With Scorpina's revelation, Serena's world had changed and not for the better. She had been told that her mother had left the both of them and she had never expected to see her mother in her life. Before her stood the very person, evil and cold. Serena's hard panting over the fact that the villainess had brought her into the world and her father had known about it all along, appeared to bring joy to Scorpina's being. Unfortunately, there was more to the tale of how Serena came to be and Scorpina, her mother, would waste no time in telling it.

"You see my little one," Scorpina began. "I had met your father when he was younger, when my mistress Rita sent me here to gain the trust of he and his pathetic ranger friends. I posed as Sabrina and it wasn't long before I became his love interest. I lured him and that little bitch he had with him at the time to this very place and it was then the trap was sprung! It almost helped Rita's plan to destroy the rangers and conquer Earth, so I would try it again, only this time I would amend what got me caught! Right Adam?"

Adam remembered the day Lamy came into his life. It had been two years after Zordon sacrificed himself to protect the universe when this beautiful woman came into town. She was a tourist come to view the beautiful city of Angel Grove, where the Power Rangers first came to be.

"I remained on Earth for year and our romance was wonderful to say the least. He couldn't resist what I had for him. Men are like that, weak against feminine temptation." She then looked toward Adam almost contemptly, the look seeming to bite into the ranger. "Could you my sweet?"

You're no sweetheart of mine! If I had any idea who you really were, I never would have fallen for you!" declared Adam. Scorpina snickered to herself.

"Really? I've had many a man declare the same thing over the millennia," Scorpina said. "Although I must admit you were harder to seduce this time than the last time."

"After how you posed as a human last time I had been weary of letting my guard down ever since! I had been afraid to get close to anyone!"

The thought of Tanya came to mind.

"Aw too bad," Scorpina taunted. She then walked toward Serena in a proudful stride. The teen wanted to move but her body refused to obey her, to hear her command to flee the woman before her. When the distance was closed, Scorpina gently ran her clawed hand across her daughter's soft cheek. She wanted to wrest it away but she was too frightened to move, much to Scorpina's delight.

"That was how you came to be my daughter. It only took one night for us to make you, and boy did we do a good job. Didn't we Adam?"

Serena found the will to flinch away from her grasp. Scorpina smiled wider, relishing the thought of her plans coming to fruition.

"Oh how fearsome you would have been if I raised you my little one," began Scorpina. "But sadly I allowed your father to do so, but he did it in the wrong way. He ruined you."

"I raised her right!" Adam declared. "Three days after I had brought her home you came to my house-"

"As my true self yes," Scorpina cut in. "I did tell you that I would come back when she grew didn't I? I gather that's the reason you tried to keep me a secret. And by the way she moved when she attacked him I gather you trained her in your style of fighting. Bravo Black Ranger, bravo!"

In disbelief Serena looked over towards her father.

"Is that true dad? Is that way you trained me, to fight her!?"

Adam hesitated, thinking carefully of his answer, but he knew he should answer, lest Scorpina speak for him. He wanted to keep her quiet as long as possible so that he could have reasonable, verbal advantage over the villainess.

"No sweety, I intended to train you either way so that you could protect yourself if and when the need arose."

"But you kept this woman a secret…." Serena said, causing Adam to inhale deeply.

"To protect you. I admit I was wrong to keep her from you, but I didn't want to cause you harm by telling you that your mother was-"

"One of Rita's right hand men?" Scorpina added. "Oh Serena my little one there's more. I imagine he told you that he himself fed you when you were hungry, when you cried out in the night. In a sense I never left you. When you were hungry I allowed you to suck from my breast, unbeknownst to your father over there."

Adam glared at her with a start. He had no knowledge that she had lingered during the time Serena was a toddler and he was distressed that he hadn't figured it out sooner even as Serena placed a quivering hand to her mouth in disbelief.

"How long Scorpina?" Adam asked, ready to morph once again.

"Until she was two years old my darling," revealed she. "Now that our daughter is of age, I do believe it's time I catch up don't you?"

"I think that time has long passed!" Adam said as he morphed into the Black Ranger once again. Scorpina merely laughed as his power axe formed in his hand. Toward their daughter Scorpina's blade was held, ready to cut down the young woman that stood in its deadly path.

"Serena run!" Adam said as he charged Scorpina. The power axe barked and Scorpina dodged the blast, allowing Serena an attempt to flee. She didn't get far though, Scorpina had blasted a bolt of energy in her path, cutting off her escape and causing the young teen to fly back a bit. Instantly Adam forgot about Scorpina and rushed to aid his daughter, fear adding fuel to his body at the thought of her murdered by her own mother, the woman he had unknowingly lain with seventeen years ago. Were she to die in the prime of her youth he wouldn't, couldn't forgive herself.

