Shadows of Tragedy Chapter THREE a SAO Alternate Universe Story

Authors Notes: Well here we are once again on the third chapter of this S.A.O. Alternate Universe Story. In this chapter I will explore the world of Sword Art On-line a bit more. I have been having problems getting my imagination muscle to work. Been stuck in an Anime & Manga trope Loop! Like some strange episode of twilight zone. Someone mailed me that they thought the last chapter was funny as all hell and they loved the way Asuna was portrayed. Frankly I hated the way she was all over the place in the S.A.O. Anime, she came across as a strong-willed female lead. Then they Turned her into the plot device in the second half of season one. What got me upset was that they forgot her in season two as Kirito was fighting in Gun Gale On-line. She was such a pivotal character and they treated her like a plot device, throughout the rest of the light novels and Manga. I really like the whole idea of a Kirito & Asuna power couple, some people take it too far with "Lemon" fan fiction. Why did she not get involved with Gun Gale On-line? For that matter, why did she not use her father's company to effect change? If my father owned accompany that had access to technology and equipment to affect someone I love, you bet I sure would use it. Same thing goes for Midori Kirigaya, here's a woman who adopts her dead sisters only child, her nephew and raising him as her very own son. Nothing is really said about this, if I adopted and raised my nephew from my dead sibling, I would make sure to fight for their life if they were in a death game. That all out of the way let's get started.

A Family's Resolve.

Argos first assignment for Lady Snow, was to post in every town and village of Aincrad the call to arms proclamation. She used her vast spy network of players and NPC's. This announcement was going to make many people hope and see a light at the end of the tunnel, but it would rock the boat with the front-line players. But then again Lady Snow Queen may attract many of the Beta players she had in her original clan.

"Attention calling all willing and able Sword Art On-line Citizens, hear my call. I am, Lady Snow Queen, better known to many as The Herron of Snow Mountain Clan, many of you may know me from my E-Sports days as the number one female player in VR-MMORPG's in Asia. I am the publisher of the first S.A.O. Player Hand Book and developer of the pre-launch Raid user interface, or you may know me from the Beta Test as the only Raid Leader who lead successful campaigns on the front lines. My Clan is calling for people who wish to join my Guild, the Snow Mountain Clan. Our goal is simple, to train and prepare to do fifty-man raiding Parties. We are looking for all class's and all sub skills. Your level is unimportant, I am looking for people who are dedicated to the cause, and that is to conquer this virtual reality prison called Sword Art On-line. If you want to support us by using your Sub class's or skill's such as blacksmith, leatherworker, tailor, cooking, etc… you are welcome to help. Join us as support staff, help us work towards our freedom. Please be a level twenty or better for our combat team try outs. We will except people for training after our main force has been selected. Do not bring an ego, please have a willingness to work hard and work with others. You will find me on the twenty-fifth floor at the remote Guild hall in the Dragon Mountains, it's the medieval Japanese castle found on the dragon pass next to the small town of Icefall. The town is the only way to get here, it has the only teleport gate in the mountain area."

He read the announcement on the guild board. All Heathcliff could do was ball his fist up and smash his desk over and over, for the normally calm man this was out of character. "Damn that witch! Those incompetent idiots in Laughing Coffin, damn wasted Col." He was so upset, he had plotted and planned that his Guild: Knights of the Blood would lead the charge in Sword Art On-line, he wanted to be the center of attention and the savior of the people. Now this infernal woman was going to throw a monkey wrench into his finely oiled machine, his plans somewhat derailed. "Why now!" was all he could ask himself. A year into this game and she failed to show up on his radar until five days ago, when she somehow made this month's tally of the leader boards. He knew when she appeared on the leader board the implications, Heathcliff suspected her next move, but failed to make a decisive blow by killing her. Of cores, he knew who she was during the beta. He was just hoping she would keep silent so he could control the course of the game. He went over to his office door to make sure it was locked. He activated his menu and went through the motions, asking himself how he could have over looked the data he had collected that was so meticulous. What made it worse was she had a reputation as a competent leader, to add salt to the wound her legend was enhanced by those idiots in Laughing Coffin. The data could not be disputed, according to the algorithms she had the third fastest reaction time in the game. Worst of all, the damn Witch now had three of the fastest players in Aincrad, the Lighting Flash Asuna, the Black Swordsman Kirito and Leafa the Sabre. His plan was to recruit them but now it was just too late now, they were all in the Snow Mountain Clan.

