Tom took a seat on his bed, back in his old room, and by old room he should say new and permanent room on earth. Turning it back was almost a joy in fact, he kinda missed it, the Diaz guest room had life once again from the plain white walls and simple setup it used to have.

Tom's crown sat on his dresser, newly taken here from the castle, all his things were currently being cleared out in fact.

Tom held the letter down in his hands, sighing, he wasn't sure whether he liked getting updates about his parents. He did like hearing about their improvements on trying to fix the damage the mewman royal society did to the, for years, but it was kind've bittersweet to think about them

No matter how much better he'll get, he was never going to be his dad.

Tom threw the letter on the bedside table and took a long breath, he was wearing Marco's hoodie today, it was softer then usual thanks to Ms Diaz cleaning it up after Tom arrived back on earth. The Diazes were more then ecstatic for Tom's return, literally throwing him a party as soon as he walked in.

Tom was starting to get used to this family throwing him parties whether he deserved it or not.

Marco still saved him a slice of his birthday cake, and Tom ate it happily, despite it being a bit old and a lot less tasty then it would've been if things hadn't gone the way they had. Tom didn't care though, being back might have felt surreal at first but he eased into it again.

He got to leave his room when he wanted again, eat whenever, and all of his magic stuff for the most part wasn't being held from him. All the gifts his friends had given him for his birthday were here in his grasp again, and Star was at least kind enough to return his journal, which he swore Janna looked at beforehand.

Marco got his wallet back at least, and Tom had a feeling he was planning to keep Janna's key as payback until Janna was seen using it to sneak into Marco's room days earlier. Star was more then excited for Tom to be back on earth, she called him every day now, sometimes to brag how the rescue of Tom got her in with the counsel and that she took what place the arrested king had recently.

And well...the monsters were finally being approached with a new tone. Tom wasn't sure if it was the newly found displeasure of his family amoungst other mewmans or what, but it did sound as if his own people had recently had a slight bit of a new view on monsters after seeing their own.

Tom smiled to himself, maybe if there was hope for him to not be treated like crap, he'd be able to provide some for others.

He's finished putting on his eyeliner a few minutes ago, and his hair was messy under his hat. He wasn't sure if he was ready to leave yet, everything was still weird, it felt weird to be back. He was so sure he'd never come back and now here he was.

He didn't know who he was more nervous to see, his friends who were worried sick when he left during his birthday party, the band setting up in the backyard, or Marco. Marco and him were friends still, but the kiss was something unresolved.

"-we're bonded, and you know? I think that means good things for us.", Marco smiled happily, Tom blushed and nodded in agreement. "Pfftt, well, I guess if the almighty gods of whatever think we deserve to always be friends no matter what...I guess it's hard to be angry at that...", Marco smiled at that comment, "Let's just promise when supernatural things happen to us, we don't hide them from each other?".

Tom nodded, "Yeah, let's not do that...but hey...marco?".


"I'm glad least I got bonded to someone I'd like to spend time with for the rest of my stupid mortal days...", Marco grinned, "Me too..".

Tom smiled warmly, that had only been a few days ago, finally talking about the moon and it took a load off of both of them.

They even talked about Jackie, and Tom felt a lot better explaining his feelings to Marco then keeping them to himself. At least Marco wasn't angry at him, feelings weren't exactly things people can control easily or really help in general. Tom just needed help, he needed time to handle these emotions, and to express them healthily.

The kiss however, that was a bit fuzzy for understandable reasons.

Tom wasn't even sure what to make of that, was that even him, or was it something else? He still didn't quite know what that even was or that he could even remotely do that kind of thing, was Marco even remotely fine with it, he did kiss back didn't he?

Did that mean they were dating now? Marco didn't seem upset about it...

Tom remembered his first kiss with Star, where he barely even had the courage to do it but did it anyway cause he didn't want to seem nervous. He was freaked out during that because he thought he was a bad kisser or Star wouldn't like him after, but at least then they were both trying to kiss each other.

Tom wasn't pulling her into it in a giant bug state, and possibly not himself during it.

"Tom?", Marco walked in, wearing his hoodie with a notice dress underneath this time around. He looked really happy to see Tom though, it's like the kiss thing only seemed to be bothering Tom and didn't bother Marco at all since it happened. I mean, this was Marco's first kiss! Shouldn't he be saying something about it!?

"H-hey marco!", Tom said weakly, "Everyone ready downstairs?". Marco nodded and took a seat next to him, "my parents are finishing up some of the snacks, but yeah everyone is here, well...everyone that cared enough did at least...". Tom smiled softly, " How's janna?", and Marco rolled his eyes in response." She's showing off her "Battle scars" which will be finished healing in a few days or so, so I guess she's making the most out of her situation...".

