Wow...this chapter is a lot longer than the last. Oops. :/ Hopefully you all won't mind. ;) So, yeah, I forgot to tell you last chapter, that the song was "Say Something I'm Giving up on You" by Great Big World. For this it's probably, "All Of Me" by John Legend, or "Let Her Go", by Passenger. Towards the end, however, you could listen to "Try" by Colbie Callait, or even "Hey Brother" by Avicii. Or whatever you want, lol.

So I have an update coming for Seventy-Two Hour Insomnia, so keep an eye out for that, because it has seriously been too long. I don't think there's much more, other than the fact that I loved writing this story, and hope that you all like it as well. ;)

Disclaimer: If I owned this or CW, then Prometheus would be gone already...just sayin'.

Thea's done.

She can't handle anymore of this.

Oliver...her older brother, the man who couldn't even kill a fly when he was younger...was the Green Arrow.

A ruthless, cold killer. She had tried to not let it bother her, tried to not think about how this was yet another life changing experience kept secret, and tried, oh, dear Lord did she try, to not be mad.

He didn't deserve her anger.

He didn't deserve her hurt, unvoiced questions of why didn't you tell me? I'm your sister, she thinks. And you didn't tell me this. But she's still proud of him. Proud that even through everything that has happened to him, he came out of it alive, and a hero.

That was so much more than she could say. But it was this secret, that had been the cut of the line for her. It had finally been enough weight to settle on her safety net, and break it. Sending everything tumbling down into the blank abyss below.

She couldn't do this anymore. She couldn't handle all of this anymore. He had told her this, but it had taken him three years to tell her. And oh, yeah, sure, he had been 'protecting' her.

But she didn't need protecting from that.

She needed her big brother to just be there for her.

To trust her with his secrets. So that she could trust him with her own. But that wasn't happening. She realized, that when he had told her about his secret, she wasn't important anymore...she had never really been.

Here, for three years he had been the Green Arrow, fighting alongside a few teammates, and yet not once had he needed her help, or had, heck, even told her who he was. He had trusted complete strangers to help him, and yet he had somehow felt that she needed to be protected from it all.

Truth was, that she hadn't needed that kind of saving. She had only needed him to be there for her.

To be there with her.

She had needed her big brother, her imperfect, goofy, lovable brother, and instead had gotten a distant, faraway brother, who did indeed care about her, but didn't trust her. And that's all she had needed.

So as she had seen with a mission, Felicity talking through the comms as Diggle and Oliver fought their way into a storage unit to capture a supervillian, she caught herself almost asking the question; where do I belong?. But she realized with a sinking feeling in her stomach, that she didn't belong.

This...this was Oliver's family. Not her. Not anymore. She didn't have a place in his life.

She didn't belong in his life.

She didn't belong in anybody's life. She certainly had no place in them.

She had lost all of her friends, Roy had cheated on her, and she had believed that Oliver was the only one left that she could trust, and love. But she had soon realized how the feeling wasn't reciprocated...

And she had realized, with a sickening feeling as she backed away from Felicity's monitors and desk, and had all but ran out of Team Arrow's lab, that she wasn't important anymore.

Had she ever been important?,she wondered briefly.

Felicity and the others hadn't even noticed her disappearance, which only proved her theory, no, fact, even further. She's not an important person in anybody's lives, anymore. And that, was when the rope supporting her safety net had broken.

Sending her tumbling mercilessly, struggling to get a grip on something, anything, but realizing that there was nothing for her to grab onto.

She had run out of the building, stopping once she reached the other end of the dark empty street, grasping onto a light pole as the tears streamed down her cheeks and her breath hitched in her throat.

She looked up, choking back a sob as she realized what she was going to do, needed to do. She bit her lip, straightening her spine and biting back the sob that rose in her throat. She would do it tonight.

She was going to end it.

End it all; the pain, the suffering, the misery and agony.

If nothing else, end all of that for the others.

Thea inhaled a sharp breath, chancing one last glance at the empty nightclub, knowing that it would be her final time seeing it, before turning abruptly and walking as fast as her legs would carry her to the one place that she could go. She goes straight to her apartment that she shares with Oliver, and heads straight to her room.

She opens the drawer with scarily calm movements, and retrieves the shiny, blank object lying there. She can't help but think back to a few days before when Oliver had managed to walk in on her staring intently at the gun.


Thea sat on the floor by her bed, cradling a small, yet heavy pistol in her hands, eyes devoid of any emotion as she thought back to Oliver telling her his secret. It couldn't be...even though it did maybe make sense, it's just that it...didn't. Not to her. How could he lie to her? Again? Especially about something this big.

