I've been meaning to write some romance for Hannah and Barbara too, so I figured I'd just tack it onto this fic. Basically, this is what happens to them while Akko and Diana are together at the same time.

Surprisingly, this one gets a little deep. Guess it's a natural contrast to their peppy characters. I threw in a few personal headcanons, too.

Disclaimer: I do not own Little Witch Academia.

Chapter 2.

Hannah and Barbara are still recovering from the whole incident.

As if seeing Andrew profess his love for Akko hadn't been outrageous enough, they'd even had to watch Diana be knocked down to such a disgustingly-girlish level. Finding her staring at herself in the mirror had perhaps been the least surprising thing they'd witnessed all evening.

They had excused themselves for a moment after that, telling her they needed refreshments to cool themselves down. But by the time they are finished, Diana is nowhere to be found.

"Geez," Hannah sighs. "And she's the one who wanted to leave early."

"You don't think she, like... left without us...?" Barbara gulps.

"No way! She wouldn't do that! I don't see Akko around here anymore. Diana's probably chasing after her to chew her ear off with a lecture."

"Oh, yeah! That'd make sense." A beat of silence passes between them, and they each shift a little uncomfortably. "So, like... what do you wanna do?"

Hannah hums.

"Hmm let's ditch this place, at least. I'm sick of seeing all these geezers making out with each other."

"Ew, right?"

Barbara is already reaching for Hannah's hand even before Hannah offers it.

Curling their fingers together, they make their way into the quiet hallway and away from the mumbling crowds. Here, the clicking of their heels echoes far down enough without being interrupted that they know they are alone. As such, they aren't afraid to let their voices out.

"Gosh, that Akko!" Barbara whines. "Why does she always show up, like... everywhere? I swear she does it just to spite us!"

"Seriously! She's unbelievable!"

They don't walk for long before both of them spot an open, empty guest room nearby. They share a glance and nod instantly.

They strut in side-by-side, and Hannah pushes the door closed behind them.

"Just give us a break! Just a minute of silence!"

Barbara sighs in agreement and sits heavily down on the couch nearby.

"Geez... All we did tonight was run around! We didn't even get to dance with anyone!"

"Was there really anyone there you wanted to dance with? All those boys were totally lame."

"Who said I was even considering those lame boys~?"

Barbara smirks. Hannah reflects the smile and joins her on the couch.

"Right, right. I should've known better." She stretches her arms out with a yawn, then conveniently lets one rest across Barbara's shoulders. Barbara wastes no time snuggling into her side. "It's weird," Hannah continues. "But I think we might be some of the only people who didn't get stung by that weird bee."

Barbara shrugs.

"W-Well, my shoulder does hurt a little bit. I'm actually not sure if I was stung or not."

"Really? Well, even if you were-"

"You'd be the first person I looked at."

"Exactly," Hannah grins. "So what do you feel when you look at me now?"

Barbara eases herself back and puts a hand to her chin, looking her best friend over with calculating eyes.

"Hmm... I feel, like... the same way I always feel when I look at you."

"Which is...?"

"Probably the same way you feel when you look at me."

"Oh, you're so clever!"

Hannah laughs and ruffles the top of her head. Barbara accepts the praise with a giggle.

"You know. I just feel all warm and fuzzy."

"Yeah, you definitely weren't stung. You've been head-over-heels for me for years now."

"Then what does that make you, missy?" Barbara retorts playfully.

"Hmm... honest?"

"Hey! I'm being honest, too!"

"I know, I know. It's just too much fun teasing you sometimes, Barbara."

Hannah leans in and gives her pouting cheek a quick kiss. Barbara huffs only once, but can't stay mad at her for long. She returns Hannah's kiss to her cheek, then slips her hand into Hannah's lap to interlock their fingers once again.

The lighthearted atmosphere begins to fade, and Barbara can feel her smile going along with it.

"Hey... Hannah?"


"...Is there something... wrong with us...?"

The question invites a moment of silence.

They lock eyes for a second, both of their gazes unreadable. Hannah soon looks up at the ceiling and leans her back against the couch.

"Who knows?"

It isn't exactly the answer Barbara wants to hear, and it isn't really the one Hannah wants to give.

But it's one they can both accept, to some degree.

Barbara sighs and rests her head on Hannah's shoulder.

"It's always been so weird. It doesn't feel wrong, but like... somehow, I still think it is..."

"I get what you mean." Hannah drapes her arm across Barbara's back and draws her closer again. "It's the same for both of us, right? Whenever boys asked us out or held our hands, it just felt..."



Hannah wrinkles her nose just at the memories of some of those times. She hadn't particularly liked getting touched by boys, but what was infinitely worse had been watching them touch Barbara in the same manner. And Barbara felt the same way about watching them touch her.

"Boys always felt wrong," Barbara continues. "But everyone acts like that's who we should be kissing and dancing with. Boys."

"But somehow, when it's a girl, like Diana, it doesn't feel wrong at all."