Tom giggled, "Honestly she should be fully healed by now, does it really take that long for humans to heal from injuries like that?".

"They can when you're Janna, someone who finds a way to make them last longer by doing other dangerous things...", Marco kicked his feet on the bed, "You nervous? I know you're still getting used to being back on earth after everything you went through on mewni..".

"Maybe a little...but that's not the only thing, I just...I-", Marco held his shoulder, "Tom, it's ok, the kiss is not something to worry happened. I'm not upset about it, i'm just happy to have you back.". Tom didn't seem to buy it though, "Marco, I didn't want to make things weird...I-I don't know what came over m-".

"Tom, today is an important day...", Marco took his hands, "I don't want you to worry, you deserve a break after what happened...stress-free...I want you to go out and not worry about your dad, or jealously, or even what you did...I want you to go out there, stuff your face with pizza nuggets, and jam out onstage with your favorite band..".

"I get to go onstage?", the mewman had stars in his eyes.

"Yes you do..", the human replied mischievously, "Honestly you should thank Star, she got you into everything...whether the way she did it was justified or not..".

Tom grinned widely and dragged Marco off the bed, from the corner Marshmallow made some excited noises. Tom raced over and took the rabbit out of his cage, then grabbed Marco's arm once again and finally left his room, wand in his pocket.

Tom headed down the stairs, Marco following behind him.

Tom was cut short however, as he was met by an assortment of hugs. Star, Janna, Jackie, and Marco's parent's held him tightly and Tom held marshmallow up and out of the line of fire so the poor bunny didn't get squished by all of their hugs.

They removed themselves from him one by one and Tom felt his face heat up, "Geez guys, It's not like you haven't seen me that long ago...". Star, wearing a sparkly pink dress, because of course she was, with a bow wrapped around her tail, jumped up and down in place.

"No but today we're partyiinngggg~ And you look awesome and clean and the band outside is sooooo cooooollll~!", Tom nodded, "Well you were the one that got the to show up today! Honestly I can't thank you enough for it...". She smiled and shoved a present into his more open arm, Angie carefully took the rabbit out of Tom's hands for safety as Tom held onto the sparkly present. "I know you said we didn't have to bring gifts but weeeeeeellll-", Tom carefully unwrapped it to find a brand new journal, a love sentence one.

He smiled, "Thanks Star, means a lot...".

"Oh and i also tapped a smaller book about the underworld to the back, y'know...if you wanna read up on it more!", Tom turned the journal around to find a smaller book attached to it, "Awesome, thanks for's super cool Star...".

Tom looked around the decorated room, it was almost like he'd never left. Except he did, he did leave and terrible things happened and he suffered and his wand broke and he dipped down like he never had before and now he was back, and free.

He put the books down, and looked at his surroundings, other people were waving to him now and asking him questions. Honestly, Tom would be asking a lot of questions too if he was them, it's not everyday a classmate vanishes and comes back with such wild tales.

Marco trialed behind him, never leaving his side as people came up to talk to him. Marco was probably watching out in case someone said something mean or asked something insensitive to Tom, but Tom seemed to muster everything he had to be polite and calm.

Just like he wanted.

Ponyhead was here of course, hanging out with Janna and Star for the most part. But of course that didn't stop her from nudging Marco away and hugging her friend before they made plans to hang out sometime and she headed off to flirt, "Happy 2nd birthday besstieee!~".

Marco rubbed his arm, "Y'know, i don't hate her, but i don't think she's still very fond of me...".

Tom laughed and wrapped his arm around Marco, "Thanks for this...this is...nice, all of it."

"Well, if it weren't nice after everything else that happened, well I might as well turn in my friend card...we all needed this to be honest.", Tom smiled and Marco pulled out a camera, "C'mon, let's get a picture together, to remember this...".

Tom obliged, and Marco held out his arm to take them pic of them, the camera snapped the pic and Marco checked it out only to find Janna photobombing said pic. The girl grinned at them from behind as Marco groaned, "Hey lovebirds!".

"We saw you when I came down..", Tom said, laughing. Janna slapped him on the back, "Yeah, and then you both wandered off to check out more of your party and so did the rest of us, so how about that kiss you guys had huh?". Tom and Marco's faces became scarlet and Marco crossed his arms, "How did you know about the kiss? Who told you?". Janna raised an eyebrow along with her usual brand of smirking , "You did, just now". Marco gaped at her, embarrassed, but Tom got involved before Marco felt any worse.

