Summary: Laxus and the Rainjinshu pick a job to kill a bunch of monsters in the woods outside a mansion, but come across a different problem inside the mansion. A little girl with an extraordinary magic is held captive by the man that requested the job. When Laxus saves this girl from the man, he has to the be the one to take care of her. Easy right? Well, taking care of a six year old devil is hard.

Elvena Marshall is a six year old girl living with her abusive 'father.' But a man with a lighting shaped scar saves her! She lives with him until his Gramps can figure out what to do. But she's never seen the pretty blonde lady in the house before. She was the girl that helped the lighting man comfort her when she was sad, along with the guy that always had his tongue out.

Lucy had been assigned to help Laxus take care of Elvena since she seems to have a good relationship with her until Makarov could figure out what to do. Bixlow is just there to be a babysitter. As Elvena's power grows, Lucy and Laxus have a lot on their hands. Love is not an option. But Elvena has something else in mind for those two.

Laxus leaned back in his seat, cracking one eye open to look around the guild. Half of them were off on missions. Bixlow, Evergreen and Freed were the only ones not doing something, so he decided to do something instead of sitting on his ass all day. "Freed, go pick a job for us to do." Laxus ordered. Freed nodded and stood up, waking to the S-Class floor and looking at the various jobs. But one caught his eye.

There are monsters outside my house, and I need them removed. Some of them are seen to be wolves large ones too.

Reward: 2,500,000 jewel


Freed grabbed it and walked back down stairs, handing it to Laxus. Laxus looked at it and smirked. Finally got to kill something. Stopped him from killing Bixlow for being a pain in the ass. "Mira, we're leaving to go on a job." Laxus said from across the guild. Mira looked up and smiled. "Be safe!" She exclaimed. Bixlow chuckled and followed Laxus and Freed outside.

"Like we'll get hurt on a simple mission like this." Bixlow laughed, tongue hanging out of his mouth.

"This is a very simple mission, and that is why I chose it. At least Laxus won't be killing you this time." Freed added. Laxus chuckled. "I'm still gonna kill you after this Bixlow." He stated, putting his hands on his pockets.

The train ride took a few hours, and by the time they made it to the mansion, it was night already. Going to the door, Evergreen knocked on the door. A maid answered. "Hello, you must be the mages from Fairy Tail that have come to help with the monster problem. Come in." The maid said, stepping aside and bowing. They walked in and were surprised at how big the main room was. A man stood at the foot of the large staircase near the far end of the room.

"Ah, I see you have finally come. Elvena!" He yelled. Light footsteps were heard from behind him as a little girl with white/blonde hair, one red eye and one blue eye walked onto the steps in a gown a little too mature for her age. She looked to skinny for her age, too. The man grabbed her arm and pulled her back so he was at ear level. Laxus could hear him clearly thanks to his Dragon slaying magic, and it did shock him. "Behave in front of guests or else." He growled into her ear. She nodded.

"My name is Richard Marshall, and this is my daughter Elvena. If you are going to go and hint for those monsters I recommend waiting until the morning. They seem to be more active then. They have already attacked Elvena twice and killed three of my maids." Richard explained. I'm sure they're not the only ones attacking her. Laxus thought to himself. Elvena lifted up her dress and walked downstairs, standing in front of Laxus. She looks up at him, slowly blinking. One eye after the other. Then she bowed. Laxus stared down at her, something blue and purple catching his eye on her back. "Hello Elvena." Freed said. Elvena stood there, her eyes staring up at him.

"I'm sorry," Richard said. "She doesn't speak. She had her vocal cords crushed by a man when he came in here to settle a debt."

"Well, I'll have Elvena show you to your rooms and you can head or in the morning. Elvena gestured for them to follow her and went up the stairs, keeping her head down as she passed Richard. Their rooms were all next to each other. Once they got settled, Elvena ran out and down the hall. She knocked on a large door lightly.

"Get your ass in here, brat." Richard's voice spat from in the room. She winced and opened the doors, walking in. He was standing near his desk, an angry look on his face. He walked over to her and slapped her, it echoing through the halls. "Next time listen to me when I tell you to be on your best behavior, don't stare at guests. Nobody wants to see your disgusting eyes." Richard yelled, kicking Elvena in the chest. She fell to the floor, no sound coming out of her. He put his foot on her chest and pushed down, a crunch was heard as she felt a sharp pang, knowing something broke.

