Hello, everyone. This is my first time writing a story in fan fiction so it would be much appreciated if you could leave constructive reviews ONLY and not flames. Also please enjoy what I write.
Disclaimer: I do not own fallout 4 or RWBY they belong to Bethesda and rooster teeth respectively.
Change: a fallout 4/RWBY crossover
It had been several months after the minutemen's victory over the institute under the leadership of their new general, (a promotion that was made under duress by the last survivor of the original minutemen), Nathaniel grey or as he is more known, the sole survivor, the butcher of Nuka world. Under their new general's leadership, the minutemen were transformed from the laughing stock of the commonwealth to a force so organized and capable that they were now recognized as a force to be reckoned even by the brotherhood of steel.
It should be noted though that this dramatic transformation did not happen overnight, it was the result of new training regimens put forth by both grey and another member of the original minutemen, colonel Ronnie Shaw, which was based on their combined experiences as a member of the original us army and a veteran of the conflict for Alaska and a member of the minutemen respectively. In addition to the new training regimens, a restructuring of the command structure was also initiated to eliminate the previous mistakes that lead to the failure of the past incarnations of the minutemen. Thanks to those changes, in addition to the diplomatic efforts on behalf of grey, which in addition to establishing friendly or at least amicable relationships with the other factions, gained the minutemen new allies, the faction had grown exponentially and as a result had attracted the attention of the institute.
The ensuing conflict had been a long and grueling one and had bled the faction badly but due to both the perseverance of their general and their members in conjuncture with their established supply routes with the settlements under their protection had won them the conflict. But that victory had come at a heavy cost to the sole survivor himself, as he had been forced to kill his own son who turned out to be the leader of the institute and who had been personally responsible for a series of atrocities, thus leaving him the sole surviving member of his family. The damage this event caused him would become known only a month afterward in a very brutal fashion.
Merely a month after the end of the conflict many settlements under minutemen association began reporting an increase in attacks by raiders with ever increasing number of casualties and ever increasing damage done to the infrastructure of the settlements. In the case of the first few attacks the damage done was similar to the damage done by your average raiders , but as the attacks increased it became evident that there was a level of discipline and organization in the attacks, as there were multiple bands of raiders involved in each attack and there were always objectives and motives beyond simply looting, pillaging, and the other expected motives raiders have. To his horror, grey have found that the raiders behind the attacks included slavers as a number of civilians had been taken during the chaos of the attacks and after dispatching scouts to identify the base from which the attacks had been launched, which was located at the site of the former amusement park of Nuka world, he decided to handle the matter personally as the rest have been occupied with other matters regarding running the commonwealth smoothly. A week later the number of attacks had decreased and as time passed the attacks started decreasing in number but things were not as they seemed for the changes in grey's personality begun showing themselves more and more with each band of raiders he neutralized. In the beginning while he was methodical and calculative he still showed remorse and captured prisoners to interrogate, but as he found more and more about the modus operandi of his opponents the colder and more ruthless he became; an phenomenon that became a serious cause of concern for his companions who noticed the changes and became disturbed about the sudden shift in behavior.
His method of operation became known through the raiders who were unfortunate enough to face him in combat, at least those who survived that is, who described entire teams of their members disappearing without a trace, at least in the beginning. Matters were only going to become worse, as time passed with entire outposts going dark and entire hideouts becoming silent as a grave with their entire garrisons slaughtered to the last. Things finally reached their breaking point when the sole survivor reached Nuka world. It was at Nuka world that the minutemen and his companions realized the extent of the mental damage done to the sole survivor due to the events of the conflict with the institute and what the institute had done to him before he became the general of the minutemen. It began with the usual taunting done through the raider radio station at Nuka world, only for it to go silent; shortly after the only thing heard where the terrified screams of dying raiders screaming about a ''tin man in green'' slaughtering them. By the time, minutemen reinforcements arrived to reinforce their general Nuka world had been cleansed of raiders and slavers but he was bleeding badly and his power armor suit had been rendered completely unsalvageable while his combat armor that he wore underneath had been heavily damaged and almost all of his weapons were out of ammunition. But that had not been what really showed the extent of the damage, no, that was displayed by the extent of the damage done to overboss colter who had been killed before he could enter his power armor suit and had been missing half his torso and thigh as well as his entire left arm, from the shoulder to the palm of his hand. In addition to colter, the damage that was done to the leaders of the other factions also painted a very disturbing sight: Nisha the leader of the operators had her limbs blown off and cauterized and left to bleed to death through a series of small cuts at the torso, the thighs and the back as a mockery of her ideals, William and Mags black had been chained to the wall of their headquarters with bomb collars attached to their necks which had been detonated during a meeting thus killing a lot of the operators and mason the leader of the pack had been amputated by gunfire and then further dismembered with cold precision despite screaming for his life all the while.
Needless to say, those actions would come to cost grey greatly as the first rumors that their leader had cracked under the pressure had started circulating amongst the minutemen and the other factions had become increasingly concerned about his mental health and qualification as a leader. The situation would be resolved with the formation of a council which would act as representatives of the minutemen, which grey would be allowed to join only after his issues had been resolved, something that took months of treatment and therapy, and even then it became apparent that his scars would never completely vanish. an additional side effect his actions had, was the fact that raiders were now attacking less frequently, due to their fear of "The butcher of Nuka world" the nickname grey had been given by the raiders due to the ruthlessness he had displayed while in Nuka world, that had allowed the organization of settlement militias to help defend against raider and super mutant attacks by acting both as a quick response force and the first line of defense in case of attack until reinforcements could arrive.
It is at this point in time that the minutemen started experimenting with creating a more useful application of the teleporter technology the institute used in order to allow faster and safer movement between settlements as well as depriving raiders of routes of attack. It was decided that the first to use the newly developed prototype would be grey because of his experience with the original teleporter used by the is on the day of the experiment that our story begins.