"Marco and I are still talking about it, but frankly it's not really your concern Janna...", the prince was challenging her, defensive over his friend. Marco tended to give up on trying to fight against Janna considering she always was one step-ahead of him, but Tom didn't seem worried one bit.

"Well, I gotta say it, I knew it...told you things would work out in the end didn't I?", Tom rolled his eyes, "Janna...". She shrugged, "C'mon I wasn't wrong, you got to admit your crush on him, and you're both still hanging out just like before, and hey, you even got a kiss in...".

"So how you holding up?", Tom changed the subject immediately, "I suppose you're doing better considering the lack of bandages or earth magic bands...".

She shrugged, "To be honest, I'm healed. I don't feel sore anywhere and my burns seem to all be gone, honestly you outta teach me what your dad was doing cause I got a cool idea for a prank at the school and those spells would be so perfect for-".

"Then why are you showing off your "Battle scars"?", Tom interrupted again, using air quotes.

Janna pulled down a sleeve to expose a scar that had clearly not come from her injuries considering both Tom and Marco had witnessed her being fixed up, "Halloween make-up, I told them your dad turned into a giant bee and-".

"Ok, thank you Janna!", Tom clasped his hands together, "I'll see you later..."

She patted both boys on the backs, "Eh, you'll see me tonight once I unlock the window to Marco's room to find his diary...". Marco stepped in and pushed her away, "Ok then, it was great to see you too Janna, now please go do something else..".

Marco returned, red-faces and frustrated, and Tom had to laugh at his cute face.

"Careful Marco, she bites, not barks...", Marco groaned, "You know, part of me wishes i didn't invite her, but i know she would've invited herself anyway so honestly what was the point!?". He threw his arms up in the air and Tom laughed as they both headed to the kitchen for some snacks.

Marco watched Tom head out into the backyard to meet Justin Towers, promising to catch up with him in a second. Marco stayed back and it didn't take long before Jackie leaned up next to him, also watching Tom nervously saying hello to his idol.

"Everything is set up?", She asked him, still watching the happy mewman prince.

"Yeah...", Marco replied, "You're weirdly ok with know? Are you sure it's ok?". Jackie smiled, "Marco, it's fine, I told you on the phone a few days ago. Stuff happened and it's ok, we're still hanging out and everything, and you and Tom have been talking it out...".

"It's just...I want to try ok? I mean maybe it won't work out and be incredibility awkward and i'll ruin everything and i'll suck...but...i'll never know for certain if I don't try." Tom was smiling like he'd never smiled before, taking a picture with his idol, what a dork.

Marco smiled, and Jackie took note of his expression, "Marco, we were friends first...we're still friends. I'm not gonna stop my friend from being happy, we're not dating and you're allowed to feel the way you do...and guys are great together..".

"Would you date me? If I asked you?", Marco asked awkwardly, avoiding eye contact, "You don't have to answer that If you don't want to...". Jackie laughed, "Marco, yeah, of course I would, and honestly...Tom's a lucky guy.".

Marco hugged her, "Thanks Jackie...this means a lot to me..".

"Hey, you'll always know where to find me...", She returned the hug to him easily, "Go get your prince, Princess Marco...". Marco nodded and ran off to go see Tom who looked excited out of his mind, "Marco look! He signed a picture of us! I gotta frame this!".

Marco grinned from ear to ear, Tom looked like he was about to burst.

"That's wonderful Tom! Also Star managed to get them to play all your favorite songs tonight!", Tom smiled towards the band, "you guys are spoiling me too much I swear, you know when i'm here i'm not exactly much of a prince you have to bow to, ya know?".

"So you don't want Love Sentence to play for you?", Marco teased, Tom fake-punched his friend and laughed. "Shut up Marco, you know this is awesome, but how the heck do you expect me to make your next birthday even better then the ones you've thrown for me? How do I top LOVE SENTENCE?!".

"Well I think you could always use a good're really just gonna have to try won't you?", Tom shook his head, "Don't mock me, like how can I make a party of your cooler, can I uhh-...maybe i can get Star to bring back Mackie Hand or...wait maybe that's too extreme.."

Marco slapped Tom on the back, "More extreme then that time you tried to bake with your wand?"

"Well, it SHOULD have worked!", Tom argued back.

"Dude, how is using a fire blast to back cookies going to work in any reality!, Marco said back, then next thing he knew someone tapped him on the shoulder. Marco whisked around to see one of the band members looking at him, "Hey so you're marco? The kid who lives here?".

