A terrible storm. A frightening violent torrent of wild wins and heavy rain, unpredictable lightning strikes, and a cruel fate. A stagecoach accident happens on a remote road. A man holds a frightened girl in his injured arms, both flown from within the stagecoach, both the surviving few. A baby cries in arms of a mother, arms even in death raised to protect her son, to save him from a short life. The girl had only just regained her consciousness and saw a filthy man hovering over her. An ugly man almost not fit for the light of day, with a woman by his side holding a baby of her own in a swaddling cloth. She looked over the noble and the girl.

"Dario...? Those two, are they dead? We should notify the police..."

Dario waved the woman off with a sneer.

"Shut yer yap! Ya wan'ed ta feed th' good fer nuthin' brat, 'eres 'ow ya does it! Now c'mon, le's rob dis dead guy!"

"That works too!"

Dario searched the man's pockets. He took a wallet full of money, an illustrious ring on his ring finger, Dario even searched the girl.

"Eh? Wha's dis? All dis toddler's 'ave is sum pap'r! A note er a lett'r, worth shit in the end! Hm..."

The woman squealed and nearly shouted.

"Dario! You were right, we're rich!"


He turned to her and cried for joy. An opened box that held five heavenly jewels rested on the ground. The woman closed it and picked ir up with her free arm.

"Dio found them! He pointed right at them when they were buried under the debris! I'd have never seen these if he hadn't!"

Dario's mouth began to water.

"Doe's 'ill fetch a fertune fer us! I guess da bastard is werth somtin' after all! However, we ain't done yet."

He reached for the man's mouth. The woman by his side raised a brow.

"Dario, what on Earth are you doing?"

"We's gon'a take dese ol' teef off 'im an' sell 'em to the dentist! Rich folk'll pay dearly for 'em...!"

The man's hand snatched and held Dario by the wrist. The thief let out a yelp as he saw the noble breathing and awake.

"You... You...! You, saved our lives..."

Dario and his woman glanced at each other before they gave innocent smiles.

"Hehehe! W-Wouldn't ya do th' sayme, mistah?"

The man looked down at the girl as she moaned in pain.

"Mr... Joestar?"

"Ah! You're alive, Twilight. That's a miracle, no a blessing..."

Mr. Joestar looked to Dario with great concern.

"My name is George Joestar, of the Joestar Family. This is Princess Twilight Sparkle, of Equestria. The others, my wife and child, did anyone else make it?"

Dario chuckled madly on the inside, but kept a solemn tone as he hid his smile from behind his hat.

"I'm afraid, good ser, th' missus has left us. But ya boy be safe an' sound!"

George bit back a cry and swallowed a sob. Twilight wrestled herself out of his grip and stumbled her way to the carriage. Dario's woman put herself between Twilight and the carriage.

"You shouldn't go near that! It's dangerous."

"Ah... B-But... Mary..."

Twilight leaned to the side and saw the gruesome scene as lightning flashed. The late Mary Joestar impaled by several sharp ends of wooden debris and glass. A mystical golden crown with a shimmering violet jewel rested on the head. The shimmer faded away. Twilight shrieked and fell to her knees as George looked up to Dario.

"Sir, I would reward you for this without hesitation, but I seem to have been robbed..."

"W-What a darn shame...!"

"It truly is. So please, tell me your name so I may one day repay you!"

Dario sneered and lowered his hat to show it.

"Dario. Dario Brando, at yer service!"

None saw a stone mask nearby caught in the path of a river of blood. This blood activated the mask, strange curved spikes jutted out, as if to leap from the ground and into view...

A month after this accident, a police inspector led George to a jail cell, Dario sat inside with a sour expression. The jailer kicked the bars and shouted.

"Brando! Ya've got a visita! Eyes up you sewer rat!"

Dario scoffed and turned his back on the jailer.

"Drink yer math'rs milk ya tag nut. Ain't no one 'ere ta see me, but milady."

The inspector shouted at Dario.

"You vile pig! Show some respect when a gentleman is here, especially one you stole from!"

That caught the pauper's attention. He spun around and unintentionally fell off his bed. A series of curses came from him until he saw George. The inspector held up a case and opened it. A number of gems George was all too familiar with laid within.

"We found these on his body, the jewels you asked us to find, as well as this."

He held up a ring. His matching ring to the keepsake of his late wife. George took the case and ring. Both had vanished during the accident. The inspector continued.

"We found a surprising amount of money in his pockets as well. Money he hadn't received by working or gambling! There's no doubt about it, this vile rate who I've seen come in and out of this very cell since his youth, is the one responsible for this thievery!"

Dario gulped as he grasped tightly onto the bars. He felt like his luck finally ran out. George stared down at him with solemn eyes.

"Thievery? Good Officer, this man merely held these items for me. I gave him my ring as a sign of trust, and told him to keep it should we met before my recovery."

He closed the case and held it under an arm as he offered the ring back. Dario giggled like a bashful schoolgirl and took the ring carefully.

