Author's note:

I'd like to thank all of you for reading my story and reviewing. Here are some things you should know:

1)I hated having to scroll through author's notes so hopefully this will be my last.

2)I plan on posting weekly.

3)I prefere responding to reviews immediately so I either PM back or respond in my own review. I check in daily so I'll respond within 24 hours.

4)I appreciate all your reviews. They help me write and shape this story. So don't hold back.


Monday May 8th 2017

Looking at the mirror I give myself a pep talk. "I can do this. It's no big deal. It's just an interview. I'll go in ask my questions and leave. I'm a confident person and I can do whatever I put my mind to." Ignoring the little voice in the back of my mind telling me that I'm lying to myself, I grab my keys and bag and head out of the apartment.

Today has me nervous but I do my best to not let it show. My professor was pretty clear, having the chance to interview the CEO of Grey Enterprises was a big deal and making a bad impression was not an option. So I 've done my makeup, straightened my hair and wore my most professional outfit, a dark blue over the knee sleeveless boatneck dress, a black coat, a pair of black heels and a black handbag. I even borrowed Kate, my best friend's car instead of taking the bus to insure that I was on time.

The drive from Portland to Seatle doesn't take long and before I know it I 've reached GEH. Thankfully there is a parking spot in the front so I don't have to worry about running late. Checking my appearance one last time in the rear view mirror I give my self the okay and get out of the car.

Looking up at Grey House I take a deep breath and walk up the steps to the entrance. The building is a combination of steele, marble and glass that looks modern and intimidating. I feel like I'm entering the big kids playground now. I can see the elevators straight ahead but head to the reception desk at my right to check in like Mr Grey's assistant instructed me during our email correspondence.

"Anastasia Steele. I have an appointment with Mr Grey." I tell the receptionist once she looks up at me.

"Here is your security pass. Take the elevator to the top floor." She gives me my pass before answering the phone.

The elevator doesn't take nearly as long as I would expect and when the doors open I'm met with yet another reception desk.

"Miss Steele, can I take your coat?" A beautiful blonde dressed to the nines asks me.

"Yes,thank you." I smile passing it over.

"You can take a seat. Mr Grey will see you in a moment." She smiles before returning to her desk.

Taking a seat in the waiting area I look around admiring the minimalistic decor. White seems to be the color of choice with some splashes of grey.

"Miss Steele." A voice brings me out of my thoughts. "Mr Grey will see you now. You have ten minutes." I get up and follow her to the end of a hallway where she opens the door. Walking through the doorway my heel gets caught and I find myself falling.

"Miss Steele. Are you alright?" Who I asume is Mr Grey asks helping me up.

"I'm ok." My voice is quiet and I'm blushing from embarrassment. Looking up I'm momentarily dazzled by his good looks. I'll admit during my research I came across photos of him but they could never have prepared me for the real thing.

"Your knee is bleeding." Mr Grey 's voice brings me out of my daydream. Looking down I wince seeing that blood is slowly trickling down my leg. "Here take a seat." He gestures towards a white sofa.

"Thank you." My voice is almost a whisper. As soon as I take a seat I reach in my bag for an antiseptic wippie and a bandage.

"I didn't realise interviewing me was so dangerous you had to bring a first aid kit." Mr Grey jokes.

"I'm awfully clumsy." I look up from where I'm wiping my knee. "This happens a lot so I've learned to be prepared." I smile up at him. "There. Now I can actually do what I'm here for." I place the bandage and throw the trash in my bag. "Do you mind me recording this?" I ask getting my phone out of my bag. He simply gestures for me to continue and gets comfortable in a seat oposite mine. "This is for the economics section of the special graduation issue of the WSU student newspaper." I remind him after pressing record and getting my notebook out.

"I know. I'll be giving the commencement address at this year's ceremony." He sounds bored.

"I know." I clear my throat. "Ready?" I ask.

"Whenever you are." He answers with a smirk.

"You are only 28 years old and yet you're the owner and CEO of one of the biggest and most successful companies in the world. To what do you owe your success?" I ask with my pen posed and ready to write down his answer.