"Well, if you mean the kid who lives here and whose parents own here, then yeah...that's me..", The man smiled, "I know we're going on in about an hour or so, but me and the guys wanted to ask more about...". He looked at the pink-haired boy watching them with immense curiosity, then he switched back to Marco,"About the thing...".

Marco nodded, understanding, he looked over to Tom and gave him a sign he'd be right back and went to find a more private part to talk to the member. Tom started kicking at the dirt for a bit, when he heard a portal opening up, and to his surprise Moon and the high commission stepped out.

Moon spotted him and walked over to the confused mewman, "Ah good, we didn't miss a lot did we?". Tom shook his head but the look of utter confusion never left his face, and it must've been clear since Moon seemed to notice it. "Star didn't tell you I was coming did she?", Tom shook his head again, "Sorry, originally it was going to just be me, but...we have a lot to make up for...and...I convinced them to come. Your party isn't much but...".

"You came to support me..", Tom finished, hugging his arms, "How is...everything?".

She sighed, "You father...and mother...they're getting better, slowly...but surely. Never though one day Star's methods would be this handy, but...I don't think things are ever fully going to get better...they...this was how they were they grew Tom..".

"I know..", he said quietly, "It's ok...".

He didn't exactly sound "OK", he sounded quite sad, maybe it was the fact Tom knew he'd never get real parents, maybe that in the end his parents were victims like him, or maybe it was him thinking back to his messed up life. But whatever it was, it was still a bit upsetting to him, and Moon placed a hand on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry Tom..", Tom nodded, not saying anything in response. Marco walked back to Tom and Tom snapped out of his funk immediately, Moon smiled at Marco, and Marco also looked surprised to see her here since he hadn't invited her himself.

"Marco, er, how are things back on earth for Tom?", Marco put an arm around Tom, which seemed to make him feel a little bit better. "He's doing fine, we're hanging out, talking, he got his room back and everything! Even Marshmallow seems in better spirits here then Mewni.", Tom smiled to his friend.

"Well, that's good to hear...I-Um, keep me updated and such...ok?", Marco nodded, and Tom did so as well. Moon looked around to find the commission messing with some humans and her daughter showing Janna a fire spell and like a race car she was off, "STAR DON'T YOU DARE!".

Tom leaned against Marco and the human let him, "Rough times?".

"I'm going through a lot, I thought when I was free and on earth...I'd be happy...and yet...I feel sad...", he bit his lip, "I just...why don't I feel...happy? Is something wrong with me...?". Marco got into his Dr Marco PHD character immediately, "No Tom, this is perfectly normal, you're a kid who went through a lot of things a kid should never have had to go through. It's hard to get over things like this, especially when they happened so recently, it's perfectly normal for you to feel this way..".

"I just don't want to feel bad right now, i'm supposed to be having a great time...", Marco sighed, "Don't force yourself to have a good time ok? It's gonna take some time for everything to wash over...I didn't expect you to come back here after all that and just be how you used to be...".

Tom nodded, "Ok..thanks, can we just move on from it for a bit? I do really want to enjoy this party and stuff, without thinking about...all that hard stuff..". Marco seemed to understand and replied, "Yeah, we can. You're still young've still got a childhood to finish up can worry about those things when you're ready..".

Tom smiled, "Good, cause honestly i'd rather be eating nachos and watching lame movies with you...".

Marco smiled and Tom bit his lip, " I want to know why one of the band members needed to pull you aside? Or is this an earth thing I'm not aware of?". Marco laughed, and to Tom his laugh was still like music, "Tom, you don't honestly want me to ruin the rest of the night for you, do you?".

"Maybe...", Tom said, playfully, "You know how both of us are when it comes to keeping secrets from each other after all?". Marco rolled his eyes, ugh Tom could be such a prick about these things, "Tom, c'mon... I think my parents would like to take some pictures of you.."

"Marcoooooo~ What's going on?", He teases, and Marco dragged him along back to the house, "C'mon, picture now, surprise later.". Tom groaned as the human boy dragged his arm back to the house and out of the backyard, "Aw c'mon! But your parents take HUNDREDS of pictures!".

It was getting dark out, and Tom was surprised at just how many people were even at this party, neither him or marco were all that popular in school, but this seemed to boost them up quite a bit by the looks of it. Then again, it's always possible Moon and the Diazes invited all these random people and kids themselves.

The stage looked amazing, Tom wondered how they set this up in one day but had the feeling Star was responsible somehow considering the party person she normally was. But anyways after spending some time taking pictures and spraying magic silly string on Marco to get him back, Tom was super eager for the main event.

