Nathaniel Kurtzberg sighed as he shut the door to his room and leaned against the door frame, exhausted. Another day, another akuma. Not to mention more homework. The school, while it still evacuated the premises when an akuma was too close, still assigned homework for the day. There were just too many akumas, too many interruptions to have the day completely halted every single time. The teachers eventually requested every student's email and assigned work through there if needed.

He was getting fed up with the constant interruptions. Oh how he would love it if there was something he could do about it. Ladybug and Chat Noir must be exhausted responding to all of those akuma attacks. He wondered what it was like, to have a secret identity that he must protect at all costs, all the lying that had to be done in order to keep loved ones in the dark. He shuddered. It sounded like a nightmare. Surely there was something that could be done to help lessen the work load?

Letting his backpack fall to the floor next to his desk, he fell into his chair. Looking up at the ceiling as his mind wandered. What would his life be like if he was a superhero like them? A quick glance towards the sketchbook that contained the illustrations about his previous fantasies of being a hero and he winced. No, last time he just ended up hurting people. Sure, he had been akumatized, so it really wasn't his fault but still . . He'd seen pictures of Evillustrator after it had all been over. The villain had looked exactly like what he'd depicted himself to look in his comics. He sighed. Maybe he just wasn't cut out to be a hero. Ladybug and Chat Noir hadn't been akumatized yet; they showed up to every battle without fail, so they couldn't have been.

Shaking his head, he dove a hand into his backpack and pulled out his sketchbook. His science notebook was pulled along with it, hocked on one of the many coils, and for a brief moment, he was reminded of his lab report that was due tomorrow. He still shook his head and continued, opening the sketchbook. Drawing was better for him anyways.

As he reached over for a pen, his hand brushed over the lid of a black box and he paused, staring in confusion at the item. That wasn't his was it? He didn't remember it being there this morning. He picked it up to inspect it. It had red designs on the lid, but other than that it was nothing more than an elongated hexagon. Did his parents leave something for him? Curious he lifted the lid and blinked at the item within. Sunglasses?

He screamed when said sunglasses started glowing, and dove behind his chair, dropping the case and its contents to the ground.

He blinked as the light morphed into a floating creature-was that a bat?- and the glasses dulled to a silver frame with black lenses. He resisted the urge to scream again. Tiny bats with tiny wings were harmless right?

Said bat yawned, floating in the air with wisps of black mist trailing off the end of its short tail. Then it's shockingly green and large eyes opened and narrowed in on him.

"So you're the kid Clockwork said I'd be stuck with huh?" it spoke. Nathaniel blinked and studied the tiny creature. Once he'd gotten over his initial fear and shock, the creature was actually quite cute.

"My name's Danny," the bat stated. Nathaniel blinked as his mind refocused on the situation at hand.

"Nathaniel," the teen was quick to respond. The bat, Danny, smiled at him.

"It's nice to meet you! We'll be working together for a while," Danny greeted. Nathaniel's head tilted slightly in confusion.

"Working together?" he asked. The bat nodded.

"Yep! I'm a kwami. I'm basically a magical spirit that can give you superpowers if you say some word sequence that I don't know because this is my first time. Also, I have no idea what my special ability is just yet," the kwami started.

"Wait what?"

"You know Ladybug and Chat Noir?" at Nathaniel's nod, Danny continued. "They have kwami's too. It's what gives them their powers. We need to be fed and given someplace to hide, but in return, we give you the ability to fight akumas."

Nathaniel's mouth had dropped open in shock. "You're telling me, that I could become a superhero?"

"In essence? Yeah, but that might take a while because I was only just turned into a kwami a few days ago and you're my first holder. Which means that I have no idea how you do anything."

"And I was chosen for this why?"

Danny shrugged. "Beats me. You seem alright and I trust Clockwork's judgement."

Nathaniel just stared at him. "Who's Clockwork?"

"A ghost that can manipulate time."

". . . Come again?"

"He's the ghost of time. Father time, Chronos, . . . I don't remember the rest."

"Ghosts are real?"

"Oh very, I was half ghost up until a few days ago."

"Aren't ghosts dead?"

"Essentially yes."

"How can you be half dead?"

"Lab accident. Ever heard of Danny Phantom?" Nathaniel shook his head. "Superhero in America. Look him up."