There was a knock at his door that startled him, he walked over and opened it. There stood his vice-captain Kuradeel, his Laughing Coffin contact. "Enter!" Kuradeel entered and saluted, "Sir, I have my report ready for you." Heathcliff was expressionless as he looked at Kuradeel, and all his vice-captain could do was squirm. "Your friend's in Laughing Coffin failed us and now the top four players in the game are united." All he could do was shift uncomfortably as his guild leader continued. "There incompetence is apparent and now we have a new player on the frontlines. This will change the power dynamic for us as a guild and will most likely give rise to defectors from every minor guild to every major guild." Heathcliff walked back to his desk and plopped himself down heavily into his chair. "I'm sorry for my failure Sir, but she killed nine members of Laughing Coffin, they just didn't take her seriously as you recommended." Kuradeel thought to himself, this was it, if he did not have the nerve to do it now he would chicken out, he stuttered it out. "Well Sir speaking of Lady Snow Queen and her proclamation." He gulped knowing that he may be a Deadman walking. "We have received ten resignations from our guild, we lost four people from our top attack squads." Heathcliff slammed his hand down on the desk, at his point it was futile to talk further to him. Kuradeel flinched and was about to speak when Heathcliff gave him a death stare. "We lost our opportunity to keep a monopoly on the best players on the frontline. Don't try sending those morons Laughing Coffin to kill her. Instead we need to make sure we keep our current members happy. Make sure that they have every resource this Guild has at their disposal. Spare no expense to keep our attack squads happy, healthy and challenged. As for the Snow Mountain Clan, I'll meet with the other guilds and issue a challenge to their competency. Just maybe we can embarrass or humiliate them, but I highly doubt that." Kuradeel shifted uncomfortably and knew he had to give the final bad news. "Understood Sir, on a final note, regarding the resignations, we lost the captain of the training squad Godfree." All Heathcliff could do was swivel his chair and face out the window. "Kuradeel! Fail me again and it will be your last, leave me now!"

The last few days where quite exciting, as people where coming and going from the Dragon Mountains. The medieval Japanese castle found on the dragon pass was now the home to the Snow Mountain Clan. Leafa suggested that they call the stronghold "The Herron Castle" which made it seem more majestic and noble. Lady Snow wasted no time in forming a small community of people dedicated to the Clans success. When asked why she called it a Clan, rather than a Guild. She looked the person in the eye. "One does not put their life on the line for an acquaintance. One puts their life on the line for family, that is what a Clan is." This was the sentiment of the castle and many of the clan members had a buzz about them that felt hopeful and looked to the future was bright. Some of the members where returning clan members from the Beta, which gave Lady Snow great joy in seeing old friends. There where members from other games who knew Lady Snows reputation. It please her to no end, that she found one of her old guild mates from her e-sports days, the much older and experienced, Godfree. That was a godsend, she knew that he would take it upon himself to level everyone to the fullest.

In a matter of hours of forming the guild, Argo became Lady Snow's secretary, her right hand. Then a day later Godfree became her training and leveling captain of the reserves. Argo made her report, that they had recruited over Twenty Raid worthy members, along with over twenty potential trainees and support staff. This all made Leafa extremely happy, that they had recruited some of Aincrad top artisans, such as Lisbeth the Blacksmith. This seemed to put a smile on Leafa's face as Lisbeth was her confidant. The young Blacksmith was rather impressed, as she had the pleasure to meet others who had similar skills as her. The exchange of ideas in this Clan was extraordinary and it was all due to Lady Snows foresight and planning. Argo chalked it up to her experience running guilds in other games.