They had a cake of course, but that was for later, after mostly everyone had left.

And besides, this was the part of Tom's party he had to miss out on BEFORE it happened, the cake could wait. Tom had never been to a concert before, I mean he could suppose his song day would have counted if his father hadn't moved the date due to...their sessions.

But seeing his favorite band live, playing for him was something he'd never seen before. No prince event on mewni was quiet as exciting as this, nor did it allow him to dress like himself without wearing bowties or frills. This was just a causal event, for him, set up by his friends.

Yeah, he didn't deserve this, nor did he deserve such great friends.

And yet here he was, up front at this concert, waiting for his favorite band to go onstage with Marco, Janna, Ponyhead, Jackie, and Star next to him. Some looked a bit more eager then others, but he had a feeling Janna and Ponyhead would both sneak off at some point during this show anyway.

Smoke was filling he stage, and cheers came from everywhere. Even Tom and Marco themselves were screaming to high heavens, over a boyband getting ready to come onstage. Tom grabbed Marco's hand and squeezed in excitement as the band magically appeared and the smoke cleared.

"HOW'S EVERYONE TONIGHT!", Tom couldn't contain his excitement when Justin spoke onstage, this was so much cooler then any adventure he'd been on. Justin had taken a picture with him, talking to him, gave him an autograph, and now he was performing for him.

He wasn't sure how Star got this to work, but he owed her big time for getting this to happen.

Everyone cheered at the lead singer's question and he smiled in response, "I CAN'T HEAR YOU!". The crowd roared even louder, and that only seemed to make him happier, "WELL, IT'S GREAT HAVING YOU ALL HERE TONIGHT, BUT I WANT YOU GUYS TO GIVE A HAND TO THE REAL STAR OF TONIGHT! TOM!".

To Tom's surprise the lights were aimed on him as the crowd cheered and whistled at him. He blushed, and rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly as he felt all eyes on him, Justin grinned and kept the audience going using arm movements.


The music started and the lights were just on the band and Tom smiled as Awesome feeling came on, one of his absolute favorite songs. And He and Marco were singing along and dancing together, and Tom could only wish this moment would last forever.

Favorite song and after favorite song came on, and Tom and Marco sang every word together. Jackie and Star were also having some fun to the music as well, but it was clear most of their focus for now was on each other as the concert kept going on.

Then there was the finale, and Tom was awestruck as Justin actually helped him onstage for the final song. Tom didn't seem too happy about leaving Marco behind though, although Marco seemed to be egging him on considering what an amazing thing it was.

However, Tom reached a hand out shortly after the song came on, and Marco took it. Lights were showing on them as well as Marco was invited onstage with Tom, Tom could see Star and Jackie cheering in the front for them and pumping their fists.

Even Janna and ponyhead were cheering him on from...the roof.

Marco was sure going to have some stern words for them when this was all said and done that was for sure.

Marco didn't seem too comfortable being in front of so many people like this, but Tom felt the same way and took his hand to clam him down. He coaxed the boy to dance with him and the nervousness left and never came back, even after they took a bow and the place started to clear out.

Tom felt a rush of adrenaline he'd never felt before after such an event, that even watching everyone leave couldn't make him sad again.

Tom and Marco's feet swung off the empty stage, and Tom kept glancing over to Marco, who was pretending not to notice him playfully. Tom was still suspicious there was something else Marco wasn't telling him, and he was keeping his guard up just in case.

"How was tonight Tom?", Marco asked, "Am I still your best friend or what?". Tom rolled his eyes and playfully punched Marco, "I owe you a lot...well, you and Star both. This has been one of the best nights in a long time, I don't know how to describe it, it just feels...amazing..".

"More amazing then anything you've gotten as a prince?", Tom laughed, "Yeah, way better then anything I've gotten as a prince." They sat in silence, watching the stars and the moon above them, it was such a nice night out, so peaceful.

"You know something else I like about you Marco...?", Tom asked, gettign Marco's attention. "Besides the many things you've already said you liked about me? I'm not sure what to say...", Tom lied down on the stage, feet still hanging of and hands placed onto his chest, "You don't see me as a freak, or a prince, me for did all this to make me happy...".

"That's what friends do...", Marco said simply, he lied down next to Tom, facing the stars above them. "No one should've gone through what you did, and you really needed something to pick you up after everything that happened...we all did. Star and Her mom were trapped, Janna was hurt, Ponyhead saw you almost die...and I...was freaked out."