"Leave and don't come out of your room until I call you." Richard said, taking his foot off her chest and walking back to his desk. Elvena scrambled up and ran out the room, stumbling down the hall. There was blood seeping through her dress, but she didn't pay any mind to it.

Laxus looked out of his door as he heard a loud slap thanks to his Dragon slaying hearing. He saw Elvena run down the hall, holding her chest. Her eyes were filled with tears as he smelt iron. "Hey," he said stepping out of his room, calling out to Elvena. She stopped and turned her head. "You okay?" She nodded vigorously and ran to her room. Laxus sighed, but just went back to bed.

When the sun came up, the Rainjinshu immediately headed out to kill the monsters. The monsters were just how Richard described them, but we're easily taken down. Laxus killed half of them, leaving the other half to his team. Once back at the mansion, a loud bang was heard from upstairs, and a soft gasp. Bixlow looked at Laxus, but Laxus was already heading up the stairs going to where the noise came from. He stopped in front of a set of doors and pushed them open, seeing Elvena on the floor, bruises covering her face and arms, blood coming from her leg. Richard sat at his desk as if nothing happened. "What the hell!" Laxus yelled, running over to Elvena and cradling her in his arms. He growled at Richard.

"Oh don't start, slayer. She deserved everything she got." Richard spat, going back to his paper work. Laxus growled even louder. Evergreen ran into the room before Bixlow and Freed, and when she saw Elvena, she gasped and ran over to her. She was hardly breathing, and her heart rate was alarmingly slow.

"Laxus! We can deal with him later right now wee need to help Elvena!" Evergreen yelled, trying to keep Elvena awake. Elvena stared up at the ceiling, her vision speckled with black dots as she heard voices calling her name. Maybe she would die today. That would be better than living with Richard the rest of her life, or with these people, who could be worse. She's been abused since she was one, and nothing has ever changed. Snowy would it now? As her vision faded, she saw a small totem. Reaching out for it, she blacked out.


When the Rainjinshu walked into the guild with a half beaten kid in their arms, anyone would be shocked. Wendy responded immediately, healing what injuries she could. The girls condition was worse than what was seen in the outside. They had placed her on a bed and kept her comfortable. She was so young. A six year old had previously broken bones from three years ago, internal and external bleeding, head trauma, previous scars and bruising all over her body, not to mention being malnourished to the state of starvation.

"I can't help her anymore. She's already so hurt. If I do anything else, she could go into shock." Wendy explained, tears running down her face as she hugged onto Lucy who was standing at the foot of the bed.

"Don't worry Wendy, we'll find a way to help her." Lucy says. Wendy sniffles and nodded, then left the room. Now it was only her and Laxus.

"Well, I'm out. Blondie, make sure she's okay." Laxus said, standing up.

"Hey! You can't just leave me here with the kid!" Lucy exclaimed. Elvena started to shift in her sleep. Her mouth was forming words as she curled into a ball, soft snores coming from her. Lucy smiled and turned back to Laxus. "Like I said before, don't leave me with the kid. What if something happens and she ends up hurting herself? You found her, she knows you, if she wakes up she'll trust you." Lucy stated. Laxus sighed and sat back down, mumbling curses under his breath.

Elvena slowly opened her eyes, hearing two voices. One was the gruff voice of that lighting man from the mansion, and the other was unfamiliar to her. Peeking over her blanket, she saw a woman with gold blonde hair and cocoa brown eyes and then the lighting man. She couldn't make any sounds with her mouth to get their attention, so she sat up painfully and stared at them. Lucy jumped when she saw Elvena staring at her and nearly fell off her chair while Laxus chuckled to himself.

"Oh, your awake. That's good. I'll go get Wendy." Lucy says, standing and heading to the door. Elvena reaches out to Lucy, and a vine wraps around the door knob. Lucy looked back at Elvena. "You're doing this?" She asked her. Elvena gulped and released the vine from the door knob, scared she did something wrong. "That's amazing! You're so young and you already have magic. Can I see?" Lucy asked. Elvena hesitated. Was she being serious. She wasn't like all those other woman Marshall brought to the mansion that would pretend to be nice to her just to dress her up and pretend she was their daughter. Elvena flinched when the door opened. In walked Lisanna, Natsu, Erza and Gray. They all stared at Lucy, then Laxus, the Elvena. They must have gotten back from a mission.

