Disclaimer: I do not own fallout 4 or RWBY they belong to Bethesda and rooster teeth respectively.

Change: a fallout 4/RWBY crossover

Chapter 6: Revelations Part 2

How do you react to somebody telling you that they are from another world? Some would respond that the best way is to humor them, others to put them in a straightjacket and send them to a phycologist because they need help, others would simply suggest you go with the flow.

All of those reactions are considered normal, but they have a major flaw: in the presence of evidence they crumble. Lu and his family were in such a state after Nate's revelations and the evidence he provided. To be fair to them, nobody on remnant save the remaining veterans of the Great War, could imagine war on a scale which Nate described: it was just unthinkable.

Even more unthinkable were the behaviors Nate described a large number of the survivors displayed. They were not, unfortunately, unknown but never to such a scale, even at mistral, the home of the largest black market on remnant, which was also the home of many bandit tribes, villages being raided and destroyed not being something out of the ordinary. Bandits involved in what could only be described as Grimm –esque and worse actions, was something no sane being would like to even fathom

But the sheer and utter insanity-for it could not be described as anything else- was too mind boggling for the people of remnant to comprehend. The same could be said in regards to the revelations about the government ruling Nate's nation: the ''experiments" the enclave was involved in could only be described as an exercise in sadism and cruelty, atrocities disguised as attempts in preventing and correcting flaws that humanity would never cease to express, atrocities that in some occasions made the events of the great war pale in comparison, as while the atrocities committed during the war were considered normal as per the circumstances of warfare, the events described in the experiments were conducted in times of peace and as such they could not be justified.

And then there was the matter of the behavior of the survivors. While such behaviors were not unknown, they weren't so widespread, so organized, or as deranged as Nate described. At least that is what the kingdoms believed; those who had spent time in mistral would like to tell them otherwise. And that phenomenon was not observed just in mistral, even though it was most prominent in mistral due to the presence of the black market, it was also beginning to become more prominent in the other kingdoms as well, especially vale, as of late.

But the most disturbing issue at hand was Nate himself: by his own admission, he was a mass murderer. Granted that his victims were anything but innocent, but still the fact remained that he was responsible for the death of hundreds of people. Not to mention his actions during the war between the minutemen and the institute.

His entire story itself could only be considered as a combination of a tragedy, a decent into darkness and an attempt at climbing back to then light. A tragedy in regards to the beginning and the outcome of the tale, the death of his own child, by his own hands no less, the very actions his child undertook, actions that any sane human being would be beyond disgusted with, and the fall from grace that followed afterwards when Nate ,understandably in his opinion, cracked due to the mental stress of having to deal with both his guilt over his actions for no sane person could handle killing their own child, and having to play peacekeeper between various factions all of which had a capacity to unite as much as remnant itself, meaning not much.

It could be described as a descent into darkness in regard to his actions in Nuka world and the utter brutality with which he dealt with his enemies. Even more disturbing to them, as it showed them that the man in front of them knew how to manipulate as well, and as thus was even more dangerous to them, was the way he dealt with the gunners: by systematically taking down their command structure and leading entire detachments of their forces to their doom, by offering lucrative contracts that lead to traps by raider forces or super mutants, with whatever survivors left being picked off by specialized units created under his supervision. That had also shown lu and his parents in law that Nate was indeed as they feared: a veteran who had gained his experience by fighting human opponents, and as such would be a serious threat should he ever decided to go rogue or if he was ,as they feared, a bandit infiltrator. Furthermore it showed them the extent of his training and how he had managed to rebuild the minutemen out of their ashes, as well as how he had managed to defeat an organization that had both technological and numerical superiority by their side; he was ruthless when it came to combat, and that was yet another warning sign in regards to how dangerous he could be. But for Lou, all those traits were godsend: here was a man that wouldn't hesitate to hunt down and eliminate the bandits that plagued his homeland, bandits that his parents in law had supported when they were forming, as a countermeasure to the increasing militancy of the white fang, the increasing Grimm attacks , the increasing tensions with the other communities and most importantly –to them at least- the continuing prosperity of the village and its subsequent supremacy over the other communities- that had been the actual reason why there had not been any reinforcements to aid him when he had been so close to the village, and the reason why he had been trying to arrange a meeting with the minutemen. An organized force outside the influence of the greenwiches would be massive step in the direction of the unification of the surrounding communities, the elimination of the bandits and finally culling this malignant tumor that had been responsible for his brothers and sister in law's deaths, for the greenwitches had not hesitated to send their own daughter to her death, when she had expressed an interest in unifying the surrounding communities in order to combat the ever increasing number of threats, as an independent and sovereign coalition .