Tom sighed, "My world hit you hard, it really did, if even Marco Diaz the misunderstood badboy couldn't handle it...". They started up at the moon silently, "I'm glad to be here, with you, I really am. I just wish things were better, that you saw the better parts of my world. My world isn't all full of horrible people and bad fathers, it's...full of amazing creatures, and places, just like earth."

"We should go see it sometime, not just for a mission or anything, just...go see the parts you like.", the human suggested,"I know we tried once and It freaked you out, but we can go to other places, and our friends can come too! It could be more fun that way!".

"It could be, as long as we all be careful ok?", Marco smiled, "Looks like my "Safe kid" instincts have rubbed off on you..".

"Doesn't sound like a bad thing to me...", Tom smiled back.

"TOM, MARCO!? C'MON! IT'S CAKE TIME!, Star called out from the house, both boys shot up and exchanged looks. Marco headed off the stage, and Tom followed after, running their way inside where Marco's parents, moon and the high commission, and their closest friends were, but also much to Tom's surprise, the Love Sentence Members were also here.

Maybe he expected as a band they had other places to be, or they were here for the gig, but here they were, spending time in Marco's living room and talking to one another. Tom wasn't sure what to say, was he supposed to ask why they were here? Was he supposed to be excited? Play it cool?

Then he looked over at Marco suspiciously, which Marco took note of and tried to change the subject.

"Ok! Cake Time!", he clapped his hands together and everyone made their way around the table Janna and ponyhead were also here and Marco made a mental note to inspect the roof for any damage after cake time was over.

Tom sat in his seat, right in front of his new cake, and everyone was gathered around him. Well, at least everyone that was close to him plus his idols and some magical adults at least, all singing to him so he could blow out his candles.

Deja vu.

They finished singing and Tom was supposed to blow out his candles and make a wish, earth magic like this was still a mystery to him but honestly he didn't mind having a wish right now. He took a moment to think, and blew out his candles, cheering occurred, and everyone started eating some cake.

It was good, really good, it was homemade of course and Tom was sure Star was probably involved somehow. Luckily however, there was no glitter embedded in this cake, so if she did play a part in these, he was thankful Marco probably stopped her.

Everyone...looked so happy, they were all talking together and laughing and it was nice. It was like Tom had a new big family, one that looked happy to each at the table together and who didn't make him want to hide in plain sight.

The hardest part, was saying goodbye.

Tom knew he was going to see all of them very soon and it wasn't forever, but he didn't want to watch them go either.

Star of course, couldn't leave without a big group hug. She was a pretty strong demon overall, and she looked the most sad to leave her friends, her tail lacked even the typical bounce it always seemed to have as she gave Tom one last big hug. "I promise to call you tomorrow, and we can gossip and hang out ok?" Tom nodded and then she whispered something into the prince's ear, "Marco's a keeper by the way, for planning this party for you, don't lose him ok?".

Tom blushed, then nodded , and Star smiled at him before walking over to her Mom. Moon looked over to Tom and nodded at him, Tom nodded back, he was sure to be getting memos from her from now on, and probably visits when possible.

Which, honestly was fine with Tom for now, as long as he had more nights like this to help.

Star waved to both Janna and Ponyhead and signaled Jackie to call her before she and her mother disappeared in a burst of flames. The high Commission left quickly afterwards, disappeared into another portal, they probably had some important things to get back to anyway. But they did all wave to Tom on their way out, which was fine enough.

Janna of course promised to visit through the window as often as possible, making Marco be sure to put locks on everything he could, and then seal them with duck-tape.

Ponyhead had the longest goodbye ever, and marco was just waiting for her to head out, only for her to keep talking to Tom about their next hangout and other things Marco didn't really care too much about overall. But eventually she made her way through a portal after some hugs and promises to call and Marco let out a sigh of relief.

Jackie's was pleasant, she exchanged hugs with both of them, and she seemed pretty happy. Tom and her were still friends, and he was working through his complicated feelings, and she didn't seem at all the least bit upset about the situation.

Marco still felt a bit guilty though.

Before she left, she looked back at Marco and smiled at him, Marco looked into her eyes and she nodded at him. Marco nodded back, he understood what she was trying to say, even without really saying everything, like she practically read his mind.

"See you tomorrow Tom and Marco!", She said, Tom and Marco both waving at her as she closed the door behind her. "See you tomorrow Jackie!", Marco said softly, he looked over to Tom who was now staring at the boyband that was still in the room with them.

Marco's parents were cleaning up, and Tom had a feeling that whatever Marco was planning, they were slightly in on it. Marco got Tom's attention and took him somewhere slightly more private, "Hey, your belated birthday isn't over just yet, I do kinda have one more surprise for you...".

