Hey guys! This is my first time publishing a fanfic so I don't really know how this'll go! Anyway, this is an A-Z of Jay Halstead getting injured from Chicago pd. From what I've read of other people doing these, they are sometimes written as each chapter/incident happening one right after another. As for mine, they are all written as separate events unless specified in that chapter. Well, I don't know if anybody will even read these but if you could leave a review, I'd love it!

A is for Acid Burn

Jay sighed and slumped back into his chair. It was 11pm, and the team was still at work trying desperately to find a lead. Drew Richards had murdered two college professors, likely his. Jay had a theory, but couldn't prove it yet. Then suddenly, a he saw a file open up on Ruzeks computer, and excitement spread through him. After 4 1/2 hours of looking, finally!

"Alright I got a lead! So the theory that Richards is out for revenge seems to be the most plausible. There's an incident report here that says Richards was forced to drop out of college after causing a chemical explosion in the lab one night. He wasn't supposed to be there, but snuck in after everyone left. Or so he thought. One of his professors was still there, and filed a complaint. Guess who that professor was?" Adam said triumphantly as he tapped on the picture of Dr. Wade, the chemistry professor, and first victim.

"Ok so, Richards goes off the radar for about two years after he was forced to drop out, perfects his skills, makes a bomb, plants it inside the class, and takes out the two professors who ruined him." Olinsky pieces together the story.

"So that gives us motive, but it doesn't explain how he knew they'd both be there at that time." Boing said, looking around at his team.

"I can answer that! I dove into his records more, says here that Dr. Wade got a restraining order on our guy. Said he was stalking him, following his car, even tried to break into his house, but could never be arrested." Ruzek answered.

"Alright. Do we have an address?" Voight asked.

"According to this, we do. It's an old house off 45 Street." Ruzek said.

"Let's go!" Voight said. With that, everyone jumped up, and ran to the locker room to get suited up.

Three black cars rolled up to the address, and the group of detectives quietly got out.

"Halstead, you and Lindsay go around back. Ruzek and Atwater, take the front. Burgess and Onlinsky around the sides. An old friend said this guy has a knack for escaping. I want him!" Voight said, and the team spread out, guns raised. Halstead and kicked open the back door, and charged into the basement with Lindsay closely in tow. They cleared about three different rooms when Halstead heard a glass break and movement in the room just ahead of them. Lindsay heard was finishing her sweep of the room just behind them, so she was further behind Halstead when he entered the room where he heard the noise. He was immediately met with a sharp left hook. This only threw him off temporarily before he got in his share of punches. Jay was about to go for his gun when the suspect picked up a jar, and flung the contents at him. Luckily, Halstead was able to turn his head just as the hot liquid burned through his shirt. He let out a scream of pain, and fell into the hallway. The man took advantage of the opportunity and took off up the stairs. Lindsay was about to go after him when she saw Jay on the floor.

"Jay! Hey! Hey can you hear me? Are you hit? What wrong?!" Lindsay asked when he rolled over, and started searching his body for blood or bullet holes. She wasn't prepared for what she found. Fear took over her when she looked at his left arm, which was now a mess of badly burned clothing and flesh.

"Wh...where'd he go? He's gonna...get away!" Jay said, standing up quickly. He soon doubled over as his arm and shoulder protested greatly. The burning had intensified in only a few minutes, and the pain was getting worse. Jay felt his breath coming in short gasps, as if he had just run a marathon with a backpack full of bricks.

"Ruzek! Suspects headed your way! Sarge we need an ambulance! Halsteads down!" Lindsay yelled. Her words were heard in everyone's earpiece, and panic ensued in each one.

"Lindsay what the hell happened? Where are you?!" Voight yelled.

"In the basement. He threw acid on him! I...I don't know what it is, but his arm and shoulder is burned pretty badly!" Lindsay said. Halstead was slumped against the wall, teeth gritted against the pain. Lindsay noticed that he had started to pant, and was sweating.