"Thenks ya good sur! I thenks ya kindly..."

George grew a sudden cold expression.

"However, there remains a bit of unfinished business between us."

Dario grew fearful. Had this naïve man seen through him?

"Dario Brando. How do you like your steak?"

"... Erm... Medium rare?"

George's eyes sparkled as he nodded.

"Excellent! That question has bothered me since our meeting! A fine choice, my friend! I still have yet to work a reward in, so consider me in your debt."

"... He... Heh... Hehehe! Y-Yeah! Da'll work out jus' peachy!"

Dario couldn't believe it. After all these years, his luck had finally turned around. He brushed the birthmark on his ear carefully as he remembered a fortune in his past. This mark would mean he was born with fortune. This was a work of fate...

About twelve years from that very moment, Dario Brando laid sick on his deathbed, sick in a vermin infested hovel abandoned by the world itself.

"D... Dio... Dio...! Dio ya good fer nuthin' bastard! C'mere!"

A boy with blonde hair and alabaster skin sat in front of a damp fireplace. A book in hand as a girl only a year younger sat in his lap. Ivory hair and a small strange smile on her face as she looked in the book with him. Attempting to read. The boy didn't even glance back as he answered.

"If it's medicine then just reach for it by the candle beside your bed, Old Man..."

He smiled as he turned the page. The girl pointed to the picture.

"This, is this the part?"

"Yes. Here comes your favorite part."

Dario threw an empty booze bottle at Dio. It missed but caught the boy's attention.

"Ya daft 'ead! Git yer scrawny ass up an' c'mere! An' bring tha' werthless bitch with ya!"

Both the children sighed before they sat up and made their way to the dying thief. Dario looked at his caretakers.

"My son... Trixie... I ain't gunna leaves ya wif nuthin'... Take dis!"

He handed them a letter. A letter with his signature on it.

"Dis 'ere is a letta' ta George Joestar. 'E owes me a big faver fer savin' 'is 'ide from an ackseedent. If ya play yer cawds rite, ya'll be rich wif 'is munny... Do as ya please... Dio Brando..."

Dario passed right then. There was a funeral, a burial, but only Dio attended with his only friend. Not even a priest to offer a prayer, only the hatred of children he scorned and jeered. Dio spat on the grave as he held hands with his friend to a carriage. As they rode inside, the rider yelled over the high winds.

"You two kids sure are lucky! I didn't know Sir Brando well, but Master Joestar is a very good man! I'm sure you'll get along with his son and apprentice!"

Dio raised a brow in thought. Other children? It only made sense, but no mention of a Lady Joestar.

"Sir. What're they're names? I don't want to be rude and appear ungrateful."

"Ah!~ You speak well for a boy from this part of London, and got a good head on too! Jonathan Joestar is Master Joestar's only living relative, and Twilight Sparkle is the first female apprentice I've ever heard of for law and accounting! She works numbers like she's Archimedes!"

Trixie mumbled under her breath.

"Sounds like a boring person... But they're going to being the way, right?"

Dio nodded with a sneer.

"No more than dogshit stuck out on the road. We'll easily take this fortune for ourselves."

"This way! This way!"

"S-Slow down! I don't think I can throw that far!"

A dog barked as it ran between two children. A boy with short dark hair, and a girl with long violet hair ran with a white dog. The girl threw a stick and cheered with the boy as the dog caught it in the air.

"Good job, Danny!" "You caught it with just the right form, amazing!"

Danny ran around the two happily in circles as they laughed. The boy knelt down and offered his hand to Danny.

"Hand it here, boy. I've got an idea!"

Danny dropped it right into his hand. The boy looked to the girl with a bright smile.

"Twilight, show us some magic!"

Twilight tilted her head before he handed her the stick.

"JoJo, magic isn't a toy I can just use."

JoJo grew curious as he stared down at her hands.

"Really? But, you and Father make it look so easy!"

Twilight shook her head with a proud smile.

"Well, for anyone else it'd be impossibly difficult! You could count yourself lucky that you get to see anything like it!"

JoJo marveled at Twilight with a gasp.

"Wow!~ I guess you're right again! You're always right!"

She nodded under the shower of praise.

"Well, that's not true, but not entirely false!"

"That means you can super magic this stick!"

"Wh- JoJo, that's not what I meant!"

He gave her a stare of an intent. Twilight couldn't stand it when he gave her this look. Neither begging puppy eyes, nor a demanding glare, but seemingly both at once. She barely lasted a second before she caved in.

"Okay, okay! You win, I'll magic this stick, as you said it."

JoJo gave a worried look.

"Did I say it wrong?"

"No, just. Keep silent for me for but a moment."

She looked down at Danny with a strict glare.

"You too. Not a peep out of either you, okay?"