Obediently, Nathaniel took out his phone and gave the kwami a deadpan look after a few moments. "Says here he's a menace and a danger to the public."

Danny frowned. "Try social media. The GIW are just biased because I was a ghost and they think all ghosts are evil which is bull and the mayor is actually an enemy of mine so of course the newspapers would be skewed."

Nathaniel gave him a disbelieving look, but then turned to his phone. He raised his eyebrows and nodded after a few moments.

"Everybody here is says that Phantom was a hero. Let me guess, you're Phantom?"

"I was. I got hit pretty badly. I would have died if Clockwork hadn't turned me into a kwami."

"So now you're this magical creature that can turn me into a superhero," Nathaniel stated skeptically. Danny nodded.


"You do realize how crazy this sounds right?"

Danny sighed and nodded. "Yeah, I know. I wish I could show you, but I have no idea what the phrase is to activate the miraculous."

"Miraculous?" Danny blinked and then slammed a fist in one of his palms.

"I completely forgot to explain that to you! The glasses!"

Nathaniel leaned over to pick the sunglasses and the case off the ground.

"These?" he asked. Danny nodded.

"You need to be wearing those in order for me to give you your power. But whoever has the miraculous can use my power so never give those glasses to anybody else. You were chosen for a reason. Also, you lose the ability to transform if somebody steals those glasses. And I kind of have to obey whoever has my miraculous so . . . ."

Nathaniel rubbed his forehead. "This is a lot of information."

Danny shrugged. "Clockwork told me to try and find the Great Guardian so that he can help us figure out how to do things and better explain what's going on. It's been centuries since the last miraculous had been created, so I'm kind of a wild card."

"You mentioned the Great Guardian, who is he?"

"No idea. Clockwork didn't say much of anything other than he'll give me a clue later."

Nathaniel stared down at the sunglasses in his hand.

"You really want me to be your holder?"

Danny shrugged. "Again, I'm just going to trust Clockwork's judgement with this, so yeah. Oh, and don't tell anybody about me. If Hawkmoth found out it would put your friends and families in danger. That and sunglasses are kind of easy to steal. I think there's a band that goes around the back of your head for when I actually inhabit the miraculous but any other time it would be really easy to just pull them off." Nathaniel just nodded as he pushed the sunglasses onto his forehead.

"In other words, I'm going to have to pay more attention to my surroundings."

Danny nodded.

"You mentioned earlier that there was a phrase I had to say to transform?" Danny nodded.

"No clue what it would be though," the kwami added. Nathaniel sighed and looked down at the case, blinking as he realized there was a note at the bottom.

"There's a note here." Danny flew over until he hovered just above Nathaniel's shoulder and got a good view. Nathaniel pulled the note out and placed the case in one of the drawers of his desk.

Unfolding the tiny slip of paper, he read the short message which appeared to be an address.

"Twenty bucks says that's the Great Guardian," Danny commented. Nathaniel hummed in thought.

"I sure hope so, because you're terrible at explaining things."

"Hey! I'm not that bad!"

"Yeah sure."

Fu paused as he listened to the doorbell ring. He shared a look with his kwami, Wayzz, before glancing at the doors direction. He hadn't been expecting anybody today. Wary, he motioned for the turtle kwami to stay close before he made his way over to the door. His visitor had enough patience to wait quite a while before ringing the door again. As he grew closer, he could hear voices on the other side.

"Are you sure this is the right place?" the first voice was young, likely a teen. It wouldn't shock him if the boy was about Ladybug's and Chat Noir's age.

"Dude seriously, I'm just as new to this as you are. I have no idea." The second voice was also male and young.

"How the heck am I supposed to know then? You told me that nobody should know about you, but how else am I supposed to get a confirmation out of him without going 'hey, my friend's some tiny magical creature that doesn't know what he's doing because he was only created a few days ago and we need help figuring that out'?"

Fu lurched in shock. He couldn't possibly mean a kwami, could he? But as far as he knew none of the miraculous that didn't have holders had been taken from his care. Unless it was one of the missing miraculous. . .

"I don't know! Be more subtle about it!"

"Aren't you supposed to be more experienced with this sort of thing?!"

"Hey, I learned just about everything about my powers on my own before. This is not in my realm of expertise."

Fu decided at that moment that he was going to open the door and let the poor fellows in.