In reality, he loathed his in laws, but he had to put on a show, that had been why he had been shocked when they had threatened Nate with their weapons and he had answered by revealing he had been aiming at hem with his own weapon. For the first time he had met someone that was willing to stand up to his in laws, refuse to play their game and force them to listen. For once he could hope that he had an ally.

A part of him felt like the bandits he despised for thinking of somebody as a tool to be used, but a bigger part reminded him that the man he was thinking of manipulating was a murderer and as such he was a good target. At this point he wanted to laugh bitterly: he had become exactly like his in laws, thinking of others as tools to be used and to be eliminated if they could not be used.

So he decided to tell him the truth about the village and the greenwitches after the situation had calmed down

And finally it could be considered a triumph in regards to what he had achieved: he had taken a faction that had for all intents and purposes been exterminated and had rebuilt it from its ashes into a force that could take on a force that could be compared to atlas in one to one fights. He had also, made said faction powerful enough to survive further assault on its independence and if said Special Forces were any indication, internal threats as well. In conjunction with the reformation of the command structure he had initiated and the training regimens he had helped created, he and his companions had pretty much turned what could at best be considered a militia to the beginnings of an organized military force in the span of a few months. Furthermore said "Militia'' had managed to beat a force that by all rights should have crushed them and yet against all odds they had won, and not only that. They had come out of that war battered and broken but stronger, with access to technology that even atlas would be envious of, in addition to having become a unified force instead of the rag tag bunch of barely organized militias run by influential and charismatic leaders, which would later disband after the deaths of said leaders, leaving the civilians they were supposed to be protecting without protection and at the mercy of the raiders , the super mutants and other threats of various kinds. N needless to say all that had been achieved after the institute had been destroyed and well after the events at Nuka world. All this had made the greenwitches consider "educating" Nate whom they considered to be a savage - for they considered him nothing else- to be like them.

Little did they know that said "savage" had been recording this entire conversation in case it could prove useful using a recorder he had recovered during his time in the institute, both in order to record the events he lived through and to be able to use said recordings as evidence or as blackmail material should the need arise. This specific measure had proven very effective in dealing with both the representatives from diamond city, and Kessler when they gad gotten a little too arrogant for their birches.

People might question why somebody would bother to record every event that they experience including most conversations they ever had. The answer is very simple: precaution. His experience in the army had taught him that events that are often ignored because they don't appear to be important, can have far reaching consequences, or they can become very , it never hurt to be prepared.

Even the most mundane things were always important events that impacted his life, in both expected and unexpected ways, but they always did. Even events as simple as taking a picture of his friends and him relaxing before they would go on a mission was useful as it allowed him to keep an archive independent of the official archive of the battle of anchorage, an archive that also showed the far more humane side of the us army, the sheer brutality of the battle for anchorage, the effects of the prolonged campaign and most importantly, and damming according to some, the megalomania and glory hound tactics general chase displayed and used, in addition to displaying the usually grim outcome that many American attacks on Chinese positions had, after the Chinese had time to come up with ,at least rudimentary, methods of counteracting the advantage power armor gave the US early in the war.

And the rudimentary methods, they had come up with had proven very effective, prompting the us to accelerate production of new versions of power armor such as the t60 version of power armor, the fat man mini nuclear warhead launcher, newer and improved versions of the plasma and laser rifles, the laser Gatling gun, not to mention the stunning developments in railgun and coil gun technology. If anything, the US -with the brightest example being high command- had underestimated both the tenacity and adaptability of their opponents and that had cost them severe casualties: wounded and otherwise.

That habit had taught Nate something very important: never under any circumstance allow yourself to be fooled, never allow others to feed you the information they want, not without them having provided evidence supporting their claims, but most importantly never allow yourself to be deceived by how things appear, ever.

It was this specific lesson that saved his life during the war with the institute, and it was this lesson that had helped him find out the truth about the institute's crimes and secrets, as well as allowing him to see just how far gone his son was and how set he was in his ways.