Tom smirked, "Oh did you now? I'm shocked... does it have anything to do with the boyband lounging around in your living room?", he raised an eyebrow and an amused Marco shook his head at him. "Nope, can't say, I just need you to meet me on the roof...".

"The what now?", Tom asked, "Why the roof?". Marco began to push him upstairs, "Don't question it, it's supposed to be a surprise after all. Now get up there and i'll meet up with you in a few minutes ok? ". Tom looked at him before he went anywhere, "Can I bring my rabbit?".

Marco thought for a moment, "Sure, go ahead. I think my parents put him back in his cage in your room. Just keep an eye on him ok? I don't want him to get hurt.". Tom grinned, "Don't worry, i'll make sure he's fine, I'll meet you up there..".

Tom's wings flapped and he made his way up the stairs, Marco looked back to his parents and the bandmates with a knowing smile.

"C'mon, let's get ready."

Tom waited on the roof, looking at the stars, a little pink was rabbit sitting on his lap ,snoring happily. Tom missed seeing the stars now that he thought about it, he was usually locked in his room when he was on mewni, and his balcony sure didn't make it easy when it was gone.

But here he was, watching the Stars above, waiting for Marco to show up to do who knows what. It had to be something pretty good right? If the band was involved and Marco wanted Tom to watch the stars with him, and he didn't mind Tom having his rabbit..

Tom took a moment to wonder before Marco climbed his way up through Tom's balcony wearing a nicer dress, still wearing Tom's armband of course. Marco even seemed to have fix his hair and put a little bit of make-up on, and Tom froze a bit.

Was this a date?

This felt like a date, romantic setting, a boyband somewhere around here,Marco looking oddly fancy to just spend time on the roof with his roommate. Tom felt his stomach jump, and his face got even redder cause wow Marco looked really good.

Like REALLY good, and he clearly looked that way for him.

Marco seemed to know based on his expression, he gave him a knowing smile that send flutters through him. Tom hated that Marco knew sometimes, that he knew with a simple smile he could make Tom feel the way he did about him. He felt powerless, powerless to a simple mortal with a mole and a stupid red hoodie.

"You like it don't you?", Marco asked, still pleased with himself, "Sorry I kept you waiting a bit...hope the rabbit kept you company while my mom kept fiddling with my make-up..". Tom gave out a weak laugh to hide his reddened cheeks , "Well, she did a good job, the uh...eyeliner really brings out your eyes..".

Marco smiled, "You're blushing Tom~", Tom pouted and turned his head away from the human boy. Marco smiled and while tom's head was turned placed his own hand upon the prince's, grasping it and making the alien jump a bit.

What was he supposed to even say? Was he supposed to acknowledge the obvious? Or would that make things too awkward? Tom wasn't even sure what the heck was going on or even what Marco brought him up here for?! Tom bit his lip and tried to look at anything that wasn't the adorable human sitting next to him.

"Tom, it's ok...nothing to be worried about...I mean, unless you're bothered cause I can totally go down and change if I'm making you uncomfortable if I'm bothering y-", he was about to remove his hand but Tom grabbed it tightly, "No, Marco...this is fine, i'm just...maybe a bit overwhelmed..".


"It's're dressed up, and I know you're hiding something...and maybe...I just kinda feel like...", he couldn't finish his sentence, there was no way in heck he was gonna be able to finish it. Marco smiled, "You're cute when you're being awkward..".

Tom said nothing, leaving them in silence.

Marco sighed, "Ok, you clearly want to know what's going on...and I was planning to make a big speech about it and it was going to be really corny and awkward and weird, and we might start crying and singing together but let's actually cut to the chase..before this gets more weird."

Tom looked over to see the stage light up once again, the band was onstage, humming a melody, and entirely new song since Tom sure didn't recognize it. Tom looked closer to find the lights were spelling out a message, Marco was trying to hide his face a little bit, embarrased himself as Tom read the message.

Will U Go Out With Me Tom?

Tom froze, he didn't know what to do first, should he say yes right away? Hug Marco? Cry? Kiss him? He kinda felt like he wanted to do all at once overall, but instead opted for tackling Marco and freaking out his poor rabbit, who woke up immediately between the two.

"I guess that's a yes?", Marco asked, unsure if this was all too much for Tom.

It wasn't.

"YOU SET ALL THIS UP TO ASK ME OUT!?", Tom didn't even remotely care how close their faces were or that Tom was straddling Marco, none of that mattered now. He was sure he blew it, that even after Marco admitted he liked him, the kiss ruined things and only set them back.