The castle kitchen was filled with such lively banter and smells of different foods, Asuna was in her own little world, working with people who had similar interests in cooking. The joy of developing foods that had status effects, such as ten percent attack power for one hour. Unfortunately, there were a few people, that made waves, they were promptly asked to leave. Over all for the first week things looked under control, a sense of community was being fostered and Lady Snow, over looked everything like a hawk.

During the first week, Argo began to systematically collecting data on every member of the clan, equipment, secondary skills, experience and personality. The more they knew about each player, the more specific they could gear them in helping the community and themselves. Argo was amazed how Lady Snow thought twenty or more steps ahead, she saw the clan as a big jigsaw puzzle. The way that Lady Snow organized the clan was remarkable, she had them team building and working on Quests, the list went on and on.

All Lind could do is look at the summons from Heathcliff. "What kind of bullshit is this? We are the Divine Dragon Alliance, we are known as one of the top clearing guilds in S.A.O! Who the hell does Heathcliff think he is, trying unite us in a counsel?" Lind just balled up the paper and toss it across the room. Finally, one of his sub Commanders spoke up. "Sir, I think it has to do with the Snow Mountain Clan. They have absorbed about ten to fifteen players from Knights of the Blood, and we lost twenty members to them as well." The only thing that the leader of the Divine Dragon Alliance could do, was go nut's, pulling his hair and shouting like a mad man. "Who the fuck do they think they are? No one steals our members and gets away with it! Get a squad together, so we can get our people back. While we are at it, let's go kick their ass, show them who is the boss around here!" All his sub Commander could do is put his hands and try to calm his guild leader down. "Sir, it's not that easy, they have seven or eight of the top ten players on the leader board. I also just heard a rumor that the Fuurin-kazan guild is in negotiations to merge with them. It would be unwise to go bully them and ruin our reputation. Our best bet is to go meet Heathcliff and his United Guild Counsel." Lind would not hear any of it, and took some of his best players to fight the Snow Mountain Clan.

Sometime later in front of The Herron Castle, Lind stood with a group of his guild. "Come out Queen Bitch!" This garnered a loud laugh from his accompanied guild mates. "All I want are my members back, that you have fucking stolen from me!" Kirito stood on the parapet of the castle, looking down thinking to himself that, his mother was not going to take kindly to this. Lady Snow walked up to Kirito. "I see we have managed to ruffle some feathers. Come let's grab Asuna and a few others and handle our unwanted guests." Kirito new the outcome already, his mother would try to defuse their anger. Knowing Lind, was a hot head it was going to end with his ass on the floor. Kirito lifted his brow and followed his mother down the side of the castle wall.

The castle was on full alert, everyone went to the walls, to see what Lady Snow was going to do. The massive heavy wooden gates dropped and five people came out to greet the unwanted guests. Lind stood in front of his fifteen-man group, posturing for them. "Queen Bitch, all I want are My members back, that you have fucking stolen from Me!" Lady Snow with a commanding presence slammed her pole arm down with a loud thud. "People do not belong to no one, "boy"! What makes you think you can come here and start trouble? This is Herron Castle and it belongs to the Snow Mountain Clan, everyone is here of their own free will. Why don't you take your rabble and go!" Lind just about lost it, as he swung his sword at Lady Snow. "I'm going to kill you, bitch! Who the fuck, do you think you are!" As Lind swung his sword, Kirito intercepted it with his own. There where mumbles among Lind's group. Lind just backed off wanting nothing better than to cut off the Black Swordsman's head. Lady Snow was motionless and did not even blink. "How about we make a bet, boy? You fight me in a PVP duel with ten of your best guild mates? I'll even use a practice weapon so I won't hurt you!" Lind's Commander tried to tell him not to fall of hit but he had tunnel vision. "Why not! But I want my Guild members back!" Lady snow looked at him in a distasteful way, as if he was not worthy of her time. "That's fine but when I win, I want all your equipment that's on you." Kirito just stood there and smiled. Thinking to himself, stupid fool he's going to walk home naked! Asuna gave him a wary look, but she saw Kirito's expression and that told her everything. Lady Snow Queen would win hands down. Everyone on the castle wall waited on baited breath. With a swift motion, Lady Snow twirled her pole arm. Lind made a battle cry and for his troubles the end of the pole arm landed square in the middle of his forehead, sending him twenty feet away. The other ten challengers just went down like reeds in a wind storm. Everyone on the castle wall clapped and cheered. To the remaining standing members of the Divine Dragon Alliance, Asuna yelled at them in a commanding voice. "Take this moron away, but before you do don't forget to leave his equipment!" Lady Snow smiled and tossed her pole arm at Asuna. "My dear, I'll make a Guild Master out of you yet!" Asuna caught the pole arm and smiled back, thinking that this was going to be, one hell of a ride to the one hundredth floor.

