Story: Firestarter
Pairing(s): Roy/Cecilia
Word Count: 132
Author's Comment: Life is good.
Originally posted on December 27, 2018 for my 30 Days of Short Fiction. For more information on 30DoSF, please refer to the pinned entry on my WordPress, xlilim – link available in my profile.
Cecilia startles. She heard a bang.
Roy sees it. Smiles. The lights of the fireworks bursting in the sky appear through the window behind her, unfurling like a flower in the sun.
"I wasn't expecting it," she admits, half turning to look outside as more fireworks brighten the sky. "I used to like watching the fireworks with my sister. We liked to have them for our birthdays. We used to sit out all day, just watching them."
"Is this your way of telling me that you want fireworks on your birthday? Should I prepare a whole display?" asks Roy.
"Too obvious?"
"No, just right." Roy stands up and offers her his hand. "Let's go outside and enjoy the end of the show."
Cecilia takes his hand and goes where he guides her.