That Summer Chapter XII
By the time they apparated into King's Cross the whistle signalling the train's departure was already sounding shrilly. Lily ran through the crowd with Albus hot on her heels, dodging crying mothers left and right.
She was going to kill Albus.
"Bye, mum! Bye dad!" She yelled over her shoulder, not bothering to slow down.
Lily heard Albus doing the same from behind her and her parents' reply, but it barely registered in her mind. She had just one goal and it was to get to the train before it left. The last whistle blew and the engines started to work, the old steel grinding shrilly.
All right. Time to up her game.
Lily drew her wand and performed a silent shrinking spell on her luggage, followed by a quick leviosa to direct it towards the pocket of her black hoodie. She quickly jumped the gap just as the red engine began to crawl forward, but her mission wasn't over.
"Out of the way! Out of the way!" Albus was still dodging people, his larger frame slowed down by his trunk and owl cage.
Hermes, his owl, had already been set free to make the trip on his own so Lily didn't have to worry about him before she levitated his load. She threw it up in the air so she could let go of the wingardium leviosa and aimed the same shrinking spell she had used on her trunk before trapping it into the levitating spell again.
The train was gaining up speed just as Albus reached it and jumped in with a war cry. Lily kept her concentration on his stuff, though, using her magic to bring it towards them.
The crowd hooted and clapped to their success as Lily and Albus waved at their parents and James.
"Write me every week!" Their mum pleaded as she and the rest of their family followed the train.
"Nice moves, Flower!" Uncle George hooted as he waved next to Aunt Angelina. She tried to reply but the train had already left the platform.
Lily turned to her brother, panting from her sprint, and promptly burst out laughing. Albus joined her in the slightly hysterical outburst.
"I'm going to kill you," she panted in between giggles, "As soon as I catch my breath."
Albus slung an arm around her and planted a wet kiss on her cheek.
"Thanks for the help, Lils."
"Eugh," she wiped at the spot his lips left, "You better run, Potter."
A few last giggles escaped her before she finally caught her breath. She really needed to work on her cardio. She usually kept a workout routine for Quidditch but the last month or so had been exclusively devoted to reading and working on her sixth-year workload.
Doing a year's worth of schoolwork in only half her summer break was hard, even for her.
Lily trudged her way through the hallway, looking for a compartment to sit down while making a mental note to get back to her routine. She crossed to the last car where the Slytherin's usually stayed and almost faltered on her next step when she saw someone exiting a compartment up ahead.
The first thing she noticed was his hair. The late morning light shined through the soot smudged windows and reflected on his blond tresses as he noticed her. She could see the moment it happened. His naturally composed posture stiffened minutely as he turned his head to her end of the hall. She was too far away to see his face clearly but the hint of a smirk could still be seen.
He met her halfway.
"Potter." They eyed each other for a while, neither saying anything for a bit. His smirk widened. "I guess this is the time for that hug."
"Here in the middle of the hallway where everyone can see us?" She teased as a couple of girls she recognised from Hufflepuff passed them and giggled behind their hands. "Naughty."
The distance between them kept getting smaller.
"I don't think there's anything wrong with two... friends hugging."
"Friends, you say?" She couldn't help the big doofus smile on her face.
"Yes," he huffed a laugh, "friends." His arms finally circled her in his warmth and Lily had to fight back a small sigh. "It's amazing what you did. Honestly, you're a genius."
She laughed embarrassedly and ducked her head as they parted. She'd never been very good with compliments.
"Thanks..." she laughed again and waved her hand to brush it off, "but I'm no genius. I just have eidetic memory, apparently."
"Still pretty fucking impressive." His lips curled into a soft smirk so different from the one that had become his trademark. This smirk held more depth to it, one corner of his mouth curling higher and making warmth spread in her chest. "Come on, we saved a seat for you."
He guided her to the compartment he had previously vacated and opened the door for her. Felix was lying with his head on Alicia's lap while she ran her hands through his hair lazily and gazed at the scenery to her left.
The moment he noticed her, Felix jumped to his feet. "There's our little genius." He grabbed her around the waist and twirled her around. "Good to see you, love."
Lily didn't even try to smother her giggles. "Hey, Felix."
She moved to kiss Alicia on the cheek when he set her down.
"Sweet Salazar, I'm so happy we're gonna share the dorms now," was Alicia's greeting, "I swear I wouldn't be able to put up with those harpies by myself for another year. I'm serious!" She kept going when Lily laughed, "You saved me from Azkaban because I was well on my way to murder."
"Oh, please," Lily scoffed, "we both know if you went down the path of homicide, you wouldn't get caught." She settled herself across from Alicia as she laughed and handed her trunk for Scorpius to enlarge and put in the overhead compartment. "Besides, they can't be that bad."