Lucy had stopped going on missions with Team Natsu after a while and went solo. She had increased her magical power and went on missions usually only teams could do. She had been tired of Natsu destroying half the place of what they were meant to retrieve, and Erza hurting people that were innocent. Lisanna had joined a few months after Lucy left. Lucy was happy they could fill in for the missing piece in their puzzle of a team. Now Team Natsu was once again one of the strongest teams in Fairy Tail again and Lucy was one of the strongest mages in Fairy Tail for once.

Back to now, Lisanna spoke up. "Did you guys have a kid that no one knew about?" She asked. Lucy face palmed herself as Elvena scooted away from them and further into the bed, pulling the covers over her head. Natsu stared at her in interest. He was about to walk over to the bed until Laxus put his arm out to stop him. "Leave her alone." He growled. Natsu backed off fear in his eyes.

"Why? Is she really your daughter?" Natsu asked. Elvena, hearing the word daughter, peaked out from under the covers again. Erza smiled at her. "Hello, my name is Erza. It's nice to meet you!" Erza said in the nicest, most kindest voice ever. Silence.

"Her name is Elvena." Laxus said.

"So is she your daughter?" Gray asked. Lucy shook her head. "Laxus found her half beaten to death in her house during a mission. The man that abused her seemed to be her father." Lucy explained. Lisanna gasped.

"Why would someone do that to a child?" She asked. Lucy shrugged her shoulders. "We know that she is ten, and can't talk. It seems that she had been abused for years because there are signs of old breaks and scars." Lucy said. Wendy walked in, and seeing Elvena up made her run to the side of the bed.

"Good morning Elvena. Do you feel better?" She asked. Silence. Elvena scooted further back in the bed until her back was against the bed post. Too many people. Too many people were in the room. Was it getting hard to breath. Laxus head her heart rate and breathing quicken and mentally cursed.

"You guys need to leave. You're scaring the girl." Laxus stated, leaning back in his chair. Elvena put her knees to her chest and stuffed her face in her knees, the temperature in the room raising. Of course Natsu couldn't feel it, but everyone else did. "Is she doing that?" Erza asked, sweat starting to drip down her face.

"I'm pretty sure. She made a vine wrap around the doorknob when I tried to leave. What type of mage do you think she uses?" Lucy asked.

"Kid, calm down." Laxus said, watching as Elvena started freaking out again. The window burst open and wind started to swirl around the room as the glass shattered. Everyone covered their heads as glass shot out at them. Elvena had tears running down her face as she hut her eyes, her mouth forming words. Laxus stood up and sat on the bed, wrapping his arms around Elvena. Elvena scooted closer to him and buried her face into his shirt as the temperature went back to normal and the wind stopped.

Everyone looked at Laxus and Elvena in confusion. Bixlow had also come in hearing glass shatter. Elvena opened her eyes and turned to Bixlow, reaching her bandaged arms out to him. Bixlow walked over and sat on the other side of her. She stayed in the middle of Laxus and Bixlow, hiding between their arms as she stared at Team Natsu with tears in her eyes. Lucy put a hand to her chest. She knew how Elvena felt, having to deal with an abusive father. Meeting new people was scary for a six year old. Lucy sat down criss cross in front of Elvena and rolled up her long sleeve black shirt. "You know, my arm used to look just like yours, bandaged and hurt." Lucy said. Elvena looked up at her. "Yeah, when I was little I was hit, too. Don't worry, cause now you have Fairy Tail to protect you." Lucy said with a smile. Natsu looked down for a moment before walking out the room. Too many emotions that he really didn't understand. Gray followed behind him, things getting awkward. Lisanna and Erza stayed in the doorway, watching the whole thing unfold.

"Kid, just stay calm okay? Stop freaking out on me." Laxus grunted. Elvena only nodded and scooted to the edge of the bed, trying to get up. Laxus chuckled and picked her up, standing up. She looked around the room, and pointed to the door. Laxus walked to the door and out into the guild. Elvena looked around again and pointed to Mira. Laxus just shrugged, shifting Elvena so she was perched on one arm.

