Having Fun With The Devil


Cruel Intentions Style

Disclaimer: Harry Potter and properties belong to J.K. Rowling and Warnor Bros.

Summary: Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy are sworn enemies, and this time things go too far. A war is set, and extreme measures are met. Everybody deserves a little sexual harassment in this show, but have things gone too far? Who will win, and which one will be bitten by the unlikely sensation of love?

"Well, well, well. Fancy seeing you here, Granger," he snarled. Sixteen year old Draco Malfoy stood there in black robes, standing against the nearby tree in his usual egotistical posture, his legs slightly apart, his hands stuffed casually in his pockets, and his eyebrows raised with a small trademark smirk on his face.

"I am ecstatic to see you here also, Malfoy," an over sarcastic sixteen year old Hermione Granger replied coldly. She was sitting on the grass, and unlike the cool set position Malfoy had chosen to enclose, she looked dreadfully peaceful, her robes folded neatly beside her on the ground, the lake's small waves encouraging it's aura. She was wearing a small spaghetti strapped dress that was drenching in the light delicate color of baby blue, and small petticoats underneath, which revealed sights of lavender. Her hair, which was often extremely bushy and un-brushed, looked better somehow today, and it was slightly curled, although Malfoy obviously did not fail to observe the fact that it only looked curled because of it's messy tendencies of tangles.

"Ah, well you have to love me."

"I think not. Exactly what are you planning to do here? I have special permission from Professor McGonagall to be here and take notes on certain rare and rather unique mer creatures that lay upon this very lake, and I do despise the fact if I have to have you for company," she said this all very quickly and rather snappishly.

"Crabbe, Goyle and I are having a fashion show, and we were thinking this would be a great setting for the swimsuit competition, I mean, Crabbe's crazy about showing off his bikini this lovely morning," Draco said sarcastically. Hermione gave an involuntary shiver, to his meek satisfaction.

"You can't go rummaging nearby the lake during classes, Malfoy. It's called skipping, and skipping is not allowed. I will have to report this to Professor Snape or otherwise. Now you should leave and save yourself further trouble," Hermione said, glaring down at a piece of parchment she was scribbling down on.

"Of course, I forgot our little wonder mudblood here is running for Head Girl next year. Good luck, of course, Professor McGonagall will surely give you the chance, since you two are both bright lovers."

Hermione bit her lip, not quite knowing what to say. Pretending not to know of his presence, she went back to looking at the water and scribbling down further notes.

"Look up when I speak to you, Granger, you filthy little thing. Surely you're clever enough for a suitable comeback, are you not? No need, however. You and your family won't last long enough for your seventh year at Hogwarts. I bet the lovely death eaters are dying to meet you," he murmured joyfully.

"How dare you!" Hermione dropped her things and stood up, brushing the dirt away from her ankles, giving Draco the chance to admire the creamy flesh of her long legs.

"Oh, what're you going to do, mudblood? Not going to fight me, now are you? Don't be a bitch, you silly little girl. My family has taught me the best dark arts that even your smarts can't beat."

"Who the hell said anything about wands?" she snapped through gritted teeth. Her eyes were flashing angrily, and two patches of red were glowing on her cheeks, giving her a furious expression.

"Oh feisty, are we?"

She glared.

Draco laughed, and then looked at her up and down, causing her to wince slightly as his mere observation. He was obviously getting too much of an eyeful, rather along the bosom area.

"Wouldn't want to hurt your small frail figure," he said innocently. "However...there are many other enjoyable things to do with it."

"You sick little bastard!" she screamed, and got ready to slap him. He caught it lazily, his nails digging into her skin. She shrieked, whimpering as he did not let go of the painful clutch of embrace.

He grinned, liking his overpower on her. It made him feel big, dangerous. He caught both her awaiting fists in his hands, and pressed her against him, wrapping his arms around her to prevent her from getting away.

"Poor little mudblood bitch. You should know not to mess with me. You'll never win, your just Potter's little wrench of a whore. How much for your services anyway? You can give my money to Weasel," he said, roaring with laughter.

She struggled against him, but instead fell further in his chest, and eventually they both fell on the grass. She was taking this chance to get off of him and gather up her things when she felt a sudden striking prick in her backside. Squealing, she let go of her things and turned around, and saw Draco had gotten up once again, and he was waving his fingernails threateningly.

Hermione took the chance. She was still infuriated by his cruel insults and obscene gestures toward her sexuality and she was pissed off. She kicked him in his groin, and he fell backwards, groaning.

She was about to laugh when she heard the sudden rip of paper. She looked around and saw that all the notes that she had spent hours on taking were shredding right in front of her eyes, in his hands. Hermione screamed, her hands waving to her face.

"No! Please, stop! No, I spent hours on it, and weeks planning, oh God," Hermione said, and felt the lump in her throat rise and her eyes began to water. No way was she going to cry in front of him, but she obviously had no choice. Her five page essay that she had worked hard on correcting was being ripped up.

He laughed, and pushed the papers into the air, so that they floated upon her face, flying slowly to the ground.

"Professor McGonagall, she's going to kill me..." she managed to mutter, before her cheeks were pouring with tears.

Draco had surprisingly stopped laughing, and looking sour again.

"Forget it, it's just some damn schoolwork, Granger," he said, looking awkward.

"Just some damn schoolwork? You little mother fucker! You stupid, son of a cocksucking bitch! I spent hours, weeks, organizing everything just because I got points off from the Transfiguration exam! How dare you!" she hollered, her arms crossed over her chest as she cried.

"Look, just forget it," he said softly. She appeared not to hear him, for she was now sitting cross legged on the grass, her hands over her face, her arms shaking. He rolled his eyes and began to walk away.

"This isn't over, Malfoy," she heard her weak call.



This wasn't over yet. Oh no, they had begun this, and they were going to end this, fair and square. Hermione wiped her tears away, grinding her teeth together. All the anger, the helplessness she had felt for years was building, and she was imagining terrible things to get Malfoy killed. It was awful, evil, yes, but nobody deserved to die painfully and burn in hell for years to come than him.

He was going to pay, yes. He was going to pay like a weak, withering little son of a bitch. She smiled, the plan forming evilly into her mind. Oh yes, it was war.


Just an introductory chapter, guys. Nothing big, and nothing special. Hoped you did like it, I'd appreciate reviews. I haven't been able to update my other fics, because I, I, Courtney S.A., champion junk food eater, internet addict and lazy F.R.I.E.N.D.S t.v. show fanatic, am sick. With the flu. This is the only thing I can write to get my mind off things, since I am clearly in my Draco/Hermione mood. I was actually going to give up writing here, since I was very, very weak and ill before, but now that I am recovering slowly, I've come to my senses. Hope everyone had a great Valentine's Day!

So remember to review,