Her door is half closed, because Oliver had gone to take a shower. His mood has been so much much happier, ever since he had told her. He had actually believed that things were going back to normal, now. She huffs quietly, running a finger along the handle and up to the trigger. If he only knew...

"Hey, Speedy, I thought that-" Suddenly Oliver said, opening her door the rest of the way, startling her. His voice immediately dropped off as he saw the gun in her hands. "What are you doing?" He asked, trying to keep the question light, but the slight worry seeping through.

She tried her best, having learned a lot since the last time something like this had happened, even though he hadn't actually seen the gun that time, to play it off, surprising herself with how she managed to pull it off.

"Well, I mean, you're the Green Arrow. I've got to have some sort of self-defense from all of these 'supervillians' that you fight." She said, air-quoting the words with her fingers and a playful eye roll. Oliver chuckled, and she internally, weakly cheered because he had bought it.

"You're right, I am. Which is why you have nothing to worry about." He paused. "Besides, I shoot arrows, not bullets." He said with a wink and she rolled her eyes in fond exasperation; knowing how to perfectly cover up her inner turmoil with so much practice. She really, really wanted to pretend that this was normal, and that life was becoming good again.

But for once, she knew better.


Her finger traces the pistol as she closes her eyes, a small tear escaping past her eyelid and sliding down her cheek. She shook her head, knowing that there would be no turning back now. She wanted to do this.

She had to do this.

She shoves the drawer close, and heads to the top of the building, knowing that she wouldn't be able to survive both a gun shot to the head, and fall off of a twenty story building.

She could take no chances.

Besides, she almost found it poetic justice that Thea Queen would fall to her fate, a bullet to the brain. Her safety net was gone, and now she was falling. Falling with no one to catch her.

She makes it to the top of the building, opening the door and feeling the cold, brisk wind wash over her face, mixing with her wet cheeks. She takes her first step out, and walks over to the ledge where a bustling city lies beneath.

The ledge is about four steps high, but she has no problem climbing it, and standing on the foot wide ledge.

She looks down the drop below, knowing that many people would feel fear, scared for their lives and struggling to get back down...but not Thea.

Instead, she feels...peaceful. Like this was the way her life was meant to end. She wouldn't go down in an honorable, or even normal death.

No, she would leave this world fighting herself.

Just like the way it had always been.

Thea was destined to die at the hands of herself; that's just the way her life would go. Little did she know what was happening back at the Arrow Cave...

"Well, now I would say that that was a job well done," Felicity says as both Oliver and Diggle walk in, still fully clad in their suits, excluding their masks.

"Any job that gets done without any injuries or casualties is a job well done," Diggle says, as Felicity holds up a hand for him to high five, which he gladly does with a fond smile on his face. Even Oliver smiles, because for once, things seemed to be going right, until he noticed that a certain someone was missing. He frowned and turned towards Felicity.

"Hey, where's Thea?" He questions, and Felicity frowns, also.

"I-I don't know. She seemed a little upset, but I don't remember her leaving..." Felicity said, trying to remember and Oliver felt a sinking feeling in his stomach. That gun...he had known that there was something up. He knew his little sister. But he had thought that she was okay...that she was happy.

"I've got to go," He said, immediately heading towards the door to the elevator.

"But you're suit!" Felicity reminded, but he didn't even stop, his face set into one grim line.

"I don't have time," He declared, sliding into the elevator and praying that he wasn't too late.

Thea inhales a deep breath, looking up at the peaceful sky, and closes her eyes, slowly releasing the breath as she slowly, calmly brings the gun up to the side of her head, ready for it to end.

Finger aching to pull the trigger.

But instead, it slowly moves, just pressing barely onto the trigger. She tried to think of her brother, and about how she really did love him and Roy, even though both did her wrong.

They didn't mean to, and she knows it. She doesn't want her last thoughts to be full of bitterness and lies. She doesn't hate them, nor does she blame them.

She loves them all.

Mom, dad...I'm coming. She thinks, and in her mind she wishes one last, silent goodbye to Oliver. I love you, Ollie. You were the best brother I could have ever have had. Goodbye...She thinks, and inhales one last time...

"Thea," A voice suddenly says, only slightly startling her, and she squeezes her eyes shut even more. Ollie...she thinks, I didn't want you to see this. He hadn't wanted to scare her, she realizes, but it's not like it would change a thing. She was going to do this. "What-what are you doing?" He asks, and his voice almost sounds like it's shaking.

"I think we both know what I'm doing, Ollie." She says, bluntly. Simply.