But that lesson had also had some very severe consequences for his psyche, as his skepticism would often cause fights with his companions, even in matters where it was pointedly evident that they were right, such as when he was convinced that there was a connection between mags and William black and the black family that surpassed their simply familial connection, believing that the blacks had been supporting their disavowed members with monetary rewards and supplies, in order to gain what they believed would be their own little support group and an additional source of income. Needless to say something like that did not apply, as while the residents of diamond city's upper stands were indeed arrogant pieces of shit who wouldn't last more than a few Pico seconds in the wasteland, they weren't that far gone.

At least when he was still back at his planet they weren't, he cannot know how things were going now.

The situation he was in now, was too reminiscent of his time in the institute. Just like the institute, the area he was in seemed a little too good to be true, a little too prosperous for a community whose surrounding communities were under constant Grimm and bandit attacks, and who according to his 'hosts' were neither as large, prosperous or well defended as new moon was, which was at odds with the fact that new moon was thriving. The more he thought about it, the more parallels he found with two other settlements who thrived, but did so at the expense of the surrounding communities, at least in regards to the second settlement: diamond city and Bunker Hill. Both communities were thriving while ignoring other thriving communities around them in diamond city's case or dominating other communities through mercantile means and influence more often than not deceiving and cheating them in regards to various trade deals along with providing information to the institute in bunker hill's case, even though it could be argued that it was not done intentionally .it could be argued that back before the minutemen were reformed from their ashes , there were no other options if they wished to continue thriving or even survive for that matter, as there was no other group willing to protect them, excluding the gunners, whom no one, including the traders at bunker hill, trusted

That argument was sound and logical, but it was rendered moot when it was found out, that not only were they not being forced to provide information to the institute by use of force, but rather they were paid to provide said information, and the payment they received for said information was not a small sum, but rather it was a respectable one. Needless to say the railroad was not amused to find out that one of their main supporters was surrounded by backstabbing vermin and they started asking for the persecution, even execution in some cases, while the less said about the brotherhood's 'reaction' the better.

Due to all the above reasons, he was extremely mistrustful of his 'hosts' and he suspected that they were involved in similar foul play as both the institute and Kessler. The tour of the village he was taken to, only served to confirm his suspicions, as there was no way in hell that all the growth he was observing around him had not come at the cost of the surrounding communities' own prosperity and growth. Another thing that only seemed to confirm his suspicions was the absence of an organized military force, considering both the settlement's importance as a trade hub and its strategic location, as it is protected in three sides by steep cliffs, thus creating a naturally fortified position and an excellent location for a forward base, something that the inhabitants of the settlement seemed to be aware of as the large number of dojos, armorers, weapon smiths, and dust shops, which was totally at odds with the absence of an organized militia or any military force tasked with defending the settlement in general.

The absence of a military force despite the ever increasing frequency of attacks by the Grimm and bandits also further increase his suspicions that something was amiss, that the situation was far more complicated and, more than likely sinister, than it appeared.

It was for those reasons that Nate had come up with contingency plans should his fears comer to pass, and things escalated, for it was obvious the mistrust was mutual, and he could see from their body language and their actions in general that they were planning something, for while the story he had told them which included some parts of his life seemed to had appeased them ,it had been painfully obvious to him that not only did they not trust him but that they were also preparing to confront him in regards to his true origins, in order to ascertain whether or not he was someone they could manipulate or someone they would need to eliminate.

He was no fool. He had heard how they referred to him when they believed he couldn't hear them, how they would continuously demean and insult him behind his back, citing their 'superiority' over him and the other survivors of his planet. A superiority that was based on a very biased belief that remnant could never experience the atrocities his world has experienced, as the people of remnant were civilized as opposed to the savages and backwards people that had survived the great war that had ravaged earth.

As Nate himself could attest, his people had also been civilized, yet that did not prevent them from degenerating into monsters that killed, raped and pillaged at will or worse of they so choose. It had been a lesson that Nate was taught the brutal way: no matter how civilized a society claims to be, at times of war or crisis most societies will collapse after a while giving rise to all kinds of monsters in human skin. And remnant's own history gave credence to this lesson, as during their own great war. Entire villages and settlements of various sizes had been razed to the ground either by the Grimm or bandits and other fringe elements, while at the same time the militaries of the kingdoms and the specialized troops that would later form the huntsmen were too busy slaughtering each other, thus increasing the magnitude of the damage done. The only time there was any kind of reprieve, was when Grimm presence was too large for everyone involved to handle and even then it was only temporary and the massacre continued after the Grimm threat was eliminated.