"Sarge I need that ambulance here NOW! I think he's going into shock!" Erin yelled frantically, and kneeled next to him, trying to keep him calm.

"Sit tight we'll come to you! Your gonna be fine Jay, you hear me?!" Voight said. Halstead contorted his face in surprise. Had Hank Voight really just expressed concern for him? That hadn't happened since he was kidnapped and tortured last year.

A few minutes later, the doors opened, and Jay was rushed into the trauma bay of Chicago med. Will was standing at a computer, inputting info on his last patient. He was just about to finish when he heard Maggie's shout of incoming! He looked up, and looked back down. Then his brain registered who was on the stretcher, and panic rushed through him.

"Jay?! What happened?!" He asked as he crossed the ER in about 5 big steps.

"Acid burn covering most of the lateral left bicep and shoulder blade. Multiple lacerations to the face, possible nasal fracture." The EMT answered.

"Did something happen on the ride over? Why is he on oxygen?" Will asked, looking worriedly at the nasal canal that was hooked around his ears and under his brothers nose.

"He seemed short of breath when we found him. It's just a precaution." He replied.

"The house was dark. I didn't see him till he was on top of me. I'm fine! I was going to just drive myself here but Erin insisted I get in the ambulance. Will, it's not as bad as it looks!" Jay said, trying to reassure his older brother, but of course it didn't work.

"I'll be the judge of that. You feel fine now because your adrenaline is still pumping. Once you sit a little, you'll start to feel it for sure. Let's get a morphine drip going, and I'll stitch you up, and then upstairs you go." Will said, helping Jay onto the hospital bed. After a few stitches, Will walked out briefly, and came back in with a wheelchair.

"Alright let's go." Will said, and motioned to Jay.

"I can walk." Jay said, standing up. He held his injured arm carefully so as not to shake the burn.

"I know you can, but your not going to. There's way to many people out there, and one little brush on that shoulder and it could get infected. Now let's go." Will replied sternly. Jay finally decided it was time to stop protesting. He sat down, and Will wheeled him out. The brothers were on their way to the elevator when Lindsay saw them, and came running over.

"Hey. How is he? Is he ok?" Erin asked Will, carefully touching Jays hand, as if she was afraid to hurt him.

"Erin, for the hundredth time! I'm fine!" Jay said, shaking his head.

"Your not fine Jay! Your skin is peeling off of your arm!" Erin said.

"Whatever. Did you arrest the guy?" Jay asked, changing the subject.

"Yea. He acted all cocky until he was stuck in a room with Voight and Ruzek. He asked if he had killed you. Had this twisted smirk on his face. He's lucky I wasn't in there. I would've wrung his..." Erin said.

"Hey. Easy there killer." Jay interrupted, laughing at the red hot anger that was growing in his girlfriends cheeks. He squeezed her hand, and gave her a reassuring smile. The elevator doors opened, and Will pushed jay out, and into the surgery ward. Dr. Rhodes came to join them, and walked with them into one of the rooms.

"Why are we in the surgery ward? I thought I just needed a few stitches and some cream for the burn?" Jay asked, looking at Will and Connor with a quizzical expression on his face.

"That's what we would normally do, but it seems that your burn is worse than we first expected. It's burned through three layers of skin. I'm going to peel off what's left of the damaged skin, and then take a graft from your back. The graft will literally be an all natural bandage, and help your body to grow new skin around it. It should heal nicely, but you certainly will have a scar from the ordeal." Connor explained while examining the wound.

"It's a fairly quick surgery. We'll keep you overnight, and since I know how much you hate being here, I'll let Erin play nurse for you at home." Will said, laughing at his words. Jay nodded, and sighed at the thought of spending the night in a hospital. The next morning, Will changed the bandages, gave him a sling, and then sent him and Erin to the nurses station to sign some paperwork and check out. They thanked him and left