"You don't-Thea, you don't want to do this." He declares and his voice is definitely shaking now. She laughs bitterly, finally turning around on the small ledge, and opens her eyes as she faces him; the gun never moving or wavering.

He's holding his hands out in front of him, as if he can stop this.

His eyes possess a helpless, terrified expression, and for a moment she feels sorry, but reminds herself that this is just a fantasy. He doesn't care like that. Maybe he just doesn't want her death to be his fault...

"I think it's pretty obvious that I do." She states, voice hollow, and he sighs lightly, softly, still holding his hands out in front of him, and takes a couple of steps closer to her, to which she backs away as far as she possibly can; the heels of her feet just barely off the edge. "Don't come any closer!" She commands, and there's this look in his eyes. It's pleading. Pure desperation.

"Please, Thea, please, don't do this." He says, and his voice is breaking, tears forming in his eyes and she squeezes her own shut, shaking her head. She won't fall for this. She won't.


"Please, Thea, just don't do this. I'll do anything to make it up for you! I'll do anything, just please, don't do this." He's begging now, and her heart is breaking, and her world is crumbling but she has to do this. To make it better. For everyone.

"Ollie, stop." She chokes out, opening her eyes, and there are tears in her own but she doesn't care. "Just stop," She hiccups, her breath catching in her chest. "I have to do this. There was nothing you could do, Oliver," She says and he's shaking his head, desperation and realization sinking in as he's crying now. "I was too damaged...I'm broken, Ollie." She chokes on a sob and he's now shaking his head fervently.

"Don't say that," He grounds out, but his voice is weak as he fights back sobs. She's sobbing now, too. "There's still hope, God, Thea, there's still hope! You taught me that, don't just go and- and ruin that. As long as you're alive I have hope. Please, don't do this." He pleads, but she shakes her head with a quiet, bitter laugh.

"Don't lie. I'm not important, we both know that. You don't need me. You have a family, and I get that, I'm not included-" He shakes his head, desperate and nearly sobbing now. "But please, don't...don't lie to me anymore." She whispers, voice cracking as she closes her eyes.


"No! No, I can't-I can't do this anymore. Just please, for once, respect my decision and let me do this! You're better off without me; you all are. God, Ollie, I love you, and I am so, so, sorry," She chokes out, closing her eyes and putting her finger back on the trigger.

"No, Thea!" He shouts as she starts to pull the trigger, and in one, swift motion, he rushes over at a speed that could rival Barry Allen's, and he's pulling her off the ledge and onto the building, shoving her arm as the sound of a gun shot rings out, a bullet flying aimlessly into the air as he's pulling her to the ground.

He falls to the ground, her in his arms, as she drops the gun accidentally in the chaos, and she's shouting, and yelling, and telling him she hates him, even though she doesn't mean it, she doesn't mean it, Ollie.

She's pounding on his chest, shouting at him to let her go, harsh and pleading shouts for him to let her go, but he holds her to his chest as she screams and beats him, staying silent as tears run down his cheeks at how much he almost, could have, lost.

She stops shouting, and her fists grow weaker and weaker until she's sobbing, desperate pleads muffled into his shirt to just let her go, let her die.

He's holding her, stroking her hair as she sobs into his suit, nearly silent begs coming out of her mouth. She doesn't wrap her arms around him, but he embraces her, whispering soothing words into her ear, tears streaming down his own cheeks as she sobs into his chest and her fist clutches his suit's vest.

"Just let me die..." She's muttering over and over again, voice breaking as she uselessly, feebly, tries to break free, but his hold is strong, and she knows that he's never letting her go.

If she had only been faster to pull the trigger...

She sobs hard, voice hitching continuously in her chest as her throat is raw from screaming, and her left hand is clenched so tight that her nails are breaking her skin. But she doesn't feel it.

She doesn't know how long they're both sitting there, one heart broken and destroyed, while the other one breaks slowly. Oliver's holding her close, tightly, as if he's afraid that if he lets go, he'll lose her. Forever.

And that all of this was real.

When her sobs stop, but there are still tears streaming down her cheeks, Oliver pulls back, cupping her cheek and forcing her to look him in the eyes. She's almost stunned at the broken look in his eyes, knowing that she was the one that had caused this.

"Why..? Why would you do this?" He asks, voice breaking as he looks at her, sadness flowing over in his eyes in the form of tears. She looks down and swallows hard, but he lifts her chin back up, waiting for an answer and she sighs quietly.

"I'm not an important person in anybody's lives..." She declares, quietly, closing her eyes as she can't stand to see the dejected look in his eyes.

"Thea..." He begins, voice so lost and it breaks her heart even further, because she did this. "How could you possibly ever think such a thing?" She doesn't answer, because she feels as if it's obvious. "You are so important; you're my little sister." He says and she shakes her head.