"They're not," Felix kept Alicia from going on another rant, "but they're not Ali's biggest fans, you know, what with her charming personality."
"You mean bitchy," Scorpius supplied as he stretched himself besides Lily.
"Fuck you, Malfoy," Alicia glared at him but Lily could see there was no heat behind it.
"Sorry, love. I'm quite open to many things but incest is not one of them."
A small laugh escaped Alicia's facade and she turned a bright smile towards Lily.
"I'm so glad you're with us again," her words made the warmth from before come back, "This past month has been sobloody boring without you."
"Yes," Felix agreed emphatically and turned his head to shoot her one of his crinkled eyed smiles, "and let's not even get into how much Scor's been driving us bonkers with his whinging about not getting any."
"Yes," Scorpius growled, "let's not."
"Oh, poor baby," Lily teased, secretly glad that Felix had inadvertently confirmed that Scorpius hadn't been with anyone else since they'd first hooked up.
"Actually, I do not whinge," Scorpius seemed to think some defensiveness was in order.
"You're right," Alicia said with a teasing curve to her full lips, "you don't whinge. You brood."
The compartment was filled with the sound of their laughter and even though Scorpius scoffed, Lily could see a tiny smirk on his face. The good humour was short-lived, though, because in the next moment the door to the compartment banged open and a curvy blonde unceremoniously plopped herself onto Scorpius' lap. Lily's eyebrows shot up to her hairline as she recognised Charlotte Wood, a seventh year Hufflepuff.
Lottie was the type of girl who everybody couldn't help but like. With her dirty blonde hair, warm umber eyes and cool, laid-back attitude, she was like a magnet to boys like Scorpius who quite enjoyed the no strings deal they got from her.
She was well known and well liked around the partying circle especially because she was usually the one with the best booze and drugs. Lily'd known her through Lorcan, who was quite close to the blonde, and she actually liked her just fine.
She didn't know how to feel about her on top of Scorpius, though.
"Hey, stud," she braced herself on the seat behind him and leaned closer while her voice dropped low, "missed you this summer. Wanna roll?"
Scorpius brought his hands to her waist and picked her up to gently set her on her feet. Lily's stomach did something weird—almost as if a snake had coiled around it—when she saw how careful he was with the girl She promptly ignored the feeling. The look of confusion on Lottie's face would have been funny if Lily had actually been successful in calming her rebellious stomach.
"Lottie, love," Scorpius flashed her a disarming smile while the tension in the compartment rose, "I'm sorry to say that I'm quite exclusive as of this summer."
Wood shrugged noncommittally and flashed him a suggestive smile.
"No worries," she moved to the door, mouth still curved sensuously and didn't even acknowledge anyone else in the compartment, "we both know that won't last long. When it's over… come and find me."
The she was gone and the door was closed behind her.
The silence was thick between the four of them. Even Felix wasn't cracking a joke. They were all just staring at Lily, probably waiting for a blowup from her. It suddenly came to her that this was a turning point. Whatever her reaction to this was, it would shape up their interactions in the future. A lot of things passed through her mind during the awkward seconds that ensued.
She could make a big deal about this and she was almost sure Scorpius would apologise, even though he wasn't in the wrong. Of course, there was also the possibility that he wouldn't apologise, then she was pretty sure the easiness she was feeling with the trio would be gone. A fight would surely issue, sides would be taken and although Felix and Alicia would tear him a new one, they would still take his side.
The thing is, it doesn't matter that it all started with Scorpius and her. Sex she could get anywhere, but this... This was something she'd never had before.
She liked how easy it was to joke with Felix, how she got to know Alicia better and most of all, she couldn't imagine going back to being strangers with Scorpius. There was also the fact that the snake around her stomach was a feeling she didn't want back ever again and if she could push it away, even if it took pushing any possessiveness she may feel about Scorpius away, she would do it.
Lily angled her body towards Scorpius, her words directed to everyone in the compartment but her focus on him. "Well, that was awkward."
The chuckle that left her was genuine as she found the humour in the situation. The tension coating the air seemed to dissipate at that and she was glad. A weight had been lifted from her shoulders even as a tiny voice in the back of her head whispered that the decision she made wasn't the right one.
"Wood has always been on the loose side," Alicia flipped her glossy hair over her shoulders, "it's really no surprise."
"You only say that because she hooked up with your ex," Felix laughed as she smacked him on the head with the Witch's Weekly that had been between her and the wall.
"Would it hurt to wait a week before pouncing on her?" Ali exclaimed apparently upset, but a small grin showed she was actually finding the situation funny.
"I say the girl's got some balls," Lily offered.
"Nope," Felix shot her a devious smirk, "I checked."