For that reason alone, Nate had been prepared to fight hem if necessary, but he kept on hoping that It wouldn't come down to that. In the end they came to an agreement: he would leave new moon and never come back, and in return they would provide him with supplies so he could reach the nearest village, the village of xion.

Nate had accepted said agreement, and that had been how he had ended having a spar with Lu while they were conversing on how to handle the situation that was plaguing new moon.

Before said spar though, after his talk with the greenwitches and his subsequent talk with lu, Nate had his aura unlocked by Lu as a thank you, even though Nate suspected an attempt to carry favor also had something to do with it. Said unlocking had proven to be an exhausting, physically –and mentally in Lu's case- for both the parties involved.

Shortly after the conversation with the greenwiches.

And now you know why I loathe my in-laws, they are directly responsible for the attack at the convoy that I was protecting, they are directly responsible for the misery that has befallen the surrounding communities, but most importantly: THEY are directly responsible for their own daughter's death, and my brother's for that matter, for the sole reason that they refused to allow the current situation to continue any longer, and were actively trying to take measures to ensure the growth of the other communities, something that would undermine the Greenwich's authority as you can imagine.

Which is why I am asking for your help, to at least improve the situation of the surrounding communities. I have no delusions that I can take them down on my own, which is why I am asking for your help.

I am very aware that I have no right to drag you into this, as you are simply a traveler, and one that is not of this world to add to that, but your experience in dealing with bandits and organizing militias is invaluable in this occasion, not to mention it's exactly what is needed.

I am also aware that I am practically asking you to involve yourself in a situation that is eerily similar to the events that ended up with you leading the minutemen and your son's death, but the truth of the matter is that you are the only one to refuse to be intimidated by my in laws, and to effectively tell them to stop trying to intimidate people for that matter, and as such you are far more valuable than you think, at least in the context of the situation. For all of the above reasons, I am asking for your help, but I will understand if you do not wish to not become involved.

Nate found himself at an impasse. On one hand he could help Lu out with his problem- and more than likely get involved in events that would more than likely end with him as a mental and physical wreck- or he could attempt to blend in a nearby village, learn more about where he was, and then attempt to find a way home, but there was still the question of what he should do if he couldn't go back home, and even if he could ,what he would have to do in order to ensure that he could go home.

Because of said questions Nate eventually decided to help lu in his fight, mostly so that he could create a positive reputation around him ,which he could later use to secure the resources he needed to get home, or in the event he couldn't get home, to ensure he could find recruits. A good reputation always had results after all.

They then set forth to unlock Nate's aura.

''We are bringers of light in the darkest of nights,

We are the guardians at the gates,

Where we walk, darkness fades to nothing,

We are infinite in glory and unbound by death

I unleash your soul and by my shoulder protect thee"

Immediately after those words were uttered, a red light began to permeate Nate's body, and the clearing they were in. For a while things were peaceful.

And then finagle stroke again.

The light around Nate begun to change color until it initially turned to a crimson red, and then to a pitch black, black as the void of space, before an explosion swept across the clearing. Lu got blasted away from Nate but was spared the worst as his aura shielded him from the explosion. He then noticed that his aura had reached almost zero. He then looked to find out how Nate was.

The sight he saw would stay with him until the end of his life.

There were fires burning around Nate. Pitch black, soundless, smokeless fires, that w3ree burning the clearing without making a single sound. And then there was Nate himself: he was standing amongst the flames looking around at the disappearing cleaning. That was not what was abnormal, what was, and nearly scared Lu shitless, was that his eyes were crimson red and that the flames seemed to be dancing around his frame without harming him. Furthermore when he looked at him he could swear he saw someone else manifest alongside him for a brief instance. After this nightmare fest, they decide to rest, and have a spar soon to get Nate acclimated to his aura and to further discuss the situation in new moon.

After having their spar and reaching the conclusion that in order to be able to handle the situation they would need to gain support, they decided to go their separate ways and meet at xion in a few months to discuss their progress.

And so begun the cycle of events that would see a series of changes sweeping across remnant.

Sorry for the long delay everyone, real life got in the way again in conjunction with problems finding inspiration for the story. Rest assured those problems have been resolved, and change is back.