"Oh shit." Fu caught a glimpse of a black and white blur just as a red haired teen became visible. He vaguely recognized the teen to be Nathaniel, one of the boy's in Chat Noir's and Ladybug's class.

"Can I help you?" Fu asked politely, opening the door up wide.

"Um, yeah, you see my friend's . . . grandpa said that you could help me with a problem of mine," the boy responded nervously, rubbing the back of his head, his hand knocking the frames of the sunglasses out of place. The boy frowned for a moment and adjusted them. Fu chuckled. That must be the miraculous, either that or the boy was really that nervous and forgot they were there. In any case, the boy wasn't used to the sunglasses being on his head.

"Well, come on in and I'll see what I can do. What was your friend's name again?"

"Uhh," the boy started.

"Charles," a voice hissed quietly from somewhere within the boy's gray jacket. Fu chuckled. Definitely a kwami. Though, which one was still unsure. But if the boy's conversation earlier was anything to go by, the kwami was new and didn't really know how things worked. But he'd never even heard of that happening before.

"Charles," the boy continued.

"Hmmm," Fu decided to cut right to the chase. It was a risk, but something told him it was going to turn out alright. "I didn't know kwami's had grandfathers." There was a small gasp and the boy went almost ramrod straight with shock. Fu blinked in shock when a black and white blur appeared in his face.

"So you are the Great Guardian!" the kwami, for it was indeed a kwami, cried out.

"Danny!" the boy exclaimed. Fu studied the kwami carefully. Its form was a little bit different than what he was used to. The black mist trailing off the end of the bat's tail—he'd had a lot of practice identifying kwamis over the years—was very similar to Plagg's, but the mist was thinner and didn't come off as bubbly as the cat's did. This kwami's short tail dissolved to smoke rather than particles. The bat's belly had a small patch of white fur, and the kwami's paws were white, but otherwise, the tiny creature was all black.

"Indeed I am, you are Danny, I presume?" Fu asked. The bat kwami nodded. "I didn't know there was a bat kwami, but if the conversation you guys had outside the door was any indication, then you've only just now been created. What virtue do you represent then?"

Danny just looked really confused.


Fu blinked. "Yes, all kwami's are created whenever one virtue is discovered by humanity."

"Uhhhh, I don't think that the circumstances of my creation are the same as the ones you're used to," Danny stated. "You see I was human, until I was fifteen, before a lab accident turned me into a half ghost, and then the Observants, that's the government of sorts in the Ghost Zone, decided that I was too dangerous," Danny held his hands up in air quotes as he said that last word, "and sent a pair of assassins after me. I got hit and would have died if Clockwork, ghost of time, hadn't stepped in and turned me into a kwami."

Fu stroked his beard in thought.

"Wayzz, what do you think?" Fu asked. He was taking another risk, but he wasn't willing to move any farther in the conversation without his kwami's opinion. He watched as Wayzz appeared from behind a bookshelf.

Danny blinked. "You're small just like me!" he exclaimed. Fu raised an eyebrow in the bat kwami's direction.

"You didn't really think you were the only one, did you?"

Danny shook his head. "Well, I knew I wasn't the only one, but I didn't think I'd meet one so soon. Clockwork made it sound like they were pretty rare."

Fu shook his head and turned back to his kwami, stepping aside so that they could have a conversation privately.

"It's possible. Ghosts are real, I've dealt with a few before, but I've never even heard of a half ghost before," Wayzz paused, "I have however met Clockwork before. A puzzling fellow. Powerful and wise, practically omnipotent with his abilities to see the future, but he tends to speak in riddles."

"Is it possible that the story is fake then?" Fu asked. Wayzz shook his head.

"Clockwork is secretive and likes to keep his existence a mystery so that random ghosts don't bother him. If Danny does know about him, it probably means that the time ghost likely made the kwami aware of his existence himself. Master, Clockwork never did anything without reason, and I doubt that it would change now. If Clockwork really did change Danny into a kwami, and he has the power to, then the future will be better with Danny as such," Wayzz explained. Fu nodded.

"Then we teach the Danny how to be kwami and Nathaniel how to be a miraculous wielder," Fu declared.

"Are you sure that it's wise to leave a new kwami in the boy's hands?"