"Still naïve and foolish as ever pathetic ranger!" sneered Scorpina venomously as she moved on Adam. As he moved in front of their daughter, Scorpina knew she had him where she wanted him.

"Daddy look out!" Serena cried fearfully, but it was too late. The blade came down and struck the Black Ranger hard, causing Adam to fly back and demorph. Serena was by her father's side a quickly as she could. Adam appeared hurt and she was afraid. "Daddy!"

"Get out of here run!" Adam told his daughter as lay weakly upon the ground. Serena shook her head no, determined to defend her father even as Scorpina approached the pair. "Go now!"

"But daddy!"

"I find it very cute," Scorpina said. "Wanting to defend your weak excuse of a father. Don't worry my little one, I won't hurt him yet. I still need him as well as you."

Serena was in a defensive stance now, one Adam had taught her but Scorpina wasn't bothered in the least. She gestured for her daughter to attack, a slender finger moving back and forth beckoning her. Much to Adam's protests Serena charged the vile woman. Every punch, every kick was effortlessly evaded and each time Scorpina giggled gleefully.

"Your father taught you well my child, but you've a long way to go before you can beat me," declared Scorpina, catching one of her arms. She twisted it and held her fast, causing the young girl to cry out in pain as a sharp fire shot up her arm. She couldn't move though she struggled with all her might.

"Let her go!" Adam commanded as he slowly rose to his feet.

"Oh I will, but you'll have to make me. If you dare meet me on planet Hiljule. Don't worry it's habitable for your weak kind and I know you have ways to get there! Meanwhile Serena and I will have some mother daughter time!"

"Daddy help me!" Serena cried as the pair disappeared, leaving Adam alone and weak in the park. Clenching his fists, he fell to the ground and began to pound at the surface beneath him as if doing so would bring Serena back. He resisted the urge to cry out but he prided himself better than that. Besides screaming at the sky wouldn't bring him closer to Serena, but he knew who could. Upon arriving back home he would contact his successor, the Black Space Ranger Carlos. If anyone could find the planet Hiljule it would be him and the other space rangers. Knowing that time was of the essence, he found the strength to hurry to his car. He had failed in protecting his daughter and because he had kept Serena's mother from her, he felt he had failed as a father. As Adam entered the car, cranked the engine then sped back toward his house, he vowed that he would not fail in rescuing her. Whatever Scorpina had planned, Adam would make sure it would fail.

He sat in his quarters, pacing about as the ship he commanded moved slowly in the vacuum of space. Resting upon his desk was a picture of his deceased wife and his young son. After she had died in childbirth, he was left to care for their son. He doted on him very much as he was the last thing she had given him before death claimed her.

"Yes Fileah," he spoke. "Gindrin was very bright for his age. I know you watched him grow and now that he's-"

The door suddenly opened and in rushed a man. The pacing being turned back almost ravenously, angered that he had been disturbed in one of his few moments of peace.

"I thought I commanded that I was not to be disturbed?" he said to the soldier harshly. The soldier responded quickly, knowing he only had moments to do so.

"Sir, I believe we've pinpointed her location! She was careless."

"Where!? Where man tell me now!"

"Her energy signature appeared to be on the planet Hiljule! It'll take us three days to reach the planet from where we are!"

A smile appeared upon his commander's face, almost evil. Once again the back of the commander was seen and he held his hands high as if the worship the ceiling above their heads.

"Fileah my darling I've wonderful news! Soon, Scorpina will be dead and our son will finally be able to rest!" And then; "Ah, yes my love don't worry. I'll not rest until she lays dead at my feet. Yes honey of course I'll torture her for you, you don't even need to ask. You deserve as much."

The soldier remained at the door, wondering as to who his commander was talking to. His wife and son had been dead for hundreds of years now and….

"My lord?"

The commander's shot toward him, his gaze fixed deathly upon him.

"It will be done Fileah!"

A small pistol instantly appeared and it barked. A hole appeared in the man's head and even as he slumped lifelessly to the cold metal floor beneath him, the commander smiled before declaring his devotion and love for Fileah once more. He looked at the picture that rested upon his desk tenderly and as the picture seemed to smile back at him, the command closed the door and placed the pistol back in its holster.

"Yes Fileah my love, soon Scorpina will suffer and our son will rest. This I promise you."