All Heathcliff could do was pace back and forth and mutter to no one in particular. "That stupid idiot Lind, we are powerless as just one guild to fight the Snow Mountain Clan, we need to have a United Guild Counsel to challenge them. Why did he have to react like a fool? All that did was make his guild look like petty morons." Heathcliff was no fool he understood politics, Lady Snow would use this blatant attack on her guild as fuel to recruit more capable players, the ones who sat on the sidelines, waiting to see how she reacted. Heathcliff saw the end game that Lind just played into. She would have a full raiding guild ready to go in less than a month. Right now, her attack squads lead by his former guild mate Godfree. Who became her training and leveling captain, he's running all the most difficult dungeons and killing all world level bosses to train and level there most capable players. "Damn Lind and his impetuous behavior!"

Word spread like a brush fire across all the floors of Aincrad, people where whispering about how the Divine Dragon Alliance tried to bully the new Guild, the Snow Mountain Clan. One rumor had it that Lady Snow Queen, had killed twenty members of the notorious Red Guild, Laughing Coffin. As rumors spread, and stories became more exaggerated of the Legend of Lady Snow Queen and her Clan. Argo helped spread many tails but sometimes she would scratch her head and ask herself how some of the stories were possibly true. One story had Leafa, Asuna, Kirito and Lady Snow take down the area boss of the twentieth floor with twelve hits. Argo knew the truth, it took a forty-man raid, which was only possible with the aid of Klein's Fuurin-kazan guild. Klein had brought his guild to merge with the Snow Mountain Clan. This rounded out the attack squads and brought a new dynamic to the raid party. Lady Snow liked Klein quite a bit and invited him and his guild to join as full members of the raid squad. Klein was given his own position as sub guild master next to Asuna. This helped round out the growing guilds leadership, Kirito as just happy that he was just the squad leader of the first attack squad. Over all things where progressing rather well, the weekly guild member open forums and the twice a week leadership meetings where helping form a tight-knit Guild. Example of this would be, if a member showed excellent skills and was leveling well the guilds leadership council would help gear the member and help them with further training. All this effort was the road to a strong and prosperous raiding guild.

Kirito Stood out looking out at the new floor, this was only the second time that the Snow Mountain Clan had cleared a Level End Boss. It had only taken them three weeks to clear two floors. At any rate, they were doing well and they really did not need the help of the other front-line guilds. Asuna walked up to Kirito and gently took his hand in hers whispering in his ear. "It's astounding that the Snow Mountain Clan can accomplish so much under one person's influence." Kirito grips her hand and tilts his head, looking back at her. "Never underestimate the Kirigaya family fighting spirit, it's what drove me to help you and then Leafa. Then again, I would not have had the foresight of my Mother, she knows how to motivate and organize like no other. She has a talent in finding others strengths and knowing how to get the best out of others." Asuna smiles back at her beloved Kirito and hugs his arm into her chest. Placing her head on his shoulder and closing her eyes. "I think that's one of the reasons that I fell in love with you, it's that spirit that never gave up on me, you are your Mother's Son." The couple looked out into the vastness of the level, as far as the eye could see there was desert. Then then Kirito noticed how a group of mountains and flat plateaus would move across the sand as if the sand was moving them. What an unusual level as if the landscape was being carried on the backs of some creature. Then Argo came upon the couple looking over the landscape and whistled. "So, that's what mountain dragons look like! They are like land whales with mountains and plateaus, see the sand dragons over there like a group of dolphins swimming in the sand?" Kirito just looked out into the new landscape and thought to himself that this floor was going to be a challenge. Then Argo became excited. "Ki-bou this is the thirty-fifth floor! We get winged mounts and the pet tamer ability opens up! So, exciting, can your imagine the places we can see and go to on a flying mount?" Asuna was taken out of her reverie holding her lovers arm by Argo and that insipid nickname she used for her husband, Ki-bou, so damn annoying! "Kirito, do you think we can go home today after we open this levels teleport gate?" Kirito smiles back at his wife, he would love nothing better than to lay his head in her lap and fish on the dock next to their home. "I don't see why not tomorrow and the day after are official days off for the Clan." With that the trio head to the nearest town to open the teleport gate.