Laughter bubbled from Lily's throat without her consent. When Alicia opened her magazine and started to read out loud a 'What kind of Potion Are You?' test and they answered the questions together, Lily felt truly happy. So what if she had to push the tiniest bit of anxiety away? She had real friends. People who she could call best friends, if she dared. She was happy.
She was giggling at one of the ridiculous questions—If you could define yourself with one ingredient, would you be—when her eyes drifted to her left and met mercurial grey ones. Her breath hitched at the intensity she found there. How long had he been watching her?
She could feel his calculating gaze on her even as she turned back to Alicia. When the Zabini moved on to another stupid test, she chanced a discreet glance his way and met his gaze again. He didn't look away and didn't give any indication of being embarrassed to be caught staring. She let a small grin grace her lips but he didn't return it. Instead, his gaze seemed to get more intense, if possible.
Suddenly, he gracefully got to his feet, imperious and imposing as ever. Alicia cut her reading short and raised an eyebrow in question.
"I'm going to find the trolley." His voice held no inquisitiveness as he posed his question, "Join me?"
It was a blatant excuse to get her alone. No matter how annoyed Lily was that he was basically ordering her around, she couldn't refuse him. She was just too curious. So with a carefully nonchalant shrug, she tried to match his grace while rising to her feet. Alicia shot her a borderline worried look but she ignored it and followed him to the door.
"Not that anyone thought to ask me," Felix called after them, "but be darlings and bring me a liquorice wand, will you?"
Then the door was closed and they were moving down the hallway.
They were shoulder to shoulder as Lily matched his leisured pace. Their hands brushed from time to time, making warmth spread through her as they reached the end of the train. The trolley lady was nowhere in sight.
She knew for a while that he'd been looking for an empty compartment. That notion coupled with the memory of the intense look in his eyes was enough to make her breath speed up in anticipation. Add in the 'innocent' brush of his hand on hers and she was downright excited.
Heat pooled low in her belly when he guided her inside the last compartment with a hand on her shoulder, then let it slide down until it rested low on her back. Very, very low.
Scorpius followed her inside and silenced the compartment before magically closing every curtain. A shiver ran down her spine when the lock clicked into place behind her.
"Are you all—"
Before he could speak any further, Lily reached for the hem of her hoodie and pulled it up and over her head and let it fall to the floor. She hadn't bothered with a shirt that morning. She saw the way his eyebrows shot up on his forehead and decided right then that surprise was a nice look on Scorpius Malfoy's face.
She wasn't in the mood to take things slow. She wasn't in the mood for talking, discussing or anything like that. She wasn't in the mood for foreplay even. So she wasted no time in pushing him down on one of the plush seats and straddling his legs. Her hands worked feverishly to get his cashmere jumper off and a frustrated grunt left her when it got stuck on his watch.
Scorpius thankfully seemed to sense her impatience so he quickly helped her divest himself from the offending piece of clothing while she leaned back a bit to make it easier for him. His mouth was suddenly on her neck, placing hot open mouthed kisses along the line of her throat as his warm hands snaked towards her bum to pull her closer and—oh.
He was as hot and ready as she was, apparently.
Lily moaned as she instinctively rocked against him, pleasure flooding her core as she seemed more of the delicious friction. Her hands shook from anticipation as she tried to open her fly and didn't get the job done nearly soon enough for her liking. She cursed when she realised the position wasn't exactly ideal for getting it off but was too far gone to care that Scorpius chuckled at her.
She got up and took her shoe, knickers and pants off as fast as she could without falling off and went back to his lap. Scorpius' mouth was immediately back on her and his hands were taking her bra away before she could even blink. Her own hands intertwined themselves on his blond strands when his lips closed around her nipple and sucked.
"Merlin," she panted, "yes."
It had been so long. She couldn't imagine ever going this long without having sex again. The pleasure cursing through her was dizzying in its intensity and she could barely wait for what was to come. So she didn't.
Lily slid her hands down his torso until she reached the waistline of his pants and freed him from his confines. He was hot and hard in her hands and she couldn't help giving him a few pumps. Scorpius exhaled forcefully and leaned his head back with his eyes half closed baring his throat and giving Lily the perfect opportunity to close her teeth around his adam's pome. He bucked into her hand in response and Lily found that she couldn't be a minute longer without him inside her.
She raised higher on her knees, with one hand levering herself on his shoulder while she guided him to her entrance with the other. With one smooth movement she quickly lowered herself on him. Scorpius let out a deep grunt that was almost drowned out by her moan as she stilled. He was filling her completely after so long and it was heaven.
Her nose bumped the underside of his chin as she panted into the feverish skin of his throat. Even though she had been wet before, there hadn't been any foreplay and his size was definitely above average so she stayed still for a few seconds as the slight twinge of pain abated. It didn't take long for her to be ready for more.