"He's a good kid, and he already knows about Danny's existence. He was one of my possible candidates for the cat miraculous but ultimately, I decided that it would suit the current Chat Noir better," he was careful not to say the hero's real name just in case the boy behind him had good hearing. "It also sounds like Danny knew the basics of being a kwami and what that meant, so the boy has already been chosen. With time, we'll see if the boy was the right fit or not. That being said . . ." he stroked his beard and turned to Nathaniel. "Let's see if we can't figure out how to get you transformed first." He glanced at the flowing kwarmi.

"Each transformation phrase is unique, so something to do with claws, fur, or tails has already been taken. Any ideas?" Fu gestured for Nathaniel to move the glasses to his nose rather than his forehead.

Nathaniel obeyed and then paused a moment.

"Uh, wing's on?" Nathaniel started. Danny made a face.

"Wing's on?! What sort of phrase is that?!" the kwami exclaimed.

"Definitely not it," Fu commented. "Ears on?"

"No," Danny made a face. "Are all phrases like that?"

"Yes," Fu responded.

"Moon's out?" Nathaniel asked. Danny shook his head.

"Fangs out?" Wayzz asked. Danny shrugged.

"Not bad, but nothing happened."

Fu, Wayzz, and Nathaniel made a few more guesses before the latter paused.

"What if we're thinking about this wrong? Danny's different right?" Wayzz bobbed his head.

"Yes and no. Clockwork has the ability to make Danny an actual kwami, not just a replica. However, it is possible that because Danny was originally half ghost, that his powers work a little bit differently than normal kwamis," the turtle kwami answered.

"Still, maybe the phrase is something that relates more to Danny's powers than his form, much like your own does, Wayzz?" Nathaniel suggested. Danny groaned after a moment's realization.

"It's a reasonable conclusion there Danny," Fu started, misinterpreting Danny's groan.

"No, no. Nathan's probably right. And I think I know what it is." Nathaniel looked at the kwami hopefully. "It's "I'm going ghost'. Said it every time before I transformed to my ghost form."

Fu raised an eyebrow at the young kwami.

"I was fourteen okay?!" Danny argued. "And it's kind of a habit."

Fu chuckled and turned back to Nathaniel. "Give it a shot then."

"I'm going ghost!" Nathaniel shouted. The reaction was immediate. Danny yelped as the glasses glowed and sucked him into their inky depths. As soon as Danny was fully absorbed, Nathaniel's body exploded in white light. Fu turned away quickly and covered his eyes. He turned back once the light had died down. Nathaniel's clothes had been replaced with what looked like a black hazmat suit. The boots and gloves were white. A white belt was clasped firmly around Nathaniel's middle and at the back morphed to a short white tail. The lenses of the glasses had turned into a neon green that made Nathaniel's eyes look the same color. The frames were pitch black with a white streak down the side. The bottom half of the frames had disappeared, making them look like more like glowing screens than glasses. Fu noted that it that it made the miraculous harder to identify outside of transformation. There was a band that stretched around Nathaniel's now white hair and kept the miraculous firmly on the boy's head. To complete the look a pair of black ears perched on top of Nathaniel's head and Danny's white DP symbol was proudly displayed on the teen's chest.

"Whoa," Nathaniel commented. He shivered and resisted the urge to cross his arms. For a moment, he was incredibly cold. He looked at his hands in amazement. "I'm glowing."

Shaking his head as if trying to release himself from the spell of amazement, Nathaniel frowned as he thought about the transformation. There was an energy rush that came with the transformation, just like he'd been expecting, but otherwise, his body felt unnaturally still. He couldn't explain it.

Fu hummed. It was an impressive transformation. Nathaniel yelped as his feet lifted off the ground and he started hovering. Fu raised an eyebrow. So the transformation did replicate ghost like abilities. They'd have to ask Danny what his abilities as a half ghost were.

With a bit of concentration, Nathaniel got his feet settled back on the ground. "That was really weird," he commented. Fu raised an eyebrow, urging the boy to continue. "The flying thing? It was like it was involuntary or instinctual, but it drained my energy. I could feel it. Granted, it wasn't much."

Fu frowned. "I've never heard of a miraculous wielder not being in complete control of an ability that required energy to use. We'll have to wait and see, but in the end Danny's the best one to go to for a breakdown of his abilities."