"Yeah." Barbara shifts a little closer. "When it's boys, it feels wrong. When it's other girls, it feels normal. But..."

"The only time when it actually feels right-"

"Is with you."

They finish the statement in unison, and end up looking into each other's eyes once again. Both of them can't help but chuckle a little.

"It feels like we're in some situation comedy."

"Or a bad drama show."

Both of them burst into laughter at the thought. Though, considering it's their own genuine feelings that are up for discussion, their so-called merriment is laced with a hint of bitterness.

But after that, the topic shifts a bit, and the weight in the air dissipates, if only a little.

"Ah-h," Hannah sighs. "Such a shame. I didn't really get to show you off to anyone tonight..."

Barbara bumps her shoulder.

"It does kinda seem like a big waste of time, huh? Like, we dressed up for nothing... And we bought each other such nice clothes and stuff!"

"Yeah. I'm glad you like the dress," Hannah comments. "I think it suits you perfectly."

"Same for yours. And your earrings."

"And your ribbon."

"And your shawl."

"And your beads."

The truth is, they'd both gone shopping together for the outfits they'd wear here tonight. Both girls had insisted upon spoiling the other and buying her clothes for her. They'd spent close to an hour shopping, trying on accessories, and giving feedback to one another.

In the end, they'd paid exactly as much for the other's clothes as they would've for their own.

"And you even wore your hair down for once," Barbara reminds her. "I like it like this. You should let it down more often."

"Ew, really?" Hannah makes a face. "But it's so heavy and thick and gross. It makes me sweaty. I don't know how you manage to wear yours like this every day and make it look so good. I'm still amazed that you wore your hair up tonight! Isn't it nicer this way?"

"No way! I don't know how you wear yours like this every day, either! It almost feels like I might as well be totally bald. And my shoulders are cold all the time!"

"Whaaa? You're exaggerating."

"No, seriously!" Barbara whimpers and hugs herself. Hannah can tell she really is shivering a little bit.

"You should've said something, dummy."

Hannah wastes no time in removing the fluffy shawl from her shoulders and slipping it around Barbara's instead. Right away, Barbara perks up.

"O-Oh, Hannah, it's okay, you don't have to-"

"Too bad. I'm doing it anyway. Besides, it looks better on you."

"Y... You're just saying that."

"Cuz it's true."

Blushing, Barbara hugs the shawl tighter to herself.

"Thanks, Hannah..."

Again, silence falls. And again, the mood shifts.

This time, it's something a little more serious, but not at all in a bad way.

Barbara reaches for Hannah's hands again, threading their fingers together effortlessly. They've been holding hands for so many years now, it's like fitting specialized keys into matching locks.

"Hey, Hannah?"


"How long have we been like this?"

"What, you forgot? We've been together since before we can remember, since we were neighbors-"

"No," Barbara cuts her off. She leans in a little, and her eyelids flutter. Hannah can feel her breath on her lips as she clarifies. "How long... have we been like this...?"

Barbara elaborates on her question by pressing her lips to Hannah's.

It lasts only for a second before she pulls back, expecting an answer.

Hannah hums again.

"Hmm. You mean like this?"

It's her turn to lean in and steal a little kiss. Barbara giggles.

"Yeah. Like that."

"Well... it's been three years now, right?"

"Three. Heh, and we still haven't figured it out."

"What's there to figure out?" Hannah inquires. "If boys don't work and other girls don't work, then what's wrong with each other? That seems like the obvious answer to me."

"Yeah. You're right. You're right, Hannah. I just..." Barbara looks away, and Hannah doesn't miss the flash of guilt in her eyes.

"Hey..." Hannah tugs at her hands just a little, just enough to have Barbara look her way again. "I know you feel the same way, Barbara. I know you do."

"Yeah! I-I do!" she gasps. "I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to make you worry-"

"It's okay." Hannah calms her down with a kiss to her nose. "I know you feel the same way, Barbara. So what are you so scared of?"

She doesn't really need to ask. Hannah already knows that answer. It's the same thing that's scared her for quite some time now. Barbara repeats it back to her like she's reading from a script.

"Other people..." she mumbles. "Our families know we've always been close, but what if this is too close? What if it's... bad? What if they don't let us-"

"Then they can disown us!" Hannah snaps. "Hell if I care."

Barbara's eyes grow wide in shock.


"I mean it. I say anyone who doesn't like what we have can go to hell." She squeezes Barbara's hands a little tighter. "I was scared of the same things before, Barbara. But you can't let it eat away at you. You'll just be miserable, even if you're with someone you love. Don't let other people ruin it for you. For us."

Barbara's lips begin to wobble, and her eyes begin to water.

"H-Hannah..." Sniffling, she pulls her hands free of Hannah's only to throw them around her shoulders instead. "I'm sorry!"

"Hey, hey, it's okay!" Hannah wraps her arms around the small of her back and pulls her in. "You don't have to cry, dummy."

"B-But I can't help it..."

"All right. Then just take it easy."

