The Loss of Love (Rewrite)

Summary: (Based off of Sailor Moon Stars) After Season two, the VEPPer are now idols, and everything is at peace. While the Defense Club are at a concert, a monster appears and everyone is in danger…REWRITE

Chapter 1: The Galaxy Idols

Yumoto smiled to himself as he was walking to the clubroom, "Yumoto-kun!" A voice called and Yumoto turned around, "Oh! Haruhiko-senpai!"

Haruhiko smiled as he held forward some tickets, "Would you and your friends liked to go to one of our concerts, Saturday night?" He asked and the first-year grinned, "Yeah! Sounds great!"

He took the tickets from him and smiled, "Thank you!" Then he turned to the clubroom door and opened it. He walked in and held up the tickets, "The twins gave us tickets to their Saturday show!" He giggled and Io looked up, "Oh, how nice."

Ryuu looked up from his phone, "Only five?"
Yumoto nodded, "Yeah, one for each of us!"

Atsushi smiled, "That will be fun then."
En yawned and stretched, "Can we even trust them? I mean we did just fight them."

Yumoto looked at him, "Huh? What do you mean, En-chan-senpai?"
En sighed, "We can't truly trust them right now. We just fought them like two weeks ago."

Wombat looked at En in amazement…usually En let them do whatever they wanted. En stood up, "It's almost Saturday too, when we're there, we need to be careful." He looked at Yumoto, "And you, no threatening them or getting upset. We don't need a repeat of our last fight."

Yumoto nodded, "Got it!"
En smiled, "Good. Now, let's create a game plan." He walked over to the white board and began to sketch and write on it.

Io looked up from his tablet and Atsushi sighed, "En-chan, do you feel like something is wrong?"

En looked at his dark-haired friend, "Somewhat. I hope it's not true."

Atsushi nodded, "Me too…" He looked down and saw Yumoto playing with Wombat and thought, "I thought we were done fighting…the VEPPer were almost invincible…"

The week went by fast and before the Defense Club knew it, it was Saturday.

Yumoto met up with the others in front of his house and smiled, "Are you all ready?"
Atsushi sighed, "I wish we could have brought Kin-chan and the other two."

Io didn't look up from his tablet as he spoke, "Well we only had five tickets…"
Ryuu began to laugh, "Gero is probably on Arima-san…"
Atsushi gasped, "Ryuu! Don't say things like that!" He scolded and Ryuu smirked.

Yumoto looked at them in confusion and En rolled his eyes. "Let's get going."

The five Defense Club members walked to the venue and Yumoto looked around and Atsushi grabbed his wrist gently, "Yumoto, you're about to bump into people."

Yumoto frowned, "Oh…sorry." He muttered and Atsushi smiled, "It's okay."

The five walked into the venue and sat in their seats.


"W-wait!" a voice screamed and there was laughter, "Don't worry, our monster just wants one little thing from you."

"Love Crystal Extraction!" Two voices yelled and orbs shot towards the person. They tried to run and the orbs hit them into their chest. They began to scream and two figures walked forward as a white heart shape crystal floated above the person's body.

"Dammit…" One hissed as they grabbed it and the other replied, "Don't worry, this is just to lure out our Battle Lover friends…Goat Monster, take his crystal and keep it safe." Then the two figures disappeared as they threw the crystal to their monster.


Yumoto smiled as he listened to his new friends sing on stage, he was so glad that they were finally being kind to him.

Yumoto frowned suddenly and Atsushi looked at him, "Are you okay?"

"No…something feels off…"

"Huh?" Atsushi gasped and En nodded, "Something does…"

Ryuu rolled his eyes, "Is it because this is where our final showdown was?"

"Huh…? No, that's not it!" Yumoto replied and Ryuu pointed at the wall, "The wall is still damaged from you going berserk."

Yumoto looked down as he sighed, "I know…I apologized to them…I don't even remember any of it."

"Ryuu, drop it." Io whispered, "You'll upset him."

Ryuu sighed, "Fine…" He rolled his eyes as he was hushed by someone else.

Yumoto frowned to himself as he saw something crawl off of Akihiko's shoulder and turned to Atsushi. "I saw something…" He whispered and Atsushi shook his head, "Yumoto, don't worry…"

Yumoto shook his head and gasped as his True Lovaraclet went off. Ryuu groaned and looked at them, "We should go." He whispered and the five Defense Club members quickly snuck out of the concert.

Yumoto gasped as he saw an unconscious student on the ground. He turned around as he saw a Goat Monster. "Guys! We need to transform!"

The others sighed and they transformed.

Scarlet looked at the student, "What even happened?!"
Cerulean shrugged, "I'm not sure! This hasn't happened before…"

Wombat glared at the monster and ran to the student. He sniffed the student as the Battle Lovers began to fight and gasped, "He has no scent of love in him…no…oh no…the Battle Lovers are in danger!"