This was both a surprise, and a relief.

"You like it?", Marco felt so proud of himself, Tom's excitement and expression was priceless. "My family and jackie, and pretty much everyone helped set this up, well...most of it was me but they helped pick out the outfit and recommended ideas...I just thought well, I want to try...with you..if that's ok?".

Tom felt tears run down his cheek form his happiness, "But I thought I scared you off...because of the kiss, and what about Jackie...?"

"Jackie is still my friend, we're still close. But It was my choice, and I just kinda...wanted to try...see where it goes...with us? The kiss...was unexpected but...if you think i'm going to be completely done with you over that then you're crazy..".

"B-but I kissed you without your permission! I wasn't entirely myself...I think...I stole your first kiss and I shouldn't have and i'm really sorry...". Marco covered his mouth with one of his hands, "Tom it's ok, it's not your fault...".

Marco bit his lip for a moment, "If anything...It's mine, you were under...something...but I...kissed you back. I knew what was up, and yet...part of me...still wanted to kiss you. I'm sorry I made you feel like this for so long...I guess maybe..I was just kinda embarrassed to admit that well..". Marco trailed off, not sure about finishing the sentence, but Tom seemed to understand what he was referring to.

Tom's eyes shifted over, "Does that it?".

"Yeah...", that answer shot through Tom like a lightning bolt, "It was...It was nice...".

Marco looked at Tom, blushing and nervous as the rabbit between him and Tom make some noises. "So uh...Tom? You got any plans to get off me? I mean I don't mind either way i'm just curious cause I'm rather we didn't fall off my roof..".

Tom got up off of Marco and tried to clam down his poor rabbit, who looked looked terrified."Sorry...I uh...I didn't mean to well...", he was stuttering like crazy, was he always this awkward? "Anyways I uh...", Tom coughed into his hand, still not entirely over the fact Marco liked kissing him.

The band had stopped singing and there was silence again, Marco cleared his throat, "You still haven't given me a yes or a no...".

Tom just looked at him for a moment, lips parted, eyes wide, he felt like his heart was about to burst out of his chest. Marco was looking right at him, and Marco wasn't leaving anytime soon, Tom took a deep breath mentally, he could do this.

Tom smiled and fought back happy tears going down his face, before leaning in to kiss Marco's cheek, "Yes...". It was very brief, and lasted only seconds, but Marco looked as if the most amazing thing in the world just happened, all because of a simple cheek kiss.

Before he could say anything, Marco pressed their lips together. He kept his eyes shut tight and Tom closed his own, his marks were starting to glow a faint pink and he knew it, but that didn't matter right now. Things were finally starting to look up.

Tom's new wand started to glow and snow started to fall from the sky, snow, in summer. Marco separated from him and watched in awe as snow fell around them, "So you really can make it're a boy of many mysteries Tom Butterfly..."

Their fingers were intertwined, and the rabbit fell asleep once again.

There were good things and bad things out there, things were changing and they were changing faster then ever for Tom. But it was time to open up a new chapter, starting with his return to earth. There were many things he needed to figure out about himself, and places he needed to see.

and sitting there, holding Marco's hand, watching the stars above and wondering about his future, he needed to be ready. Someday he was still going to be king, and someday, he was going to come back to earth, with a radio, and a snowfall and glob dammit if he forgot to do that.

"You know what's funny Marco?", Tom said softly, and Marco let out a hmm as he leaned his head on Marco's shoulder. "You skipped the speech and the crying and all the sappiness, and yet here we are, still sappy, still crying, and still weird...".

"You want to hear the overly long speech and sappy about you being my friend and how I feel about you?"

"Maybeeeeee...I'd love to hear how cute you think I am or how amazing I am from your perspective, mind if I record it with my wand?".

Marco punched him on the shoulder and pecked his cheek.

"I hate you...", he said through grumbles, an obvious smile on his face.

"I love you too Marco Diaz...", the prince returned through light tears.

It was good to be back home.

I want to thank you all for following this story! I was so happy to write it and work on it for all of you and your reviews make me smile!

Will i write a sequel? Maybe? But not until I have a story for it.

I DO however, have some short story ideas in mind i could do in the meantime. So you might see some one-shots and such coming up for funsies, or maybe short tomco fics of a few chapters rather then 20.

Either way, i'll still be writing, and still working on tomco fics and such in the future.

Anyways thank you SO much for reading this fic and loving it, that's the best birthday gift i could get today. I hope to see all of you again with my future stories, and a potential sequel in the future.

Cya soon!