JoJo gulped as he and Danny nodded. Twilight closed her eyes. The world fell away as her vision became dark. A small from, a fragile and blurry image began to manifest before her, the shape of the stick. JoJo was astounded by the sight of the stick floating in a faint violet-pink aura. It slowly spun in the air just above her palms. Then, she jolted with a gasp at the sudden sound of horse neighs and wheels. The stick combusted and vanished in a bright light. She stumbled in place from the shock of losing concentration.

"Whja-What was that!?"

JoJo held her with a pale face.

"Ah! T-Twilight, are you okay!? Oh no, this is my fault...!"

"No. Don't worry about it, that happens often. But, what was that?"

Danny began to bark at the carriage that stopped at the front of the Joestar Mansion. The two children looked at each other before they ran over to it. As they neared the vehicle, a foot kicked the door opened, and a pair of children leapt out with their bags. Dio and Trixie simply stared at Twilight and JoJo. JoJo then approached them with a warm smile.

"Oh! Father mentioned we'd have new faces around! You must be, Dio and Trixie Brando!"

Dio smiled back as Trixie hid behind him.

"And you must be, Jonathan Joestar. Which makes that girl there, Twilight Sparkle."

Twilight gave a curtsy with a friendly smile as JoJo bowed.

"Welcome to Joestar Manor, I guess we'll be sharing it as home now, right?"

"If that's the case, just call me JoJo! Everyone does."

Trixie leaned slightly into view.

"It's big..."

Danny barked from afar and came running at the group. JoJo chuckled and knelt down with welcoming arms as he spoke to the newcomers.

"Haha! That's Danny, he's very friendly and won't bite! Come here, boy!"

Dio let out a small grunt before he ran between JoJo and Danny. He savagely kicked the dog's jaw and nearly lifted him from the ground. Johnny shouted as Twilight covered her mouth with a yelp.

"AH! what do you think you are doing!? Unforgivable!" "AH! That's not what a human should do! How could you?!"

Twilight felt a strange sensation run up her leg. She lifted her dress and screeched at the sight a dirty rat scurry up her stockings. JoJo snatched it up and threw the rat away. Trixie snickered with Dio. George ran outside and shouted at the children.

"What in the smoked ham and cooked pork is going on out here!? Jonathan, explain yourself!"

JoJo stumbled over himself.

"M-M-Me!? W-What did I do?!"

George pointed at Twilight.

"A gentleman never reaches for a ladies legs that are not his wife! And Twilight, you are the older, you should be setting a better example!"

Twilight shrank back and fell silent. It should've been easy to explain what had happened, but George would never hear as he was, and she never questioned him.

"You two will be dealt with accordingly. What a horrible first impressions."

He turned to Dio and Trixie with a solemn sigh.

"I do apologize, I will make sure that your father's wishes are fulfilled."

JoJo alone noticed Dio's expression shift into disgust. The blonde's face changed to gratitude as he bowed. Trixie ran offin the direction of the rat with a very worried look.

"No sir, it by all means a pleasure. Please excuse me, but your son has done no wrong, not intentionally. I can tell if you'd like."

George raised a brow.

"Is that so? Please, Dio. Explain."

Dio lifted himself up and gestured to Twilight.

"Your apprentice was merely welcoming us with your son, but my friend's pet had ran up her leg. This is why she screamed. JoJo tried his best to be careful, but unaware of his own strength, he threw the rat far off. The throw is not worries me, but the grip he had on the mouse."

Twilight opened her mouth to correct Dio, as the animal was a rat, but stopped herself under her master's intense stare. Trixie returned with tears welling up in her eyes. A crushed rat laid in her hands. George grew appalled, then furious.

"Jonathan Joestar! Have I not taught you that all life, even the rats to the roaches, have a price?! How could I have been so soft with you!"

JoJo only stammered before he grew silent himself. Tears in his eyes as he processed the act of taking a life. Not even spankings hurt him as much as he felt now. George motioned for JoJo to speak.

"You will apologize to them both, now! How would you like it if someone suddenly crushed Danny?"

He only nodded and spoke loudly.

"Please! Forgive me!"

Trixie wiped her eyes but nodded.

"A-Accidents happen... It's okay."

Twilight spoke up as she grew suspicious.


George immediately shut her down.

"Is there something more you'd like to add, say to your punishment?"

"... No, Master."

George nodded and knelt down to Trixie.

"Good, now then. Young lady, we'll see to it that your friend is taken care of."

She only sniffles as she hugged George, who responded with one himself. Twilight knew for a fact JoJo hadn't gripped the rat so violently. Otherwise there'd be blood splatter on her clothes. Her suspicions were confirmed as from Dio's shirt pocket poked out the nose of a rat. George lead them both inside Joestar Manor. Twilight and JoJo flinched back as Dio and Trixie glared at them from behind George's back. They had seemed so far away, so far above, and these two were but a mere few steps away from the two. They had simply just met but moments ago.

"Twilight. I-I don't mean to be rude but-"

"No... I don't like them either... I just hope this is as bad as it gets, JoJo."