Scarlet looked at the Goat Monster as he held onto his Love Stick. "I'll heal you!" He yelled and pointed his stick at the monster, "Scarlet Love Lumiere!"

The monster cried out and Scarlet asked, "Who sent you!?"
The Goat Monster laughed, "I'm only here to take something to my bosses."

Scarlet growled, "I won't let you! Now guys!" He let their larger staff form and held it towards the monster, "True Love Attack!"

The Goat Monster screamed as it was hit by a heart and Scarlet dropped his staff as it disappeared. "W-what?!" He gasped in pure shock and walked forward as a white heart crystal floated up.

Scarlet walked towards it and grabbed it with care. "I'm not sure what you are…but I'll give you back to your owner."

He walked to the unconscious student and let the crystal go back in. He smiled as the student's eyes opened slowly and sat up, "W-who are you?"

"Me? I'm Battle Lover Scarlet…I saved you." Scarlet replied and the student smiled, "Thank you…" He whispered and Scarlet helped him up, "Please…hurry home." He told him and the student thought, "This person…whoever they really are…they're like…an angel of some sort." With that, the student walked away.

Scarlet smiled at his friends, "Let's go back now!"

"Oh darn, it looks as if the Battle Lovers have stopped us once again, Aki." A voice hissed and Scarlet gasped and turned around.

The five Battle Lovers yelled simultaneously in pure shock, "VEPPer!"

Vesta rolled his eyes, "I thought we healed the VEPPer…"

"We did." Sulfur replied and Epinard frowned, "Why do the VEPPer want to fight again?"

"They don't…" Scarlet replied sadly, "They don't want to fight again! They just talked with me this morning!" He yelled and the VEPPer laughed, "You're wrong." Melty Luna laughed and Scarlet froze as the duo clasped their hands together.

"Love Crystal Extraction!"

Sulfur gasped as two orbs shot towards him and then he screamed loudly as they hit him. A yellow beam of light shot out of Sulfur and Vesta screamed, "IO!" He ran to Sulfur and held him as tears fell.

A yellow heart shaped crystal appeared from Sulfur's chest and Sulfur collapsed onto the ground. The crystal was grabbed by Salty Sol and he held it up, "The Love of Sulfur…it's a lovely crystal…but…Scarlet's will be better."

Tears filled Scarlet's eyes and Vesta looked at them, "If-if you're going to kill Sulfur, then kill me too!" He screamed and looked down at Sulfur. "I'm sorry…" He whispered and Sulfur gasped out as Vesta kissed him as he was hit also.

Vesta screamed a pink beam of light shot from him and his pink crystal appeared. Melty Luna grabbed it and smiled, "Yes, Vesta's crystal is full of fiery love…which helps his ego with women."

Vesta fell on top of Sulfur and Scarlet screamed as they began to disappear. He ran to them as tears fell from his eyes. "G-guys! P-please…d-don't die!"

Vesta looked at him with tears in his eyes, "Y-Yumoto…I'm sorry…"

Sulfur groaned, "Y-Yumoto…f-fight for us." He looked at Vesta, "Ryuu…I love you…"
Vesta nodded, "I love you too…Io…" He kissed Sulfur's forehead and as he did, they disappeared.

"IO-SENPAI! RYUU-SENPAIIII!" Scarlet screeched and gut-wrenching sobs filled the youngest.

The VEPPer held up the crystals and smirked, "We have our prize, Dadacha." Salty Sol laughed and Scarlet held his love stick at them, "S-S-Scarlet Love Lumiere!" He screamed and the two dodged quickly.

Melty Luna smirked, "So sorry, Scarlet. But these are ours now."
Scarlet looked at them in pure horror. "P-please…don't do this, brothers-senpai!"

Salty Sol rolled his eyes, "Shut up, Hakone Yumoto. Your wailing won't save you or your friends."

Cerulean and Epinard growled as they watched the VEPPer teleport away and Epinard walked to Scarlet. He stood Scarlet up and hugged him tightly. Cerulean walked over to them and put a hand on Scarlet's head.

"Yumoto…" Epinard whispered and stroked his hair. He looked up at Cerulean, his eyes full of sadness. "En-chan…"

"Yes Atsushi…?"

"We…we need to tell Kin-chan…"

Cerulean looked down at Scarlet and sighed, "I know."

He felt Epinard grab his hand but let go slowly. "I'm sorry…" Epinard whispered and looked at Scarlet. "We…we mustn't let them take Yumoto…or Gora-san."

Cerulean nodded, "Yes I know…and we need to be very careful now."

Epinard nodded as he looked back at the theater once more. Io and Ryuu were now gone…and he wondered what that meant for him and the others…would it mean death for all the Battle Lovers and Caerula Adamas…? Epinard hoped to not find out.