Barbara nods against her shoulder and continues to cry. Hannah holds her, patting her back softly.

Barbara has always been one to cry a little more easily than most people. Hannah always playfully attributes that characteristic to the fact that Barbara is younger than herself, if only by a day.

When they were little, they'd instantly been delighted to discover that their birthdays were only one day apart. But, being the older of the two, Hannah has always felt responsible for her, to a certain degree.

She holds her now, rubbing her back a little more firmly to help stave off the shivers. Barbara clings to her and whimpers until the sobs finally die down. Her heavier gasps for breath fade into smaller, lighter hiccups.

When she finally opens her eyes again, she sees the side of the room Hannah can't see for herself. But most of her vision is occupied by wavy chestnut hair, and the ends of a familiar yellow ribbon. Barbara sniffles again, then reaches out to touch the fabrics.

"I can't believe... you're really still wearing this old thing..."

"Of course I am," Hannah says. "After all, I promised you I'd wear it every day since the day you gave it to me. I've been taking good care of your ribbon, Barbara."

"Yeah. You really have." She twirls it around her finger for a moment, then combs her hand over Hannah's pretty hair. Hannah returns the favor by kissing her cheek.

"You okay?"


"Good." Easing herself back, Hannah stands. "So, are you still in the mood for a dance?"

Barbara lights up right away.


Hannah offers her hand, and Barbara accepts immediately. She rests her free hand atop Hannah's shoulder, while Hannah places hers on Barbara's hip.

There isn't any music, nor is there really much space to move around in.

But they make due.

They start with slow, easy steps, ones they've been through over and over again during their many lessons together. Their bodies follow the motions effortlessly, with neither of them particularly leading or being led. All the while, they never look away from one another.

"See?" Hannah says. "Who needs boys?"

"Who cares if other people see us or not?" Barbara agrees.

With matching laughs, they toss their inhibitions to the wind and dance.

They soon become a little bolder with the movements; Hannah twirls her partner twice, and Barbara dips and catches her in return. Every motion, every step, every glance is as graceful as the one before it and the one that will follow.

They lose themselves in each other, and to the gleeful, merry atmosphere that they themselves create.

They dance until they can't possibly take another step.

Hannah pulls Barbara in one last time and catches her tightly, and Barbara hugs her shoulders. Chest to chest, they can feel each other's hearts pounding in time with their own.

They catch their breath together, eyes still locked, smiles still matching.

"Well...?" Hannah pants. "You still chilly?"

"Definitely... not!"

They brush noses affectionately, then straighten themselves up. Barbara keeps her arms looped around Hannah's shoulders, and conversely, Hannah pulls her in by the waist and the small of her back.

As soon as they've recovered from the dance, they find an even better way to become breathless.

Neither initiates the kiss sooner than the other. Just as everything else they do, they do this together.

They kiss every day, and they have been for years.

Whether it's lighter, softer ones on the cheek, or comforting ones on the forehead, or quick secret ones on the nose, there's always some form of kisses shared between them on a daily basis. Typically, ones that other people can interpret as being kisses between the closest of friends.

But it's only at night or when they're alone, when they can have this kind of kiss.

It's been a few days since the last time they've managed to sneak one on the lips, but now it proves to be worth the wait.

It is deep, warm, and almost desperate in a way. After all, how many more times will they be able to kiss one another when they're dressed like princesses at a party after a dance?

They savor it, extend it, engrave it into their hearts.

Neither pulls back sooner than the other to catch her breath, looking into each other's eyes with something coy, yet unashamed.

The next kiss is lighter, as is the one after that. Gradually, they help one another slow their breathing, controlling the intake and exhale of air with their lips.

At last, they rest their foreheads together and brush noses once again. They lean in to kiss each other's cheeks before pulling each other close for a tight hug.

Both are still a little short on air. But after a moment of holding and being held, their heart rates begin to slow until they match once again.

Barbara sighs over her best friend's shoulder.

"Thanks, Hannah."

Hannah squeezes her back tighter.

"My pleasure, Barbara."

When they pull away again, both spend a little bit of time fixing the other's frazzled bangs and skewed jewelry for them. They share one last mirrored peck on the cheek as their hands come together once again.

"Well..." Hannah grunts. "Think we should look for Diana?"

"I mean, that could be a good idea," Barbara agrees. "Since she's our ride, and all."

Hand-in-hand, they head for the door, leaving behind a room full of memories only they will ever know of.

A/N: So yeah... I like the idea of Hannah's yellow ribbon being a gift from Barbara. I like them being childhood friends, one day apart in birthdays, secret girlfriends, and all that good stuff.

I just wanted to throw in little things. Like how they'd switched hairstyles. Girls with short/thin hair always wish it was longer and thicker, and the reverse is also true, so I thought throwing that conversation in made it feel a little more real. And of course the "is there something wrong with us?" conversation is one almost every girl who likes girls has had.

Hannah and Barbara deserve happiness too ;w;

Please review!