"Business is about people. I've always been good with people. What motivates them. What makes them tick. The key to my success is identifying talents in individuals and harnessing their efforts." His tone is bored and his answer sounds rehearsed.

"You sound like a control freak?" I say before I can stop myself.

"Oh I exercise control in all aspects of my life Miss Steele." He smirks at me. And suddenly I feel like the only person in a room full of people who didn't get the joke.

"Your company is involved primarily in the telecommunications sector. Yet you also invest in numerous agricultural projects. Including several in Africa. Is that something you feel passionate about. Feeding the world's poor?" I ask trying to steer the conversation back to business.

"It's a smart business." He answers simply and I can't help but make a sound of disbelief. "You don't agree?" He looks at me curiously.

"It's just that companies who are interested in that kind of smart business don't go half way across the world." The way he looks at me gives me the courage to be honest despite the fear of sounding rude. "I just wondered if your heart might be a bit bigger than you want to let on." I explain.

"Some people would say I don't have a heart at all." He says starring at me.

"Why would they say that?" I ask confused.

"Because they know me well." His answer doesn't satisfy me.

"Why do I have the feeling that that is not true." I honestly wonder.

"Mr Grey your next meeting is in the conference room." Mr Grey's assistant pops in bringing us out of our bubble.

"Cancel it. We're not finished here." Mr Grey tells her still looking at me.

"Yes sir." She promptly responds before leaving.

"I'm taking up your time. I should go." I say embarrassed.

"Did you ask all of your questions?" He asks and I shake my head. "Then like I said we're not done." He gestures for me to continue.

"The sector of mergers and acquisitions is usually tied with layoffs, yet so far your company has avoided them. Was it a conscious decision?" I ask after gathering my thoughts.

"I make a point of insuring my employees employment. I try to keep as many positions as possible. If that is not possible I make sure they find employment elsewhere." He answers looking me straight in the eye.

"Do you believe you've sacrificed your personal life to come where you are?" I ask.

"I spend time with my family. My position allows me to help the world and enjoy myself. I have no regrets." He is clearly not comfortable speaking about his family and personal life so I avoid the questions about his adoption and sexual orientation.

"Do you have any interests outside of work?" I ask.

"I enjoy various physical activities." His smirk has returned. "I enjoy running, sailing, gliding and flying." His answers remind me how different the other half of the world's lives are.

"What would you advice someone who wishes to follow in your footsteps?" I ask my last question.

"You need to know what you're getting into. This business isn't for those light at heart. You have to be able to stay on top of things and take control of any situation." He is all business again and the smirk is gone. Suprisingly I find myself missing it.

"Well those were actually all of my questions." I say closing my notebook and stopping the recording.

"I think it's only fare you answer some of my questions now." Mr Grey's suggestion take me by surprise.

"Do you have questions about the interview?" I ask and he shakes his head confusing me.

"You're studying economics, correct?" It's more a statement than a question but I answer anyway.

"I'll be graduating in two weeks." I nod putting my things in my bag.

"What are your plans after graduation?" He questions.

"I've applied for internships in various companies." I answer honestly.

"We offer an excellent internship program." He informs me. I knew that, of course I did but I hadn't applied fearing that I would only be setting myself up for rejection.

"I didn't know that." I lie biting my lip and for a second I think I see his jaw tense and his grip on the armrest tighten.

"You should think about applying." He says getting up. I guess this is my sign to leave.

"I will, thank you." I say getting up and throwing my bag over my shoulder.

Suprisingly he walks with me all the way out to the elevators. "Here is your coat ." The blonde says giving it to me.

"Andrea send Miss Steele an internship application." Mr Grey orders.

"Right away Sir." Who I now know is Andrea quickly replies.

"Thank you." I whispered. "And thank you for giving the interview Mr Grey." I say walking towards the elevator.

"You're welcome." Mr Grey stands in front of the elevator doors while I step in. "Miss Steele." He nods.

"Mr Grey." I nod goodbye just as the doors start to close.