"Oi, Mira!" Laxus called. Mira turned her head and once she saw Elvena, heart appeared in her eyes. "Ah, Laxus! You and Lucy finally had babies! But she looks 4. How could you keep this from me?!" Mira exclaims, slamming her hands on the bar in an over exaggerated manner. Elvena let out an airy giggle. "This ain't me and Blondie's kid, Devil. This is Elvena. She's six." Laxus said. Mira gave him a confused look. Elvena wrapped her arms around Laxus's neck and stared at Mira, her eyes wandering to her hair.

"She has the pretties eyes!" Mira cooed. Elvena turned her head and buried her face into Laxus's neck. "Aw, don't be scared." Mira frowned. Laxus chuckled. "Not everyone likes you." He stated. She frowned more. Bixlow walked over to Laxus and patted Elvena's head. His babies spun around her head and lightly tapped her, pushing against her cheeks, trying to get her to pay attention to them. "Bixlow, control your totems." Evergreen said, walking over to Laxus as he sits down at one of the tables, a bunch of Fairy Tail members surrounding them. Elvena buried her face farther into Laxus's neck, shivering.

"Back the fuck up. Really, she just got here and you guys are already surrounding her like a pack of wolves." Laxus growled. Everyone stepped back five feet. "Why does she look so beat up?" Romeo asked. Lucy came out of the infirmary and once Elvena saw her, she started reaching her arms out for her. Lucy sighed and walked over, picking Elvena up. "She was abused by her father for god knows how long. She seems to have more trust in me, Laxus and Bixlow than anyone else. I don't know how I got involved in this, because I wasn't even there." Lucy explained.

"She cant talk because the bastard crushed her voice box." Laxus said.

"Actually, it was someone else, but we just don't know who." Freed corrected. Laxus glared at him. "Laxus, Lucy, get up here!" Makarov called from his office. Lucy walked back over to the infirmary to set Elvena back down. "Bring the child as well!" He called. Lucy glanced over at Laxus, but he was already heading up the stairs with a scowl on his face. Lucy walked up the stairs with Elvena still in her arms and into Makarov's office. She sat down, turning Elvena around, but Elvena just twisted back and hugged onto Lucy tighter.

"What do you want, old man?" Laxus asked.

"I need to speak with the two of you about the care of the child." Makarov said. "She seems to have great trust in both you and Lucy, as well as Bixlow. I believe it is because you are the one who saved her from her father, but why she accepts Bixlow and Lucy is still a mystery. Since this is, I want you and Lucy to take care of her for the time being until I have contacted the council about her father, what he has done, and how much he had done to her. Until then, try and be good caretakers." Makarov said. Laxus was about to protest until Makarov shut him up. "There will be no arguing, Laxus. This child has already been through enough, and I feel like if I leave her with just Lucy, Team Natsu will scare her to death. You will stay with her until I am done fixing the problem, understood?"

"Yes Master." Lucy said. Laxus mumbled curses under his breath as he stood up and grabbed the door, only to be burned. He pulled his hand back. An airy laugh was heard from Elvena, but she quickly covered it up with a frail cough. "So she is a mage?" Makarov asked. Lucy nodded slowly. "She wrapped a vein around the door earlier when I tried to leave, then she shattered the glass in the window, probably because of the wind, and now she heated up the doorknob. I think she might have control over the elements." Lucy explained. Makarov's eyes widened.

"You can leave. Call Levy up after." Makarov says, looking down at some papers. Lucy stands up and places Elvena down next to her, Elvena gripping her hand tightly as the doorknob cools down and they walk out. Laxus sends a glare to Elvena, but was surprised when she stuck her tongue out, golden swirls all over it. She turned around and wobbled beside Lucy like a three year old, looking like a three year old, and down the stairs. She was so small. At least 3'2, which could be classified as unhealthy to many people. But what do they know, right?

Lucy told Mira she was heading home. Wendy had said that Elvena could go home with her, so she called Virgo to get some clothes for her. She was put in dark green PJ's, her bandages and bruises sticking out on her pale skin. Lucy let Elvena sleep with her on her bed, making sure her windows and door were locked so Natsu wouldn't come in and scare Elvena. Slowly drifting off to sleep, Elvena snuggled closer to Lucy, knowing in her heart she would be safe with her.

This was just an idea I came up with, like all my other stories. Elvena is my OC, so no taking! Fairy Tail belongs to Hiro Mashima. Hope it was good!

Zyn, out!