The Real World

The Munenori corporate building in Tokyo, two people sit on top of the corporate Zen garden closed off from prying eyes, surrounded by glass, steal and wood, only a select few of the Munenori clan and top executives have such access to Doctor Sato Munenori's private domain. "So, tell me Saeko how have you been my old friend, how is Doctor Sato Doing?" Minetaka Kirigaya looked out into the vast openness of the Zen garden and pondered as he remembered everything he gave up to be a Kirigaya. It was all worth it in the end to have the love of his life; Midori and his two beloved children, Suguha and Kazuto. "The old man is doing well, he is just obsessed trying to find an Heir to the Munenori clan. After the tragic death of both my brothers he is fixated on finding a Male Heir and he is zeroing in on Kazuto. As you know Lady Munenori my Mother will not stand for it as a former daughter of the Kirigaya household. He refuses to pass succession to me but Mother is wearing him down. Then again it a moot point now what Father wishes to do and I really don't care as long as I can design what I want and build what I want." Minetaka looked at his old college friend and fellow designer and smiled and with a chuckle. "Same old Saeko, that's why you and I never dated or got involved your to wrapped up in your own little world! Good old "Psycho/Saeko" the crazy obsessed Engineer!" Saeko just looked at her old friend and frowned. "I know you carried about me in University but I could never reciprocate your feelings after you confessed to me. Sometimes I think you were one of the few men who saw me for what I was and not who I was." Minetaka shrugged and put his hand on top of his friend's hand and lightly squeezed. "I saw a smart attractive woman I wanted to get to know more and I was happy we became such good friends, more so than anything else, you encouraged me to pursue my studies in Massachusetts. I would have never met my beloved Midori if I did not go to M.I.T. then my Masters in Korea. Besides aren't you involved with Takeru Satoh? You've been a on again, off again thing with him for years, tie him down already, you and him have such wonderful history and besides you two are two peas in a pod." Saekos face lightly blushed and she turned her head away from him. "Who told you about Takeru, not even my secretary knows about him?" Minetaka just smiled. "Well Takeru and I go way back to Technical Junior High when we were in the same advance engineering program in Tokyo. He was in love with you the moment he set eyes on you and I knew that you had fallen for him too. Also, he confides in me from time to time. We had drinks the night you kicked him out of your condo, the fight you guys always have about your obsession over work. Takeru loves you and he is willing to tuff it out and wait for you." Saeko looked at the moss-covered rock in the middle of the sea of white pebbles in the Zen Garden. "Minetaka, I envy you and Midori and the life you created. I think sometimes I never had the courage to take the next step in love or maybe Takeru is right and all I care about is my work. Regardless, I do so love and care for Takeru, he makes my head spin and my heart ache." Minetaka just continued to smile. "You're in love with him and you need to tie the knot, like I said peas in a pod!" Saeko got up from the bench and placed her hand on Minetaka shoulder. "It's always nice to speak to you, your one of the few people I trust and admire. Come let's go visit your beloved Wife Midori, I know you worry about her choice but my Father will not let anything happen to her as long as she is under his watchful eye."

