquelyn still had to elbow her way into the fray, not easy as she was holding baby Keats in one arm and Glacier had a hold of her leg.
"Do you think that we changed anything else?" Thomas spoke hurriedly.
"Jackie Jr." Jane said turning to Jacquelyn and staring at her wide eyed and intimidatingly. "Is anything different."
"Maybe if you jerks had asked to bring me along I would know!" She shot back with a huff, she was actually disappointed. She never got to go time traveling!

"I think everything is okay. I mean Mom can walk soooooo..." Jane said looking over at her mother who was walking to the burrito bar hungrily.
"She could always...oh come on." Jacquelyn said exasperated. She then looked up at Thomas as a thought passed through her head. "Oh that reminds me your girlfriend is here." She said in a teasing sing song voice. Thomas flushed as the others all ooohhhed giving him a hard time.
"In the second wings third blue sitting room. You might want to hurry. Grandma and Grandpa Diaz will be here with the triplets and they want to see you." Thomas thanked his sister and uncurled himself from the sibling meeting.

He turned and sprinted for the front door and down the stairs.
"Wait a second." Sol said with dawning realization. "WHAT TRIPLETS?!"

"You know. Our aunts. The triplets?" Jacquelyn said. GP grasped her hair and began to scream. Jane and Sol exchanged meaningful looks as the memory resurfaced.
"Milky."They said in unison.

Thomas rounded the corner and his grin nearly fell off his face it was so big. Waiting for him in the third blue sitting room on this floor was a girl with purplish skin. She also had her fathers horns. However she had her mothers long dark hair and intelligent slightly hostile eyes. Any and all hostility dropped from them the moment that she saw him.

Her three eyes lit up behind her rounded slightly nerdish spectacles and she threw herself excitedly into Thomas's arms. As if she had not seen him for years instead of a mere few days. To her at least.


"Veronica!" Veronica Lucitor- Wong. The daughter of Brittany Wong and Tom Lucitor. She was a little younger then him, only by a year. But that didn't mean that they weren't sickeningly cute together.

"God you are a sight for sore eyes." He said smiling down at her. She quirked her neck in confusion, sure she was glad to see him but the look in his eyes seemed very different. She squeaked when he leaned forward and planted a kiss on her lips. He even pulled them together. She kissed him until she realized that he was ruining her make up. She pushed him away and he went willingly enough. She pouted and flipped out a make up case to make sure everything was okay. She then turned to look at her goofily grinning boyfriend.

"That was unexpected. You're lucky you didn't ruin my hair. What's up? You're acting like you haven't seen me for months." she said in confusion. He smiled down at her in response.

"I haven't." Thomas said it simply and sweetly. He took her hand and squeezed it lovingly.

"Thomas is everything okay?" Veronica said concern dripping from her voice. She worried that her horns might have just smashed him a little too hard on the head. Her mother always told her to be careful with those things.

"Yeah." Thomas said as he heard sounds of his parents partying down the hallway. "Everything is great."

Marco exchanged a sticky kiss with each of his wives. Star giggled and gagged when he grasped her chin to wipe off the frosting from her lips, Jackie managed to grab the back of his neck and give him another kiss, their teeth clicking together because no matter how old they were they were still a couple of dorks. Heckapoo waddled back to the food table arm in arm with Janna, they both had a craving for some sticky buns.

"This is an amazing shin dig that the kids put together huh?" Heckapoo said as she picked up some cucumbers and a large green bun with crushed stone on top. Jane sampled some sushi before making a face and replacing it.
"I'm just trying to remember when we saw them back in our childhood. Would we remember something like that?"
"I don't know man." Heckapoo said taking a large sticky bite "Time travel is weird."

There were two kicks from inside her belly as her unborn twins agreed full heartedly. They also wanted some more sticky bun.

"Operation anniversary was a success." GP whispered to Sol and exchanged a fist bump with her little sister.

"Next is operation see how many burritos I can fit into my mouth." Sol said as she pushed the two kids into a protesting GP's lap and tottered off back to the buffet table.

"Figures." Jane said as she sat down next to her sister and handed her a piece of coconut cake. Glacier watched his family rushing around him, having some sort of baby discussion with his sister. Obviously telling her about his adventures in the world of melting clocks.

They babbled on pointlessly to each other, not understanding a word that they other was saying yet completely and utterly in tune.

"Oh God that's the stuff." Heckapoo moaned from the extra large queen sized bed. Janna was massaging her shoulders and back. It was tiring standing up for so long to catch up with assorted relatives, and then trying to get Jacquelyn to stop pouting over not going time traveling. and then searching for Glacier and Baby Keats. The two of them had crawled beneath the buffet table and fallen asleep. Typical.

So right now a back rub was exactly what the baby doctor had ordered.

Marco was standing on the balcony. Looking inside and outside. Outside was the clear night sky with gorgeous planets and stars burning far away. Inside however was an even lovelier view. His four wives, Star gently massaging Heckapoo. Jackie reading a book. On skate boarding. What else? And Janna was hobbling in after putting the kids down for the night.

Marco sucked his fingers, they were still sticky from the afternoon treats. Too much sugar. The burritos were delicious though. His favorite toppings too. He smiled and shimmied his way inside. Life was good.

Yes his life was certainly good.

Again thank you to everyone who reviewed and read this story. It means an awful lot to me. Sorry if the ending dragged a little, no clue how to actually end it so I just tried to wrap up as well as possible. And yep it was Tom and Brittany the entire time.


"Whoa." Thomas's aunt Rita said in awe as she shifted forwards and clapped her hands together. One of the other aunts was comforting the scared one, their names were Angela and Em. Em never liked scary stories. Especially true scary stories. The extra large ballroom had a dozen sleeping bags set up in a loose circle for the children to sleep in. Right in the center so that the shadows looked all the spookier.

Sol had an extra large bag of marshmallows that she was devouring, occasionally holding one over GP's flame to get it toasty. Her older sister would sometimes bat her hand away before relenting. Jane had her sleeping eyepatches on but they were pushed up into her bangs, this was far more interesting.

Thomas was cuddling with Veronica, technically she should have gone home already, but Jane had opened a portal and she had effortlessly snuck over.
The Diaz girls were all listening to Thomas tell the story with open mouths and wide eyes. Hooked on every word.
"Then what happened?"

List of kids

Angie/Rafael daughters


Marco/Jackie's children

Marco/Heckapoo's children
GP-Demon/human hybrid
Two unnamed twins

Marco/Janna's children
Baby Keats-Human

Marco/Star Children

Tom/Brittany's child
Veronica-Human/Demon hybrid

Again I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has read and reviewed this story it means a lot.