Scorpius' hands squeezed reflexively on her ass as she set a quick pace to satisfy herself. She started out only grinding on him, relishing the feel of his pelvic bone on her clit but it soon proved to be not enough, so she used both hands on his shoulders to help her move up and down on his cock. He moved one of his hands to her clit while the other helped her movements.
His mouth was hot on the skin of her neck and shoulders, alternating from sensual open mouthed kisses to bitting and sucking. Lily tilted her hips just so and increased her pace before moving her hands to his hair to pull his head back. She bit down on his throat again before sucking on the abused skin, and the choked off moan he gave was what sent her over the edge.
Scorpius kept her moving, even if slower, as waves and waves of pleasure crashed into her and it prolonged her orgasm while giving him what he needed to follow her. She continued grinding slowly before finally stopping.
Their breaths mingled as they panted hard, their foreheads leaning against each other. Little aftershocks were still making her inner muscles clench from time to time.
Lily released a low sigh, almost a moan when he guided her mouth to their first kiss in almost a month. His lips brushed hers once, twice, three times innocently before he nibbled on her lower lip and deepened the kiss.
She relaxed against him as her heart rate went back to normal. Scorpius' hands left her hips and glided up towards her face. He cupped her jaw as the slow sensual kiss faded to simple, innocent pecks.
"Are you really okay?" he murmured against her lips.
"Huh?" She was still kind of reeling from her orgasm and couldn't quite follow his line of thought.
"With Lottie," he clarified. "I brought you here to ask that."
Oh, right. That.
In all her lust haze she'd actually forgotten the decision she'd come to back in their compartment. She sighed, steeling herself for what was to come. Scorpius ran his hands though her hair and she suddenly felt ready.
He pulled lightly on the strands between his fingers to make her look at him and went on before she could say anything. "I wouldn't have accepted anything from her even if you weren't there"
She felt a smile tug on her lips. "I know," the smile had an uncomfortable edge now, "she's right, thought." The frown between his brows made her sigh. "This won't last."
"Lily—" he began and in the back of her mind she registered that this was the first time he called her by her first name. She couldn't back down or get distracted, though. Not now that she was certain in her decision.
"No, Scorpius," she interrupted him before he could continue, his name rolling easily in her tongue, "we need to be realistic here. You're not the type to have many girls at once, but you have to admit you get bored pretty fast."
"I'm not bored," he protested, the scowl even deeper now.
"Not yet," she countered, "but you will be. And that's okay."
His hands fell back to her hips, "Lily—"
"Listen to me," she interrupted him yet again and brought her hands to his ridiculously defined jawline, "I don't want to deal with the fallout when you do get bored. I want to keep this easiness between us because, well," she smiled sheepishly at him, "I quite like being your friend. I like the dynamics we have with Felix and Alicia…"
Lily trailed off uncertainly. She was kind of scared of how he'd react but she convinced herself that she was making the right call. The huff of laugh he released made a thousand pixies fly in a flurry inside her stomach.
"You know," he shot her one of his usual smirks, "no one has ever broken up with me before."
Lily grinned back at him. "This isn't a break up. We're just taking a step back and moving on as friends."
He raised an eyebrow at her, "You do realise I'm still inside you, right?"
She laughed embarrassedly and felt blood rush to her cheeks even as her eyes darkened in desire. It was as if a switch had been flicked and she could suddenly feel every inch of him against her, inside her.
She held a gasp back when she felt him twitch against her inner walls.
"Yeah," it came out breathier that she wanted it to, "I can see that."
"I don't think just friends are supposed to be inside each other," his smirk took a devilish turn as he gave a shallow thrust.
Lily did gasp this time. "I guess," she panted when he kept a rhythm of slow shallow thrusts, "we can agree to—ah!" she moaned when he unexpectedly went deeper, "to leave the train as just friends."
He kissed her deeply, moving his tongue past her lips and making her moan against his mouth.
"Good," he purred and Lily felt liquid heat rush between her legs in response. "We still have a couple of hours for a proper goodbye, then."
Safe to say they didn't leave that compartment at the end of the train until much later.
In her limited experience with sex, Lily had found out the wonders of makeup sex. Now, she thought it was safe to think that it had absolutely nothing on breakup sex.
There you go, you guys, the reunion. And then a breakup because authors are meant to make readers suffer. I hope you guys can see why I did this and no, it isn't to use their 'breakup' as plot device. It's about who Lily is. And let me tell you, she may be smart, but my Lily likes to stay in denial when it comes to relationships and most of all she is kind of insecure. One of the problems I see almost all the Weasley/Potter bunch having is connecting with people that are not family, kind of like Draco in the series. But I should stop ranting and just let my writing speak for itself. I gotta say, I'm pretty excited for what's to come. Expect some action and mystery in the future.
Love you all to bits! Thank you so much for the kind words of everyone who reviewed and also for those who favourited and followed!
See you soon,