The pair walked back into the modern building and enjoyed their friendly visit with one another. As Minetaka walked beside his friend he thought about his Wife and her sacrifice to go into S.A.O. to save their children. He had to place his faith in Doctor Sato or he would go mad agonizing and letting it consume him. The only thing now was to trust in the Kirigaya and Munenori family relationship, the Kirigaya family was more political and the Munenori family is a pillar in the world of industry. The two families where a good balance and Lady Munenori was oiling the gears to make it all work all the more effectively. Midori's Father would put pressure on the government to investigate Akihiko Kayaba's madness. He was a former Japanese Secret Service officer after all. As the pair walked to the elevator Saeko's secretary and personal assistant appeared out of nowhere and whispered something into her ear. She acknowledged her Assistant and the young woman left down the hall as quickly as she appeared as she vanished. "My Father wishes to speak to you and he has asked if we could meet him in the R&D Lab before we visit your family. This way, we can take the express elevator." Saeko waved him to a bank of elevators and pressed the button. "What do you think the old man wants? He always seems to have something up his sleeve." Saeko stepped in the elevator. "Father is always thinking two or three steps ahead but unfortunately my Father and the Company did not see the storm that Kayaba's madness was brewing. I think many members of Argus where to dazed and impressed over his V.R. breakthroughs, especially my Father. The Cardinal Systems Artificial Intelligence Generator is quite impressive and will most likely be used for future projects that require A.I. to do tasks that human operators cannot do. Father had great hopes for Akihiko and he felt he found a long-lost son in him, it broke his heart that Akihiko turned out to be a simple mad man. When he found out that Kazuto was trapped in S.A.O. he almost lost it. You understand that my Father will stop at nothing to keep Kazuto safe as he is my Fathers only blood related Grandson, family politics be damned! Everything will probably go to Kazuto regardless that he is a Kirigaya now. Frankly I don't care, I just hate how my father is so childish regarding the company succession." Minetaka let out a low breath. "The Kirigaya family won't stand for it and besides Lady Munenori will put her Husband in check as she did in family court over the custody battle we had over Kazuto. I'm not too worried over it, I will place my faith in you and your Mother Lady Munenori."

The Elevator doors opened and a middle-aged man greeted them and gave Saeko and Minetaka a polite bow. "This way Master Kirigaya, Lady Saeko." He waved his arm and bid them to follow leading them through a maze of corridors and then coming to a door guarded by two paramilitary guards. There escort place his hand over a scanner and the large door opened. Standing in the middle of a room that looked like it was ripped out of a spy novel stood an older distinguished man in a dark blue suit. He was almost a silhouette in front of a bank of monitors on the walls and desks. Technical data and engineering models peppered on the screens with other data that was over whelming to the average observer. The man turned to great his guests, it was Doctor Sato Munenori. "Ah Minetaka, and Saeko, thank you for joining me on such short notice, please come this way." He led them to a glass enclosure conference room and closed the door after them. He ushered them to the chairs along the conference table. He pressed a button and spoke softly. "Please send refreshments to the main R&D conference room please." He pressed another button and the glass turned opaque. "I'll get to the point as you two know me to well to sit here and beat around the bush. As requested by my Wife I have given all my attention and the full might of my company to help solve this whole S.A.O. fiasco."