"But you don't love me...nobody does." She states, voice quiet, nearly inaudible.

"That is so not true, I-" He sighs. "This is because I'm the Green Arrow, isn't it?" He asks and she shakes her head, but opens her eyes, and he knows. "Thea, I kept that as a secret to protect you, because I do love you." He says and she scoffs quietly.

"You do? Yet you will tell completely, random strangers about who you are? And never once thought that this would be something that would be good for your little sister to know?" She asks, and her voice is bitter, and there's hurt and pain in his eyes, and she didn't mean it, but she just can't stop.

"Thea..." He says, but she cuts him off.

"Why didn't you let me die?" She asks abruptly. "Why did you stop me? Your life, and everybody else's would have been so much easier? Why can't you just let me do this?" She asks, voice pleading as desperation begins to sink in even further. He closes his eyes with a slight shake of his head, and looks down. He's still holding her, afraid that if he lets go for even a second, that he'll lose her forever.

"Thea, how could I let you?" Oliver asks, and his voice is so quiet, Thea isn't even sure she had heard him correctly. But when she realizes that she had, she takes the phrase the wrong way.

"Of course, Oliver Queen, the Green Arrow, couldn't let a helpless little girl end her life." Thea declares, voice harsh as her jaw clenches and his jaw tenses, also, along with his fists as he shakes his head.

"God, Thea, no, that's not what I meant. I could never let you die because you are too important to me. Thea, you don't seem to realize how much I love you. All that time I was away, those five years, you got me through it. Thinking of you, and how you look at this kept me going. Because it taught me that there was still good in this world. Thea," He sighs, looking down for a moment as she watches him, silently.

Watching his expressions and movements to try and detect if any of this was a lie. She'd gotten good at that. She knew how to detect if people were lying to her, but she couldn't find any of those signs with Oliver. Was being the Green Arrow making him unreadable to her once again?

Thea watches as he closes his eyes briefly, shaking his head, before looking back up at her, and she was not expecting her heart to twist the way it did by the look in his eyes. It was so pure. "Thea, if you would have committed...suicide," He says the word quietly, as if it's forbidden.

"My world would have crumbled, it would not have been better. Thea, how could you ever think that my life would be better without you in it?" He asks, voice rising slightly, showing how serious he was as his brows furrowed, looking at her and not comprehending how she could ever believe that.

"I...I just didn't think that...I mean, I'm useless. You didn't trust me enough to tell me your secret, and then back at the Arrow Cave, I just realized that you have another family...and I'm just not included in that." She whispers, voice barely audible as she looks away from him; tears building in her eyes once again. Why could they just let her be, already?

"Thea..." He says, and there is so much emotion in that one word, that it startles her. Oliver cups her face, making her look at him, and by now there are tears running down her cheeks, but she feels something. It feels like...hope. Like maybe she does have some importance in this world.

"You are not useless. And before you says something, know that I am not lying when I say that. The reason I didn't tell you my secret was not because I didn't trust you, God, Thea, it was only to protect you."

"And you have no idea how many times I wanted to tell you. How many times I came so close to telling you. And you will always be my family; not just because we're related, but because no matter what, I will always love you as family. But like it or not," He says, a smile spreading onto his face.

"You're gonna' be stuck with me as a brother for a long time." He jokes and she laughs lightly, tears still streaming down her cheeks as she smiles and looks at him. "You really are important to me, Thea. You need to know that." He says, and after a long moment, she slowly nods, a sad yet hopeful, closed smile forming on her lips.

"I do." Thea says and he smiles, and there is so much relief in his eyes that it shocks her for just a moment.

"Let's go home, Speedy," He says and she laughs quietly at the nickname.

"Still the worst nickname ever," She jokes and he shrugs as he helps her up.

"Well, it fits you, so I don't think that it is." He states lamely and she shakes her head in fond exasperation as they head back to the door to leave. She catches him glancing back to the ledge and gun, repressing a shudder, and she wonders what would have happened if she had jumped.

What would have happened to him. She almost fears to know.

They're walking down the steps, together, when she feels his hand lightly brush against hers before his fingers entwined with hers, squeezing them gently; causing a smile to spread onto her face.

This life was crazy, but with him, she knew that everything would turn out all right. Even if there would certainly be some bumps in the long road ahead. Thea loved him, and she knew now, that he loved her, too.

Nothing was certain in her life, but she was still sure about one thing.

Oliver would always be her safety net.

Well..? Was that too rushed, or did you actually like it? Let me know your thoughts on your way out!