Nathaniel nodded. Fu blinked as he looked at him. It appeared that the boy was completely unaware that he was sinking through the floor.

"Nathaniel?" he inquired and gestured for the teen too look down at his feet. The artist screamed and tried to step out of the floor. His efforts only seemed to make him sink faster. Eventually, Fu took pity on the boy and pulled him up. The boy's feet rematerialized as soon as they left the floor. "It appears you have intangibility." Fu sighed. "And invisibility."

"What?" Nathaniel started. Fu lifted his right arm. Nathaniel glanced down at his own and blinked in amazement when he found it missing. It shimmered back into view soon after.

"Did you feel an energy drain again?"

Nathaniel nodded. "Yeah, intangibility and invisibility both took a bit more than flight, but it still wasn't all that much."

Fu nodded. "Perhaps your transformation is a bit more like a battery then. With normal miraculous, wielders can stay transformed for as long as they want as long as they don't use their special ability. After they do that though, they have five minutes to find a safe place to detransform before their miraculous shuts down and their kwami needs to recharge."

Nathaniel nodded.

"That being said, try and get a hang on your flight, intangibility, and invisibility, but don't go until you run out of energy. Mastering those three will keep you from losing focus or wasting energy in battle."

The teen nodded again and closed his eyes. Fu watched curiously as the teen struggled with getting a feel for how his flight controls worked. This was far more interesting than pondering about were the missing miraculous were. As the teen hovered in his living room, his eye caught on a silver and green device hooked on the teen's belt. It looked like a boomerang. He assumed it to be the teen's weapon and made a note to have the teen play around with it later.

Realizing something, Fu turned back to the teen. "Real quick, do you have any ideas for your super hero name?"

Nathaniel paused in thought and then smiled. "Phantom. I think I'm going to keep Danny's name. It sounds cool anyways." Fu nodded with a smile.

"Indeed it does."

Author's Note:

Poll results put a bat in the lead, so thank you, DragonBeat, for suggesting the idea. Wolf was a close second. The badger idea had practically nobody.

I think Fu and Nathaniel are a little bit out of character, but otherwise everything's alright. I rushed it a bit and had to make a few changes because this was originally written to fit a badger/wolf, so if I missed anything just let me know.

Three things:

1. The transformation

I wanted to keep Nathaniel's suit as close to Danny's as possible. There are a few changes, some that I've already mentioned and there's one for sure that I will get to later on in the story, but hasn't been mentioned/discovered yet.

2. Nathaniel's power

Reason why I had Nathaniel's transformation more like a battery: Ladybug's and Chat Noir's miraculous are supposed to be the strongest. With Danny's powers being what they are, I had to tone them down a bit. Thus, the battery theory. Think of it this way, outside of their special abilities, Ladybug and Chat Noir only have enhanced strength, speed, reflexes, durability, etc . . . Giving invisibility, intangibility, flight, cryokenisis, ecto manipulation, ghost sense, possession, and the wail plus enhanced strength, speed, durability, etc . . .to a new superhero and not have most if not all of those abilities limited by a one time use and a time limit? Nathaniel would be a whole lot stronger than Ladybug and Chat Noir combined. The way I intend to write the story, Nathaniel's powers as Phantom will function a lot like battery with each of his abilities draining a varied amount of energy based on what they do and how many people they're applied to. This keeps Phantom's powers toned down enough so that he's not stronger than Ladybug and Chat Noir. Now, I don't intend to make Phantom appear pathetic, but I do still intend to comply with how the Miraculous universe is set up.

His powers will be explained more an more as the story continues, but just let me know if there's any confusion.

Lastly: I had to keep the "going ghost" thing guys. I know in the original version of the show, the transformation phrase is "transform me" but I appreciate the "claws out" and "Spots on" that's in the translated version. Also, the "I'm going ghost!" in kind of iconic for Danny Phantom. I really struggled with coming up with possible phrases for a bat, hence, the lame ones seen above, but they did their job.

As for the next chapter, I've started it, but I've kind of been stuck between two different episodes. I'm debating starting the next chapter after "The Evillustrator" because if Nathaniel gets akumatized, his cover is blown, or after "The Puppeteer" because Nathaniel was controlled by the akuma in the episode. Starting at "The Evillustrator" would become sort of a mess at "the Puppeteer". Chances are, I'm starting after "The Puppeteer" for that reason.