Saeko dropped further into the leather office chair and sighed. "Let's be honest Father you want your hands-on Kazuto and the Cardinal System. Let's just say, even if all those people die, The Munenori Company will make billions from the Cardinal Systems A.I. generator. Let's not delude ourselves Mother wants you to help assist the Kirigaya side of the family and frankly so do I but I'll be damned, if I'm going to let you kill Midori and her two children, Suguha and Kazuto. I refuse to believe you are being altruistic!" Doctor Sato was a bit stunned by his daughter's frankness and honesty. "Saeko out of my four children you have always been the apple of my eye, you make me proud how you are so astute. To be honest your right on one hand about how much I want the Cardinal Systems A.I. generator but on the other hand you have no clue how the board has fought me tooth and nail, over succession over the company. I want to give you and Kazuto everything that I have built, doesn't every Father want to leave a legacy to his progeny? Be sides you have no real idea how Midori and I planned this. That Wife of yours is no fool Minetaka she came to me with the proposal and she volunteered to go into S.A.O.! She practically broke my office door down telling me I would regret the day I let Kazuto die." The door opened and a man dressed in a black suit rolled in a tray and place food and refreshments in the center of the table and then bowed and left. This helped to defuse the hostilities between all the parties for a brief moment. "Doctor Sato, I know how stubborn Midori can be and I'm sure she put some kind of contingencies into place to stack the deck in her favor. I know I did not marry a fool, she knew I would oppose her stepping into S.A.O. regardless that our two Children are in Doctor Kayaba's madness. I know my wife, she is one sly nine tail fox and she probably cracked the Cardinal System on her own and she used that to bargain with you, so she could receive your support in her conquest of Akihiko. Frankly I know he betrayed you and he was more than an employee to you. I am no fool either and I have my own connections in the technology sector. Don't forget I engineered the first generation of V.R. games with my wife before I started The Kirigaya design Group. So, let's not sit here and hide behind lies and half-truths." Doctor Sato smiled and poured himself a cup of tea. "Minetaka I will be honest, I really never knew what type of Man you where and why my Son and daughter in law left you custody of Kazuto. But the more I get to know you and your wife the more I understand my Son's decision to leave my Grandson in your care. I find myself admiring Midori and you more and the more I interact with you. Frankly I will keep my word and do all in my power to help in getting everyone out of S.A.O., you have my word on this matter. Now let's discuss the plan that Midori and I fabricated."

After many hours of discussion, the meeting was done and Minetaka stood over his wife and caressed her cheek. "I must say Midori your plan is cunning and decisive, I just wish you would have told me about it." He leaned in and gave his wife a kiss on her forehead. "To think you altered parts of The Cardinal System, how Akihiko will go insane that someone has managed to high jack his system to his V.R. world." Saeko placed her hand on his shoulder. "Your wife is one scary woman, she reminds me of my Father and my Great Aunt Lady Kirigaya, Midori's Grandmother. To think she will change the mechanics of S.A.O. in less than two months. She really impressed my Father, you're a lucky man Minetaka to be married to such a strong intelligent woman. I really admire her more so now than ever." Minetaka let out a small sigh and placed his and on his wife's hand. "If she pulls this off she may become insufferable for a while but it won't go to her head. I must admit this device your Father put her in is stunning, to think she went back into S.A.O. in a high-speed interface." Saeko perked up and gave a sinister smirk. "I helped develop this version of Full Dive interface! We call it "Medicuboid", it's the third-generation of Full Dive technology. My friend Doctor Koujiro Rinko a former associate of Akihiko helped in its development for medical purposes, to help improve the quality of life and help treat terminally ill patients. It is one of the many Full Dive innovations that is not made for entertainment, but to help the quality of life for people. Of course, it's in the testing phase, but Father felt it would give Midori a tactical advantage. The tech is sound and we build ten of them, this unit she is place in being the latest version which has had significant improvements from the R&D department. The units are being tested now in the field, but this unit is special, I had a great hand in its development." Minetaka smiled he could see the pride and pure joy that his friend had in her accomplishment. "It gives me some comfort knowing that Midori has such an advantage over Akihiko. I'm happy that you are involved in this whole thing. Knowing that you are watching over her like this makes me worry less about her success." With that Minetaka hugged his good friend and smiled knowing his wife had a distinct advantage over Akihiko and his madness.

Kirito and Asuna where siting in their garden of their log cabin home. Asuna had made Kiritos favorite snack: her boar meat sandwiches with spicy mustard and a sun brewed ice tea. They sat relaxing in the afternoon sun as the cool breeze off the lake washed over them. "It feels good to relax; don't you think Ki-bou?" Kirito frowned and looked Asuna. "I hate when people use that nick name! Especially you my love. It feels like your talking to someone other than me." Asuna looked up from her book and chuckled. With a bit of playful banter, she told him: "I don't here you complaining when Argo-chan calls you by that name!"